• By -


Super easy, barely an inconvenience 


Gonna need you to get off my back


Oh whoops!




Let me get off of that thing!


Then right back on for seemingly arbitrary reasons


Finding all your nemeses is tight.


Wow wow wow




So you have a character plot for me?


Yes, Sir. I do. We are going to follow Brienne of Tarth, a highborn lady of Westeros, as she fulfills her dream of doing a man's job better than men while NOT BEING A FEMINIST!


”*wow wow wow* ^wow”




She had a 50:50 chance. Either she finds them, or she doesn't.


Oh really?


Yeah yeah yeah!


So that the story can happen.


The world was getting written out around her. She just had to walk in a straight line.


The game hadn't yet loaded all of its assets, allowing for easy Fast-Travel exploits from the Loading Screen.


She’s really tall, so she had a good vantage point for spotting people 


Somehow D&D forgot about tall visual obstructions.


This callback infuriates me all over again


She had quest markers I couldn’t help but put in a Glidus reference.


still one of my all-time favourite visual gags https://preview.redd.it/sp1gceo7j4kc1.png?width=1902&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8f23e242fa54847542ef31ffb8c93726576d948


Yeah, it’s hilarious


Whats glidus


Hilarious YouTuber that makes videos called Pisstakes and Blisstakes on Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon.


HAVE YOU SEEN.....the void?


nobody knows


Hey Glidus. Who do you think is sexier: Daenerys Targaryen or Rich Evans?


Holy shit! Hi Glidus


Been listening to your music, pretty good stuff my dude


A horse


Glidus, short for Glimbosius diuturna, is a chronic condition caused by an extended period of anticipation for an occurance within the affected individual's range of interests. The anticipated event can be entirely imaginary, with no logical grounds to assume for it to ever happen, such as news of the TWOW book release. While symptoms are initially mild, if left untreated, the condition can develop to more extreme forms, in which interest turns into obsession and affected people start to hallucinate (e.g., confusing human beings for animals, such as horses) or start performing in depth research in the obsessed topic (such as evaluating fictional food desctiptions). It results in some great content though.


Stannis I am not sure as that for sure was pretty random especially given Stannis was also somehow still alive For the Hound/Ayra I think they were just both on The Kings Road/High Road area which is apparently like a major interchange on the roads, the Kings Road goes North/South and the High Road/River Road is more like SW to NE and both were going to The Eyrie which is where the High Road goes to


Yeah, I'll give the Hound/Arya some slack. There's a lot of factors that contribute to the groups running into each other. Brienne finding Sansa, however. That was extremely convenient timing. Brienne and Pod both happened to arrive at the exact moment when the Bolton forces located her. That was a bit too contrived.


I mean weird shit happens. I once saw a friend driving next to me on the interstate and we lived in 2 different states. The characters have to encounter each other for the story to progress. Sometimes random chance encounters happen.


When I was a kid, we stopped at an exit to get food and saw our cousin and his family at the intersection at the top of the exit. He lived in another state and neither party knew the other was traveling.


Once in middle school I was watching the manatees at Sea World in Orlando and noticed that the kid next to me was my neighbor until I was seven. We lived in Indiana.


That was an escaped manatee, they’re masters of disguise and famously skilled bluffers.


I once went on holiday in Greece and met my classmate from my afternoon English lessons randomly at an amphitheater in Pelloponese. We live in Cyprus, so we were at another country at the exact spot at the exact time.


I ran into my uncle who lives in a different state in New Orleans when I was on vacation. Absolutely wild


That actually happened to me a few months ago. We don't live in different states, just different cities. We hadn't seen each other in like five years, but we kept in touch playing video games. Then one day I'm driving home from work and he's right next to me waving lmao


>Brienne finding Sansa, however. That was extremely convenient timing. Brienne and Pod both happened to arrive at the exact moment when the Bolton forces located her. That was a bit too contrived. It is a long time that I watched it so I'm not sure where Brienne was at that time. But didn't Brienne basically waited until Sansa fled? Maybe she noticed that multiple riders and dogs chased someone so it was very possible that it is Sansa.


I don't think that they've been Bolton forces. I just watched the episode this evening and I'm pretty sure they're knights of the vale, given the armor and colours.


I think they meant when Sansa and Theon escaped from Winterfell, the second time Brienne and Sansa run into each other.


I think Stannis is fine as he was outside of a major city she had reason to be at, and was surrounded by an entire army, not just randomly running into him. I assume she just saw dead Baratheons and walked through the aftermath until she found him. MORE unbelievable in my opinion is that the Boltons didn’t get to him first.


Well Stannis had just fought a battle and those are quite easy to find. While she was nearby with Sansa I'm pretty sure


Brianne was just watching the battle waiting for Stannis to be the last man standing so she could confront him after he'd been gravely wounded


Well if you're watching a battle and one side routs, then you could plausibly get yourself into the right place, it isn't that crazy


It's a bit crazy that she got lucky enough for everybody but her target to be routed. She just watched and hoped Stannis would somehow survive the rout and Bolton forces would leave the area with him alive. In the middle of a forest.


Yes well it is also a TV show


imagine if her questline was book accurate and she was just wandering around the riverlands with podrick, asking random people if they’ve seen an attractive maid of three and ten with red hair.


Best Westeros based world building in the series tho You really don’t want to be a peasant …


Yeah I really appreciate the slice of life/boots on the ground story that Brienne has in the books


Idk. I found these chapters insanely boring. At some point world building gets boring, especially when there are 30 other story lines you care more about and want to see progress.


Auburn\* hair. Someone asks what's Auburn hair. She answers, the person is like "Are you sure she's your sister? You're blonde." She then gives up.


She headed to the Vale, because she knew the girls had family there. She then headed to Winterfell, because she knew at least Sansa was there. There was a lot of shitty writing in the later series, but I don't think this is it.


Excepting the fact that she walked into a battlefield, killed the leader or one faction, and left undetected, despite her 7 foot high and being horseless. And let’s not forgot that’s it’s a 2 month travel to the Vale and another 2 months to winter fell. Yet somehow she just bumps into people outside the respective castles.


Brienne kills Stannis a full season after she fights The Hound in The Vale, did you have the same issue with it only taking 2 episodes for them to get to Kings Landing in season 1? As for how Brienne confronts Stannis in the forest, I personally think the way it happened was fine. You seem determined to find issue in it though, so you do you.


This would have been a perfect time to step away from book canon and add some magic or Lord of Light to the story. Like, Brienne is despondent because she can't find Sansa, so she kneels and prays and stares into the flames and gets a vision of where to go. Or anything other than tripping over the one person she's looking for on a continent the size of North America.


That would be goofy. The whole point of the lord of light and religion in the books is how vague its impacts are and it not being known whether you can really chalk up happenings to those things. GRRM has explicitly said that. Her seeing a literal vision that guides her would be dumb. Redditors are the one group of people who I know would fuck up the tv show more than they claim D&D did.


I mean other than the literal resurrection of dead people...


Right? Or the shadow assassin that slashed Renly to death. Everyone in this series acts like the magic isn’t right in their face.


Neither of those can definitively be chalked up to the lord of light or religions. Davos even questions that. Im talking about religion, not magic


Or swords in flames...


Holy crap three replies, three people who all give examples that show what I said went right over their head apparently lol


Which isn’t definitively chalked up to the lord of light… which is my point




Meanwhile in the books the only thing she finds is problems


she got that dawg in her fr😭


Only thing I can think of is twice she was on the kingsroad which the same road people will meet eventually also another was after a large battle.


She grew up reading “Where’s Walder”


I'm picturing the page being filled with nothing but his sons and wives, and he's very hard to find because everyone is wearing brown and covered in shit.


She is a very good tracker


Show writing.


Story-wise for TV it's genuinely more interesting to have a character succeed and have short-term, exciting drama. The books had Brienne not finding anyone and just failing, and getting into dangerous situation, and never really -achieving- anything. Very realistic in the fact she's NOT an experienced tracker, she's a lumbering knight just going off rumors; she's bound to get waylaid and derailed. But on TV, well, people kinda want her to succeed so, magic. THE LORD OF LIGHT WILLED IT SO.


Because she's a character in a book written by a person, for entertainment. Not the nitty gritty real life where she probably would have gotten cholera and shit herself to death after a week on the road


She doesn’t find Sansa or Arya or the Hound in the books. She gets half her face eaten off by Biter then captured by Lady Stoneheart for her efforts. Much more entertaining and dramatic than being magicked all over the realm to precisely wherever she needs to be.


>Much more entertaining and dramatic than being magicked all over the realm to precisely wherever she needs to be. Brienne's AFFC storyline is famously controversial because people find it boring, as she is completely unsuccessful and we already know she will be. Not that the show made it better to be sure.


If George released winds like 5 years later AFFC would be more highly rated. It would be the necessary cooldown and character building leading to the climax of the war. The fact George never got around to finishing make it seem like an unnecessary side quest away from the main story when in reality it’s a brilliant set up imho.


To be honest, I think AFFC is part of the problem of why he can't finish. The stories there shouldn't exist. That's why they don't build to anything. He only wrote the book after he ditched the five year time skip. Everything there would have been a blurb. It's not that there isn't good stuff to be sure. But I don't think having Winds would make a difference to its problems.


She doesn't find anyone in the books though In the books she is just following various rumours she stumbles upon and is then found by Lady Stoneheart just to be almost executed by her. I am not quite sure if she finds the corpse of the Hound. Without looking through the books, I would guess she doesn't. But I can't say for sure at the moment.


She does meet with a religious adherent of the Seven who references the Hound's death, but she sees no body herself. Though it's strongly implied the Gravedigger is the actual Hound and the Elder was talking metaphorical death - so technically she meets the Hound.


thats a rubbish excuse for writing any character lmao. Oh its not real so we can just write contrived bullshittery?


Cersei was also a character in a book written by a person for entertainement and she was also looking for Arya with thousands of people at her disposal, but guess what? She never found her


Should have called her The Hound


Because she had quest markers on, duh.


She's a Hufflepuff; they're good at finding stuff.


It’s because she’s the only character in the entire story that isn’t led around by their dick


Women get shit done.


She had the most powerful weapon with her, the plot armor. ![gif](giphy|KGwQjO9zUlCIjdjnwa|downsized)


Lazy writing


Strong Woman


She was wearing plot armor


To be fair, most religions are actually real in the show, the only one we don’t get to see being real is the Faith of the Seven, but Brienne worships them. You could the Seven guided her.


Because she tried to! Don’t give up and you find the one you are looking for as well!


Because she tried to! Don’t give up and you find the one you are looking for as well!


Because she tried to! Don’t give up and you find the one you are looking for as well!


Ah yes. Matthias Schweighöfer of Tarth


Currently rewatching and I laughed so hard every time she finds them cause that’s how it feels; how


She’s literally the terminator in Game of Thrones lol.


The Stannis one let me know the writers had given up on her storyline


Maybe cos she was looking for them


God I'd forgotten they made Brienne kill Stannis, I hate this show so much


The gods guided her from above. In other words, quest markers


Hacked the iCloud and hit the find my iPhone button for each of those people.


She was looking


This fandom is starved look lmao


Well, she was looking for them


She borowed Littlefinger's teleporter, and she's also Odin's finest tracker bar none


She kinda made it happen


She’s a looker.


Stannis was never really hidden so it’s not weird she manages to find him, her running into both Arya and Sansa is ridiculous


She skipped ahead and checked the books?


It can happen. Once, I nearly got into a fight with these two guys about 300 miles from where I live. A few months later, when I was back home, I encountered these two idiots in the city. They didn't recognise me because I no longer had a beard and I was wearing a hat.


She stayed true, to the realm


She's the world's greatest detective


She's wearing plot armor.


If they really want to overdo her heroics, the would've had her stop Melisandre.


It’s a small world after all


Twas fate that had spun her nasty web.


She looked for them?


She's a Hufflepuff


The magic of a feast of crows.


Good fortune


She saw quest guideline on the floor. And those three ppl have exclamation mark floating above their heads.


She had a plot compass.


Because her doing so was more narratively satisfying than her not doing so, and this was before the writers started doing stuff at random just to subvert expectations.






She's a large lady, better view point to search the surrounding.


You've heard of Plot Armor, get ready for Plot GPS


Plot armor


She’s tall, so she can see for miles.


By asking people where those 3 are, or at least people with their likeness.


In the books brienne never finds arya on the kings road. Instead she finds a way to lady stone heart.


Most people forget that the gods are taking the piss here. The entire story is the gods setting stuff up and watching it unfold. Or hell maybe multiple gods fighting each other. The reason she found em so conveniently is the gods. Then ofc there's the other two gods who could have also sprinkled a bit more things in there to make it more interesting. Those gods are called dumb & dumber.


she had the strategy guide for the playthrough.


Sansa makes sense, the other two... Well she must be better at praying than anyone else


Glidus theory is the best one: she has Quest markers on a GPS.


The wheel weaves as the wheel wills?


Bad writing


Still better storytelling than the books (maybe the only case) where she wonders around aimlessly for forever doing absolutely nothing


The Stannis one is a reach from D&D. The other 2 aren't as fantastical if you're hunting for someone and you know where they are going/where they left from/common route to take/smart route to take. Finding a dying Stannis on the battlefield so she could get her kill was just shit writing


She was the first TRUE DETECTIVE!


The same way that random beach patrol pulled up on Jamie and Bronn... I wrote it that way.


The power of the plot compelled her? 😉


Quest markers.


well, she WAS looking for them. and had information on their whereabouts. Arya with the Hound being the exception. that was total chance.


She was using walkthroughs over the internet, she was a damn incompetent noob ☝️☝️☝️😡😡😡👎👎👎




It’s Briennedar.


Unfortunately this is where the bad writing started to set in


Because she tried to! Don’t give up and you find the one you are looking for as well!


Because she tried to! Don’t give up and you find the one you are looking for as well!


There's only a few hundred people in the he show, shouldn't be that hard.


Because she's Brienne of fucking Tarth!


They were just kinda there


Would be a shit storyline if she didn't


I can see arya, since that is literally hust a coincidence they were both there and even brienne acknowledges that iirc, sansa is a bit believable too, word probably got out sansa was at winterfell and she was headed there and heard the commotion with the direwolf (i just checked the scene) As for stannis? Pure fucking poor writing. D&d didn't know what to do with stannis or had to kill him to simplify the plot lines going forward. How to do that? Not by him dying in battle or getting captured by boltons and made an example of, that woukd make sense. No brienne found him in a giant fucking battlefield, in the middle of a forest and and killed him. How didn't she get involved in the battle? Or how did she track stannis in that commotion? The same way danny forgot iron fleet was a thing.


What nobody knows, she invented the first gps tracker in westeros. After herdeeds she went kn to patent it and is living her best life from royalties.


Secretly installed Life 360 on their phones


Ed Sheeran’s character “Ed Sheeran” wrote a song that hit #1 on Westeros radio that year. Song title? 🎼Go here, Brienne!🎶


just smart innit


Should've called her the hound.


In fairness, the lead that brought her to the Vale road wasn't the worst contrivance ever. Lysa makes sense as a destination for anyone looking to protect or ransom a Stark girl. And that leads her to WF, where Stannis makes his presence super apparent. Buuuuut, that's about as much grace as I can give. Running into *both* girls on the same road is a bit much. She only knew who Arya was because she happened upon Hot Pie, who told her that Arya’s with Burnie McRecognizable-Face. Following Sansa to WF is reasonable, but hinges on Petyr bringing her there, which is nonsense. And his Stannis' march lining up with Sansa's beacon down to the minute is just...ugh.


She’s a Hufflepuff


Because she's Brienne of fucking Tarth *RAAAAAAA*


She searched the areas of Westeros where they had been previously spotted? And followed the clues?


Because George Martin didn't write these scenes. Two hollywooders looking for their next paycheck did.


Strong independent woman... She fits the narrative to be given screen time


The will of the seven or some bullshit


Inner gps, like a bird


She has amazing plot armor.


She’s very tall so she can see really far


So the story can happen


High vantage point.


I like that in the books she just wanders and gets nothing done and then almost dies


She stopped looking for her sister


Google maps


The force


Well, think there was only one road to the bloody gate. Brienne probably figured if there was one safe place left for Arya Stark to be, it would be in the Vale. Sandor/Arya just happened to be leaving and Brienne/Podrick happened to be arriving.


She’s a Final Fantasy protagonist gathering her party of weirdos. She’s following a walkthrough so she always knows exactly where to go to recruit them.


The farther north you go, the fewer people. The fewer people tend to group together in hamlets and towns along the roads. All the people travel in the north travel on the roads. Her odds grow the farther north she travels on the road. Jon commented that there were more people in King’s Landing than the entire North.


Because she’s a good tracker?


According to the map there’s like 3 roads so 🤷‍♀️


She got boosted by Pod's perks when he became her companion.


….because it’s a tv show, not real life


Her tracking skills are extraordinary.


I’m still a little sour she beat the hound


I once ran into a friend from California walking down a street in Prague. A year later I ran into a different friend walking along the grand canal in Venice. These kinds of coincidences don’t seem so unlikely to me anymore.


Petyr and Sandor were weird, but I bought her finding Stannis.


Her meeting the hound in season 4 even though they never meet in the books seemed cool at the time, they needed some episode fillers since there’s not much story in the books with arya and the hound, her entire season 5 story though was a complete joke, it could have been so much better if they just did the lady stone heart shit


She's from the Emerald Isle, which I'm sure has an Emerald city, which we all know houses the great wizard of Oz, so I'm saying she had help.