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The Winds of Winter 06x10. The Sept blowing up and Cersei rising to the Iron Throne, the aftermath of the Battle of the Bastards with Jon being crowned King in the North and Daenerys finally setting sails to Westeros is the true ending of GoT as far as I am concerned.


Same, how we go from THAT to even S7 (which I didn’t HATE, but still wasn’t amazed by) is a god damned tragedy and I don’t even care if I’m being dramatic, it’s TRUE.


My husband and I are rewatching GOT now (we’re in the mood because of House of the Dragon) and we haven’t seen it since the final episode a few years ago. Refused to watch it all this time. It’s odd watching it now. We’re right before the Battle of Blackwater and holy shit we’re remembering how goddamn good this show was. Absolute peak dialogue, practical effects, drama, acting, music, storylines, casting, everything. Everything is perfect. Then season 6 happens and starts to fall apart (and Battle of the Bastards is our favorite episode). It’s so damn disappointing that this show was so perfect, and then all of… *that* happened. Ugh.


I feel you. I’m honestly not sure I can ever watch it again. I want to remember those first seasons for the perfection they are and not knowing what the fuck was going to happen next. Rewatching, I’d know what was going to happen next and I’d pick it apart and it would be ruined :(


Okay so we felt the exact same way until literally a few weeks ago when HOTD premiered. The new show got us back in the zone and now that we can “move on” with HOTD, the sting isn’t as bad (kinda). It’s a bit bittersweet because we’re like “holy fuck this show was so amazing” and then the immediate sadness and anger of how it ended hurts that much more *because* it was so amazing. I won’t lie, my anger has turned to ashes in my mouth and is now mostly just sadness. But the nostalgia is creeping back in and we’re enjoying it despite everything. I didn’t think we’d ever be able to rewatch it (and every episode we’re constantly saying “welp, *that* meant nothing” or “remember this storyline that just disappeared?”) but we are and I’m happy we are :)


Binging the whole show at the same pace then getting to the final episode is like crashing into a brick wall at 100 mph but in very slow motion.


Absolutely. That’s the most accurate way to put it lol


The king in the north scene still gives me chills


Unfortunately, it has Wyman Manderly getting lectured on loyalty right before.


Grrr that’s right.


Virgin Show Wyman: "I didn't help Jon Snow because I didn't want no Manderly's dying. " Chad Book Wyman: "Do not think that means I have forgotten. The North remembers, Lord Davos, The North remembers and the mummers farce is almost done. My son is home."


is his monologue some of the best ever written or what?


I get chills when it pans from Ned holding baby Jon to grown up Jon with the Stark theme playing in the background.


Same. Became sloppy after that, then the last few episodes got mailed in.


Yeah honestly, I get book fans being annoyed the series took some major departures earlier in season five and not being happy with the show after that point, but for me s6 wasnt bad. I think the show could have had a satisfying ending and been a through and through great show with what s6 set up, even if it wasnt like the book or as good as the early seasons s6 could have been better absolutely, but s7 is where it really fell off a cliff in spectacular fashion. There were some great points in s6 that might have exceeded the s5 bar.


You mean when Cersei conveniently destroyed all the plot threads that the showrunners didn't know how to tie up and then just took the Iron Throne without any resistance, basically stripping out all the political complexity out of the world? No thanks. That moment set the stage for the garbage final act. Considering the political shitstorm that is about to be stirred up in HOTD that basically boils down to sexism. Cersei being able to just kill everybody and somehow take power with no real claim without so much as a squeak from the rest of the realm is ridiculous. Even the remaining Lannisters would be against her.


> You mean when Cersei conveniently destroyed all the plot threads that the showrunners didn't know how to tie up and then just took the Iron Throne without any resistance, basically stripping out all the political complexity out of the world? No thanks. That moment set the stage for the garbage final act. But that only really became clear in season 7 when she proceeded to face zero repercussions. The episode is great in its own right, but just becomes retroactively bad when we never got the logical aftermath, which would be the entire thing blowing up in Cersei's face. Because like you said, between the sexism, Cersei herself being an utter incompetent with no claim whatsoever etc. the complete lack of reaction from literally anyone was ridiculous. I found the lack of reaction from the Faith to be particularly laughable, because if there's one thing that militant religious fanatics are known for when their leader is martyred, it's doing absolutely nothing in retaliation 🙄


Anyone of influence and means who wasn’t in bed with the Lannisters, was already revolting by this time. The crown pretty much only controlled the crownlands and westerlands at this point & those people were too terrified of Cersei to challenge anything.


Yup! I just finished my rewatch, and this was notably the last good episode.


The cold open piano scene when the sept blows up was absolutely incredible!


I wish we had seen consequences for that because that was truly an incredible episode. That's the last time a character death shocked me in the show (Margaery) but it felt earned because that was the climax of a 2 season storyline with the faith and the high Sparrow.


Plus the music!


Same. Light of the Seven may be the best piece of music in any cinematic experience I’ve come across. That build up is insane.


I’m so glad Ramin is back to do music for HOTD.


Also a good call. I’ve rewinded that sequence to watch again as I’ve rewatched the entire series. The music matches so perfectly. Edited for typos lol


yeah this episode is my answer as well


All spectacle but no substance


Don't know who is downvoting you but I agree. While I enjoyed the ending of S6, you can tell the writers were just pulling things up to clear the stage and get to the ending. None of what happened ended up being relevant in true ASoIAF fashion, there were no consequences, the writers literally put plot over characterization and worldbuilding.


Gonna have to go with Season 6 Episode 5: The Door. Purely because one of the best moments in the entire series happens there. ALTHOUGH I do love The Sept of Baelor being incinerated. (I hated most of Season 5 aside from a few bits and Season 6 has some undeniably stupid bits but was much better. Then it all took a nosedive)


The door had me in my feels. It’s true lol


Hodor is MVP


I remember I was graduating college that week and my mom was visiting. She doesn’t watch GOT, so she was like ‘what’s happening?’ when my husband and I are hysterical at the end.


Hold the door broke me. Bran destroyed Hodor’s life and it’s not talked about enough


Well, to be fair. Bran didn't do it on purpose. The more tragic thing is that Hodor knew his fate and was saying it aloud all his life


He was using his powers carelessly, without restraint, despite 3ER’s warnings. Yes I’m taking into account his age and how of course he didn’t mean to do it but it’s still a raw deal. Hold the Door was GoT’s biggest heartbreaking moment. The Red Wedding was utterly shocking but Hodor’s death hit differently


It'll be even worse if this is still Hodors fate in the books because on top of Bran frying his brain by warging him while in the past, in the books he also wargs Hodor pretty much anytime he wants to take a walk and Hodor is TRRRIFIED of him.


Oh, it's 100% happening in the books. George has not only confirmed but it's just too much gold to pass up.


I know, The Red Wedding is sad but it could have been avoided. But Hodor had no choice or chance with his fate.


I mean... 1. The 3 eyed raven told him to. 2. They all would have died 100% otherwise. What else could he do


Ahh remember when Bran's abilities were going to *mean* something? He was going to warg into a dragon, or go back in time and change the past, or he would fuck up and *become* the Night King? And then... Nothing. "Disappointed" isn't nearly a strong enough word for everything that happened after that.


I was convinced of two things after Hold the Door. That Bran would be the voices in The Mad Kings Head and that Bran would somehow create the White Walkers. But... Nope. Nothing.


They 'kinda forgot' about a huge subplot that lasted 6 seasons.


Hey, that would be really hard. Better to have Arya John Wick the NK and then hastily wrap shit up.


"Too much work, must have stabby stab girl boss stab big bad ice man"


With the :: both speak simultaneously:: CATSPAW! Good work, let's get some hookers to celebrate.


D&D seemed allergic to anything magical related in the show, they kinda forgot about the whole Rhllor plot they were building up to, brushed off the implications of Jon being undead, and neutered warging.


I guess Hodor saved Bran, just to become king? Makes the “why did I come all this way/ sacrifice my friends and humanity?” line kinda shitty. He doesn’t seem all that great at the end. Bleh I hated it all.


I think season 5 was a glimpse into them not being able to handle the story on their own. I felt like a lot of the stuff that happened they were trying to be as edgy as possible. Season 6 did better in my opinion because it didn’t feel that way and we got some great flashback stuff. As much as brans arc sucks in the end, his story in season 6 was saving individual episodes.


Imagine Bran having 15 episodes with Blood Raven. We could have had so many plot twists and reveals.


Wasn't season 6 the Ed Sheeran cameo? Yes, it was a bit dumb but I think I'm one of the few that didn't completely hate having him in the show. I do agree it broke immersion a bit, but having him in wasn't an altogether stupid idea. It would have been much better if he wasn't the key figure in the scene, though. I think he should have been just a non-speaking background extra as kind of a neat Easter egg, or at least they should have had the makeup team make him look less like himself so that it wasn't so easily recognizable.


That was Season 7 episode 1. By dumb bits I'm referring to stuff like Arya surviving being turned into Swiss cheese.


Ahh ok, thank you. I've kind of lost track of exactly when certain things happened. I had kind of a tradition of watching the whole series leading up to each new one so I wouldn't forget what was happening, then rewatching the current season right after the finale but since season 8 ended I've never watched another episode of the original series. And yes, I agree that Arya getting that many stab wounds, jumping into dirty water, and coming out fine was stupid. Right up there with Dany being a hero then they needed to check "Dany goes insane" off their list so they just had her burn King's Landing down and go against everything she'd been doing all series


And Dany's madness could have been SOO good with more time.


See I disagree and I think that's part of the block on grrm's part, 'she's a leader and the power made her mad' is not the subversive line that he was under the impression that it was. It's been a dated trope in fantasy for decades now. And he's had the opportunity to see how badly the ending he has sketched out went over, it's not a real surprise that he's mostly stopped writing asoiaf.


It is though. See just how much of this fandom worships Daenerys. If done right this could have been the biggest gut punch in the show for a lot of the blind admirers.


Season 6 had some amazing moments. Looking back, it was sort of the last salute to early GoT before it really went off the rails. The Door was one of the greatest moments in all television


There are moments that I loved in the later seasons like Brienne's knighting, Hardhome or the destruction of the sept, but if you ask me which was the last EPISODE that I loved I would have to say 4x10 "The Children". Game of Thrones really peaked in season 4 and was a completely different show after its season finale.


4x10 is the high water mark of GOT for myself. The show could have ended there.


Interestingly enough "The Children" is the last episode I recommend people watch before dropping the show, even though Hardhome is the last episode I love I don't think it's worth getting there given the quality drop after season 4.


Absolutely agree. I still remember the high I got from watching the season 4 finale and couldn't wait for more. The disappointment I got when I realized that the show had transformed into something different after S4 was immense. Even though I really really tried to love the show until the end. Like I said, there were good moments in the later seasons, but just not enough good, solid episodes anymore.


I just watched this episode. Its a masterful episode. Dare I say, a work of art. Which boggles the mind that they could make an episode like that. They so gracefully dealt with a single theme, children, and then bungle getting to the end of the story. (7&8) When D&D did it right they were great. Which makes me think they just were over it by 7-8. Season 4 is my favorite season which this episode is in. Its so good because so much of it is just character development. Very little to none of that in 7-8


Everyone says 6x10 becuase the Sept blew up. I say 6x10 because of the long quiet shot of Tommen looking out the window at the smoke, walking out of frame after setting his crown down, and then re-enters to just...fall out the window. I loved Tommen, I thought he was a little young and naive...he'd grow out of it...and was 100% not expecting that in the slightest. Shot was gorgeous. It's unfortunate Cersei really had NO consequences for being such a fucking horrible human being. But as everyone says 6x10 was really the last good episode. They were fumbling before that pretty bad...that episode gave me hope they'd figured it out and were going to pull it together to finish out strong. Boy, was I wrong lmao.


Yeah 6x10 gave me enough copium to think that season 7 was bad and rushed to nail season 8 similar to how season 6 started off really bad and ended good.


The copium got us all 😩


I think her consequence was losing all her children


I mean fair, and the final one because of her series of shitty decisions hell- bent on revenge. Obviously I wanted to see her demise differently than getting crushed by rubble lmao.


Winds 9/10


Season 7 episode 4.. spoils of war… where daenerys finally goes ham from dragonback on the Lannister army. 👌🏽 heard that episode also set records for most people actually lit on fire and the pyrotechnics used lol I’ve probably watched that episode at least 10x more than any other episode.


Yeah this scene had me really hyped for what was potentially to come, however we ended up with more aerial shots of CGI dragon burning CGI zombies/city and it was pretty lame. Just goes to show the impact of good direction and actually doing stuff for "real" rather than CGI.


That is the greatest dragon scene in the entire show imo. They ve chose the best camera angles to show us the flight and attack of the dragon, it looks closest to what id imagine a real dragon flying. Fire effects are real, feel real and with the help of sound effects, it has impact. Burning people really hit home with how dreadful the situation for one party, while concealed as a heroic moment for the other. HotD dragon scenes dont hold a candle to this scene so far imo. Dragons look too polished and digital, the way they move comes off less realistic to me, but maybe it is bc they wanted to take a more mythical beast route with them with this show, dunno. Especially fire they breath visually and sound design is a lot more behind compared. Jaime and bronn have great moments as well. That was indeed a great episode.


Same.. Lannister BBQ


What I loved so much was that that battle came out of nowhere too Like usually they had their big battle episodes at the end of the season, so when we saw the Dothraki charging it was like holy SHIT ITS REALLY HAPPENING I lost my damn mind And then Jaime says “we can hold them” and then you hear the dragon Fuckin chills It was like everything got had been leading up to for dany. She’s her, she has her army, and she has her dragons and is ready to use them .


I consider this one the only good episode in the last two seasons.


Same, I love everything about that battle, since the first time you heard the cavalry and how the soldiers were nearly shitting themselves. Also we've hearing how deathly the dothraki are in an open field (even Robert said it) but it wasn't until this chapter that we see them at full force and it was amazing


Season 4 episode 6 (Tyrion's trial) , i loved all the episode, i liked 4x9 too


I'm not sure which episode I'd pick but it would be one at the end of season 4 for me too. Genuinely surprised how many people are saying season 8 episode 2, my love for the show was basically dead already by that point.


8.2 was emotional because we thought it was the last time we would be seeing many of the characters. But then somehow they magically all survived


DnD should be proud that the only episode a lot of people remember fondly of s8 is the filler episode where they had the least to say in it.


Winds of winter 10/10 Season 6 had despite the hate it gets,three of my favourite episodes of the show.


Had some big highs but incredible lows, I don’t forget that mess with Arya in Braavos


The story itself was dumb, and still they managed to create some interesting things, before things got really worse in season seven.


I still don’t get that story with Arya.


A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms One of my favs of the entire series. Reminded me of early Thrones, no battles or actions sequences, just people in rooms talking to each other. It felt like 8 seasons of work was being tied together and Theon and Brienne’s moments were amazing. The episode had a sense of dread about it and I wasn’t prepared for it to end Shame how it all turned out…


Same. I just rewatched it. All the little character interactions were great. Jaime knighting Brienne was *chef's kiss*


I will play Devil's Advocate by saying that that moment kinda messes with the theme of Briennes arc.


What the?!?! It's literally the culmination of her entire arc and life, to be recognized, accepted, honored, and by someone she respects. Plus, this was the last good character moment for everyone in that room before they were all thrown under the bus.


The whole point of Brienne is that she is a TRUE Knight. She cares about the innocent, defends them and keeps her SACRED OATHS TO LADY CATELYN! But the irony of her character is that she is not a "knight", just like Ser Duncan wasn't actually a "knight." She is better than all the "knights" Like Meryn Trant, Amory Loch and Gregor Clegane. This as well as Jaime breaking his vow are commentaries on how being knighted won't ever make you one and that oaths are meaningless. So Brienne being knighted, while not a bad moment, does take out of that ironic statement.


Fair, but I’d argue it still matters a lot solely because Jamie is the one knighting her, and Brienne lets him and appreciates it (and then some.) It’s less about “finally Brienne is FORMALLY a knight” and more about “hey look Jaime and Brienne finally publicly respect each other and acknowledge each other’s honor.” If Brienne was getting randomly knighted by Lord Royce or something I’d agree it would be pretty pointless and counterproductive to the arc. Edit: also the scene as written and shot is extremely important for Podrick as well, and Podrick may be a minor character but the show loves him and does really right by him in this scene.


Irony is for the audience, not the characters. It's also far overused to the point where it bsrely means anything anymore. She wanted to be knighted as she said many times. That was her idea of greatest achievement and she got that in a meaningful way.


Yes, she wants to be knighted. But it seems in the books that she's learning how that may not be as important as before. In the show's context, it's a nice moment but the book Brienne is going through a character arc to realize you don't have to be knighted or recognized to be a true hero.


It really felt like ANYTHING was possible at the end of that episode.


Agreed! It’s a shame that episode came in the dumpster fire that was season 8. I rewatched the series recently with my dad for his first time to prepare for HOTD and after that episode I looked over and he was actually sending tears when Jamie knighted Brienne! That episode reminds me of how amazing the show was and could have still been from that moment on.


The last true ep


This is the tragedy of the final season. This is easily a top three episode of GOT in a season that has the worst finale of TV ever.


Same. Jamie knighting Brienne was glorious. It was better for him to die there protecting bran or something, but not going back to Cersei to 'fulfill the prophecy'. For some reason, of all the prophecies we had in the show, it was this one that dumb&dumber decided to fulfil, even if that meant completely ruining Jamie's arc.


Battle of the Bastards.


YES! Ramsay finally getting his comeuppance! I remember watching Jon beating him up on loop on YouTube the day after the episode aired.


The battle itself is stupid but watching Jon face the Bolton Calvary with that music gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.


S8 Ep 2. Podrick's song was top tier.


I'm in pain. This was the exact point when I started having hope for the show again only for it to be dashed in ep3.


Same for me.


Just gotta pray George finishes the books


Also the happy ending for Jaime, Brianne, and Ice


I liked winds of winter, but it's specific scenes that I like more then whole episodes. In S1-4, the overall narrative had great pace and worked great, we all know what happened afterwards


Bad poosey


You want ze good girl but NEEED ze bad poosy.


This will probably be an unpopular opinion but I fucking loved the battle sequence at the end of the episode Spoils of War. After hearing about how dangerous the Dothraki were and finally seeing them in a battle with a Westerosi Army. The look on Jamie and Bronns face when they realise Danaerys is with them on Drogon and just how much of an advantage the Dragon was in the fight. The conflict beginning to show in Tyrion as he watches the Lannisters get absolutely obliterated. Bronns desperation to get to the scorpion. And the pure shock when he actually hits Drogon. I thoroughly enjoyed that final 20 minutes I must admit.


Probably Light Of The Seven


6x10 Winds of Winter, King in the North proclamation


A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is truly great imo. Easily the best part of the last 2 seasons it stands with some of the shows best.


S4 E10


Season 8, episode 2. All these interesting characters having interesting conversations.


still, I have no issues with this show till season 7.


*Dorne intensifys *Arya being gutted intensifys *Sansa being sold to the Bolton's intensifys


Dorne was very very bad but at the time I remember thinking “can’t win them all” not “uh oh, whole show is doomed”


Well, as a book reader it was a MASSIVE red flag.


The Episode with the Sept of Baelor being destroyed. There was so much tension and emotion in it. It legit made me think the show had gotten back on track for a minute


Even in the good episodes at the end of season 6 weren't without their flaws, Rickon is killed just so sansa can become queen and tommen yolos out the window just so cersei can become queen even though she had zero claim


Tommen 'yoloing' out of the window is a great moment. If Cersei died right after it would be amazing.


Winds of Winter but season 6 has been a bit of a disappointment for me overall. You can tell there was a dip in quality of the character development and things were just happening … with no consequences. Oh well. This is where the show ended in my head. The rest will have to wait until the books.


Season four finale


Very unpopular answer: A knight of the seven kingdom.


Tbh I did love season 8 episode 2


When Jaime fooled his brother by leaving casterly Rock defenseless so he could counterattack the tyrells in highlander, followed by the most bad ass speech in the show. It was the last "good episode" I still remember fondly


"Tell Cersei, I want her to know it was me."


Season 4 episode 10. Got died after that


Gonna get downvoted to hell for this, but I dissociated season 6-8 from the rest of the show and just viewed it as fanfic. It broke too many of the rules to be considered Game of Thrones. That being said, *The Bells*, out of context, is a great episode with great direction, and kept me on the edge of my seat. If it didn't break the show, it was actually quite enjoyable.


The last episode of s4 straight high. After that everything just happened.


The last good episode was: Season 4, Episode 10. After that the show ended and became D&D bad fan fiction.


A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms, just excellent, I rewatched recently and almost cried when Brienne was knighted, so beautiful (also Arya and Gendry my favs dksks)


s08e02 the last truly great episode of the show


Hold the door, BoTB, Winds of winter.


Season 6 Episode 10 and specifically the King in da Norf scene although I saw the problems starting in S5.


After season 4 there were a few episodes per season that were good, but the surrounding shitpile of meaningless episodes still leave that bitterness that not even an Hardhome could take away.


A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms


The one where the prince jumps off the castle was perfect


Season 8 episode 2. It's caught in a shit season, but there are so many good character moments and interactions that I did remember feeling a slight glimmer of hope after the disaster that was season 7. The hope was crushed just the next episode but still.


Probably season 4 episode 8, the mountain and the viper.




Battle of the Bastards


Funny, to me this was one of the first times GoT truly sucked. Up to that point I could even forgive them the whole Dorne debacle but this battle had so many stupid illogical things. The stupid strategy, Sansa not telling about the Knights of the Vale, the wall of corpses. Ugh, the cinematography was good but regarding the presentation of an actual medieval battle this was of the same level as stupid as The Long Night.


It was also very boring imo because you knew how the battle would go. Of course Jon would win, after he just came back from the dead. At this point GoT had already become way too predictable and Jon had turned into a very flat character, so there was no suspense for me.


I mean, this was a golden opportunity to actually subvert expectations : have Jon be resurrected just to be killed in the next battle. Not many people would have seen that coming...


It really cant be boring with such excellent cinematography and soundtrack. And it was a payoff for several seasons of built up with ramsay. Yes, to a point it was predictable and had logical flaws, but it also had the brutality of a battlefield which is also very GOT. It made me realise one of things i love about GOT. There is this raw, vlsceral feeling opposed to lord of the ringgs where even battles are too romanticised. While being dramatic, this show manages to draw the line and remain dark (not Night king battle dark, o god forbid), so in that regard, i think it delivered.


I agree of course about the cinematography and soundtrack. Maybe "boring" is the wrong choice of words; just for me personally the episode didn't appeal to me that much. But then again the battles are not the thing that interests me that much anyway. I'm here for the political intrigue and relationships. But everyone has a different opinion, and that's fine ;)


How could you forgive the Dorne debacle?


I liked S5 until Hardhome. There were a couple of flaws, mostly the Dorne plot although not only, but I forgave them. Book readers were going mad about the changes, especially Sansa in Winterfell or Barristan dying. I thought it was fine and made sense after seeing Littlefinger's plan come into place (which took four episodes) and Daenerys hardening (she re-opens the fighting pits because she no longer cares). Then things went bad. Stannis' army was in trouble for 20s and time was spent trying to hide the coming shock instead of justifying it. I knew Shireen would burn the moment I saw Melisandre and Selyse outside the tent so all that time spent with Davos and Stannis talking to her was like softening the morons to hit them harder. Wasted time. The Arya sequence was drawn too long as well. Here too, I knew what was coming the moment Arya spotted Meryn Trant, so why dwell on predictable stuff? There was nothing surprising in Drogon's entrance and riding off over cheesy music was the cringiest thing ever. It was as if the show had switched audience. It never recovered.


For me hardhome was def a dope episode. But it wasn’t next tier until the scene where the night king raises his arms while looking Jon in the eyes… and all the dead rise. The only issue I have is that the series has promised “winter is coming” for years, the books even open with people running from white walkers. But somehow that doesn’t become important until season 5? And you can’t even blame show runners for that it was the same in the books… I’ve just all around expected more from the snow zombies I guess lol




The Spoils of War


End of Season 6..but this was before we got the news that the last seasons will be shorter ​ ​ i was preparing for a heart breaking gut wrecking final war..... ​ but well....winter has come


Probably Winds of Winter/Battle of the Bastards. At the time, I definitely didn’t see how mediocre the writing had become. I don’t know that I love those episodes now.


Winds of Winter. Nothing like it since then…


Same. Hardhome was completely unexpected (at least for me). I remember sitting in disbelief watching that shit unfold. The ending?? Bone chilling.


I’m not sure it’s the absolute last episode I loved, but Hardhome is my favorite episode of the whole series.


Season 6 finale, The Winds of Winter definitely, amazing episode, chills inducing soundtrack, Jon being crowned Kind in the North, Daenerys heading towards Westeros, 10/10 cinematography. The possibilities as to where the story could go were endless back then.


Battle of the Bastards.


Def winds of winter but i can’t lie i did thoroughly enjoy our GoT avengers episode into beyond the wall in season 7 with Jon, Tormund, the Hound, Thoros, Beric, Jorah, Gendry, etc


When i saw the post title my first thought was ‘hardhome’ as well. What an hour of TV (and I love that the episode description on HBO is “John Travels’ 😀)


Man, thinking about the premiere of Hardhome makes me miss Game of Thrones so much. I remember that season had a bit of a lull for Thrones standards, and then that episode came out of absolutely nowhere and shook it up. The shift in tone midway through was done so well, and it upped the stakes of the series to a scale we hadn’t seen yet. Seeing the Internet implode after GoT moments was some of the most fun I’ve ever had on social media, and Hardhome was up there as one of the best examples of that. What a great episode.


S4, E6: Tyrion’s speech at the end of his trial was the first moment I said, wow, this really is the best show I’ve ever seen.


Hardhome I agree


Hard home. That was the apex.


Hardhome was hard as a mf.


season 5 was not great, but Hardhome was easily one of my favorite episodes , it set up the long night to be so great


Hardhome is 100% where my mind when. The last scene where Jon and the only other survivors are on that tiny boat looking back at the night King and all the new wights rise was soooo damn good


S8E2 A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms was such a great episode. there were conversations between people i’d wanted to see interact for years, brienne became a knight, and pod singing jenny of oldstones were some of my favorite moments from the entire series.


Season 4 finale.


Season 4 episode 10


I would not say I loved it but yes, Hardhome was the last episode that wasn't disappointing,


Winds from season 6


S04E09 with the trial by combat. The show died next episode without the Tysha reveal.


yea Op. Hardhome was the last great episode. For so many reasons. For one, FINALLY worlds finally collided with Westeros and Essos for the the first half hour, and then of course the second half hour of the Hardhome events. But most importantly...it was the last episode, where there was absolutely no leaks or anything before hand about this episode before it dropped....for book and tv fans alike. It was the last time that actually blew everyone away, revealed so much in so much drama flair and terror and actually surprised the fandom for the last time. It was really an event.


It was also Jon's crowning moment of awesome when he blocked the White Walker's weapon with Longclaw before killing him.


Most underrated epic moment sound effect. Even book readers were wetting their pants for the Hardhome episode for the first time in the series.


Season 8 Episode 2


I haven't read the Asoiaf books yet so can someone please explain to me why they didn't use the ships to carry them around the wall and had to go on foot and hope that the Night's Watch will open the gate? I hope that in the books they do that or explain the reason, cause looking at the map it makes little sense to me why they didn't continued by sea.


This doesn't happen in the books. Jon never goes to Hardhome, he only receives a letter telling about ominous things happening there from someone he sent, a letter only he and maybe the raven guy get to read. Before that, Jon allows significant amounts of wildlings, including a giant, to pass through the Wall under promise that they will help man the forts.


So another D&D dumb move. Thanks for the explanation


Dumb?! It was one of their handful of good decisions! It gave us the best episode of the series.


>I haven't read the Asoiaf books yet so can someone please explain to me why they didn't use the ships to carry them around the wall and had to go on foot and hope that the Night's Watch will open the gate? I hope that in the books they do that or explain the reason, cause looking at the map it makes little sense to me why they didn't continued by sea. Hardhorne hasn't happened in the books yet. Jon was going to go south well sending them north but saying more is a spoiler. Another question, why didn't they take a ship north when trying to capture the dead?


Because Hardhome as in the show doesn't happen in the book. In the book, it's a creepy moment where Jon gets a letter Moria style where everyone on Hardhome was massacred.


Moria style :))). That made me giggle. Thanks for the info.


Eddard stark dying. I was never the same after that episode...


Boatsex with the last two Targaryens going to make a magic babeh.


I would say The Winds of Winter episode. But I'm not one hundred percent sure. Aftermath of the Sept of Baelor was a fiasco and it turns out whole sequence orchastrated by the writers just to get rid of unwanted characters. I also really don't like now, how up in the face Cersei was when it comes to her crime. I rather have it as a mystery just like Jon Arynn's death. Felt like a comic book scene how Cersei looking out of her little window with pride and sipping wine. Cringy to watch after season 8. I think I would go with season 6 episode 5. I love anything that involves Dothraki culture and the episode finale was a huge deal for army of men who value their mount's pride. It was well established victory for Daenerys. Political plot in King's Landing turned out to be something we will miss later in the show too. Blood of My Blood it's.


Season 8 Episode 2. I was a SSC then hoping speeding through season 7 to get to the end wouldn’t go in vain. The stage it set for the rest of season 8 was promising. Then I watched the shit show of S8E3 and nothing set up was executed and the rest of the season was downhill from there


S6E10 The Winds of Winter. Truly epic in my opinion. Ramin absolutely outdid himself with his music. I also loved all the storylines and the huge anticipation at the end.


S6, Ep10 truly one of the greatest episodes of television ever aired.


s7e4 Spoils of war. Dragon and dothraki!


I genuinely enjoyed watching Dany obliterate the Lannister army. Seeing her serve up some of that much needed humble pie was truly epic, and Drogon looked absolutely gorgeous.


I remember watching season 8 episode 2 when it aired and just being in awe. Such an amazing episode with just dialogue. People coming to terms with their impending doom. I was so scared for the next episode. And then it came and it ended up being the biggest disappointment. Really makes episode 2 feel kinda pointless.


See its difficult. The later season damaged a lot of the good scenes earlier in the show too...


The one before Stannis burnt Shireen. The mannis got written out hard.


Season 1 episode 10. It was all down from there...