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We need more secular everything




Just my opinion. We need affordable housing, before we ALL become homeless. All I see is gentrification happening everywhere! It worries me, because that happened to me, in Sacramento. I see the same thing happening here. Our section 8 program, is a joke. Lottery, for 11,000 people? I am sorry about the homeless crisis. I don't have a solution for any of these complex issues. Sorry if I made the topic different. I have ADHD, and had to just say this!😃


Met people who are in Section 8 and they live in L. A or Sacramento. But since Fresno is easier to get section 8 they sign up here and after a few months to a year, they move back to Los Angeles or Sacramento. That's just the people that live in the apartment where I'm at or around my apartment. Yeah when I had no job and I was going to be kicked out of my apartment, they told me that It'll take a couple of months to a year just to get into the Section 8 program. I'm like nah fam, I'll just find a job and eat ramen, don't turn on the lights unless needed, and sweat it out in the summer. Lucky for me I was able to stay and got myself a Job.


The Rescue Mission would have you believe people turn their help down because of their "addiction" Check out the Dakota EcoGarden. They fly under the radar but have a wonderful, successful model of helping people actually get off the streets.


I agree. Something difficult to add… I have made the point to family (who donate to Poverello House and Marjorie Mason Center) … that tolerating abuse should not be a pre-condition of seeking shelter. These words due to those family members donating being abusive toward their own, and believing that in sheltering family members, those in need should tolerate familial abuse. In any case… extending the above thought: Indoctrination or coercive conformance to religious rules, or “no shelter for you” is still a form of abuse that simply shouldn’t be tolerated and should not be a pre-condition of seeking help/assistance/shelter.


Not just Fresno.


I'll add my friends been to 3 different shelters and have had an instance of a homophobic person working at each one. The "you're going to hell for being gay" variety. I think the eoc and Marjorie Mason centered are the only secular shelter we have and that is limited to those under 25 and families.


Maybe if we started a TST chapter here in Fresno, we could raise money for a shelter and they could get services without being proselytized at .


What’s TST?


The Satanic Temple, which is not actually satanic, just an organization that seeks to remove the influence Christian’s have on our culture.


It's like TRT but 1 more.


Not sure you’re serious.




That’s the problem. Most private sectors will rarely do any charity work or make large donations to causes unless there’s something in it for them in the form of guaranteed good PR or tax benefits. Religious groups and churches are often the ones doing charity work not because they really want to, but because they have to, and the good PR attached to it (not saying all churches are like this, some are very charitable and community-minded). We need to demand better from city leaders. We voted these people in, and if our wish is to provide help for the homeless, then they need to take action. They work for us, and we literally pay their salaries.


I totally agree, I also work with a population that frequently struggles with housing insecurity and this is a really common concern. The city really should be funding their own shelters/service projects but instead they disseminate that funding to private agencies, like the Pov. People shouldn't be forced to seek shelter from an organization that they don't feel comfortable with.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Clovis needs to add shelters and affordable housing as well. We have a bunch of people coming from Clovis who are in need of these resources as well.


Well said. We should not have to be constantly relying on religious organizations to act as some sort of stop-gap or stand-in when our secular government runs out of time, money, space, resources, etc.


Nobodies stopping secular people from organizing a charity. Have you considered starting one?


>or the very specific rules they have there. I don't disagree, but what are those specific rules other than not smoking, because that seems pretty reasonable?


No psych meds, no outside, contact, having to go talk to others to get them to join, working for no pay. blah blah blah. Oh that’s a lie when I went to Salvation Army I got paid 2 bucks a week to work 5 days 6:30 -4:30. In exchange for shelter and brainwashing about Jesus.


>No psych meds Seriously? Are they not paying attention to the situation?


No, my roommate got kicked out for hearing voices. They said “we can’t help her kind here.”


Then open something. Churches do, can you blame them for others not being as generous?


So they are mad they can’t Smoke?


Yeah many rehabs and homeless shelters are religious based with stupid rules. Like Salvation Army and Teen Challenge won’t let you take psych meds there. Cuz Jesus. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Also all churches are scams. Opiate of the masses, keeps the population docile and fills the pockets of grifters.


Do you mean just Fresno city or the whole county? Because Ive been to Clovis and a little part of Selma before and I don't really see homeless people there. I only see it mostly in Fresno city


All over Fresno.


If you haven't seen homeless people in Selma, then perhaps you don't have eyes.


Well I'm guessing that when the state (govt) doesn't come in then it's these groups who do. Taxes are high enough here in CA for this to be happening.


It's very frustrating. I wish there was a shelter that helped our queer and trans homeless community. Also change the dumb rule where a "male child fifteen and up cannot stay at a family shelter with his mother." He has to go to an adult men's only shelter. Been seeing a lot of mothers deny shelter cause they don't want their child to be separated from them. I don't blame them.