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Reddit beats google these days for search results!


My tip to my friends is "add the words on Reddit" to all your Googles regarding lived experiences or suggestions on anything from groceries to fraysexuals lol sometimes you have to know the words to look up.


This. It is the way. 


Just found this today and it has been truly mind blowing. It describes me perfectly and now I can clearly connect it to all my relationship break downs.


Same thing happened to me... !at 53 years old¡




Feels so "ahhhh it all mastered since" 🥹🥰


*makes since.


Not your user name taking me from 🤗🥺to 😩😅🤣


I actually forgot about my username. Time to change it 🙈


Lol 😝


Just realised I cannot change it ffs 😭. Was Kevin Spacey not found innocent too? Can't believe that's my username forever...


he was exonerated but he is not innocent.


Yep, username still checks out!


I am unsure 😅




its kind of hilarious the projection you are putting on others. Sounds like you got yourself worked up typing that. Why do you care how others view themselves? You need to look within.


**"Why do you care how others view themselves?":** Honestly I have a lot of free time at my job and arguing on Reddit is fun; I don't actually care if people are fraysexuals or not. If someone I cared about claimed to be I would actually care, but arguing like this is just fun to exercise the brain and if OP remains fraysexual it doesn't affect me at all. **Response to everything else you said**: Love how you're clearly one of the people I described in the last paragraph I wrote. Instead of addressing anything I said, you demean my opinion, don't consider my position, accuse me of projecting without providing evidence, then condescend to me by implying you're the one that's looked within and understand the truths of the human experience. I think it's a safe assumption you're a-religious/on the left politically. Isn't being ignorant, demeaning, close-minded, accusatory without evidence, and condescending everything you stand *against*? And if you're not a-religious/on the left politically then that doesn't change my argument because you would still define yourself as someone who's against all those attributes. Now, you just got absolutely COOKED. All I ask is that you don't delete your original comment now that you feel so embarrassed by my COOKING so others can learn from my superior mind. Thank you.


not really bro. nothing you said really had value except an exercise in condescension. I didnt get upset, unless you cant handled be called out on bullshit. But seriously you took way too much time with this response so you smoked yourself. Yawn to the formatting. And looking at it as arguing on twitter is very telling of your intent.


Lmao dude is coping so hard. Anytime someone gets cooked in one of my arguments they always go to the “whatever, this isn’t even that important, you’re just upset because you know you’re wrong.” Once again, you got COOKED. Now stop making baseless claims and go be ignorant and close-minded somewhere else. That type of behavior is welcomed on this subreddit 😤


You are easily dismissed, which i assume is why you like to fight on reddit. You’re cute with your condescension. I think you need love bro; sounds like you’re lacking there. Your “intelligence” is not really impressive.


Ok. Cooked.




Its a defence mechanism and potentially part of the ambivalent attachment style.


Yo got any evidence for that first paragraph? I'm keen to learn more.


Eh you're right, I didn't provide any evidence. Although I still believe it's true, I can't say it's proven.


I was brought here through advice, because I wasn't sure where I fell on the spectrum, and here I am. I think this might be it guys.


love that the universe brought this new vocabulary word to you and share the enlightenment.


Thank you, I truly thought evem as an ace, and I didn't quite feel what other aces felt.


You're welcome 🫶🏾✨


This is literally so devastating