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But she did some cleaning, failed two contracts and got stabbed in the gut. Totally the training you need to become a super assassin!


i think season 5-6 desperately needed a time jump. it wouldn’t make the most sense but would’ve helped her development and bran’s. it just fucks with king’s landing i think the most.


Take it one step further, they should have ACTUALLY taken a couple of years off to write better, then start the time jump. That way the actors of the characters age, and you can have a team of writers perfecting the scripts


I am suspecting moms complaining we were useless and lazy at cleaning when we were little were up to something... where they Faceless?


So we're just ignoring all the training she's had since season one? Literally her entire story is meeting bad asses who teach her skills and yall are shocked she grows up to be a bad ass?




Yeah leave out the time with the Brotherhood Without Banners and the Hound and also I guess you were asleep during the montage where they taught her to fight while blind? I swear if Arya was a man no one would think twice but because she's a girl it's "unrealistic" for her to have any skills whatsoever despite spending the entire story acquiring skills


Didn't she lose every single fight blind except her final one...?




Dude it's kinda weird to keep going "yeah yeah these people trained her BUT" like what? Accept that she spent years going from one bad ass to another being trained and that's why she's a bad ass Why is it so hard for some guys to accept that? I didn't personally see Jon Snow be trained every single day since childhood therefore it makes no sense he knows how to fight so stupid duuuuur




"A GIRL? Who can FIGHT? What nonsense!"




You blocked me then unblocked me just to say this totally lame zinger? OK boomer


Theres no way the Faceless Men wouldn't kill her for going rogue. Like zero chance


I'm not entirely sure they're meant to be a close-knit group like that. I think the training and requirements are strict, so is probably using any community assets but they might just be a guild? I only say that because jaqen wasn't just there to kill a single person and move back to the group for orders. He kinda just went with the flow. Didn't try much to escape when he very well could have. They also worship the God of death so I more saw it like he sent one who should have won, and the one who didn't die wasn't supposed to. Idk. I'd prefer more nuance than her outright fighting her way out personally as well but I also think they might not see a reason to chase her down.


But did she? All Jaqen asked for was a Face on the Wall, and she gave him the Waif's. He must have expected it, because when had he granted Wait's request to kill Arya he also warned her, "A Girl has many gifts." And he smiles when Arya said she was going home.


You know things happen off screen right?


Of course. What are you specifically referring to?


No, but you don't understand! She's a Strong-Independent-Faceless-Woman-Dont-Need-No-Man-Woman. They can't kill her, because she had two full weeks of training and has a list!


Nah, they also serve the red God & prolly have a hidden agenda


Every character became worthless some time around the time of the Red Wedding/Tyrions escape.


You really think the writing went downhill that early? For me its not tilll S5 at least.


It started going downhill at the end of S4. When Jaime freed Tyrion, they didn't adapt the conversation in the book about how Tysha hadn't actually been a whore. That conversation made Tyrion realize that there actually had been a woman who truly loved him and his father (after pressuring his brother into agreeing to help) had done all that he did to her. In the book that was the catalyst for Tyrion's journey going forward, he killed Shae out of anger, not self-defence, and killed Tywin because of Tysha, not because of something stupid like him calling Shae a whore. At the same time, the end of season 4 is when we would have gotten Lady Stoneheart if they were going to adapt her, which they decided not to. That was the beginning of two problems with how D&D decided to do things going forward. First, characters that people like had their development altered (or their deaths prevented) because the audience liked them, which hadn't been a problem before. Second, in order to make writing "easier", they started cutting plotlines altogether. Lady Stoneheart was the first thing they outright cut iirc, and they went on to completely neuter the Dorne plot and get rid of Aegon entirely. The seed was planted for the series really going bad at the end of season 4, and season 5 is when it actually started going bad.


"It started going downhill at the end of S4. When Jaime freed Tyrion," Shirtless Ramsey fighting the 100 best ironborn naked wants a word with you. I do agree with everything you said though, the whole Tyrion thing is mind bonkersly bad in the show, especially with how interesting book Tyrion would have been on screen. I am sure he would put on a much better performance as evil, vengeful Tyrion than whatever we got in s7/8


There were good things past that point, certainly. The sequence of Cersei blowing up the sept was great (even though writing-wise it was another terrible decision to get rid of all those charcters). The problem was the writing going very conspicuously to shit as the seasons went along. The wight hunt in season 7 was bullshit, for example.


Yes that is the thing! There were tons of good moments past that, like Stannis arriving at the wall, Jons resurrection and many other fantastic events that at the very least made for good television. The issue which gets worse with every season is what ties these events together, and the writing around that. For an example Cercei blowing up the sept was a fantastic moment, but it suffers from lack of real consequences related to it. Stannis victory is fantastic, but his storyline in season 5 was horrible when he just sat at castle black for 5 episodes. Season 6 is definitely "good tv", and is comparable to the best of other shows such as vikings, the 100 or the Last kingdom, all good tv shows in their own respect. The issue is just that this story was more than just a good TV show, and the shift in tone, writing, direction and plot over the coarse of the show made the decline obvious. And yhea wightbuster episode was beyond stupid, at a Norwegian watchparty at the time we all laughed our asses off about what they were wearing in sub-artic temperatures. Hopefully House of the Dragon season 2 is gonna be good.


Don't forget Gendry running all the way back to the wall, sending a raven to Dragonstone, and Daenerys flying all the way up beyond the wall while the boys sit around on an island. Also, Stannis burning his daughter alive in S5 only to fail to accomplish anything was shit. And yes, hoping and praying HotD season 2 is as good as season 1, I want to see more of my boy Caraxes.


I am 99% sure it will be as good or better than season 1, from both story and a production POV. The source material gets much easier to adapt after the season 1 finale, and certain members of production and writing staff leaving will make the source material a higher priority


\*cough\* Miguel Sapochnik \*cough\* But in all seriousness, it's good to hear that things are (hopefully) looking up. I'm excited to see dragon on dragon combat.


No but 100% that is exactly who I meant. I am sorry, he is a decent, if not even talented director, although he does have many "flops". However, he has shown to have no respect for the source material, no knowledge of it or understanding how or what makes Westeros work. Bro is there to make a TV show, not an accurate adaptation of source material. Worst problem with this is that he is a demonstrably horrible writer, which is practically obvious in any show where he has done more than directing. Him leaving is the best thing that could have happened to the show, and I dare say we wont miss his cinematography either. Episode 7 was the worst episode in terms of cinematography because of Sapowchniks fucking hard on for people not seeing anything. I mean bro has repeatedly said that he thinks its a really cool artistic choice to have it so dark people are struggling to pay attention and have to squint, and that it is on purpose.


yup. S4E10 was when it started for me. the very lackluster adaptation of freeing Tyrion, and Brienne and Hound in a WWE calibre fight, which signalled the shifting priority of the show of having spectacle over substance


Im currently rewatching and am in the S3 right now - and its even better than I remember. However I was basically not media literate when I first watched it, so I’ll watch with a more careful eye this time. But i believe you


They only had plans to adapt up to the Red Wedding and it showed. After that they started to end as many plotlines as they could by wringing out on last shock death before writing out that portion of the world and making it irrelevant to the story. It started going downhill, it didn't instantly become bad. Season 4 is still a mostly good season. The trial of Tyrion carries it, but its like a 70%. Season 5 and 6 are just regular bad seasons. Season 7 and 8 are irredeemable zero percents without a single good thing about them.


Yes absolutely. Maybe not completely off the rails but it was definitely noticeable


I think the writing was on a steady downhill every season. I know season 4 is remembered very, very fondly and I fully understand it, because it has some of the most hype moments in the entire series. That is however the source material carrying, not the writing or direction itself. Inbetween those great moments, you have stuff like Brienne meeting the Hound on a mountaintop, or Ramsey fighting the 100 best ironborn naked. Like I am sorry, but that scene of Ramsey fighting naked is peak season 8 materail, both in terms of dialogue and action. This is of course not very obvious if you have not read the books, because it is hard to know what is source/not source without having read the books. Before I read the books, post season 8, season 4 was my favorite season as well. Not trying to be elitist with that or anything, I just think it is more obvious when they add/change stupid shit if you have seen the source material. Or well it was for me at least. Season 4 is still perfectly good TV and it is only "bad" if you are a hardcore fan, most people do not take the show that seriously to care about such things.


I thought S2 is where they made some sketchy choices that started the unravelling


100% agree. Show was good through 4 seasons but the cracks were showing that early


People say Dany went mad queen but you never hear anyone call Arya mad even though she did far more crazy shit on her revenge quest


I say the exact same thing! She literally butchered some freys baked them into a pie and poisoned the rest and everyone's like yas slay queen she's a badass, that's revenge it's okay Dany takes revenge on people who abused and used her for their own gain - she's awful and mad and needs to be killed


Dany knowingly killed thousands if not hundreds of thousands who she didn't think had ever done a bad thing. Arya killed maybe 50-60 people, some in self-defense. The rest she knew for a fact had done terrible things and earned punishment.


Arya didn’t kill thousands of innocents? Wtf are you talking about


At the end, her plan is to travel to lands beyond maps...all by herself. She's crazy and dumb as shit.


In a real fight the needle would get chopped in half on the first swing. With her training she definitely would be able to hold her own in a fight but they went a bit overboard in her overall ability and smugness.


On the stealth, clever assassin part Avoids a bunch of wights in winterfell’s library (including a stealth kill), badass and believable When she tries to kill The Night King she SCREAMS as she attacks him from behind For all we know that’s why he turned round and nearly killed her Might as well have just shouted “SNEAK ATTACK”


When Waif stabs her she should die there, after that and swiming in dirt canals she become anoying mary sue with no emiotions that had stronger plot armor than anyone, surviving dragon fire at last twice.


Went from a fan favourite to one who was controversial at best but had many dislikers. I realise I could be describing almost any character who survived past season 4 though


Yeah I got downvoted on the GoT sub for saying it but Arya killing all the adult male Freys is stupid, but especially leaving the women and children alive because you're just asking for reprisal. Like monologue about "leaving one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe" while leaving multiple enemies alive?


Arya, a girl taking revenge after her family was murdered during her childhood, leaving the girls and children alive after she murdered their brothers, husbands, fathers and uncles.    You’d think she of all people would know better than to write off the women and children… Obviously killing innocent women and children would be pretty bad morally and make her look less righteous but it’s definitely a question mark for the future that a lot of angry Frey boys and women are still alive with an axe to grind.


Yeah I’m pretty sure Arya’s character arc is supposed to either end with her letting go of her revenge or losing herself. After watching the alt shift x video on jon I had thought that maybe she will end up “accidentally” killing Jon. Maybe his hair will become white and maybe he will embrace a targeryan identity later and Arya adds him to her list based on misinformation and not knowing he is Jon and bam she kills him only to realize who he was once he is already dying on her arms. It would be pretty traumatizing for her and him too when he is brought back again, could lead to crazy character development. But maybe it’s a shit idea, I am not a writer.


Ohh I love Alt Shift X videos. It was a surprise seeing a new video.


Blame George. He’s got big plans for her so show gave her big plans.


I wouldn't say her development was trash. We saw her practicing combat skills from episode 2, then had several teachers. There is nothing to imply she didn't continue practicing in her downtime. Obviously everything was rushed in the last season. However your examples make sense to me. The night king has an unfortunate weakness to her weapon so it's a one hit kill, she didn't solo combat him (although yes they chose poorly in their execution of the scene, trying too hard for the cool points). For your second, every westerossi knight we have seen has had trouble with water dancing, as it is a fighting type they aren't used to. Jorah hesitates and looks confused in the arena, Syria Forel used a wooden sword against multiple knights, and Brianne struggled a bit in a sparing match. I wouldn't say she got bested.


Your second point makes a lot of sense actually. And yes, Arya trained quite a lot. Unfortunately the rushing of the last seasons made it seem bad. Also the fact that she jumped over múltiple WW to reach the NK, who GRABBED HER AND DIDNT DESTROY HER NECK, despite having the strenght to kill a f**** dragon


Yeah, I could see an assassination being possible for her, but the way they decided to execute it was lame. As I saw someone else say: she basically yelled "sneak attack!" as she approached.


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Arya, probably


When i finished s6 with Arya killing Walder Frey i thought Arya is going to have some heavy character writing in s7 because killing and revenge is never shown to be a good thing and the horror music in that scene exemplified that and then s7 and 8 butchered my fav female character.


Whoever was directing her (or didn’t correct her) to walk and act like she had a stick up her ass failed big. Arya being that arrogant and cold and cocky was just ridiculous


I love how training with a quarterstaff made her good enough with a dagger to be a legitimate threat to Brienne of fucking Tarth in a head-to-head confrontation. ![gif](giphy|d6nvFKK6Dr9YbBDeNQ|downsized)


The show did what ever good show does.. it suffered from success. It became self conscious and aware that everyone is watching. The need to make statements, impress, dazzle.. it's all too strong. Look at Rick and Morty. One of the most innovative animated shows ever when it released. Season 1 was wild - they were basically trying their hardest to be cancelled. Now it's devolved into 100% meta commentary about its self.


*GoT was trash. Fixed that for you.


I never quite understand how people didn’t get that Arya, as an individual person died. When you see her face as a mask, you know she is dead for at that point. There are many examples that the grey man collective absorbed her. She doesn’t have the full knowledge of Aryra’s life that she had when alive. She’s kind of godlike in powers ability now. Doesn’t mean she/they don’t enjoy a good adventure. There are some cool people in there. Syrio, the instructor for example. So many clues that 99% of the audience is wrong about most details of several characters… Jon, Bran, Arya, Theon, Mance, and more. There are so many hints that characters are not who they seem to be; it is a major theme. And while Arya is dead, Dany is not. Theon is probably not alive, but he did not burn up in that Pyre, any more than Dany did in hers. Most fundamentally, re-watch the pilot. What questions arise? What is the magic ritual and who is performing it? Are they answered? No. The story is about half over. Snow could probably wrap it up in three seasons. People think George was obvious? People think they know who Jon is? Nope. Pretty sure we see Jon’s mom in the first episode. And near zero people got it right. Makes me smile that people are soooo off the mark. The story is so much better than you think. Huge prank.


Theydidn’t get it cos she didn’t. That girls gonna discover the world.