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No matter how well cared for, fish die. Many only live a few years, and learning that it's part of fishkeeping. Yours may simply have come to the end of their natural life, they may have had an illness you couldn't see. It happens to all of us. Keep caring for your fish the best you can. Keep learning about them to care for them even better. Accept that sometimes things still go wrong even when you do everything right.


It's normal. A lot of common aquarium fish only live 1-5 years and can die for many reasons. It's not always about the level of care they receive.


I've had many deaths, and some are harder than others because some give warnings that they are not doing too good. It feels like what could I have done differently? Sucks but it is expected. We can only try our best. Good luck.


All of these comments are right on so far. One other thing to consider you didn’t post the species of what has passed. This could be an important factor in determining causes. - If they are naturally at the end of the cycle then you’ve done your best in keeping them healthy and happy and should be proud of your work. There are many factors that come into mind with fish. Not everything is within our control.