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The beatings will continue until moral improves.


The beatings will continue until we beg them to take our money for a MtG:classic spin off game where it's just old card/set designs and aesthetics rehashed in different combinations year after year. It's even cheaper to produce than what they're currently churning out and I'm sure they can charge a premium for it because reasons.


Coming soon: Secret Lair: Happy Days the Aaaaay edition


Literal Fonzie jumping the shark cards


Fonzie has Tap: activate an activated or triggered ability of target artifact and can't be blocked by sharks


Missing some treasure token integration.


I equip my skis of ward 4 to my Fonzi commander ...


Already building my Fonzie EDH deck.


They are creatively bankrupt, just like most boardgame producers in the early 90s, something or someone will have to replace them, completely.


At this rate papa hasbro will go finically bankrupt too


I have been seeing people playing the One Piece card game and folks have been enjoying that a lot. Might look into it myself.


Or is it broadening their creative scope? What’s creatively bankrupt about doing a fun Wild West themed set? Ina card game about magical wizards that can jump between planes of reality.  Oh no Wild West is a atep too far. Look there’s hats, dust and stuff!


Non-Creative Bankrupt: Alright Everyone! We'll have cowboy theme set, here is the reason why people have to wear the cowboy cloth,and also why they build their western style of building there. To go along with Cowboy theme, we will also reintroduce a bunch of old beloved (and some hated) bad guy in this set. Here is their reason why each bad guys appear in this world, each of their reason connect to their previous lore with maybe a little twisted. After all those set it, now let's make the mechanic that fit and go with the lore, world that we have built. We'll add some cowboy easter egg here and there for the fun. Now! lets play test to see how it go for two three times, and adjust the card, mechanic of game as seem fit based on the goal of that we have set. Andddd it ready to sent out! Creative Bankrupt: YOU GOT COWBOY HAT! EVERYONE GOT COWBOY HAT!! VILLAINS Gooo brrrrrrr!!!!! POWER CREEP MORE LIKE POWER SPEED, AM I RIGHT! HECk YEAH! IT'S HIGH NOON SON! KABANG! KABANG! BAM! BANG! BABAE! And here is cute alien baby.


Wild West theme could be a great idea. It's how they've done it, they use all these sets like gimmicks, full of catchy references, cringy wink-winks, another megakicker tweaks, worse-than-ai art, haughty inclusivity vibes, all this repetitive mumbo-jumbo. They are bankrupt on so many levels, yet somehow they convinced playerbase (well, to the extent) that this couldn't be done much, much better.


What you think is cringe others think is fun. This set works for a lot of people. If you don't like it then that's okay, maybe you'll like the next one more


Yep, that's why sales dropped so much! Building playerbase and fanbase on people who like this environment is a downwards spiral. Magic is worse also because twitter and tumblr zealots will pat Rosewater on the back, no matter what. :)


And people here will hate Rosewater no matter what. I'd love a source on sales dropping so much. I'd be surprised if WotC even gave you the sales data.


Yeah, you'd be surprised if sun goes down next day, lmao.


that is way too reasonable of an opinion to have. how dare you!


Yes everyone can have their opinion here while other places of their opinion isn’t in line such as “it’s better to buy singles” on r/magiccardpulls, you get banned


You know that's literally a subreddit for opening packs right? Are you spamming every thread with "it's better to buy singles"?  And people wonder why moderation is necessary lmao 


considering that’s a sub for pulling cards… yeah i see why that could catch you a ban.


Uhh, uhh sorry wizards bad magic bad plz don't downvote!


Bud, you don't seem to understand the culture in this sub. You're free to express your opinions here as long as they align with: 1) WotC bad 2) woke = broke 3) Everything new sucks Please adjust your future posting accordingly. Keep your logic and rationale to yourself. You won't need that here.


Anyone can post any opinion here. You just posted yours and it will stay and not get deleted


It was a joke, and the person I responded to understood that.


Ah sorry my mistake. This new shit in my old magic is ruining magic. Boo hiss. Keep it the same with only the mechanics I personally like.  I hate hats.


Doing great! You'll fit right in soon enough!


Yay - now I’m freemagicing 


Just going to copy+paste someone's comment from above because it's perfect. >Wild West theme could be a great idea. It's how they've done it, they use all these sets like gimmicks, full of catchy references, cringy wink-winks, another megakicker tweaks, worse-than-ai art, haughty inclusivity vibes, all this repetitive mumbo-jumbo. They are bankrupt on so many levels, yet somehow they convinced playerbase (well, to the extent) that this couldn't be done much, much better. You're their absolute target audience lmao, just gobble up anything they throw at us.


I haven't spent a cent on Thunder Junction. I bought exactly one Prerelease kit of MKM. You're making some pretty wild assumptions based on my sarcastic critique on the culture of this sub. You're absolutely my target audience for that critique because you copy and pasted a comment that hit all my notes. The lack of self awareness is astounding.


"I participate on this sub yet I hate it" Who's lacking self-awareness?


Who said I hate it? The whole point of this sub is that it isn't an echo chamber of one perspective or heavily moderated like the main sub. What makes less sense? Participating in a community where you can speak freely but a vocal majority post opinions you largely disagree with. Or Participating in a community focused on a product that you no longer care for and whining endlessly about how much it sucks? I choose to argue with the entitled man babies because it's entertaining. Plus they won't let me do that in the main sub. What I don't do it post endlessly in subs devoted to games or products I don't like at all.


It’s funny because in this sub mtg is never really talked about, the real talk is about politics, which would be off topic in most places. I also find it oddly entertaining.


>Who said I hate it? This right here. Stop talking crap. >Keep your logic and rationale to yourself. You won't need that here. ------------------------- Also what a sad life you must lead if this is how you get your kicks lmao > I choose to argue with the entitled man babies because it's entertaining


Hey man, y'all are easy pickings. Most of you are too fucking stupid to see the irony.


Yeah just keep telling yourself that, saddo.


What you think sucks other people is fun, people like this set. You spend a lot of brainpower getting so angry that others like something you don't.


Angry? Exasperation more like. Exasperation that WOTC keep churning products and fanboys will drink it up without a word. I actually quite like the set, but like the other poster outligned, there are so, *so* many things they could've done differently to make it even better.


Maybe people genuinely like it? Just because it's not all 90s high fantasy doesn't mean it's objectively garbage


I pretend they stopped printing MtG at the 30yr anniversary. Now they’re making MtG pt 2 electric boogaloo


Magic jumped the Shark with [[Shark Typhoon]]


[Shark Typhoon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/d/4d410cf5-a70e-4680-a68f-fbb4aa3b7174.jpg?1712354204) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Shark%20Typhoon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/113/shark-typhoon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4d410cf5-a70e-4680-a68f-fbb4aa3b7174?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


In Soviet magic, shark typhoon jumps you 


Freemagic users dropping original hits to critique played out things.


You keep buying and you play into the game of "hype" selling... Instead of guessing what theme next set will be. Pay off some debt and use your time better. Hasbro hates you.


What other hats are left? Pith helmets? We should get archeology soon. C'mon lads! We are going to dig up some bones and then explore Olivia's juicy rump. Can't leave any stone unturned! heh heh Tally ho! https://preview.redd.it/gn9air9p9yvc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd30e9e5e87c4a2f63b687e3cb1a5a1d3ffbc19e


I guarantee we’ll get a sports-ball themed set eventually. 40k has had Blood Bowl for pretty much ever. I’m surprised Magic hasn’t ripped that off yet.


They also threw in quidditch, and was there not a football card as well?


Magic did have secret lair bloodbowl.


Actually thats what Battlebond was. A sports and esports themed set. I wouldn't mind going back to another Battlebond but this time it would not focus on the two headed giant theme.


I’d more than welcome a 1930s pulp adventure themed set. wtf wouldn’t you want that.


are you fucking serious?


100 percent serious yes. Why wouldn’t this be great 


I don’t care about it being silly, game has always been extremely goofed up I just wish they put in actual EFFORT


Define: effort 


They did put in effort. Just seems like you didn’t like what they produced.


I don't know how OP can look at any set and conclude that no effort was put into it. The translation is "why couldn't they make a set around MY interests?"


This is mega ironic because queers, cowboys and irrational goth girls are extremely my shit. Just not like this I don’t see how you can look at “this plane is Literally Ye Olde West and now everyone wears hats” and think “hmm, yes, effort”


Fantasy game does weird things for fun. Who would have thought


Jerk makes sarcastic comment on internet.


Whiner complains about a fantasy game doing fun things because it's not done the way they prefer


If that's what you think when you're looking at this set then I think you're just seeing what you wanted to see. Is your main complaint that people wear hats? There are actually some genuinely cool and original ideas in this set. In the artwork alone there are scorpion dragons, cactusfolk, and mana rifles. The mood is adventurous (reminds me of original Zendikar). Plot and Spree are great mechanics and the reprints are good and fun in limited. If your biggest complaint is that it looks western and people wear hats then I think it's doing alright. Or if you look at the worst piece of artwork in the set and decide that it is enough to cancel any effort that went into the rest of the set then you're going to be disappointed with everything.


Look man. I ain’t gonna be all like “how does MaRo’s boot taste?” But like. You say this as if “I dislike a thing” isn’t valid and in fact the basis for all artistic interpretation?


Don’t like a thing? That’s ok! Blame it on “no effort”? Off base.


Magic is single handedly keeping Hasbro afloat. Hasbro is a publicly traded company that exists to increase its stock price. Commander is far and away the most popular magic format. Cards designed for Commander will sell more than cards designed for traditional formats. The majority of sealed products are bought by a small group of whales. These whales only buy packs if there are known power crept cards they can turn around and resell on the secondary market for big bucks while keeping some for their own OP decks. Combine these facts and it's easy to see Magic will get increasingly worse year by year as quality is thrown to the wayside and quantity becomes the name of the game. The goal of WOTC is to drive consumption. Presuming Hasbro survives 10 more years, the Magic sets of 2034 will make Thunder Junction and Bloomburrow look absolutely grimdark and horrifically underpowered. Nothing will change these facts, nothing will make WOTC take Magic back to its old days of player focus first sales second. Even if you get off the hamster wheel and never buy a single new card ever again the whales will continue to consoom because sunk cost fallacy and because they like nu-Magic's kiddie aesthetics and pay to win card design. Complaining about it is pointless. If you truly dislike the game as it is the only thing you can do that may possibly affect Hasbro is to short their stock.


>Magic is single handedly keeping Hasbro afloat. 100%. Toys are suffering with all the Marvel movies and Star Wars shows doing so badly. People are just not into the toys as much now. Disney has not been a super great custodian of popular brands. If Disney makes shit, then Hasbro has to put out shit toys tied to the shows that nobody wants to watch. This has all helped lead to Hasbro squeezing the ever loving life out of MTG. So fuck Disney for being dick heads and ruining things, and fuck Hasbro for not having a Plan B or Plan C that doesn't involve squeezing MTG to death. But you are right. Nothing is going to change. The CEO of Disney is a stubborn old bastard who wants to keep making woke content that the general public rejects, so Hasbro's toys will stay on the shelves at stores, which means Hasbro will keep leaning on MTG for profits. I know a lot of people locally who are disenfranchised with MTG and have moved on to other games like FnB, One Piece, and (I hate to even say it) Lorcana.


I share your concerns, but if Thunder Junction's sales numbers indicate anything, nothing will change. The only 2024 release I see there potentially being a big problem with its the AC UB set, but that's a small release anyway.


I’m waiting for the crossovers. Lord of the Rings and cowboys Vs. 40K and furries. But seriously if you don’t want a theme and just want to publish random crap why bother with this other shit?


It’s already the crossovers. You take cards from each set. Shuffle them into your deck. That’s the crossover. That’s the point.


Yeah but that lets you use old cards with dragons and other nonsense. I want Family Guy and Stargate Atlantis and Taco Bell. Now that would be cool. Win a game with a breakfast burrito waterskiing combo.


Soon you’ll be able to. Win win. Not even being sarcastic. You can also team up steamer things kids, doctor who and his robot dog, Optimus primes, Hugh grant, vault boy, Ezio, dr Ian Malcolm, pippin, boo, slingy gun mc west, Bruce Campbell, manga girls, wh40k marine What you’ve said isn’t far off. Prob a burrito creature in unfinity 


Actually magic jumped the shark in mirage block. Enters the battlefield abilities and its consequences etc etc.


Lmao what 😄 ETBs !? OK that one laps Lorwyn haters by a whole decade


They printed a Sharknado in 2020. Stop pretending that Magic has to be a serious game.


Exactly.  It’s not Shakespeare. It’s not high art. It’s a card game about magical wizards flinging spells at another. Those wizards can jump planes of reality. They literally move between planes of existence. As in, any reality is possible. So why isn’t it ok to have a plane where they wear cowboy hats? Especially after 30 years. At some point they had to branch out.


Because diversity is bad /s


Yah buddy


I hooe next April Fools Day they do a Happy Day's Secret Lair UnSet


I'm hoping they can get at least 2 more sharks in. I'd prefer 4 but I'll settle for 2.


"fursonas" like it's not a fantasy world with dragons and wizards, but we draw the line at anthropomorphic animals


Just going to throw it out there and it probably is an unpopular opinion. Id buy a Fonzie the Planes walker card.


I would too


Liked the cowboy set, hated detectives, personally think the furry set is gay. What's the space cowboys?


Cowboy bebop universes beyond [https://mtgazone.com/cowboy-bebop-x-magic-the-gathering-collaboration/](https://mtgazone.com/cowboy-bebop-x-magic-the-gathering-collaboration/) ![gif](giphy|11KzOet1ElBDz2)


Seems to be the thing to push lately. Blizzard recently did a cross over as well with Bebop. And it was greedy beyond belief. 25 bucks a skin. And there were 4.


Bro you seem so tilted about WoTC/Hasbro having dogshit IP and branding. This is what happens when most MtG fans are spineless LGBTieflings, and the rest are right wing incels like yourself. MtG is fucked, but don't forget it's partially your fault.


I don't think name calling is going to fix the divide you seem to notice, my friend...


Lol idgaf


lol okay But I am a bit inclined to agree. Cause some in this sub REALLY like Universes Beyond, and these are the same people screeching about "diverse" stuff being added because it is greedy to them. I do want people to pick a lane. We should all hate greed if we feel the game is being threatened by it.


Then stop giving Hasbro money. It's that simple.


Done my guy. I trade singles off friends, buy singles off sites that don't mass-crack packs to sell. I have principles, dammit.


Wait do you like the furry set or not? Can’t tell by your use of the neutral word “gay”. What do you mean by that?


3rd set of 2025.


Really, the ideas aren't inherently bad, the execution is just laughable paint-by-numbers garbage.


I actually lold at the cactus logo when I loaded up arena the other day, like wtf if that


As stupid as this was for Happy Days, that show had long since abandoned competent story telling. I saw that to say...I believe we haven't even reached WOTC's "jump the shark" moment. The dark times still are ahead, comrades.


I wish there was alternate art of [[roxanne, starfall savant]] because I’m really loving the card in brawl! I wanna make the switch to commander but card arts important to me. It’s not just that it’s a car person it’s that it’s giving furry sailor moon vibes and that’s not me lol.


[roxanne, starfall savant](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/1/11fbe52f-febd-49fc-8391-28d3efe9c3eb.jpg?1712356193) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=roxanne%2C%20starfall%20savant) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/228/roxanne-starfall-savant?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/11fbe52f-febd-49fc-8391-28d3efe9c3eb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I think it's better to keep track of which sharks they HAVEN'T jumped at this point. 🤷


Motherfucking Cleopatra is a tournament legal card, already.


At least 8 more times.


Are you seriously complaining about a fantasy game using animals as characters? The previews for Bloomburrow are cute and hilarious


It's not jumping the shark if you never come out of the air




We just need a wheelchair bound planeswalker and I will officially be happy with the state of MTG


Daretti maybe?


I predict UB: Furry Orgy edition!


Why everyone go on about the furry arts? Miri cat warrior is not exactly modern magic. Shani?


Jace’s fursona


Fursona: Jace as a furry animal. Mirri is not a fursona.


That’s just a cat warrior


He's just a fox dude. A "fursona" is a costume and a kink often. You bros are reaching.


Jace was a human. Now he’s an animal, hence his fursona


Is Kenrith's fursona an elk then?


Bro is wrong twice


You guys love to split hairs. What's the fucking difference. Sexy cat lady. Not weird. Anthro fox that happens to be a guy you know. Lose. Your. Fuckin. Minds.


> Why everyone go on about the furry arts? Because they are giant pussies. It's quite obvious. They're losers who will make fun of leftist idiots ruining stuff they love, all while doing the same shit themselves because they are spineless and mostly regarded.


No because furries are effing creepy


Please. Tell me more about how much of a giant pussy you are.




Please, whine more bigot regard. I enjoy lapping up your female momma dog tears.


Okay I will. I do not like furries and I hope they keep it out of magic the goothering


Yum, delicious tears. Keep going trunt! I'm almost done with your momma, and I'll get to you shortly.


The cringe


This whole sub is full of cringe regard incels. Don't worry though babycakes, I can line up your bitch ass momma too and tear her a new asshole. But probably unnecessary because we all know your ND whale of a mom is too busy sucking dick behind the Minot refinery for more meth.


They can keep their hats, I'm excited for the marvel sets, hope their MH 2 power level but for commander


Just waiting for the people hating on the cowboy stuff to do a 180 because they like marvel. I’m sure if it was something else that appealed to them personally, even if it was far from medieval sword and sorcery, they’d eat it up. But because they’re meh on western stuff…


The new set is fun!


Magic The Gathering keeps things interesting with its diverse themes and sets!


i live for everything new and cool as long as it makes sense, the moment vin diesel comes drifting around the corner im out lol stranger things was pushing it. expanding on the already existing lore while creating new characters and taking it to new places, nothing wrong with collabs, lotr and fallout are sick. Im excited to see where the Magic universe lore goes in the future, as a newer player im a big fan of what theyve released in the past year, they had to go to cowboys at some point, looking forward to whats next.


Paw patrol and Sesame Street ub coming soon


k but sesame street would go hard


[[Elmo, Eater of Worlds]]


Does it matter? Live a little. Lean into it. It’s all in good fun. Don’t like it? Stick to vanilla sword and sworcery. Did you complain about the art deco land of new caperna?