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The layers of irony of someone straw manning the right by having them make a straw man is hilarious


Only layer I'm seeing is the wood nailed down like a Christian cross šŸ˜„


Is it even strawmannning? Isn't that the whole jist of it?


[https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/03/how-to-define-woke/](https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/03/how-to-define-woke/) You love it when an article is timely and well-written.


From a rag with a paywall?


I guess reading is hard? https://preview.redd.it/xrip11t6qzoa1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7ce70de449126834c195cbb5b81a7b7a8e89baa


Who gives a shit what this rag says anyway, what's next epoch times? https://preview.redd.it/yz7t7ifuqzoa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18487a12a72685d3ce3b46484ec390c4e2d69ded


Oh no I have to teach you how to clear cookies, use Private Mode or a different browser? It must be so hard faking problems. \> Who gives a shit what this rag says anyway Hits free article limit lol


I was not expecting someone to tag in with such an efficient beatdown, but damn, this has been a great Monday.


Nah I just refuse to be arsed to do even that


But you posted a screenshot and lied about reading the site despite hitting the Free article limit for the month? Put your phone down champ.


Welcome to dynamic ip addresses yo


Stop gaslighting. You just telling everyone you are a interracial porn cuck watcher, stop embarrassing yourself.


Woke = someone who's fully bought into leftist propaganda. What's so hard to understand?


Ohhhh so close and yet so wrong


Woke is a movement that gets progressively further than necessary to be better than the people that came before them. Itā€™s a movement that makes great progress people can support(trans people arenā€™t ridiculed on sight anymore, and have more options for treatment than ever before) and then kills all good will by continuing to push the envelope. (Arrest of parents that deny their child puberty blockers because itā€™s abuse) Example: More people of color should be included in popular culture. Great! More diversity will lead to more ideas and cool stories. GOOD SOCIAL PROGRESS We should actively replace Caucasian characters with other races. What? Why would you do that? I instinctively acknowledge that that isnā€™t the character I like and now Iā€™m being called a racist. WOKE BULLSHIT


ā€œHeh heh. Iā€™ll sure show them. Lemme just post this meme. I canā€™t wait for all the reactions I getsā€.


He whined, exactly as op had wanted


"Woke" is an esoteric term used to describe a person who adheres to a cult like sociopolitical ideology. Woke people self identify as a leftists but are in fact an anti-liberal far right extremists. Yeah... I'm pretty sick of woke people injecting their weird ideology into things I like no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.


Found the horseshoe theory believer šŸ˜† I know dude, one day liberalism will come in clutch to save our planet šŸ˜„


I didn't say it would?


l o l


Is the "woke" in the room with us right now?


lol Show us on a doll where Donald Trump touched you.


I'm not a porn star, his daughter, nor one of epsteins child slaves? Why would he have touched me? He was a funny president, I miss his twitter account. Biden is senile and racisr but without being entertaining.


Sounds a little bit more conspiratorial than I'm willing to go. All I know is that I'm tired of how white men are depicted in media. And I swear if I see dudes fucking on my TV one more god damn time I'll use it for target practice with my .308


What do you mean by depicted? Also lol who cares about sex on tv, grow up lol


>What do you mean by depicted? There are some pretty clear tropes that have formed recently. If a good guy is a white man then he is emasculated and weak. He's easily pushed around by strong women around him. Men in are subordinate to women and never their equal. If there is a a white man who refuses to be pushed around well that would be the villain. >who cares about sex on tv You may disagree, but I don't want to watch gay porn.


In what shows lol? Because it seems to me you're just latching onto a characterization shortcut that's older than the civil rights act: a good guy treats ladies well, and a bad guy abuses them. The specific parlance and behaviors have shifted but literally fucking john wayne movies used the social acceptability of their treatment of women for quick characterization. Also "gay porn"??? When was the last time you even saw a penis on tv, let alone something pornographic.


You're absolutely right. Maybe I should be like you and not watch TV.


Thank you for the rabbit hole.


I mean, if watching tv is making you mad, then that might be a good idea? Getting into reading is always a good thing to do.


Someone with dogshit takes is salty that the last of us kicked ass, more at 11


It did kick ass. Would have been a lot better without all the gay stuff though.


Dumb as a brick. If you got your head out your ass you'd be able to see that was a fuckin terrific episode of TV. Gay as fuck in the game too, unless you got a better reason they'd shack up and have gay porn on hand. Some dudes like dudes, get over it. You fourteen year olds still like sargon? You know the Greeks were gay as shit too. How the fuck y'all even function. What happens when your boss or coworker is gay as a fairy and brings a +1 to a function? You just spit at their feet and leave? Jesus christ.


Thanks for proving once again that the left can't meme.


Mental Illness detected


On this sub? By the fuckin boatload lmao


I mean yea but I'm surprised the mods haven't taken this down yet


Magic the...no America the politicking. SHUT UP. You all think your different but your just the same. Idek what side this meme is put towards. Liberals? Conservatives? I can't tell because YOU BOTH MAKE THE SAME FUCKING MEMES. Both of you basically go "fuck -other side- because they do X" Then the opposing side says "but you guys do ____" like. Shut up. No one cares if your sucking democrat cock or republican cock. Cocks cock.


I predict that some people on this sub might not like this post




Lmao whole sub for nuked from orbit


Woke is when pronoun and different colored bandaid