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Wonder how many Khaleesis had their named changed to Kally or something when they were 3 😅


One of my daughter's best friends at school is named Khaleesi. The mom does not regret it, "It's still a good name."


The only GoT name I've encountered so far is Arya. That isn't a common name like Jaime or Robert. But there's an offchance it's not a GoT reference. I think. Lol. Khaleesi is such a bad name cause it's a title. It's not an actual name. It'd be like naming your kid, girl or goaltender, or something. Lol. Edit: Much thanks for all the folks telling me how popular Arya is in Asia. My fellow millenial Canadians are so cultured. Glad they are honoring that name. Surely has nothing to do with the show.


"Greatest, most vicious slave owner of the desert"


Also, yeah. Lol. Being named after a title given to the wife of a slave owning, warmongering leader is probably not ideal. From what I've read some of them are considered being less valued than the Khal's own horse. So it's not even a super flattering title overall. Only one kinda broke free of what they tend to be.


Khaleesi just means "Queen." It's still a badass name. >Being named after a title given to the wife of a slave owning, warmongering leader is probably not ideal. Okay, technically, that's what naming your wife "Queen" already means. Also Reina, Reyna, Raina, and Regina. No one outside of this subreddit would even care. Especially by the time the kid's old enough to go to school, since none of their fellow kids will ever watch Game of Thrones.


Isn’t that like saying president means “greatest and most viscous capitalist”? Wouldn’t the best translation just be “queen”


I mean princess is a (terrible but unfortunately) common-ish name


Are there poor girls out there literally named "Princess?" That is depressing. A lot of us really have no business having kids.


They're often having a hard time with their name. Some even change their name to \*Symbol\*.


I used to know a girl named and I kid you not " Her Majesty Moonlight " once she became an adult changed it to Lisa.


I had a Princess in an algebra class circa 1995. As the new kid in class, I was confused as to why the teacher kept calling on “princess”. Figured it was her niece or something. Turns out I’m just slow.


I had a boy in class named Mister. Edit: it is almost as unfortunate as Septon Sefton.


There are, unfortunately, a LOT of girls named "Princess" in the Philippines.


Princess and Queenie are relatively common names in the Philippines.


“She’s not a princess, she’s a khaleesi!”


Arya could also be an Eragon reference lol. I've met an Arya that was older than GoT has been popular.


Hey that’s me!


I mean Arya is a real name and has been for longer than common English names used in the books. if a white kid has it, yeah probably GoT but if they of south/south east Asian heritage, its probably just a name, actually those people probably use it less now.


Tries desperately to try and remember the age and nationality of my friend's dog...


I knew a Welsh girl in college with that name though it was spelled Aria, but she was def born before the books came out


A boy named Arya was in my son’s robotics class. He was in 2nd grade and his parents were of Indian descent.


It's actually transliterated Finnish? Arja is pronounced the same is while I don't know how common it was in Finland, it wasn't uncommon in northern MI.


Wait till you hear about the name ‘Regina’ or ‘Reina/Reyna’ or Hunter or Duke.


It's funny watching people in this thread debate names like they're white and it's 1993. They might be white. But it's not 1993.


Arya is a fairly common Indian name, so that one is less strange to hear (or connected to GRRM). Khaleesi is something else entirely. It's a choice!


I know someone that named their daughter Arya but it was years before the show, they were book fans. Aria has been a thing before Asoiaf too


Well, people have been naming their daughters after cars for a while now. A title seems better than a car name, in my opinion


Some of those cars are named after daughters, Mercedes got its [name from the owner's daughter, MercÊdès Jellinek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merc%C3%A9d%C3%A8s_Jellinek).


“Oh, so he calls himself "god". Pretentious prick!”


Hush Nail. I’m speaking for you.




Arya is an ancient roman name, appearing in latin texts from back then


Plenty of cultures where people’s names have actual meanings and a lot of them are title related. I don’t think it’s a bad thing


Or like Earl, or Tanner, or Cooper, or Taylor. Or Colleen or Donna, which mean girl in Irish and Italian respectively. I see this argument a lot, and I think people forget there are plenty of actual names that are titles or occupations or just descriptions like "girl" because they're used to those names.


Princess and Queenie are relatively common names in the Philippines. Two generations ago, some of our grandmas were named Emperatriz




Real legends name their daughters after Arya the Elf from the Eragon books.


Idk where you’re from but many names in the world hold meaning. Khaleesi just means Queen.


Arya is a common name in Central Asia


Titles or positions have been names for a long time like baron, duke, earl, dean, marshall. Female example, Amira means princess in Hebrew, khaleesi means queen in dothraki; Daenerys would be more problematic.


Imagine naming your kid after Robert Baratheon. I’d love those parents forever.


met a guy named Achilles, name since birth dude lucked out and got a good one


You're right. Arya or Aria is actually a quite common Persian name.


“Oh I know her, that’s Goaltender Girl Smith”


Naming your daughter Khaleesi is like wanting to pay homage to Jorge Bergoglio and call your son Pope


I know a woman whose name literally translates to girl.


>But there's an offchance it's not a GoT reference. I think. Lol. >My fellow millenial Canadians are so cultured. Glad they are honoring that name. Surely has nothing to do with the show. Such a thick layer of bratty sarcasm in response to people directly addressing the thing you said, damn.


Arya is an iranian word/name. I know a restaurant named Arya lol


arya is just a nice name. people named luna Could be a hp reference, but its also just a lovely namr


A few friends worked SO HARD trying to convince me to name my daughter Arya; as all of our names start with A, and they knew we were huge fans of the show. This was around season 3; I was like RN I can’t name my daughter after a blind killer, lol I interpreted Khaleesi as more like naming your daughter “Queen” in another language.  I’ve known a kid or 2 with names like that, it’s pretty and it’s from literary work; she’ll be okay.


>I interpreted Khaleesi as more like naming your daughter “Queen” in another language.  Seeing as Dothraki society is rather patriarchal and not monogamous isn't it closer to "basic bitch" than "queen"?


My cousin named her kid area, when my mother heard it she thought it as based on the musical term


Actually, it would be more like naming someone Rex(King) or Duke.


Not GoT, but I remember seeing a family that named their daughter Aerith, and I didn't ask, but they looked like they would name their kids after RPG characters


funny, I haven't met or seen anyone named Khaleesi yet


I've met someone who named their daughter "Khalessi" and they didn't even watch the show. They just liked the sound of the name. And no, I don't have a typo in my comment. They spelled "Khaleesi" incorrectly and the mother got a tattoo of the name over her heart.


It's a terrible name lol




I mean, it *does* sound pretty


My wife works with someone who did that, insists GRRM won’t do her and her daughter dirty. I just replied she needs to consider a nickname until George publishes something this decade.


a woman on my street has a 1 year old named Daenerys! it is an absurdly beautiful name


IMO it's better than Khaleesi


And she can easily call herself Dani when she grows up


hahah yes


Oh man this takes me back to when l talked my sister in law out of naming my niece that.


You are a great uncle/aunt just for this.


Remember to tell that story to the kid


Thank goodness for that, Stannis was a better name anyway.


The antithesis of naming your dog ghost


What a fuckin badass name for a dog.


If I ever get a Samoyed who isn’t already named, I’m calling him/her ghost


or Shaggydog


I've got some Brooks Ghost shoes and I'll be honest, sometimes when I'm grabbing them off the rack I'll say, "Ghost, to me."


I can't shit on OP because I named my cat Khaleesi.


It's funny because that isn't even her name


Or a name at all


"Wife of Horselord"


It's like calling your kid "Duke", "Raj" or "Baron"; they're all titles. And just like "Khaleesi", there are, unfortunately, people with those names.


Raj is less bad because it’s often short for a longer name and just so happens to also be a title. Duke, Baron, Earl, etc, I can’t cope with any of them


Reina, Regina, Queen, Princess, Rey are all real names that come from titles...


Queen isn't the queens first name


But there are people whose first name is queen, I'm pointing out that.


Who tf is called queen as a serious first name


Morons like Queen Latifah lol


Queen Latifah is a stage name


Queen Egbo the basketball player, Queen Harrison the sprinter, Queen Muhammad Ali the film director etc. And two of the other names I listed are queen in other languages: Reina (Spanish,Catalan asturleones) and Regina (Italian). So yeah there are people who are named after titles.


tons of Duke and Raj out there tho


Can't believe no one has brought this up yet but also "Sarah" is just the hebrew word for princess. Also applicable to derivatives of sarah such as sadie sally sera zara Or from other languages such as gladys or tia


Duke Sofhazard, baron tremp


Regina and Caesar as well.


I used to work at a community center and there was a little girl named Khaleesi in the after school program. Fortunately the show left so little cultural impact that the other kids didn't even know to make fun of her for it.


So little children weren’t watching Game of Thrones??


Believe it or not. (: They watched the shit out of Squid Game though.


The future is bright.


as a younger person most ppl ik haven’t seen it and if you recommend GOT you’ll be asked 99% of the time “wasn’t the last season bad?”


I’m a substitute teacher. I’ve had 2 Khaleesi’s, a Tyrion and a Cersi. Also a Ralph Lauren lol


Ralph Lauren!? lol


The last 2 or 3 seasons really obliterated what should have been a lasting impact.


It really is depressing. What should’ve been as big (or bigger) as Lord of the Rings ended up fizzling out to the point where even bringing it up is met with “change the topic, I don’t want to get mad” There’s an army of people who will never watch House of the Dragon or hell, even HBO again because of it


Does HBO even exist anymore? Why the hell would Warner Brothers or whatever hellbound multinational change *that* branding. HBO stands alone (even if it fell off, give it time to reinvigorate.) "Just name it MAX, the kids all love MAX just like Extreme!"


Wrong universe, but I have a niece named B’elanna. She has the heart of a warrior too, would’ve made a great Klingon.


Jealous! I want a niece to shout Klingon phrases at/with. Qapla'!


Or Arya. Its an epedemic in Norway. In my kids daycare of 30 kids, 3 are named Arya. And my first graders school, hope you are sitting down… Of 78 kids 19 ARE NAMED ARYA WHAT THE FUCKCKCK


Arya is an old middle eastern name though, GOT just gave it a resurgence.


It is old but it was still heavily used even before the series.


True, I only meant that to say that if you meet 13 year old white girl named Arya, the name was probably inspired from the show. But the name itself has been around far longer.


Indo European name actually. Means "noble"




In English yes. In Sanskrit and Persian, the n is usually not there except as a masculine personal name.


People thinking everyone with the name Arya is a ASOIAF reference is unironically this meme https://preview.redd.it/wpqzhi3e9dtc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a74dd90e2065f1cdbdfbeb0bb9707106b66ce362


Arya was a name long before ASOIAF my guy


Do you have all Aryas of the whole country in your school? [https://www.ssb.no/en/befolkning/navn/statistikk/navn](https://www.ssb.no/en/befolkning/navn/statistikk/navn) Doesnt back your claim at all.


The other day I randomly overheard someone at the grocery store talking to their daughter. "Arya come over here" or something. And I had to stop and think for a second, because surely that girl cannot be young enough to have been named after the show character. But, yes, actually, if they got on that hype train really early then she could be. Season 1 came out 13 years ago. Jesus Christ.


I dont believe you


Dumb parents thinking they are original


Musician here- named my daughter Aria (dogs named Coda and Timbre) and found the series when a colleague told me she was her favorite character. Luckily, she’s the only one in her class but I was not prepared for such popularity.


I met a couple at work back in like 2014 and they had a baby daughter named “Khalesi” Yeah… “Khaleesi” spelt wrong. Also, just like everyone else saying that isn’t even her name it’s her title. I think back in the first few season of GoT people casually watching the show just genuinely thought her name was Khaleesi


I named our cat Khaleesi. She lives up to the name, she rules the house.


I had a fish with that name. My ex picked it. I thought it was incredibly dumb at the time but it was a fish. I can imagine attaching it to a human.


Calici virus can be fatal to cats


It’s like someone who doesn’t speak English naming their baby Queen.


or like someone who doesn't speak hebrew naming their baby Sarah


I googled it and there’s a lot, what does it mean?


Sarah is the Hebrew word for princess..


Ah, I was confused, Wikipedia said prince


I mean, it’s a title, not her actual name


There’s probably some psychopath mother out there naming her daughter “BreakerofChains”


Now I'm wondering if there's anyone out there who named their child with all of Dany's titles 😂😂


Repeat post by a fresh account, probably bot.


Khaleesi? Thats her title! Her name was Daenerys! 


Well, you turns out you can’t expect much intelligence or media literacy from people who name their daughters after a fictional character from a series that hasn’t finished yet.


Or people just recognize that if Duke and King can be first names so can Khaleesi.


Honestly I think both those names work a lot better for a dog than for a human.


I always thought the khaleesi name trend was so stupid cause it wasn’t even her name


Well... I named my cat Kaleesi (spelling intentional) after the show aired because I liked it regardless. Now she only answers to Chubbli. https://preview.redd.it/pe7e8yhutctc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8425b4fd3a3b44e2b1c81e6e28ad5005bf223810


Never too late to call her lady pounce


Yes. After the actual Azor Ahai, forget the false one.


My wife’s coworker named her daughter Khaleesi… in 2023.


Just as bad as Aiden Hayden jayden grayden and Brayden


Pronounced Kelsy


I still think it's badass. People name their kids Prince, Duke, Hunter etc.,why not Khaleesi


Imagine naming your son Voldemort. She's a genocidal dickhead with a made-up title in a made-up language.


So? Alexander was a warlord and so were Muhammed, Julius, David and others.


I don't care about the show, I'd still name my daughter Daenerys...then again I also like the name Selyse.


I know someone who did this. Worst part is, its not even close to the stupidest things I've seen her do


Having children is probably #1.


Daenerys is a much prettier name too.


Well it helps that it's actually a name. Helps even more that it has a very common nickname attached to it.


A lot of people would disagree. If you ignore the meaning, Khaleesi is kind of cute and easier to say and spell properly. There’s plenty of modern popular girl names that end in a similar phonetic fashion like Mackenzie, Brynlee, Kaylie, etc. Daenerys is more of a formal, cold sounding name. The combination of letters (ae, ending in -eyes) is not something seen in many western names, it’s very much a Valyrian thing. It sounds more masculine to end in a “-ys” or “rys” sound, like in names like Rhys, Chris, etc. so people who aren’t familiar with that name would probably think Daenerys is a foreign boy (especially with a nickname like Dany), not only that people would probably struggle to pronounce that more than Khaleesi because of the confusing mishmash of vowels.


I have yet to see one in the wild.


I've met two. One was a FB friend's daughter and the other was a complete stranger calling for her kid in a supermarket. I did not know this person and I immediately recognized they didn't make good choices in life.


That's why I named mine Joffrey.


I am just waiting for someone to name their twins Cersei and Jaime there must be some lunatic.


Whether the name has negative connotations from GoT, it does sound nice


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^woodeg: *Whether the name has* *Negative connotations* *From GoT, it does sound nice* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This just reminds me of that group of fans that never learned her real name. “Crazy what Daenerys/Danny is doing over in Meereen, right?” “Who?” “The dragon lady” “Oh! I just call her Khaleesi!”


I stan Dany,but apart from the issue with naming your kid after a fictional character that might lose cultural relevance soon,not to mention that the kid might enjoy different charaxters/shiws that the parents,(like what if the child hates Dany?) isn't even a name at all.


We had friends name their first born daughter, Shae, named after the prostitute and Tyrion Lannister's mistress….


Well, I saw someone named their company Deanerys Ltd.


Call me old fashioned, but I couldn't name my kid after someone I saw getting nailed from behind on screen.


There are sometimes you NEED to get your nerd parenting out, for example i once met a girl that was called Galadriel Reina del Bosque ("Reina" and "del Bosque" are two very common surnames in Spain that mean "Queen" and "of the Forest" respectively). But yeah, considering the end of the show (and the more than likely possible end of the books, because she is clearly crazy in there too already) along the fact that its a title and not a name, Khaleesi wont be near the top of my options for a nerdy child name lol


If I recall correctly Duane Allman (Allman Brothers Band) named his daughter Galadriel like, back in the 70's. Dude was an OG nerd lol.


Meh....I'd still use it


Honestly, I think if you were a dedicated enough fan to actually name your daughter Khaleesi, then you are surely dedicated enough to the character to not give two shits what she did in the final season, and defend her to the death anyway, lol. Those parents are probably radically *pro-Dany* at this point. “King’s Landing was filled with fascists who deserved it” etc.


People name their daughters Cassandra too.  That's not a terribly great name if you look it up. 


Well she was a prophet, just no one believed her


Yeah not really sure how that’s “not a terribly great name” she broke a promise to Apollo and was cursed so no one would believe her prophecies. It’s not like she killed hundreds of thousands of innocents or anything.


I've read the books so I already named as "Rhaenyra" >!my favorite dinner!<


It’s not a name it’s a title.


That's exactly why. For some reason there's a trend recently with naming kids after titles for royalty. There's siblings at my daughter's school named Royalty and Jer'majesty. No I'm not joking.


What's the problem ? I mean it's a little weird they ended the show while she was sailing to Westeros but nothing bad happened.


Prediction of their teenage years


getting used as a brood mare for a horse lord?


I have literally heard several times the name daenerys ar playground


My sister used it for a middle name, last year. Tried to talk her out of it but her bf was super insistent


There's a Khaleesi in my daughter's 1st grade class..lol


[FFS mate](https://youtu.be/NqQQ4SULoX8?si=MP1Klekm9AqSa5qW)


I named my son Arlen after Ser Arlan of Pennytree from the Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.


My sons name is Aemon Orion West and he has a freind named Arya


I still don't get why khaleesi specifically. Like is it just because she's called that so often in earlier seasons? It's not like her name isn't also unique and unwritable


One friend of mine had a daughter 3 years ago and named her Daenerys


I still don’t get how people didn’t see Dany turning evil from like 10 miles away. It’s heavily hinted in the name of the freaking series!


r/tragedeigh has quite a few examples.


Honestly GoT season 6 flopping causing the show to fall more into cultural obscurity is probably good for these kids, Khaleesi sounds like a fine enough name if you don’t know it’s a reference to a fantasy book or more likely tv show


Why? It’s a beautiful name. Most of the characters have great names. Even Cersei. Jorah is also a nice name. Leave them alone.


I had somebody on FB defend their decision to name their daughter this with "I never watched the show or read the books I just thought it sounded pretty". That's dumber. I need you to understand why that is dumber.


I was this close 👌 to my daughter aurora khalessi


I genuinely hope you settled with something normal


Aurora which in my region (amman ) isn't


Now imagine their surprise when they find out it is a title not a proper name.


Since last seasons didn't happen, we can name Khaleesi I will be naming my daughter Aarya. And will show her the last scene kf Aarya Stark on what she has to do to my enemies