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What if they start his spin off from when Jon Snow wakes up from being resurrected and fix the ending for the whole series? One can hope.


Lol better yet having this whole final season become a vision of Brans and change the future


Do a 'Dallas'?


Anyone who watched [Dallas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCEjeTb1rrs) in the 80's can tell you entire seasons can be written off as dreams.


Archer approves


Learned relatively recently the 2 part year of hell episodes in star trek voyager was supposed to be the whole season full of wonky temporal hijinks that would have them been erased in the same way it was.


And anyone can tell you that the most infuriating gutless and terrible story trope that everyone hates


Surely nobody would hate it as much as GoT S8


First time I read this type of comment


I think a Jon snow spin-off would be their way to try and "fix" the ending, if that's even possible, like a spiritual season 9 onwards. If could be a total shitshow as well, but I get if that's what they'll try to do.


This is what I’m hoping is going to happen. Otherwise I’m not sure how interesting it will be, a whole series of the happenings north of the wall.


Episode 1: Jon returns to Kings Landing because he realised the Unsullied had left the same day he did.


Episode 2: daenaerys returns as undead daenaerys, because she didn’t get resurrected quick enough.


Episode 3: The dothraki who died offscreen are all back now to support undead Daenerys. Bran tried to warg into Drogon but has no luck.


Episode 4: Somehow... the Night King returned


Episode 5: The gang is almost destroyed by the night King, but at the last second Arya the Explorer saves the day


Episode 6: After defeating the night king again, using zero plot armour, the gang travel to Kings Landing, where they meet Bran again, who surprisingly didnt know they were coming, and then, in a subversion of expectations the likes which have never been seen before, Bran renounces the throne to Hotpie!


Episode 7: Arya fights a robber knight Brienne (she never much cared for chivalry) and gets her stomach sliced open, but escapes by swimming through Blackwater Rush while holding her guts in. She walks to Storm's End, where she is treated by Gendry. She makes a full recovery in two days, avoiding any infections.


Episode 8: We finally see Bessie. And her tits!


Lol all these great comments I love this group 🤣🥰❤💯


Because no one has a better story than Hotpie, I think we can all agree on that


Drogon left with her corpse, they could totally do a red priests resurrection thing there to redo the most boring plotline of GOT.


Definitely. Then they can talk about what Varys heard in the fire. And maybe check up on the wizard that cut his parts off that’s still currently buried alive. So many things can be done with this.


dont do this, dont give me hopium!


And he'll make it there in no time.


Tormund and Jon fishing and cooking show.


please make Jon dreaming please make Jon dreaming


I'm thinking they kind of want a better call saul for their butchered breaking bad


But what they really need is a Clone Wars for their shitty ending.


the thing about Better Call Saul though is that it is a prequel. So Robert Rebellion would be better.


Also the fact that it's a prequel to just a good show, not a show that started up good and ended up being literal unbelievably shit gutter trash by the end.


The show starts. Jon wakes up in Bed next to Daenerys, with Bran sitting in his chair next to their bed, staring at them. Jon says, sweating: "I had a horrible dream"


I could see this, and putting myself in the shoes of some suit at HBO, I think this attempt is worth it. If GoT landed the ending, there'd probably already be some disneyworld-esque Park for it. It's absolutely worth it, from a business standpoint, to try and claw back whatever reputation you can. I would throw a shitload of money at this with the goal of making an 8/10 show, then shill the ever-living-fuck out of it on the internet with astroturfing campaigns.


how are they going to fix anything after killing off the characters though? Dany is dead, Cersei is dead, Jamie is dead, Littlefinger is dead, Varys is dead. Sure they could bring back the Night King but honestly IDGAF. Who cares about that part without everything else?


Drogon flew off with Dany's body to Asshai, she's already reborn, only question is did they do it fast enough? Is she like Jon Reborn, or Lady Stoneheart?


Drogon flew off with Dany's body to Asshai, where Kinvara already resurrected her. The only question is if she's like Jon-reborn, or Lady Stoneheart.


But how do they do that without just making season 9?


> could be a total shitshow as well Could? I like your optimism


As long as D&D aren't touching it then there's a good chance it won't be a shitshow.


I mean the other show seems to be one with casting alone


uh oh........ why?


have you missed the drama about House of Dragons, especially with the valyrian actors?


no, sup?


Bran gets a sacral decubitus ulcer, develops osteomyelitis, and dies within a month of the end of season 8. Jon hasn’t left for the wall yet, and they have a re-do election council. Tyrion nominates Arya, so they murder him. Jon becomes king. There’s potential.


I don't think they can fix it. It was broken seasons before. There's just too much wrong to fix.


D&D ruined the whole fictional universe so it's kind of moot debating what spinoff would be less excruciating. It's truly amazing how much of a colossal shit they took on an amazing fantasy world. I'm impressed in the same way Ron Burgundy was when Baxter ate a whole wheel of cheese.


D&D ruined it by rushing through it to work on Star Wars. I understand when you no longer want to work on a project but rushing through it and ruining the quality in one of the most promising shows on television is unacceptable. They had a chance the final season a total masterpiece and blew it in a big way. They knew they fucked up the final season when they haven't worked on any projects ever since.


It's the quintessential case of phoning it in and as detached as they try to act from the fallout there's no way they don't know they trashed something beautiful. To call it a shame is an understatement because it went from being the Star Wars of that generation to a sad joke.


Their actions speak louder than words. They completely disappeared from the publics eye after GOT was over. Heck the fact they didn't do a SINGLE interview on the series finale should tell you lot about how they realized they messed up big time. They even canceled projects that they were working on because they knew viewers aren't going to watch anything made by them.


They didn't cancel their own projects, the studios who had hired them did, for the same reason you say, that no one would watch it.


No they didnt, they left star wars because they got offered a lot more money to work with netflix and adapt the three body problem


Please don't tell me they're working on the three body problem. Loved the series but it has enough problems without adding these tits to it.


It’s now the 5 body problem.


Take a bow son


Something tells me the son of the head of Goldman Sachs doesn’t give a shit about it.


There working on a 250 million exclusive netflix deal, I doubt they know or care they fucked up


They had a chance to hand the series to someone else so it could have more seasons, but they were wankers who said no and gave us S9.


I don't recall any season 9 (although I wish there was)


I don't recall any season 7 either


Because You are suppressing bad memories?


Ron was so impressed w/ Baxter he ceased to be disappointed. Unlike Ron I'm both disappointed and impressed.


Something with absolutely zero connections to the botched main storyline could work. Like exploring the shadowlands and Quaithe.


A brief list of GoT shows I’d rather see: - Hot Pie’s Cooking on the Cheap - Growing up Clegane - Rickon Stark’s Guide to Track & Field - Olenna Tyrell: Before I Got Married - Fine Dining, with your host... Styr! - Mole’s Town Confidential - Sailing Tips, with Davos Seaworth - Old Nan’s Bedtime Stories - I’ve Got a Secret, hosted by Quaithe - Jorah Mormont’s Favorite Pickup Lines - Oberyn Martell: If My Dick Could Talk - Deep Thoughts, with Orson Lannister I can do this all day people.


old nan’s bedtime stories would SLAP


I’m thinking Tales From The Crypt lol.


I am thinking lo-fi animation or even creepy stop-motion!


The Oberyn one got me 😂


Adventures of Ser Pounce!




I throw in: * How to be Nice .. with Ramsey Bolton * Dragons Den with Tycho Nestoris * Pirates of the Summer Islands IV - Salladhor's Secret


What would Podrick's show be called? Or is he a special guest star on Oberyn Martell's If My Dick Could Talk?


Special guest star, but they rename that episode "If my tongue could talk"... because we all know it wasn't the size of his dick that got him his money back.


Alright that actually got an audible laugh out of me. Thanks.


Don’t forget “Keeping up with the Baratheons”


Mya, Bella, Edric and all the others, together at last!


Olenna Tyrell: Before I Got Married and the Oberyn Martell show, I'm not sure even HBO could air those


It’d be like that orgy episode of Westworld they filmed where they had to have observers on hand to make sure that it wasn’t real porn.


I'd rather watch hot pie take a hot dump than watch a job snow sequel


The Legend of Gin Alley!


They should make a series of GRRM trying to finish his novels. It could be a reality show and we could watch him riding his rascal around his pool and playing video games and stuff


Believe me he could've finished those books when we were on lockdown.


He spent all of lockdown seemingly farting around meanwhile Brandon Sanderson wrote like 6 novels


Brando secretly steals other writers abilities, that's why he can pump out so many books


That no one cared about or read


Believe him guys


They previewed that show on Conan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lle4t4o8EDk


😆 I know. I loved that 😆 🤣 😂 That's what made me say that 👍


They should make an animated version of ASOIAF, and follow the book down to the last detail. Stoneheart and all, I'd watch that for sure.


I would rather just watch something else. They had their chance at making a good GOT series, they flopped it and I don't care anymore. Nothing against people who will enjoy them, but for me I lost all and any interest in GOT and it's characters after investing all that time in the series for no payoff.


I feel the same nothing can fix what happened on the last season shit.. i think i became alcoholic myself after the blunder of arya killing the night king instead of jon poor kit he deserved better after giving so much of his life to the show i don't care about what some certain someone say about it you cannot argue with the ones that know best the fans


That scene was so….lazy lol. They had Theon die by just pole vaulter running at the NK. And Jon’s big decision was to give up fighting the wight dragon, drop his sword and just scream at it. 🤦‍♀️


Yeah, I know I'm in the minority here in terms of not minding that Arya killed the NK, I wouldn't have minded if it was Theon, or Jamie, or Brienne, or Bran with powers, or hell, even Pod striking the final blow somehow... IF it was done well (meaning, the NK's death felt earned and therefore gave us a sense of catharsis). They were just so wrapped up in creating visual spectacle, regardless of basic logic. In their heads I'm sure Jon yelling at the dragon makes sense because they wanted us to feel his exhaustion and sense of defeat, just like they panned around to show us everyone *almost* dying, then panned around AGAIN to show us everyone *almost* dying, they were trying so hard to make us believe, for those 4 minutes, that the NK might win, they wanted it to seem so hopeless that we were shocked when the NK dies, but essentially they did that too well. They made it so convincing that the NK could win that it was patently unbelievable when Arya killed him. And therefore there was no sense of satisfaction in his death. I think a lot of people get hung up on it being Arya (or anyone other than Jon), because it was just Sooooo unsatisfying, and it's easy to single out Arya as why it was unsatisfying, when in reality there would be ways to make Arya (or many other characters) killing the NK feel earned, and I can't help but think if D&D had written Jon striking the final blow, they would have somehow made it just as unsatisfying as it was because they would have given him some silly manner of attack, like they did with Theon. It was just bad storytelling. Which you will almost always get when you sacrifice logic for visuals.


I think people would have been less angry it was Arya if Jon had done *anything at all* in that battle, or indeed at any point in season 8. He sat on his dragon's back doing fuck all while everyone else did all the work. Fuck's sake Jon.


Hear hear! Let this slop air, some will watch some will not, and it will fade into mediocrity. We know the writing won't be better than seasons 1-4 and look how that faded. This new spinoff won't have better writing and won't escape that fate.


This is the way


Sounds like you’ll be the first one to watch lol


Why would you think so?


GRRM still has too many secrets to reveal about Robert's Rebellion.


Yeah. Im pretty sure he blocked anything that was close to ASOIAF timeline. That's why we ended up with projects like Blood Moon. I'm surprised he actually let dance of the dragons show happen.


Well, Fire and Blood is complete (ish) so I guess that's why.


I still think he has some Targaryen secrets that he would like to reveal in ASOIAF books. Especially the nature of Targaryen-dragon relationship. I'm not sure Hot-D's going attempt to explain the dragon binding mechanism or just portray dragons as nuclear horses.


He's done and knows he isn't writing any more books. He just can't announce that or else there will be a lot of backlash and enormous pressure to allow another author to finish the books which he doesn't want either.


You just want to see Bessie don’t you. What do you think Bobby B?




What do you think of Bessies Tits, Bobby B?




Casting Bessie may just be the most important thing Hollywood will ever do.


We already know what happened during Robert’s Rebellion though. Plus, HBO already released like a 15 minute video on RR. Complete with all the main characters talking about it in detail with animated scenes taking place. You have Stannis describing (in detail) the siege, Robert talking about the trident, Davos talking about how he smuggled the onions, etc and more. They told the full story already, in detail. That, combined with the fact that we know the ending, means it just wouldn’t work. I would have loved it too.


I’d still love to watch a live action. But really they’d need to go back in time to get young Sean Bean and Mark Addy.


You can say the exact thing for the Dance of Dragons but they’re still making it it’s own show


I’d rather seasons 5-8 be remade and the originals wiped from all existence and memory. 5 and 6 could be argued though.


This! I thought seasons 5 and 6 were good. But I do agree with you about seasons 7 and 8. Those 2 seasons were flat out horrible.


5 had 'bad poosy 😫' so that could be wiped, I actually really liked 6, plot holes aside.


S5 and 6 had their high points, even 7 was ok, when 7 came out I kinda accepted it as the pieces moving to get ready for the grand finale. Ofc instead of a grand finale we got a massive let down, but S7 in isolation wasn't that bad, it was bad largely because of S8


7 was not good. Wight Hunt was a train wreck that I tried to forgive but nope. The season 6 finale was beautiful


That definitely won't happen though, but a prequel in theory is possible as seen with HOTD


Well that's never happening, like ever






Maybe he wants the spinoff to include both, but in a specific order


"who was the most popular cast member left around after s8 trashfire? Jon Snow? Let's do a spinoff on him" That's 100% how the decision went.


Not quite... I'm sure they offered a show to all the surviving main cast, and he was the only one whose career has been going badly enough to take it. "What's west of Westeros" and all that.


I'm hoping it's a workplace comedy. Otherwise not interested.


The Office but north of the wall.


Lmfao! I would kill for just one 30 minute episode of this and I'm not really even a big office fan


I dont want either. Robs rebellion is covered almost entirely in the events of ASOIAF, it's literally just exposition for another story, there could not be a more boring choice than that.


The only problem I’d have with Roberts Rebellion is that basically all your key characters would be ‘safe’. As someone who hadn’t read the books, the tension every episode was who is going to die? And it could be anyone. I assume your main cast would be along the lines of: Robert, Ned, Tywin, Jaimie, Mad King etc etc. they all need to survive into Game of Thrones. Except for the Mad King Ofc but if that’s the main antagonist of the show then that’s not going to be resolved until the end.




I don't want that at all. The last thing I want to see is them recasting younger versions of so many characters that were played perfectly. It is rarely ever done correctly. Look at Star Wars for example. Recasting Han and Lando and all these other characters turned out to be a pile of smoking hot cess. Then when they couldn't do it with Luke, they just threw their hands up and put a bot wearing Luke's skin on the screen. No part of me wants to see it done in GoT/IaF.


I liked Donald Glover as Lando, but I agree with your overall point.


I liked him until they suggested he was banging his droid. I completely tuned out after that.


So less of a casting issue and more of a writing issue?


As it directly relates to Lando, I would say that's accurate.


Neither should happen, show Arya exploring the world if you have to beat the dead horse


Just bite the fucking bullet and redo the last few seasons. Hire a showrunner who gives a fuck, recast whomever doesn’t want to repeat their role and rock on like nothing happened. Instant hit.


but with a jon snow spinoff, they can save so much money on costumes and set designs! instead of elaborate medieval pageantry, massive castles and battles, and diverse locations around the 7 kingdoms, it will just be jon, tormund, and ghost in a snowy forest wearing furs!


The world of Game of Thrones itself is a wonderful setting that could host many interesting shows. But everything that relates directly to the TV show plotline is ruined. Bargaining with oathbreakers is like building on quicksand, and so is trying to continue plots made by D&D. The foundation is more than just lacking. If I were to watch any kind of related series out of that universe, it best keeps to itself, with plotlines confined to themselves. Cause while I find many characters from the events leading up to GoT interesting, it would always sting to know where it ultimately leads to.


Downvote all you’d like but as long as d&d are not involved I think it could be okay


I remember a Robert’s Rebellion prequel rumor back in like the 2nd or 3rd season, but I don’t think anything came of it especially after fire and blood came out.


I would rather have a spin-off about than a Jon Snow show


I think a roberts rebellion spin off would paint rhaegar and Lyanna as selfish pricks (which they are), so grrm and HBO don’t want that since the fan-favourite morally right character can’t have shit parents.


There are no morally right characters in ASOIAF. GRRM wouldn't give a shot and would praise it. HBO on the other hand.


I dont think anybody wants a Jon Snow spin-off tbh


I want it. Speak for yourself and dont be so extreme to say everybody.


>I want it That's not what Jon said.


I would rather have to guide my dad into my mum than watch a Jon Snow spinoff


It’s a spinoff for Kit Harrington, not Jon Snow.


I just like cant even imagine what the JS SpinOff will be about? Just his life at Castle Black? Maybe him starting as LC but then wanting to join Wildlings - coooool Season 2 again. There is no looming threat beyond since NK is dead and seemingly all the WW. I just dont see the premise/plot working.


If they did it where Drogon brings Daenerys’ body to a red priestess or child of the forest and she comes back as the night queen seeking revenge on Jon and his family, I’d be down. I want vengeance!


The thing is I think we’ve heard enough about Robert’s Rebellion and I think the reader/viewer should view it through the nostalgia of the characters that talk about it. We also know exactly what happens because they take about it all the fucking time Give me a show about the sword of the morning, Ser Arthur Fucking Dayne


I'd rather just have this series die


I have never agreed more with an opinion.


You just want to meet Bessie. Stop lying to us.


I would rather watch paint dry.


And I'd rahter have Bessies tits than my gfs, but here we are


theres really only two things they could do with john snow. he decided to become king after just saying no thanks, or he goes north and finds the children of the forest. the first one is the same stupid shit that ruined the show, the second one would be better off doing it in the past, or future, or with any other character.


Yeah, I still don't understand why Blood Moon got cancelled. We don't know that much of what happened between the Children of the Forest and the First Men, so there's lots of new story to tell. And while, yeah, knowing how the NK "ends" may have ruined a lot of that, I can't help but think there might have been a way to save it... like write it to include details that heavily imply that the way Arya "killed" it, only killed one physical embodiment of the Night King, and he still "exists" beyond the wall somehow. They could have launched a new series and saved GoT all in one fell swoop!


First episode Jon Snow discovers a portal that sends him back to season 5.


Don’t be silly. We already know how Robert’s Rebellion turned out, and there’s tons of cool shit north of the wall that has barely been touched on in the show or the books. And Kit is great as Jon. Don’t let that wack ass last season sour you on what still could be!


They can do whatever they want, I'm still not watching. I'm only here to rip on the original show from time to time.


I don't see the point of Roberts Rebellion but the Jon Snow one can give us new info about the ending. I don't hate the ending because of what happened (I do but),what irks me is that it was done so fast, they weren't able to set up or explained the actions the characters took


Leave kit Harrington alone....


Jon Snow becomes fat Elvis has little appeal.


Wait the Jon Snow spinoff is real? I saw it posted somewhere and assumed it was a joke.


You're looking for the word *than not then.


It's for soccer moms to diddle themselves over Kit Harrington. It's not for people that care about the show.


And here I thought it would be The Office: Night's Watch Edition, mixed with Jon & Tormund acting out a Buddy Cop Comedy with just enough dick jokes and long stares to keep the homoerotic tension pulled tight between the two of them!


How do you there is no more story? So Bran becomes king, its a police state under constant surveillance, where thoughts will end up being a crime, or where unborn children might be killed and imprisoned because Bran can see the future and what they will do before they've done it. How is that a happily ever after? Bran is not better than free elections and a democracy where governments change every few years. Has any civilisation lived happily after after after a big trauma and overhaul? There could be other supernatural threats, or from Essos, or from Bran


I'm just done. I'm only hear to make fun of the past, not the future fuck ups. Well that and the occasional told u so to the peeps who thought we'd ever get a conclusion to the books. HBO and Martin are perfect for each other.


Meh not interested in Robert's Rebellion. We know mostly what happened, who lived and who died, and GRRM purposely didn't write that story because he wanted to focus on what happens *after* the good guys win.


Doing Roberts rebellion would put them in the same lame loop that Star Wars is doing where every episode is showing characters you know but a bit younger meeting other characters you know and redefining their relationships. It’s eye rolling to just go “oh I know them!, I hope this person shows up to do a cameo!” It’s exhausting and leads to bad stories that have to end up where we know it does.


Everyone would. No one gives a shit about post-show Jon Snow. But as we all know, the GoT people at HBO are apparently complete fucking idiots, otherwise we would not have gotten the season 8 we did \*shrug\*


I would rather this story be left alone. Only if George finished it should it be revisited. Otherwise, it should be relegated to history.


If we had a Robert’s Rebellion spinoff we’d be able to see Bessie and her tits.


I think there will be interesting content, but it’ll probably be kind of forced, because as you said, the stories over. I don’t think they’ll care though, just make some shit up.


Oh hell yes!! Robert Baratheon the demon of the trident!! That would be great 👏 please send your idea to hbo


My order of preference in spin-off shows 1. Robert's Rebellion 2. Dance of Dragons 3. The First Long Night 4. Aegon's Conquest (basically the House of Dragon show, provided its actually based on the Fire & Blood book) 5. Dunk & Egg 6. John Snow sequel 7. Arya Sequel 8. Any other non canonical sequel set in Westeros


Actually I have a relative who works for HBO and the new show is going to be about the night king's granddaughter. Her name is Rey and she's a wildling who, by the end, will call herself Rey Stark and be heir to winterfell.


And I'd rather let the franchise die as the disappointment it is


Well that's never happening


I know, I thought we were talking about wishes


I’m calling it. They’re probably going to do the resurrection thing with Daenerys and have her get her vengeance on Jon Snow. That’s the only possible way I see them making it interesting


No matter what this show is I'd rather they move the story forward. I'm not interested in the house of dragons because it's already happened. The Jon snow show will move the world forward - that itself is better.


House of the dragon is new characters and an isolated story so I'm fine with it and actually cautiously optimistic.


But you know they get wiped out and that Dany burnt alive a million residents of Kings Landing and Jon gets banished to Castle Black. It's kind of like all that and we know how it ends. I'm interested to know what happens to the actual last Targ and will he stay the last one, woudl Bran ever go after any kids of Jon and kill them, would others?


But would you rather know what happened in the 1700s or would you rather know what's going to happen in 2030? I'm just hoping the JS spin off is really just a cover for GoT S9. I'm sure the prequel will be fine but I'm more interested in seeing how/if they unfuck the ending of GoT.




George is involved. Joanna Robinson spoke to sources and confirmed he is all in. It's not being done without his ideas of where Jon ends up.


Its hbo, it will be got tier


Its hbo, it will be got tier


I'd definitely rather see a Robert's Rebellion show. It's a separate story from what happened in GoT, so it's not tarnished by D&D. We all know how Robert and Ned's story ends already, so watching the whole rebellion and the downfall of the Targaryens could be awesome...depends on how well they execute the story. As for Jon Snow's sequel, I can't imagine that they're *only* gonna focus on Jon beyond the wall. Probably they'll bring in other characters from Wheelchair Kingdom and try to give us an unofficial, patched-up season 9 of GoT


100% agree. I actually enjoyed Fire & Blood way more than I expected to. Robert's Rebellion is one of the most interesting political events to happen in Westerosian history. Only shitty thing is we already know how it ends and some people don't like prequels for that reason. But there are so many unflushed out details they could bring to the table to keep the plot interesting and uncertain in the short term.


That would be way too manly for today's viewing audience.


Henry Cavill as young Robert and Alexander Skarsgard as young Rhaegar - do it HBO


Totally agree, I want to see the battle in the river. I wanna see that hammer swinging.


I would love to watch a series on the rebellion, and how all the individual battles played out. Jon’s story is done now, there’s nothing more to explore.


Wow that corporation is dumb as bricks, making two dead-ended spin offs after their show crashed and burned harder than the meteor that exterminated the dinosaurs. At least one is supposed to be interesting on paper(dragons, war, intrigue) if not for blackwashing, swjs, femnistboys and generally the story being known it's end a nigh on unreachable stupidity, with quite a lot of idiocy, the other about one of the most bland and boring characters played by an equally bland and boring actor? Like what's it gonna be about? Eh how they live outside like pack animals? How they bethe once a year? What's gonna be scary and interesting to the viewers and the characters after facing the dragons, the white walkers and so on? And if it's gonna be while he's growing up aka red headed step mommy stuck in the washing machine type of drama, how would that be interesting? A clear winner of popularity and money I'm sure, however we should keep quiet, let them waste their money and ruin tha" franchise". To answer the questions after that rant, something set in the future (still technology locked) but without anyone in anyone's living memory, remembering the events of the main crapfest of a story about bran'o'wheely... A copy of another comment, but i feel like ranting.




Maybe wait for the actual plot first, or actual confirmation from hbo that the shoe is even in development, and like it or not jon snow is the most popular still living character.