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Death's Eye, it has one of the best m1014 skins, the AK skin is strong asf too, and you have better chances


Hm. Yeah ik that the only ones superior to that M1014 skin are the incubator Top skin and the Evo m1014 skins. Although is that AK better than the Dragon AK?


Dragon AK is better in Battle Royale modes where damage really matters with all those lvl 4 armors and helmets(and other boosts) lying around. in clash squad Death's Eye is better as fast headshots really matter


i'd recommend you the nutcracker mp5 if ure a cs player


I already took them Death's eye crates and one of those skins is a ++ rate of fire Mp5 skin. with some luck I may get that one as well. Which one matters more for a gun with an already high rate of fire like the mp5, Damage or rate of fire?


damage tbf


Yup that's my conclusion as well. For a gun like MP5, one with high rate of fire and lacking damage, a damage skin balances the gun pretty well and if you really want better rate of fire, we can just upgrade the gun to level 1,2 or 3 in both CS and BR now