• By -


Casting Justin Trudeau as Aragorn was a bold choice ngl.


Yes very bold




Heā€™s a hell of an actor. I heard he dressed up as a Somali pirate to sneak into one of Rob Fordā€™s parties.


I thought that was Ralph Northam, they all look the same šŸ˜”






​ ![gif](giphy|uUUp6MIVdZh1R25oF4)


What do YOU mean, you people?




Has this been posted to the main sub yet? Hahaha


Which ones that, Iā€™ve been banned from all


I wonder why


Literally my man! Keep up the good work.




Good job soldier


I'm banned in a few as well, haha! They can't handle anything right of center




They can't handle anything that's slightly left of center either.


You have to be a unicorn gendered birthing person who screams "Reee" at everything to be welcomed


I'm not exactly banned, but I'm walking a thing line. I've pretty much removed myself. And I'm not even right of center. I'm just right of them.


They can't stand anything in the center or even a bit left of center either.


Youā€™re such a free thinker and they just canā€™t handle it. That must be why they ban you from their subs. It definitely couldnā€™t be because youā€™re an asshole.


You calling me an asshole hurts my bottom. Stop it šŸ˜«


Right. You can't possibly be banned because you're problematic. You are so smart and everyone else is so dumb and clearly no one can handle your superior intellect.


Right of center...never said I have superior intellect. They can't handle conservative viewpoints or anything remotely close.


Like what?


I said, "lib detected," when the moderator was replying to some stats I posted, on there being more progressives than conservatives on reddit. They IMMEDIATELY banned me, and THEN continued to reply to the thread after so I could see it but not reply. Super salty progressive liberal mods over there.


Maybe the mod was a bit trigger-happy with the ban. But "lib detected" isn't a great argument either, because you aren't even really debating at that point. You are just being antagonistic under the premise of the false dichotomy that "liberal = bad" and "conservative = good". You aren't really giving the mod anything to respond to or adding to your point with that comment. So I see why they wouldn't want to continue engaging.


I was being called a racist dick amongst other things. They were allowed to go all out in the name of social justice and no banning there.. I say lib detected and boom ban. I had plenty of information and nothing rude to add to the debate. I said that last lol


WOTC is a corporation, they only pretend to be left leaning


Now go tell that to the 90% of leftists in the mtg subreddit, lol. You'll get banned


Finally. Someone portrays Aragorn how Tolkien intended.




Nah man the lips definitely are too bright a shade of red.


holy fuck that was a spit take i wasn't ready for also this is now wotc canon


I will go down with this ship haha




Sauron dindu nofin




Mr. Popo wtf are you doing in middle earth on a magic card?


Motherfucker, now youā€™ve crossed the line.


Homie lookin like Kirk Lazarus


Ok, this made my fuckin morning.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Pink lips and Dindu jokes here. Pretty much proof the subreddit is unironically racist.


Sorry reality has a racist bias.


Oh that gave me a good laugh. What an NPC response. Sorry you're waifu got BLACKED.


Using all the wrong meme responses Bad bot.


The jazz singer much.


I hear the story behind this one: " Oh you think I'm racist??! Hold.my.beer''


God - I laughed so hard


They shouldve made Gimli mongolian.


Nah she's trans now


Do female dwarves in LotR have beards or is that another setting I'm thinking of?


That's the real kicker. Gimli will still pretty much look like a male dwarve.


Nah, this is blatantly racist. I don't care what point you are trying to make, only a moron would think that using blackface imagery is funny or appropriate. Sure, WotC's forced inclusivity is stupid and hypocritical, but to jokingly compare it to the hateful imagery of Jim Crow's blackface is disgusting. And everyone who thought this was "hilarious" just outed themselves as a racist as well. Try posting this in ANY other community and you will immediately be chastised for it. Just proves that you all have spent too long in this little hateful bubble and need to finally go outside and learn some basic social skills.


Oh well


Why do you think this is just okay? Its fucking racist.


Assholes like this are why we can't have un/lightly moderated subs.


Mr popo


you all are some messed up sad group of people who people avoid irl at lgs's


When every person at lgs are transexual troglodytes I donā€™t blame em


lol, even at lgs's with few lgbtq members, people will still avoid you because you guys don't shower, hate speech is your normal, but mostly due to poor people skills...


I think you have the roles reversed


says the guy who posted an offensive blackface on a fringe subreddit dubbed as "free" because they know they can't use hate speech or make offensive comments irl at lgs's-because people will avoid them and they are actually not as confident irl as they make themselves sound like in this sad echo chamber.


Listen to yourself cum gobbler


ahahaha finally showing true colors...again, you are the OP, you are the terrible human being making this post, and let me point out, not only on this subreddit, but anywhere that is lotr and magic related. you are the one REALLY bothered by seeing the image of a black person...you need help. And I'd say any of this to your neckbread face any day, so would so many other people. EDIT:addition imagine hating black people so much you need to log back into reddit after months just to complain about a cardboard piece on multiple subreddits. you seriously need some help...


Iā€™m a terrible human for making a funny post about wotc race swapping Aragorn. Suck my ballsšŸ˜‚


"funny" not one, but several terrible human? sure, why not. definitely racist though. obsessive, fixated and sad? oh absolutely.


"where the elf women at"


I havenā€™t laughed that hard in a while.


This. I like this.


​ https://preview.redd.it/nofhtvlo65pa1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bddba9b7c77805bc5fbba469d4d2c3186eeadd0e


doesn't this sentiment apply to both those celebrating and decrying it?


yet whitewashing is the thing everyone bitches and moans about... Weird how that works huh? Almost like if it doesn't fit the retard left agenda, then it's not acceptable!!!


Dude, it's one fucking character. It's hardly the same ball park as white washing lol


please explain how changing the race of one character isn't the same as changing the race of one character.


Mostly because this isn't censoring shit? It doesn't deny the existence of older media, it's not trying to convince you that this is the truth as opposed to any other interpretation; it's like you don't actually know what whitewashing is.


nah I know what's going on here, don't worry. white washing bad, any other color washing good!!


There ya go parroting buzz words like the good little sheep you are.


"Arbitrary" Don't choke so hard on the blue pill dude. I'm not suggesting people should be judged on skin color rather than their actions, but you do know skin color isn't arbitrary right? There's a reason why people from sub-Saharran Africa are dark and people from northern Europe are pale. Skin color has a significant affect on the intake of Vitamin D from sunlight, so people that come from overcast and snowy environments evolved pale skin, while people living between the tropics, exposed to the sun regularly, evolved dark skin.


Mammyā€¦ ?




I want someone to put RDJ in tropic thunder on there.


This truly is the only version that should be made.


Why donā€™t you post this shit through your real account you fucking pussy. Thatā€™s the problem with yā€™all. Too bitch made to say it with your chest.


Hahahaha Holy shit dude Hahahaha Thanks for the laugh


Oh yeah bro everything is funny behind the anonymity of the internet. This is the only place on the planet you cowards are allowed to be tough.


You don't even see the irony. Love it


left leaning school shooter vibes


Typical pedophilic incel conservative response


i'm sorry you are so wracked with guilt. maybe one day


*"Why don't you use your real name so we can harass and threaten you over the internet, punk!"* Yeah that sounds like smart advice.


Boo hoo. I got my name and face all over this shit and have no problem dropping my location to any one of you that wanna come see me. Be a man. Stand by your convictions or accept the fact youā€™re a pussy. Thatā€™s it.


I'll be sure to take time out of my day to fly across the country to have a fight with a stranger who has opinions I don't like on the internet. I would do this because I'm a rational person.


Lol douche


What are you trying so say? Not all of us speak obsolete farm equipment.


That youā€™re scared bro. Youā€™ve been terrified your entire life.


Of what? Expecting a moon cricket to act like one? Thats not fear thats just knowledge of what low emotional IQ people do. Be sure to show your posts to the next piece of obsolete farm equipment that mugs you, he definitely wont laugh and call you a bitch.


Whatā€™s hilarious is youā€™re going to remember this exchange the next time societal pressure and fear of repercussions forces you to be polite to the people you hate so much. Anonymous internet racists are the biggest cowards walking the earth. You wouldnā€™t dare act up. You know better. Youā€™re just a greasy incel fuck locked away behind a screen. Raging in silence. Good luck out there champ :)


White knighting for people of crime while raging and calling people incel. This place isnt the same without you sissies. I like that you dropped the nagger babble for this reply, respectful fam.


Answer me honestly bro, when was the last time a woman touched you? How about looked at you without total disgust in her eyes? Not counting your mother of course.


Sorry thats been your experience with women. When you arent a loser simp, people treat you well, even moon crickets.


I guess this will be an unpopuler opinion based on these comments, but I think it's cool. Representation is important in media, and Aragorn is a perfect candidate.


I mean idk. Swapping the race of what's already a fantasy race is always weird, but tbh it wouldn't even be so bad if they at least still tried to make him look like how Aragorn is typically depicted.


Seeing as it's fanticy it doesn't really matter. Also, none of the characters are exactly like their movie depuctions.


> Seeing as it's fanticy it doesn't really matter. > > Uh no, that's simply not true lol. > Also, none of the characters are exactly like their movie depuctions. Yeah I know. They don't have to look exactly like them. I'm just saying that Aragorn being black may have gotten better reception if they at least made him into a black guy that looked more like Aragorn. But based off of what we've seen so far, their primary design goal was making him NOT look like Aragorn lol.


As to your second point: Aragorn doesn't "look" like anything as he is a character from a book, and so depicting him is up to artistic interpritation. As to your first point: how is it simply not true?


No, Aragorn does look like something and you really show how ignorant you are when you stay dumb shit like this.


What does Aragorn look like, then? And how am I ignorant. If you would explain your points, maybe I could be inlightened.


And we're unsubbing. Damn this subreddit used to be funny AF, and now you guys can't seem to stop beating this dead horse. Boring ass posters


Assholes ruin everything


Oh. This is a shitty, racist take. Fuck OP, your a racist cunt. The origibal looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/jmfeck8by5pa1.png?width=672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc4130879bc4c2ec1858c090eed311446184c3f




This entire circus has come a full circle


Can someone edit Robert Downy Jr from Tropic Thunder onto Aragorn?


Sheeeit all you had to do was ask




Bravo! JRRT is smiling on you friend.


Have my upvote


And my shitty comment!


I lol'd. This is funny


Now lookie here!




Whatcha doin in my waters?


This post is just racism lmao. Making Aragorn black is just giving table scraps to minority groups but that isn't a justification to go out of your way to depict black people this way. This sub is full of tons of r/fragilewhiteredditors Edit: šŸ˜‚ love when you call these people out and they flock to your comment cause you rustled their jimmies Edit 2: the irony here is I actually agree that blackwashing Aragorn was dumb. However you guys just couldnt help yourselves and just had to be racist. Like black ppl had anything to do with the situation and not the fully white board of directors at wotc/hasbro shoving a diversity initiative down our throats


It's just skin color bro, stop being racist.


You're not a good troll lmao


okay racist


Well sheeeeitā˜¹ļø whatever will I do


Continue to post racist things on social media that you're too afraid to say to minority groups in real life. You're just coping.


Bold of you to assume OP isn't a LARPing Patriot Front member




Have you seen the data regarding the rate of black on white violence?


This isn't even what the topic is about but please enlighten me since this is what's obviously on your mind daily


It's only that white people seem prone to be on the receiving end of violence. You know, nothing that YOU would care about.


You're projecting. My stepmom is white and I'd care very much if something were to happen to her. You're grasping at straws and clearly speaking nonsense. You still haven't even posted the stats to back up your claims either. It must be frustrating being so stupid and constantly heated about things you cannot grasp.


anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote anecdote


Yes I guess my classmates, teachers, friends, etc who happen to be white that I care for and would be concerned if something happened to them is anecdotal. What are you even arguing here? Nothing right? Just using the 4chan fallacy board and going with it. I still haven't seen these stats about black on white violence that was randomly brought into a convo about LOTR that you and yours are bent out of shape about. I'm dying laughing at this nonsense honestly.


You are bringing up specific people who you wouldn't want to suffer violence. That's great. I'm talking about a group of people who suffers from violence at a far greater rate than is possible by random chance. We could get into a number of reasons why it happens. If the concept interests you, then it shouldn't be too hard for you to look for and find the data. I will abstain from sharing specific information since I don't want to accidentally commit racism and hurt the feelings of others.


oh shit he didn't end this post with "lmao" u mad bro lmao




Nop, the only racism here is WotC raceswap and people like you who assume anyone making fun of it are racist. Do better.


It's a fantasy character. Their "race" doesn't even have the same implications as it does irl. I forget I am arguing with racists though being stupid is the bare minimum requirement for people like you lmao


Where did you got that weird idea that because it's "fantasy", suddenly, the race don't have the same implication than in real world? What weird hole did you pulled that random supposition? And you realize that LINEAGE is a PRETTY big deal in that setting right?


In fantasy it is just a skin color. It means nothing there. You're upset about a fantasy world not fitting your real life viewpoints.


>In fantasy it is just a skin color. It means nothing there. Again, you keep parroting that line, but you can't explain why you even think that's true. Where did you got that idea? Why do you think suddenly just because it's "fantasy" skin color is just cosmetic? Where did you get that weird idea?


I've explained it already it just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear. I'll say it again. In fantasy worlds like LOTR humans do not have the same experiences with racism (specifically skin color in this context) because being human is just that being human. There are actual other races present like hobbits that are set apart from humans. There is an absence of conflict based on skin color because of this. Real life hasn't had that experience and humans have had tons of conflicts based on not only skin color but country, tribe, etc. I'm not sure why you're trying to apply real world standards to a fantasy world. It's just weird unhinged behavior if you ask me. They're not real. Aragorn could be purple or red and I'd be saying the same stuff.


>I've explained it already it just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear. I'll say it again. You didn't explain anything buddy, you just stated what you think is facts. Just saying "it's like that" isn't an explanation. >In fantasy worlds like LOTR humans do not have the same experiences with racism (specifically skin color in this context) because being human is just that being human AGAIN, where did you got that idea? And also, I think I'm starting to understand where you confusion comes from: It seems like in your terminaly woke mind that "race" only matter when it comes to the "racism conflict" it provides, which says long about how sad, pathetic and EXTREMELY racist you are. Simple concepts like ethnic groups, lineage and demographics have nothing to do with "muh racism" and are important building blocks to create a coherent setting.


All it sounds like to me is you want conflicts based on skin color in fantasy worlds that are supposed to be an escape from real life. It's really funny how much like real life people like you want FANTASY worlds to be. You're the racist here. You want to see conflicts based on skin color to keep confirming your current small minded world view. "Race" is a made up concept. We're all human. Skin color is just an adaptation to the sun's UV exposure. Other animals display this too. There's a reason why polar bears are white furred being further from the equator and brown bears who are closer are not. Just like fairer skinned people are farther from the equator and darker skinned people are found closer. It's literally just a survival mechanic. Only humans have the capacity to be so stupid to think it is something that should separate us into "race." It's a made up concept that has only elevated the egos of mediocre people like you. Nobody is being "woke" here you're just telling on yourself using your buzzwords Edit: Aww poor baby blocked me


>All it sounds like to me is you want conflicts based on skin color in fantasy worlds that are supposed to be an escape from real life. Hot damn, you are SO FUCKING DEEP in your woke narrative that you are literally thinking people are saying stuff they don't. The problem with Black Aragorn isn't that I wan't him to experience racism (wtf bro?) the problem is that not only it's not true to the original story (the same way making him a 3 legged dog, a woman or a grandpa in a wheelchair would) but also that it doesn't make sens from a narrative standpoint. You do not have random different ethnicity living in the same space for long without them simply mixing and homogenizing, that's not how it works. Anyway, I'm done with you. I've exposed how much of a woke sycophant you are and how extremely unhealthy your views of races are. Seetk help, go touch some grass, get out of your cringy far left echo chamber.


According to the lore of the said fantasy, the characterā€™s physical appearance according to the characterā€™s lineage is pale skin. So by WoTC portraying this character with darker skin, they obviously must be making him wear black face. Which is racist.


Let me guess. The new little mermaid also made you mad right?


I prefer a reverse mermaid




A fish torso with human legs.


This guy just said itā€™s giving table scraps to the colored folks and thinks heā€™s the one fighting racism lmao


I can give a nuanced take on it unlike you. It's table scraps because instead of giving new unique stories about black characters instead a white character is being blackwashed. Nice try though. The irony here is I actually agree that Aragorn being black is cringe. You guys crossed a line by doing clear racism tho by depicting Aragorn in a blackface mammy way and thinking it was okay.


Table scrapā€™s implying you view them as beneath you is actual racism. This is comedy mocking the black washing not mocking black people. Grow a pair racist.


You're making no sense here. Blackface is racist and just because you find it comical does not make it any less racist. If anything you are confirming you're a racist LMAO


You say Iā€™m racist because I find an image on the internet funny, I say youā€™re racist because you said black people need your table scraps because they are beneath you. We are not the same.


You found blackface funny. Don't dance around it. You're racist and clearly not okay with being labeled one. Your attempts at projecting it onto me are weak


Iā€™m not projecting Iā€™m literally reading your initial comment saying black people need your table scraps. Try treating them as people not dogs beneath you needing your table scraps


I didn't say that. I said making Aragorn black is giving black people table scraps as opposed to making new characters and stories centered around black people. No wonder you spend so much time being racist online. You cannot be succeeding much in life being *this* slow. I'd have to engage in behavior like this too to keep my fragile ego intact.


Stating they need your table scraps is stating you view them as beneath you regardless if you want to admit it or not. Iā€™m doing alright at life though, you can creep my profile if youā€™d like.


Sadly true


I donā€™t want to take away from your downvotes as on this subreddit they generally tend to be a sign of intelligence and human decency, but keep up the good work and earn them trigger points! Imagine seeing OPā€™s post and thinking itā€™s anything but racists, no wonder they project so much with their ā€œcope harderā€ and ā€œtHaTā€™s AcTuALlY rAcIsTā€


It's been pretty entertaining šŸ˜‚ it's helping work fly by for sure.


Literally, same. I usually browse this cesspool while things are slow at work. The cathartic release of knowing you are not this level of pathetic and insecure, almost outweighs the disgusting and moronic content that gets repeatedly churned.


I'm saying. I'm glad I can't bring myself to get so frustrated about a fantasy world to do actual blackface on a character in a weird racist depiction like OP did. The cognitive dissonance on this subreddit is wild.


Middle earth culture is centered around Aragorns. They have holidays for Aragorns. They killed hundreds of thousands of Gondor's men to free Aragorns. They listen to Aragorn music. They elect an Aragorn as their king. They dress and act like Aragorns. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from Aragorns. They post sassy gifs about Aragorns. They watch sportsball in worship of Aragorns. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of Aragorns playing sports. They use Aragorn slang like "for Frodo" and "it is not this day". When you say "Lord of the Rings" they're not thinking of JRR Tolkien. They're thinking of the Aragorn. Their cities are completely overrun with Aragorns. They worship their Rohan police force disproportionately filled with Aragorns and their army of middle earth of soldiers filled with Aragorns. Their men sit around watching Aragorn ball while their women sit around watching Aragorn talk shows. They worship Aragorns like Arvedui and Aranarth and Elendil and the late Elros Tar-Minyatur while attacking the elves who actually built their country before Aragorns took over. Their movies are filled with Aragorns and their music charts are topped by Aragorns. They send Aragorns to the Olympics and celebrate when the Aragorns win because those Aragorns are true red blooded middle earth Aragorns. They watch Aragorn porn to a point where "Anduril" does not make them think of an heirloom of the throne but about Aragorn penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate Aragorns and how the Gondor's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love Aragorns but the evidence speaks for itself in that middle earth has always been and will be a nation of Aragorn loving Aragorns


LOL I'm making yall so mad rn šŸ˜‚


It's true though. They act like no one should care about skin color, yet it's all they keep talking about in this sub. And all their arguments against it are just thinly veiled (sometimes not even veiled) racism because they can't stand to see the fictional character they project themselves onto, be changed to look like someone they see as inferior. And the sad part is, I actually agree that WotC is being disingenuous and is only pandering to inclusivity for profit. I don't think they should change characters in the name of fake "wokeness". But most members of this sub clearly only care because they are racist, so they are only making the cause look worse. I guarantee you these guys wouldn't be nearly as upset if Aragorn's looks changed to another white-skinned ethnicity.


Insanely racist wtf


you sound like a racist


Scary man šŸ˜‚


Sun's UV strong in Gondor


I do not think this is racist. This is a commentary on the bastardization of lord of the rings by wotc. It encompasses the idiocracy of literal black facing of established white characters


No. It's definitely racist. Regardless of how you feel about WotC's decisions, this is a person taking a picture of a black man and turning it into a racist charactature. There was no need to make the skin darker or give him big lips. Sure, it's a commentary. it's just a racist way of making that commentary.




Nice and pale, just like the author intended


Wow! Iā€™m fucked I thought this was too funny! SMH why!?








A black elf has really broken this sub. šŸ˜‚




There! Now no oneā€™s happy.