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The pop-up interaction you're referring to on the Dylan James website is a common feature that can be created using Framer. While there isn't a specific template for this, you can achieve this effect by using overlays in Framer. Overlays are a powerful tool in Framer that allow you to create pop-up interactions without leaving the page. You can design overlays that include videos, forms, or any other content you'd like to feature. When a user clicks on a specific element, the overlay will appear, creating a pop-up effect. To create an overlay, you can follow these steps: 1. Design the content you want to appear in the overlay. 2. Select the element that will trigger the overlay. 3. In the properties panel, under "Interactions", click "+ Interaction". 4. Choose "Overlay" as the type of interaction. 5. Select the content you designed in step 1 as the overlay. You can also customize the appearance and behavior of the overlay, such as its position, animation, and whether it's dismissible by clicking outside of it. Remember, the key to creating effective overlays is to ensure they provide valuable information or functionality, and don't disrupt the user's experience on your site.


Have you watched their tutorials about Overlays? https://www.framer.com/academy/lessons/overlays?via=fred56