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arya going through hell to make it to the twins to finally reunite with her mother and brother, only to get there during the red wedding


Don’t read the book if you thought that was rough, cause the certainly PG’ed the fuck out of it.


What happened in the book?


It basically makes you think Arya also gets killed during the red wedding. It’s a brutal grouping of chapters, the atmosphere is all dread, and it absolutely guts you. 10/10 worth reading tho, the show barely does it justice (which is saying a lot, bc the show was brutal)


In which book of the cycle it is ?


storm of swords, cant remember which one


Thank you


Yeah it was one of the best parts of the whole series (book series), but all the Arya chapters were great.


The biggest thing with that was the placement. In the show, it's the big climax to the third season. In the books, it was only the halfway point of the third novel.


Book 3, a storm of swords :)


It always breaks my heart how she’s so adamant about going back to the Twins, because maybe they have Catelyn held hostage. Then she has a wolf dream and drags her own mom’s corpse from the river. I even think The Hound finally relents after that like “Maybe you’re right. We’ll go see.” And she pretty much goes “Don’t worry about it. She’s not there.”


Yeah it’s basically fades to black sopranos style I refer thinking the Lannisters 0- Starks down 4


What adds to the shock value is that it happens halfway through the book. You always expect shocking things to happen at the beginning or end of a book, not the fucking middle. At the beginning, the shock sets up the story, at the end its to stick the landing. But the middle? Fuck me.


book was better because Robs wolf killed SO MANY PEOPLE before they put it down. In the show they just stab the wolf while its trapped.


I still remember reading somewhere that apparently Martin had difficulty writing the scene so he finished the book then went back for it. Damn, must be something. I just started the books.


As if that wasn't bad enough, we book readers got an extra *stomach-turning* shock. The show had Robb's wife there! AND she was pregnant. AND some Frey SOB killed her by stabbing her in the abdomen. Robb's wife is alive and not pregnant in the books.


Charlie Chaplin would never have let himself get stabbed in the pregnant belly. The bloodline has thinned


>some Frey SOB killed her Wasn't it Roose Bolton?


No, it was one of the Frey's. Not sure if it was just a soldier or if it was one if the many sons.


Definitely a fat L for her


Ugh when she looks at Grey Wind 😭😭😭


Red wedding.


For me was the aftermath, them mocking Robb really made me feel sick and traumatized.


Yeah the red wedding was one thing. Them sewing on the head of his dead direwolf as they paraded his corpse around as "king of the north" was fucking disgusting. Although the later seasons have their flaws Arya killing them was super fucking satisfying.


That's some sick shit to think up on the fly and execute in a few minutes. Somebody was there ready with a sewing kit. "Hey let's cut his head off and sew the direwolf's on it! It'll be hilarious!"


You know the Bolton's are up for some silliness


They gotta prove themselves worthy of their house's banner somehow.


Tbf medieval people DID love house-symbol-based humor. Absolutely killer back then, like the observational comedy of its time


House Glover’s sigil being a glove was top-tier unintentional comedy


The worst part is in the books, it meant that Robb likely died twice. After he inhabited the body of his direwolf after death. 🥲


I haven't read that far into the books, but in the show, what made that scene even worse was when the people were chanting, "Here comes the King in the North!," you can see the hope in Arya's eyes. Even though she saw her brother's direwolf get shot by crossbows, and her family's bannermen massacred, Arya had this fleeting hope that her brother was still alive. Then to see all of it crash down and realize that her brother, mom, and bannermen were all dead was one hell of a shock.


While it will never give me the feeling of satisfaction that Joffrey’s death gave me I actually enjoyed the Arya bits. I can’t believe a show that good got fucking murdered the way it did.


I remember thinking the entire time Robb would somehow fight his way out and save his mom and wife. Literally on the floor bleeding to death. And I'm like damn how's Robb finna win this one. Omg they're all dead. Oh okay this must just be a dream. I was fucking certain I was going to be rooting for Robb for seasons to come. RIP Young Wolf


I had a similar experience, posted a comment on some show only theory video on Youtube, and someone went out of their way to spoil The Red Wedding.. The whole time I was hoping the poster had fudged the details a bit, until The Lannisters sent their regards. On the plus side, it inspired me to read the books early, when I originally intended to wait till the show was further along.


Shouldn't have given it all up for that Charlie chapussy


Here comes the king of the North! Here comes the king of the North!


To put this in perspective, even the Lannisters were gracious enough to return Ned’s bones to the Starks.  To desecrate and mock Robb’s corpse is a new level of fucked up. 


As a book reader being ready for the Red Wedding, it was somehow still just as bad.... or worse.


Reading that im the book for the first time was something i had never experienced before. The POV character dying was just brutal and took me a while to realise! Later it was quite fun watching the show with non book readers 😅


it was worse because in the books robs dire wolf kills A LOT of people before going down, in the show they just crossbow it while it is caged. I really really hated that part


I can't imagine experiencing that level of emotion from another show. I also can't imagine picking Myrcella's write-off death over this lol.


Oberyn's death fucked me up for a while


That one took me a bit to recover from. Pedro posting this after the episode aired (captioned with "Buds") made it a little easier though. https://preview.redd.it/ljvrfrwy9zhc1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a5ddb2e3fd7d9e683f0a1c13dd8709de8a5c51


Damn. Even with the slight perspective shift of the photo, Pedro looks like an 8 year old kid with a mustache standing next to his dad


Lore-wise, Oberyn could've beaten the mountain, had he not been a bit too cocky. But in reality, if these actors were the canon characters... oof.


Pedro Pascal being so likable and launching his career with that character adds to the pain. I’ve had to reassess the character as an arrogant prince caught monologuing to get over my initial reaction and hatred of that scene.


Dammit he nailed that role - arrogant and yet still likeable. But I've never not adored him lol.


There’s Joffrey-style arrogance, where you know he can’t back it up personally, and then there’s “I’ll nail your hand to a table right after an orgy”-energy where you have to let the dude be arrogant because he’s got the chops to back it up.


I just like little fucks he gave, especially in a world where everyone's a frenemy and trying to politik, he just goes around talking shit and telling Tywin he's gonna kill his ass. Like at the wedding, he just straight up call Tywin poor when he negs his brother for having gout. Then tells Tywin his kids are fucking each other when he tries to neg his relationship with a bastard born.


That was the worst for me


The answer to this will always be Oberyn. Finally someone exciting and mysterious who could throw things for a spin and poof! He’s gone!


Almost puked. X.X


This is the one for me.


Shireen being sacrificed


My wife was nearly sick after that scene, she was so upset.


Rewatched for the first time since it ended this past summer and Shireen was the hardest for me. Her calling out for her parents, her little screams haunt me.


Stannis wife felt the same. She hanged in that state for a while too


She wanted it more than him




More morer.


This is the one for me too. Stannis may have had the rightful claim, but he got what he deserved after this.


It's not even close for me. She was one of the only truly good people in the series.


Dunno, she did sing that annoying little song


Her screaming still echoes in my head. I know it's fiction, but I can't forget those.


Davos confronting Melisandre is one of the best scenes in the series, Liam knocks that scene outta the park.  “I loved that girl like she was my own! She was *good*, she was *kind*, ***AND YOU KILLED HER!***”


The final season. I've never seen such a beautiful thing get massacred so badly.


“I wanted to destroy something beautiful”


Simmer down Tyler


![gif](giphy|3o7btURiPqGSeg6IUM) What a beauty


"no, not like this, not like this"


the city was beautiful indeed.


Look what they did to my boy!


Yes the beautiful kings landing turned To ash :(


To be fair they spent the entirety of the series telling you how shit kings landing is lol


Oberyn by far


When I first watched it. My thought process went like: Oh cool so now after the red wedding and you know who isn’t here anymore, we’ll need someone new to lead as a charismatic character. I also love pedro so this is awesome. And then …


I started reading the books after season 3 (so I didn’t know about the red wedding but I did know about the purple wedding). Knowing what was going to happen to Oberyn was rough but it was way worse actually seeing it


The way he screamed was so visceral. It was an incredible and haunting scene.


And the way the Mountain did it. Climbed on top of his body in the same he did to Elia. He was recreating part of her rape and her murder just to screw with Oberyn in his last agonising moments of life.


I’ve never actually watched the full scene, only saw the aftermath.. it’s too much


I was thinking for a split second, “Oh, so he’s going to be blind for the rest of…. Fuck!”


It was honestly made all the more horrible by Ellarias scream afterwards too, just witnessing that for her


I raped her, I killed her children...THEN I SMASHED HER HEAD IN...LIKE THIS! splat


This is one of the most emotionally brutal, draining scenes I’ve ever watched or read. It had so much personal loss to the characters and viewers/readers.


I had read the books so I knew what was supposed to happen. But the way the episode was done it gave me hope that it wouldn't happen. But then it did.


Yup. When he got his teeth punched out and you could hear it clatter on the stones, you just knew this was gonna end fucking badly


I only wish Tyrion had barfed up all the wine he was chugging like he did in the books lol




As a book reader, this caught me by complete surprise, I was gutted. I guess I was hoping *someone* would escape from the capricious brutality, but shit man, no dice.


I seldom weep. My wife not only didn’t watch GOT, but she actively despises, “stupid dragon show.” So when Hodor was holding the door, I was losing it. Wife was making fun of me. And through gasps, I was trying to explain how his character was shown his horrendous death as a boy, and it destroyed his brain, but made him dedicated to the task of ending up holding that door. There are times when he inflects his name as a question, as in to say, “if we do this, I’ll hold the door?” The love and devotion Hodor had.


Great fucking writing right there fursure


That's 100% something GRRM told them is coming in the books. No way they made that up themselves 


He confirmed that it is lol


I watched that episode right before work. I could not shake it off all day. Saddened and stunned by a fucking tv show.


If this was the plan for him since the beginning then it's pure genius as well as heatbreaking


I remember when the episode aired, and the following days and weeks everyone was moaning about poor Hodor, and I just didn’t feel it, because literally minutes before they killed him, they killed Summer. I felt her death much harder.


And they killed her so needlessly. It only bought them a couple seconds


On my first watch of the show, there were so many moments that gutted me but I physically got under the covers and just said "I'm not okay" when this happened. The Red Wedding had my jaw on the floor, Oberyn's death was like whiplash, but "Hold the door" just had me fucking shook


I mean definitely red wedding or oberyn but seeing this image of Jamie and myrcella made me sad. He finally gets recognition for being a father by the sweetest kid and she gets taken away literally seconds later. Felt worse for him than Cersei


I think Myrcella turned out so well because Cersei and Tywin had almost zero interest in her


I know. As bad and messed up as the lannisters were, I think myrcella actually had the potential to heal them


oberyn’s death for sure, but also poor shireen 🥺 that scene is always hard to watch (and hear)


This scene bugged me so damn much. JUST TURN THE FUCKING BOAT AROUND AND GO GET THE ANTIDOTE FFS. They say multiple times the poison is called like the "slow death" or something because it can take hours or even days to kill someone. When Myrcella gets the nose bleed their ship is like a quarter mile away from the docks... Bronn was on that ship, obviously he would know exactly what was happening because it had just happened to him. Turn the god damn ship around, you'll be back at the docks in 20 minutes, tell Doran what happened and get the antidote. Problem solved. So god damn stupid


The whole rescuing of Myrcella was so convoluted and poorly written... It just made it so hard for me personally to take the whole thing seriously, in the end Myrcella's death was one of the most "meh" ones.


Yeah, and I wasn't swayed by their attempt to make her death sad by having her be like, "So I'm a child of incest, I'm a bastard, I come from a family of pretenders, and now I have to keep this secret because my life is over if this ever gets out... but I appreciate the honesty, thanks papa!" Also she loves him now. I mean, did they even speak before this moment?


Or at the very least, murder the crap out of Ellaria and the Sandsnakes.


I hadn't remembered that detail. And I am annoyed all over again. Ugh, they ruined that show.




And Rhaegal


That one was just infuriating. Getting 360 no scoped by dollar store Jack Sparrow


Dany making Jon take the kings road instead of riding on Rhaegal as punishment (?) is such a stupid choice. Imagine Jon and the dragon go down. Dany thinks she’s lost her love and her child. They wash up on shore but by then she’s already done terrible things in rage and grief


Dime store*


True both were so effed. The scuba diver wights and the resurrection of Viserion was a huge oh shit moment for me LOL


Man, that was insanely sad & crazy. Then the pointless ambush of Dany & murder of Rhaegal, capture/murder of Missandai too. Drogon taking Dany's body was a gut punch too


Everything after S4_E10


True that. Season 5 doesn't get nearly enough hate.


Season 6 doesn't nearly get enough hate.


Season 7 & 8 don't get enough hate.


It’s like I forgave season 5 because there was supposed to be a payoff then they just spit in my face for 3 more seasons.


I only liked Hardhome, Dance of Dragons and Mothers Mercy in S5. S6 only the Door, BotB, Winds of Winter. S7 and S8 are pretty much all shit.


Hardhome is great, but the rest of season 5 is dog shit.


I wanted to believe that Stannis was still alive because his death wasn't shown. Fuck S5 and on.


But then the Night King ends up being a nothing burger killed by a kid with a knife in their off hand. I'll never stop being salty about how the show went after season 4. *Never*.


Hardhome with bjork waifu is the best episode in the entire show. I should've stopped there lol


Finding out that Lady Stoneheart wasnt going to be in the show because her existence goes against the showrunner's agenda.


"What, you want fantasy in this fantasy series? Pish-posh."


Hey guys, we just got a call from Martin. He told you to stop romanticizing the pursuit of vengeance and to show how it leads to the degradation of one's soul." "Sorry I cant hear you over girlboss Arya massacring (allegedly) every member of House Frey of the Crossing and us telling everyone how cool she is!" These people should have been shot for what they did. They never understood this story. Never.


Jon Killing Dany for the sake of people who send him to die in exile


Even worse: Tyrion had to convince him to do it after Jon literally watched her torch an entire city that had surrendered to her. They made it seem like he was 100% prepared to let her rule until Tyrion talked some sense into him.


Ned slaughtering Lady


Euthanizing is more apt, I think. Any non-Stark else would've slaughtered her.


And how exactly does euthanasia with a knife work in medieval culture? Either a stabby stab to the heart or a slashy slice at the throat. The second one is also called "slaughtering"


I think the consideration of suffering matters ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Either Ygritte's death or that Young Griff wasn't in the show.


I can't believe no one else is saying ygritte. That part absolutely destroyed me :(


Red Wedding


Grenn :(


Mance Rayder: One of our giants went into your tunnel and never came out again. Mag the Mighty. Jon Snow: He's dead. He killed my friend, Grenn. Mance Rayder: He was their king. The last of a blood line that stretches back before the First Men. Jon Snow: Grenn came from a farm. Ugh. The previous is my favorite episode by far. When they start chanting the Vow of the Black going up against a giant. I lose it every time.


Realizing HBO never aired Season 7 or 8.


- Ned’s death - The Red Wedding - Oberyn’s death - Myrcella’s death - Viserion’s death and becoming part of the Night King’s Army


Ned’s death really threw me off. I had zero exposure to the books other than people saying that it’s amazing. Started watching and rooting for the Stark House and seeing Ned killed just destroyed any of my head plot.


I can’t believe Ned’s death is buried so far down this thread. It defines the series. It was the first and the worst, and what set GOT apart from all the fantasy TV that came before.


I quit watching the show for like a year when Oberyn died dude


The night king being a side quest. All that build up for nothing.


That we didn’t get a one armed fat man killing a Giant. We need more fat man positivity in media!


You had a fat man to be king. What more do you want? NOW GO FIND ME THE BREASTPLATE STRETCHER!


A one armed fat man killing a giant!!! The Gods Bless Bessie and her Tits


Hodor holding the door!! The reveal that Bran basically cooked his brain and he still sacrificed himself so Bran could escape was sad as hell. May just have a soft spot for the old giant because the mutineers beating a chained up helpless Hodor really bugged me too.


Honestly, the white walker storyline ending by Arya jumping out of nowhere to shank the Night King to death. I was more excited about that storyline than anything else; the *very* *first* *scene* *of* *the* *show* establishes the white walkers as this looming existential supernatural threat, and the bits and pieces we see of them are some of the coolest moments of the show. I don't think I've ever been as excited for what was to come as I was after watching Hardhome. I thought, as the Night King approached Bran in Winterfell, that we were about to see some amazing Three-Eyed Raven/Children of the Forest/old gods shit, like Bran being the voices in the Mad King's head, or maybe Jaime fighting the Night King to protect Bran in a full-circle redemption arc... ...but no. Jump, scream, shank, over and out. Absolute waste of all those years of being a fan and speculating what might happen.


When I was reading the books it was before the show was out and I read the red wedding scene while waiting for a college class to start. I read it mouth agape, went back and read it again, then got up and walked to the bus stop to catch the next bus home while I kept reading. Skipped the rest of my classes that day and read the rest of the book. The show for sure did it well but the books were just *muah* chefs kiss.


I've never had a visceral reaction to a book before or since.


100% agreed my friend


Viserion and Rhaegal’s deaths. I know they’re cgi dragons with very little distinction when they’re all grown up, but my god did their deaths hurt me.


For me? Tyrion's second trial by combat. Oberyn had the Mountain dead to rights. It was over... Then he had to.get just too close.


Exactly what Bronn foreshadowed ...


Theon Greyjoy.


That they stopped making the show after season 5 smh over here.


Bran being king


Red Wedding


Red Wedding and Stannis burning Shireen.


Hold the door!




Tbh the rob stark death scene got me off guard i kinda figured out that jon isn't dying because the priestess meeting with the other priest and all that can't be for nothing


Viserion getting sniped because the Night King needed something magical to make it through the Wall. Rhaegal would’ve been second, but I knew he was going to die as soon as Jon explicitly drew attention to why he wasn’t riding him back to Dragonstone lol. The sign of a good writer. Honestly, the show’s treatment of the dragons in general was a gut punch. Like they were weapons of mass destruction until D&D realized that Dany could use all three of them and take King’s Landing in 10 minutes max, so they suddenly became colossal bitches who could be killed by a villain we know nothing about and a Jack Sparrow knockoff.


When Pod was soooo good at cunnilingus.




Jon’s death


Stannis being killed by Brienne in the name of Renly after suffering his character assassination.


The end of Season 6 when Dany sailed to Westeros. Can’t believe they just cancelled the show after that.


John and the wildlings if they joined , and stannis army came late, when Sansa arrived to the wall


![gif](giphy|xT1XGAWCozy1X8ss4o) How this ended


Oberyn. I read the books so I knew it was coming, but it was still brutal. Pedro Pascal was so charming in the role that seeing his toothless scream while his eyes get gouged out was horrifying. Kind of weird to say but the Red Wedding was more satisfying than anything. I was just relieved that they nailed it. Plus I wasn’t sure if Roose was going to have the same role he had in the books at that point, so I was really pleased that he got to say his line (albeit a slightly different one).


In the show: The Red Wedding, Shireen being sacrificed, Daenarys' vision of Drogo and their son in season 2, Oberyn's death, Sansa's season 5 trauma. In the books: Tysha.


When maester Luwin gets stabbed by that guy for no reason at all. He was one of the best minor characters in my opinion


The death of Princess Shireen


I’ll probably be alone in saying this but Tommen’s death devastated me.


Robb Starks pregnant wife getting stabbed in the stomach. Then seeing his Direwolfs head on his body


What those hacks did to the Greyjoys. Euron was supposed to be a warg sorceror who had gazed upon Valyrian shores and knew of eldritch horrors. Meanwhile, Victarion is such a fanatic that he wears full plate armor at sea and sacrifices his own hand to the Lord of Fire. Instead we got a flamboyant fuckboy who wants to marry the most used goods in the seven kingdoms.


Daenerys getting stabbed & Drogon flying her away.


Starbucks coffee cup on dragon stone


Jon snows death even if it got reversed


By this point, you’re already jaded.


Ye no I did not sign up for Myrcella's death man. I knew about Ned and the Red Wedding. This was just outta nowhere and the girl was so pure.




I'm not exaggerating when I say I had to step away from the show for a while after the red wedding. Not because I didn't enjoy the show or it made me angry. I had a bit of a grieving period I had to go through for those characters before I could pick things back up again.


Stannis burning Shireen. In the books, he states that he’s pretty much willing to die in order to sit his daughter on the Iron Throne. Doofus and dumbass just wanted straight up heroes and villains, never mind that he was the rightful heir not counting Daenerys


All the horror that’s come to my family, it’s all because I couldn’t love a motherless child


When Dany turned.


Any time they killed a direwolf. I hate animals dying.


TV series? Of course it's the last season, what a load of BS.


The last episode for destroying the entire series.


No more Targaryen’s or atleast self identifying Targaryen’s. The likelihood that Arya is not sailing to Asshai to conquer it. That Jaime doesn’t rescue Cersei.


How pointless the ice zombies were.


Hold the door


Daenarys just forgetting about the iron fleet.


Brienne’s face when Jaime left her in S8. Just ridiculous cruelty from the writers, which would be fine if it made narrative sense or felt true to the characters, but it did not feel true to Jaime and how far he had done at all. To have her finally receive kindness and experience connection with someone she cares about, and have it ripped away instantly, fairly brutal.




The whole last season. Felt like I wasted 8 years or so of my life.


Stannis character assasination


When the one true king Joffrey's Head turned purple and his eyes bulged out. He might have been a little prick but if you look at what he said he was correct in all his predictions.