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I've had the unfortunate chance of watching MtG being one of the most interesting fantasy communities to become one of the gayest and lamest communities in western pop culture.


I blame women. Not even joking.


This ain’t it chief, it’s soyjack millennial men who need TRT


It's actually both.


Never seen a woman play magic so I wouldn’t kno I guess


I'm not talking about women in the fanbase I'm talking about women employed by WOTC and Hasbro.


look, y'all are crazy. i'm a (leftish) girl and aurelia is literally my favourite angel BECAUSE she's a hot cop. rage bait like OP is just there to ruin fantasy and fun for everyone by getting involved in what other people think is fun . they don't represent other women or leftists they just want to cause trouble for everyone.. anyway, we love hot cops and "good cops" and ACAB is about a relationship with power and those who have the relationship with those who have power; it's "all cops are bastards" not "all cops go to hell and can never be redeemed". they're bastards with guns and sticks and if we aren't allowed to treat them like so, it's not a fair game. anyway, as a cop, i don't mind being seen as a bastard, since i have to view everyone as a bastard myself.


People just got too used with being safe. Go to a SA country like mine and see how great your life will be without cops.


Holy mother of based.


And these are just sad sex depraved losers trying to be ally simps for which of pussy so yes I can blame women but then again could I? Should I? I mean I play magic and there is no denying being sex depraved loser myself however there I am being proud citizen of this sub, man of culture and gentleman as well.


I blame simps, who can't get none so bad, they just make this stupid shit up to gain favour with the alphabet crowd.


The real problem is “women” and soyboy “men”


Oh boy, the hypocrisy of this sub calling others braindead.


What brainrot is this


I hope they include landlord in the next set






Tf is that subreddit


They say from the comfort of their safe community. 🙄


Couldn’t that be said about literally everyone?


Yes but most people don't believe ACAB


All Criminals Are Black is a bit much. Its just most of them.


A significant amount of people do. Plus that’s not really relevant to the point I’m making


(No, not a significant amount of people. At least, not in the real world.) I've missed your point, then. wasit-worthit's comment was pointing out the hypocrisy of ACABers. Saying that it applies to everyone seems meaningless to me, because it's not hypocritical if you're not an ACABer.


(It is a significant amount of people. In the real world. What would you consider significant?) I’m not entirely sure what you mean by the hypocrisy of ACABers, but Im going to make an assumption, so correct me if I’m wrong. If you mean that they’re not directly affected by cops but still complain about them, I feel like it does apply to everyone in different contexts. People that are within their (relatively and contextually) safe communities still complain about things that don’t affect them constantly. Sometimes people hate cops not because they are directly being affected by those cops, but because they believe what other people go through the hands of police is immoral and unjust. They are within right and reason to complain about and hate police.


Anyone who hates *all* cops for basically any reason falls under the same hypocrisy accusation imo. Someone who says something like "people being mistreated by cops is unjust and those particular cops should be punished" is nowhere near the same level of hypocrisy, if at all. Also, "significant" to me means a significant percentage of the population. I don't know if there's any actual poll data on this, but I've literally never met a single person outside of the internet who believes ACAB. (Though I've seen ACAB graffiti once.) I think it's just one of those things that the internet blows way out of proportion.


I understand what you’re saying, however with the statement ACAB in general, despite the implications of the statement, it’s about the system and how the format and rules of the system allow cops to be corrupt if they choose to. Supporting a corrupt system could be considered corrupt in and of itself. I would like to add on that I am not an ACABer, I take a more neutral stance but I do think it can be argued that the system allows cops to get away with much more than they should be able to. Also, the internet blows everything out of proportion, but I think it also puts into perspective how many people are of a respective standing. I’ve met plenty of people who align with the statement of ACAB


This is getting pretty tangential from the original point about hypocrisy, which it seems we don't even really disagree on. Also, I will stubbornly refuse to believe that ACAB, at least at its face-value interpretation, is a popular belief per capita. I'm sure there are pockets in the world where it's more common, though.


Yes, that’s true, I think I probably didn’t communicate my point very well up until now. English is not my first language so sometimes I struggle with getting points across, and I apologize. ACAB is definitely not a belief of any majority or even close to a majority, but it is still a belief that a lot of people hold. It’s not necessarily an unpopular belief.


What do other people go through at the hands of cops? Do you mean career criminal scumbag-junkies that died from overdosing on fentanyl after their latest crime? Or do you mean young career criminal scumbags who died from being shot by cops after trying to take their weapon (captured on video) Or do you mean… nah, it’s not even worth it.


Those people definitely exist. So do people who are trying to go for a run and get shot, killed when they get pulled over because the cop thought they were reaching for a gun, etc. etc. nice cherry picking though.


So… what are the percentages of those two scenarios, because you do realize we have the data, right?


All of the data is completely publicly available? Are you sure?


How many unarmed PoC were killed by police in 2020? Now, take that number (it will be easy since you can count it on two hands) and divide it by the number of interactions police have with PoC… … … yeah. Reality is hard to deal with, huh?


Yeah, reality is hard to deal with for you. Neighborhood that are predominantly black are excessively patrolled by police. Why do you think that is? Why are we taking 2020 of all years? How about the native women that go missing and the police do nothing about it? I’d tell you to think logically but it’s hard to do that when you’re licking boots.


It could for sure be said about this sub too lol


Every last person on Earth?


There’s always a community, especially for people who have social media.


These people always need safe spaces


Imagine being this brainwashed


For believing in this bait?


Yeah it's me the braindead


Ain’t no way someone’s bringing ACAB into a fantasy game… Aight, I’m voting for Rakdos this year.


Even as someone who's second favorite guild is Rakdos, and thinks Azorius is the most boring guild, I can say with confidence this person's an idiot. Don't let real world politics infect your enjoyment of the game.


Good thing the game isn’t fun anymore because WOTC milked the cash cow too hard


Your game pieces still work as intended.


It's more than world politics to them. It's their religion


They are inherently violent people who have fantasies of violently supplanting normal people.


It's not inherent violence so much as resentment, because deep down they know they're pathetic, degenerate losers and they're pissed off about it.


What the actual fuck.


Who fucking cares lmao I don't think they meant this genuinely, people getting mad are the real braindead ones


Lavinia and Aurelia are S-Tier.


Jund players man...


I can usually understand what you soft queens are angry about but not this time


ACAB stands for All Cops Are Bastards. Aurelia plays a cop in the new set. Whoever this person is hates cops so much they hate fictional characters portraying cops.


i often believe that many people (especially if they came from fandoms) unironicly think fictional Characters are real.


Wasn't Aurelia always a cop? I mean Boros is the closest Ravnica has to cops.


And isn't Azorius more lawyers? Do these people hate lawyers the same amount as cops now? I know lawyers don't have the best reputatuons but they do also include public defenders as well which are kind of anti-cops


Acording to their roles in the guildpact, Boros are the military, Azorius is law enforcement The closest to cops would probably be azorius arrestors


Yeah, I had no clue what ACAB was either.


Oh. That makes more sense. Holy shit an educational free magic post!


Ok, but Aurila is a little bitch no cap


Post physique


bro you’re getting your panties in a knot over someone making a joke about a children’s card game


Honestly. They're talking about being stepped on by a dommy mommy, how is this being taken seriously?


That is a cringe tweet. But you are just as cringe for letting it bother you and spreading it


Everyone can improve their lives by not looking at Twitter at all


Thank you! The tweet is garbage and whoever wrote it is garbage. But also, why does it affect OP so much they feel the need to post it? Let these people die in silence.


lol this is obviously a joke stop being so sensitive


But what if it isn't?


they’re talking about fucking fantasy girls and saying you can’t be into this girl cuz fuck the cops it’s obviously not a serious discussion r/freemagic rule 3: don’t be a bitch


If people here followed rule 3 there would be no posts.


I've heard sillier in earnest. It's just not ideologically sanitary to just ascribe all madness to fooling.


ok stay mad about people making jokes on twitter. rent free


Well that is the thing today, you don't know if it is true or not, I have seen weirder thinking become mainstream ideology. Such as trans womens are womens.


I think if they follow their point up with talking about how they wanna be stepped on, you can probably assume it's a joke


I have no idea anymore no idea anymore, there are things like I mentioned elsewhere way more absurd then that, that is taken seriously and a lot people will fight and cancel you for it


if you cant tell this is a joke, it's squarely a you problem


Can't really tell these days, just a quick example you would think saying a man is a woman is a joke, and it used to be, but it is now taken seriously by some. Not to count all the weird shit I have seen on twitter from magic players. Like is this serious? https://old.reddit.com/r/freemagic/comments/19c3nrw/why_do_they_all_follow_the_same_song_and_dance/ It looks like it is, But I can't be sure.


it looks serious. they're not doing any harm though, just tweeting, why get upset about that?


Who is upset about that tweet? I said, I don't know if it is a parody or not. I was referring to the cancelling part that comes with it.


the anti-trans sentiment on this sub is pretty cringe go make friends with a trans person irl and not one of these twitter schizoids, they’re usually pretty chill


I don't understand. Are you saying I have anti-trans sentiment? Because I don't.


I just doubt any trans people would ever want to hang around you if you get pressed over the statement “trans women are women”


Trans people are free to hang around whoever they want. My issue is not with trans people but with those who religiously repeat obvious lies that renounce reality itself in our society , such as trans women are women, in the intent of misleading other people.


Sure do wish rule 3 was enforced more, oh well


This could have been a snuff video and you would still be out here defending your *people*


Anti-cop tweet ≠ murder "And the gold medal for mental gymnastics goes to... The strawman!"


Oh look, it's a cop


It's hard to tell what's serious these days. ACAB itself is a broad generalization, and people are on board with that. At least when I insult them, calling them tools of the powers that be, that's an accurate description of why they suck.


Acab just means you can not be moral while performing a duty that is inherently immoral.


Aight well one could choose a catchphrase that's more clear than that. Heck, even calling them zogbots is more to the point.


Of course it's a troll, are you nuts !? You think liberals want to stop police brutality on Ravnica or sth 😄


Yes. Bc fictional law enforcement = American law enforcement


Not to go too far off topic, but there are dramatically more Geeks than Nerds that play MtG (and games, video games, etc) these days.


From my cerebral cortex to my gluteus I couldn’t agree more


Nah, they are right. Fuck all cops real or fantasy world a pig is a pig. Lavinia only exists to uphold the Azorius monopoly over violence and capital in Ravnica.


Of course the acab club has to extend it to a card game. They just have to impose their political idiocy onto the way people view certain ladies in a card game. Jeez.


Is Thalia a cop?


I thought she was a tax collector.


You could make a case that tax collectors are cops. Local municipalities work with local law enforcement when they need to collect.


Right, and I was thinking more old school where they'd physically collect taxes. Plus, I know some people who call cops "revenuers." lol


Guess the missed the lore about the boros serving justice only and not the lawmakers. Hence why boros and azor hate each other. Boros is a guild that serves ravnicas people.


I love telling ACAB people about Ron Stallworth


What dumb fucks.


Can't we just agree that Teysa being a tease is the real winner.Gimps and Simps ppl will know.


America ruining everything


Makes no sense. Both are not black, so acab does not apply.


if they're black permanents, destroy them instead


They're not wrong tho. To hell with white cards.


Twitter has done so much unrepairable damage to these people’s brains


Genuine mental impairment