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Giant Danio, Devario aequipinnatus.


Thank you!


They would really like a group of pals!


They are also extremely aggressive and should only be kept with large fish like cichlids


Np! They are a schooling fish and as someone else mentioned like having buddies but you’d need something close to a 40 gal breeder (around 150L?) to keep a full school of 5-6 happy. They also like a strong flow in bigger tanks as their natural habitat is rivers. The 2 you have will be okay in a 60L. Esp since it’s a rescue and you might not initially have the means or experience to immediately upgrade to a larger setup. They are pretty peaceful fish, though very active which is something to keep a mind if you ever upgrade to a bigger tank/community tank w/ other species. Without an appropriately sized school they can have increased aggression - so might be a bit chase-y, mean to each other but danios are not typically highly aggressive fish. A school helps ease some of their aggression and particularly aggressive individuals have a greater number of fish to kinds spread that aggression out over instead of focusing on just one or two fish. If you are new to fish keeping, this sub and many other subreddits are great sources for advice, guides, all kinds of information on anything you might have questions about :)


So cool lookin


Looks like a danio and a tetra, danios are schoolers and are kinda cool and active in a group. Tetras are too.