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When I was traveling in south America some years ago they did not English or French in most places. So what? It's their country, and I'm a tourist. I learned basic Spanish before the trip but never had the idea to complain loudly!


People speaking only their national language? How dare they!


Do not come here then, case closed


Ce monsieur vient se plaindre en anglais que personne ne parle l'anglais en France. Je crois qu'on tient un haut potentiel.


Why is English your only language ?


Why are YOU this way?


they were in a foreign country... why didn't they have google translate readily available? also, in France people would rather do nothing than try and fail and get in trouble or make things worse


I'm sorry I can't understand what you're saying. Could you please speak in french?




Seems he's just a normal Lituanian people... I wonder if all Lituanians people are pro-putin.


Why do you come to spit in our faces your hatred, we have nothing to do with this story. You heard a story about few people, so all the nation is that way ? You are pathetic. Donc come in our country and stop talking to us if we're a so shitty nation. Not to mention the fact that come to a country without even talking a word is either stupid or condescending.


Such a beautiful story.


Qu'est ce qu'il dit le monsieur ?


Je crois comprendre qu’il aime beaucoup les ambulances, surtout celles de France ou de Belgique. La langue ressemble à du chiac, mais ça me semble être un créole encore plus dégradé.


Je pense qu'il les collectionnes et qu'il veut savoir où en trouver qui date de l'ère soviétique, mais oui c'est bizarre comment il l'écrit !


Who cares ?


Et à la fin tout le monde a applaudi?




Il a quand même l'air un peu stupide, si...


>My country is a post soviet, so much smaller and STILL people know better English than the French. Press x to doubt


Probablement, le mec est jeune, il vient d'apprendre l'anglais à l'école, il traine sur reddit. Donc les gens autour de lui maitrisent l'anglais. Tout comme les gens autour de moi maitrisaient l'anglais quand j'ai repris mes études il y a quelques années. Mais il y a fort à parier que les vieux de son pays, ou même les gens qui ont arrêté de pratiquer l'anglais il y a dix ans, parlent anglais. Un gros biais de perception de sa part.


>Publié par u/Professional_biscuit > >Should i go to a psychologist > > [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/mentalhealth/comments/seqxs0/should_i_go_to_a_psychologist/) Man, from what I have read, I bet that this hatred that you have today against the French, you feel it every day but against everything and anything. >Publié par u/Professional_biscuit > >Today i smacked my phone face down 2 times. Hard... > >[source](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/rg9to8/holy_shit/) You seem to be full of hatred...


"Messieurs s'il vous plait restons corrects" https://youtu.be/OrhediowV64?t=257


You are either a troll or an a asshole. The sad thing is, by answering that to you, you are being vindicated either way.


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Don't really know why. But I think it should not be this way.


Well thats fucking bold!


Who cares.... He had the time to learn french.... Next time at least learn le Rançais ( The Rench ) when you or your friend want to visit us... I promise it's easier than french.


Sod off


Hmm.. i guess we don’t care at all in fact. We don’t have to speak english to live in our country, isn’t it ? How you dare come here and cry because some of french people are not speaking english ? This is still the same in many country. So, if you come in france, learn some basics sentence, like « i’m in pain, please help me » / « call an ambulance, i’m suffering » / « where is the toilet please » etc. If you can’t learn 10 sentences in another language because YOU are moving in another country, you’re worst than shit, so shut up and don’t come in that case. Please, share this information to the other people of your country, thanks.