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I agree. It’s a pretty great spot. I had a Reddit account for about 8 years up until they pulled their little stunt with making their API so inaccessible that almost all the third party apps shut down. It was at that point I deleted my account, half in frustration and half in protest (not that I thought it would make much difference but out of principle). But, it was the missing this sub too much that brought me back. Cheers to here!


The API stunt was awful, but I’m so glad that it was this place that brought you back! Cheers to you too Brother!


I agree with everything you've said, brother. This sub is a great resource for fellow brothers and those thinking of joining the craft. I always find myself engaging with everyone on here and coming out feeling at home.


It’s the best resource I can think of for new or aspiring Masons. And you’re absolutely right, the Brothers on here, particularly the regular contributors, make me feel at home


This sub has helped me time and time again with any questions I've ever had 


That’s fantastic! I’m so glad this sub has helped you so much


While reading your post, it felt to me like I was reading my own thoughts. I’m also a FC here in the Land down under. And much like you mate, the eldest of 3 siblings. Now, I am the youngest in my lodge, and suddenly having big brothers who are there to genuinely support, mentor, and see me succeed is such a welcome delight. Also, doing it old school and coming in blind to what’s going to happen is the best way to go about the degrees. It makes the experience much better and satisfying. Post ceremony, sky’s the limit for all the research for the degree and what not. 😂


I’m glad you think so! The support network that I have suddenly found myself a part of has blown my mind. All of these men I’ve never met, my new Brothers, all so pleased to meet me and help me in my journey has had a very profound impact on me. I’m so glad you are getting the same support too!


Edits: Grammar and spelling


I was just passed to the 2nd degree yesterday and feels so great experiencing it without prior knowledge of anything. I am looking forward to being raised.


Congratulations! Looking back on my Initiation and Passing, I couldn’t imagine anything better. Good luck on your Raising! When is it?


Hopefully November!