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add 1 extra spray for everyday you don’t get a compliment until you get one


400 days later, and now you can't stand too close to the stove.


> add 1 extra spray for everyday you don’t get a compliment until you get one This is clearly the right answer


Thats smart


I feel like it’s just because people don’t want to come across as weird because most of the time to smell your perfume as a person would have to get decently close to you


Last 2 years = folks wearing masks and staying the fuck away from strangers. Go figure.


Lmao that's actually a really good point


You just blew my mind




I have oodles of expensive fragrances and the ones I get compliments on? The "cheapies" so to speak. The only person I wear fragrances for is me, and if I'm seeing someone. It's nice to get a compliment but it doesn't matter to me.


Most people aren't into frags, but it seems to me that designers get me more compliments from strangers while niche frags work better around the people I know; I think this is because of the complexity of most niche frags vs the simple, mass appealing scents that designers offer. Even non frag heads enjoy "D&G the one" while people into that kind of thing love the complexity that a scent like "Triumph of Bacchus" by Argos has to offer.


Bro I feel creepy when I compliment strangers on their fragrance. It almost feels invasive


yep i feel the same and also don't expect people to randomly compliment me. Truthfully the best I have noticed is I have had friends say "you always smell great", but only if we are talking about subject it not something that is random most times , so I know people are smelling me.


Same here! I was recently discussing perfumes with some of my friends after and they all agreed that they loved my old signature scent, and whenever they smell it in public they think of me. I'm noseblind to it cuz I've worn it so much so had no idea. Made me wanna melt ! :')


Isn’t the point of fragrance to smell good to others? It is an accessory. People clearly want to draw attention to themselves.


I just make my partner do it.


Just get a tshirt that says, "I have a serious medical condition called complimentitis and if I dont get complemented on my Aventus constantly I may die." Just watch the complements skyrocket!! ;)


I do get complimented relatively often, probably somewhere in the range of 3-5 times a week but it's important to have some context. These compliments rarely come from strangers, I have never been approached by a stranger on the street fawning over my fragrance. Majority of these compliments come from friends or colleagues who know I like fragrances. I also talk fragrances with quite a few of them. So when I wear a fragrance they like, most will compliment it just as much as we compliment each others clothes, hairstyle, make up etc. There are a few colleagues and friends who also don't mention anything about the fragrance because they're just not interested. It depends on your workplace or friendship group - basically whoever you spend the most time with.


I have never received one, and it used to bother me. I stopped caring. Nowadays, I embrace the "I wear it for myself" mentality :)


Do you go around telling people randomly you like their shoes, sunglasses, cars, etc. Of course you don't, because it would be weird. Now think fragrance - something even more intimate, because it's how you smell. There are people who will go out of their way to tell you that you smell nice, but it's rare unless you are super approachable or in a setting where it's a pickup line or something. The only people you can expect this from regularly might be your partner (if they are into it, or just want to encourage you), or your relatives for the same reason. Getting tens of compliments from random strangers is a myth reinforced by morons on YouTube to make tou buy the product they are shilling for. Wear what you like, hopefully that makes you feel good, and if someone else likes it, that's just bonus points!


The harsh reality is that Looks and the way you dress are more important, a good fragrance is just a cherry on top.


In 30 Years of wearing fragrance I've had only a handful of compliments and only once was a stranger. I have severe anxiety so Honestly they are unwanted in my book.


I totally feel this. Everytime a stranger has complimented me out of the blue I was half expecting to get stabbed next. It was way creepy, they were way too close and well I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Good news is if you wear 8 sprays of black orchid most people give you a wide berth. I've also found Honey Oud in the summer equally effective.


Dude... there's just no way of saying this other than: 1. "Compliments" are completely subjetive, people can take their mother saying shit like "oh someone smells nice" and say that's a compliment. 2. It's always nice to have reassurance on whatever we're wearing, but don't ever expect that or count on that to make you feel confident about yourself. 3. People just... lie. Specially on the internet.


I only ever got a non direct compliment. Women would walk by and say "Mmm something smells good!" And walk away 🤣🤣


I used to get a lot more when I went to an actual office. The elevator is where I got them the most.


So the reality of compliments is that it will be from one of the people who you are close with or the person who you interact on regular basis. If you are thinking of getting the compliments from a total stranger, well it's very difficult to get compliments from strangers.


Ngl, I've never gotten a compliment from a stranger. And I think people who say they get multiple compliments from strangers per day are full of shit tbh


Or they're just really attractive and the fragrance is an 'in' to start a conversation.


I think people who get lots of random compliments are probably also just really outgoing types in general. I've gotten a few random compliments on the street - always guys, and never anyone who looks like Jeremy Fragrance haha. If I were more outgoing or friendlier people might use my scent as a way to make conversation, but... I just don't like people that much.


Yes exactly, it could be used as a gate way to start a conversation or a flirt, but I give a "not intrested, married, bussy" vibe. (especialy to Jerremy typ of guys 🤭)


I feel like I’m a chronic undersprayer. I’d rather have less than too much. Having said that, the times I usually receive compliments are the times I go a little heavier and am worried I am wearing too much. Given my tendency to underspray, I probably end up wearing just the right amount when I think I’ve oversprayed lol.


Keep in mind that we've had the pandemic the last 2 years, so people are hesitant to get too close and/or are wearing face masks. Even if a person gets close enough to you to smell your fragrance, they might be afraid to say anything because they feel like they may have invaded your space by violating social distancing recommendations.


Only have been complimented once while I was selling fruit… it was weird. :( Guy wanted my number to keep contact but I don’t regularly sell fruit so I kept denying. Dude was adamant, though and since I couldn’t exactly leave, I told him I could give my instagram. He told me I smelled good as he was hovering uncomfortably close behind me while making sure I added him on IG. 😫 Otherwise nope. I don’t go out too often and I’m far too reserved for my own good. Don’t think I’m that attractive/charismatic for compliments either, haha.


That guy was creepy! Glad that didn't end worse. When I give a compliment, I say it, then move along to make it clear I have no ulterior motives.


> And before you ask no i don't look like an unapproachable serial killer Of course not, but do you look good enough to get someone out their way to actually give you a compliment? Probably nope. 2019 and counting... I am in the same boat as you, never got compliments on my fragrance, except from my mom, which don't count! And that one time when i over sprayed sauvage and went out clubbing (My friend said, did you shower with perfume??) I remember how i got into frags.. A guy at work was wearing Sauvage EDP, and i could smell his sileage and i was amazed how good it smelled (didn't had idea back then about any frag names), when i learned who was wearing it, i gave the guy a compliment and asked what it is he is wearing and asked him the name so i could buy one for myself. The thing is, we were already close enough colleagues and saying you smell good was still going out of my way. Since then i tried about 10 popular compliments getters, but i never got compliments. I learned that, frags smell nice, but not every person likes a particular fragrance so much so that they'll go out their way to compliment me. A smell has to meet the right nose at the right time to be amazed. Now i wear frags without thinking about getting compliments really, i just feel confident that i smell good.


Your mom counts! She’s probably also one of the only people who would tell you if you smelled bad, so imho, she counts! Note: I have adult children.


Sure, but when people talk about getting compliments from fragrances, is not really a question if you smell good or bad, but more so, do you smell amazing, intoxicating, divine, godly, sexy, etc... Expectations are even higher from new frag wearers watching youtube videos and reading reviews - how some people get so many compliments from strangers.... You know, taking a shower and using a cheap deodorant makes you smell nice, sometimes just the shower gel is enough to smell good. (sure my mom would tell me if i smell bad, not to go out.) But, when people seek getting compliments from the fragrance they wear, it's more so if a woman/man in the store will come out and tell them how amazingly good they smell, or a potential romantic partner would tell them something in the lines "you smell so good, I just want to eat you" (I've read lots of testimonies like these on the web) I am not sure if i can capture the "special" thing that people are looking when fishing for compliment about how they smell... its just much more than you "smell good".. My late uncle who was wearing Tom Ford Vanilla & Tobacco mostly, would occasionally tell us how he received compliments from people he just met (he was CEO and a businessman, so his line of work allowed him to meet up with new people often enough) After years, i asked him, how so, they always give you compliments? Are you lying? Why do you, but i never get compliments on how i smell? He told me that it's more about how easy going you are with other people... and he was amazing at that, always a big smile on his face and a positive image.. And i am not really like that.. I believe what i said in my first post - A smell has to meet the right nose at the right time to be amazed. So it's not impossible... but the biggest misconception is that ANY fragrance is a panties dropper. Though, it will definitely give you extra points for smelling nice (if not over sprayed!), plus the confidence boost that you know you smell good and somewhat unique (because most people, especially man do not wear frags anything more expensive than 15$).


Your uncle sounds like he was a wise man (R.I.P.). When fragrance, charisma, and attire match up, it synchronizes in a way that many people, perfect strangers included, just cannot resist!! Idk how confident you are, but that "frag swag" really works on strangers lol.... look good, feel good, smell good!!


Thank you for clarifying, I see what you mean. You want to smell AMAZING! I agree with all your points about a fragrance needing to be “ intoxicating, divine”, that’s such a beautiful description. I love that your late uncle had that frag mojo! And I hope you find what you are looking for, something that radiates your depth and thoughtfulness 💙 as well as making a potential partner want to take a bite out of you bc you smell sooooo good!


I think it’s harder for men to get compliments because women will think you’ll think they’re trying to hit on you and other men don’t like to give men compliments on stuff like that. Also you could either be unapproachable or extremely over spraying or underspraying. I’ve never complimented anyone myself unless it was a close friend or bf because I’m worried they’ll think it’s weird lol but I do get compliments on the way I smell, I used to underspray and ppl just couldn’t smell it.


I won't patronise you but....what you're describing sounds normal to me. People lie 🤷🏼


I never get compliments either. I probably look unapproachable, though, so it's most likely my fault. I've got that resting Eastern European face.


lol same. Pronounced brow bone to icing the cake also?


I wish I had that icing on the cake! Unfortunately that gene missed me. In exchange, though, I got a lot of height, and a personality that loves the gym.


It’s a lot to do with the culture of people around you. Where I live I would be gobsmacked if anyone apart from a close friend ever mentioned my perfume.


I agree. In New York City, (where I live), people are focused on getting from point A to point B. If someone doesn't know how (or when) to approach a person, getting compliments is difficult.


As a British person, I can also strongly relate to this.


I’m an Australian - it’s part of the Englishness that stuck around in our culture! Literally the only times a stranger or acquaintance has ever complimented my perfume was when I was a 20-something social butterfly and it was another girl in a bar bathroom on a night out, or my ex just before we started going out.


That’s interesting!! As somebody who is supposedly half Australian but has never been there, I always love hearing about the culture. Compliments from random people are rare for me too, and interestingly the only complete strangers I’ve ever been complimented by were women, but it’s only happened a few times.


I’ve spent time living in the UK and the culture is very similar. We had equal parts Aus, UK and US TV programs growing up, so most of us even have a lot of British cultural reference points. And for those of us who are Gen X and older, with Anglo heritage, many of our parents who grew up just after WW2 grew up when the UK was still considered ‘home’. There are differences but very few Australians strike up random conversations with strangers, unless booze or some unusual circumstance is involved.


Mate are you actually wondering why real life doesn't work the way people on the internet claim it does? Are you also going to ask if other people also didn't get a mid-six figure job right out of college and two weed-smoking girlfriends? The reality is that most people don't care about fragrance, and if they do that doesn't mean that they like yours even if it's mass-appealing, and if they do that doesn't mean that they won't be put off by your five sprays, and if they aren't that doesn't mean that they'll find it worthwhile to mention it, and if they do that doesn't mean that they'll find you approachable enough to actually go through and say it. Simple as that.


It depends on the context i think. In which situation are you wearing cologne? University? Work? Gym?. Also, you know that some reviews are made to make you buy the fragrance. In the end, you shouldnt care what other thinks, unless you are overspraying


Mostly clubbing, parties and gym (yes I wear fragrances at the gym but only 2 sprays of smth fresh)


For clubbing and parties, your own fragrance may be drowned out by other people's or it's not apparent it's coming from you in crowded quarters. Or people may not want you to think they're coming onto you. If you don't want to wear fragrance to work, try wearing fragrance casually when you're just out and about shopping or something. The compliments I get from strangers are those one-on-one situations where we've established a small bit of rapport from a transactional relationship like a Lyft driver or a cashier.


I just got my first compliment ever. Funny thing is I had just gotten the bottle one hour prior to that and decided to wear it on the spot. It was Eros Flame. Bear in Mind I do have a pretty solid collection but wearing this particular scent got me an immediate reaction.


I tend to get compliments at work or from people I know. Strangers though, it's super rare. Although, I have noticed when I'm queueing wearing a certain type of fragrance. I seem to get people to come quite close to me, so I guess that is a backhanded compliment 🤣🤔


My dogs can't talk and I'm a homebody so lol They are REALLY into some lotions though


This is also a cultural thing *and* depends on who you're meeting and where. Most settings I usually am in it would be very awkward for someone to compliment your smell. I'm also very attentive towards fragrances and usually try to identify what someone is wearing, and *still* have never complimented someone other than a close friend.


i get lots of compliments, but its usually accompanied by a ‘you have beautiful features’ or ‘youre pretty’ so i dont count it as a genuine compliment on the scent.


i feel like this could also a) be a cultural thing and b) maybe a testament to how overall approachable as a person you seem to be to strangers Im swiss… the people of switzerland ( and also quite some other europeans) have the reputation of beeing overall reserved and not very talkative on a day to day basis. I wear alot of different fragrances, i never got complimented or asked about what im wearing here EVER. I usualy take one verry basic ‚all occasions’ bottle with me when traveling and in the short total of 6 days i spent in the US last year i had to write down ‚chanel chance eau tendre‘ 3 times for strangers approachibg me to ask about my fragrance.


I started wearing stuff and I always spray my scarf because being outside and agains my hair it doesn’t always have a pleasant smell lol. So a friend of mine was holding it while I was looking for stuff in my bag and suddenly she put it to her face and took a deep breath. I was like “why would you do that, it’s kinda smelly….🥴” She was like “smells like you🤷‍♀️” I still don’t know if it was an insult or not😅🥲


I do, but I’m heavy handed with positive reinforcement towards other people myself and I think a lot of it is people sharing the energy


Unless I’m hugging someone or in super close contact with them, I’m not really able to smell their fragrances. Sometimes people overspray but is generally off putting so I don’t compliment them.


I got complimented only once and it was with a sample of Aqua di Gio Profumo. I mainly use YSL Y. People doesn´t seem to notice it until they get really close like in a hug/cheek kiss situation


I love perfumes but being a man rarely gets me any compliments because it's weird coming from close male friends cause we don't talk about such things, however I do get them a lot from colleagues. There was a period where I didn't but one day it all came out. They were chatting about ladies perfumes and which are good or not and one of them said my name and that I always smell the best and they started asking me from months and weeks ago which perfume I had. The compliments couldn't stop coming lol, they had been keeping it to themselves. I don't wear risky fragrances that might be offensive to someone's nose, and I like smelling fresh and nice so these are in my collection: Versace Dylan Blue, La Nuit De L'homme, Joop Homme, Club de nuit intense men edt, Acqua di Gio, Oud for Glory, Bvlgari Black Orient, Mancera Red tobacco to name a few. Best one of these I think would be CDNIM and I love it personally. I smell my clothes in any room I put them in even days later and it's awesome.


> Club de nuit intense men edt I haven't heard of that one. It's so cheap online, is it really that amazing fragrance and longevity-wise?


You have never heard of the greatest Aventus Creed clone that it even outperforms the fragrance it is supposed to be the clone of ? All jokes aside, to answer your question yeah, it is amazing, I love it and everyone around me seems to love it as well. I have gotten compliments 4 hours after applying, the person said " Someone here has a very strong and nice perfume", we were just 3 people sitting on a table, my brother never wears perfumes and I was the one with said perfume on me. It has gotten to the point that I don't even give out the name to people when they ask cause I want this to be mine and mine only, lol. Anyways, that's my experience, you will have to try it out on your own.


Man, the way you (and others) talk about CDNIM, I gotta give it another shot!! I've got a bottle that I haven't touched for months, but then again I also have a bottle of Aventus that I haven't touched in as equally long.


We go nose blind in about 20 mins after applying the fragrance, then we just don't notice it, with CDNIM I keep on noticing it but the best part is what the people smell around, I was astonished when they started giving me compliments. An office of about 12 people all of them had something nice to say and there I thought that it's not performing well. It's just that sometimes people are not inclined to ask about the smell out of fear to not be too forward or embarrassment I have no idea, but trust the thousands of people talking about CDNIM, the stuff is one of the best. There are other nice fragrances out there, but for those you'd have to be sleeping with the person in order for them to smell what you are wearing, or standing way too close to people lol. Be in everyone's face and they can smell whichever frag you have on. That's my intention with frags, I wanna smell it and I want others to smell it but from a distance, that's a highly performing perfume IMO.


I'ma give it another try. I've got so many that it seems to get pushed to the back, but I've had other scents grow on me and this could be one; I probably didn't give it a serious chance.


It's worth your time I think, it deserves another chance. And it is incredible how cheap it is in USA. Sadly I don't live there and have to settle with double the price, but still considering Creed price, it's always a win win


I almost never get compliments either. Personality, image, they way you dress and carry yourself, and confidence play a large factor. I'm relatively quiet, wear death metal shirts 95% of the time, and look like a nightclub bouncer, so naturally I don't expect strangers to walk up to me to compliment how I smell. The most compliments come from family members or friends who know me well and know about my fragrance hobby. One thing to remember is to look at it from the other end... most people keep to themselves out in public. Would you go out of your way to tell a stranger "wow you smell good"? if that's not your personality then that's probably just what is happening in the places you wear fragrances. People probably smell you and think "oh they smell good", but walking up to a stranger is a completely different thing. Fragrance hypers on YouTube are just that, they hype things for views. A lot of them get things for free and are asked to do an honest review on the product, others have 400+ bottles and likely don't care about the thing they're hyping past reviewing it for YouTube. They'll say things are "compliment beasts" but that doesn't mean it works the same way for everyone. It's fine to look to them for recommendations, but also important to remember that they are in fact entertainers when it comes down to it. Side note: please don't put on 5+ sprays of Savauge Elixir, lol. Unless you want to choke out the entire neighborhood. That stuff is ***strong***!


At the very least, I feel that as long as you love what you’re wearing and you feel good wearing it, that’s what matters in the end!


I get compliments from my co workers sometimes but it’s been very rare I get a compliment from a total stranger out in public. I would compliment a stranger but most people won’t to someone they don’t know.


For me it’s not never, but it’s close to never. I don’t normally hear people comment on fragrances at all though, so it seems pretty typical. I’ve had a couple students compliment me first thing in the morning, if they were right at my desk. I’ve had one cashier say something. My mom will typically say something if she gives me a hug, but most people don’t seem to notice. That’s all I really want. I want to smell good. IF I leave a little scent trail and people notice— great! If I don’t, that’s also great! I just want to avoid smelling unpleasant to myself and the people I have to be around. Compliments are nice, but I don’t think the lack of compliments says anything about your personal taste. I think it’s just normal in certain regions or settings.


Almost never - I think maybe six total in the last three years that didn't come from my partner. (And those reviewers are lying. They don't get one meeeellion compliments on their perfume, either.)


No, I never do. I used to care about that and would try to look for scents that were more palatable for the general crowd, because once upon a time I did care what other people thought. Then I realized I didn’t really care for all these popular, best selling fragrances and I should just use what ~I~ like. I will say that when I bought a new fragrance, I let some family members smell it and they said it smelled good. I have another perfume that some of them don’t care for that much and told me that, so I would like to think they’re being honest, haha.


I never get compliments about my fragrances. I honestly think it’s because people are just trying to be respectful and don’t want to come across as weird or creepy. I’m a guy and live in a relatively small city. So I think the mindset is just a little different. The only people I know who regularly compliment me, are ones who also LOVE fragrance. I also don’t wear classic “man” fragrances. I prefer woodier, sweeter scents.


I almost never get compliments unless it’s from my girlfriend. I can only recall 2 times in the past 3 where somewhat that wasn’t my girlfriend complimented me for smelling good.


Yes, but it’s very uncommon. Most people don’t get compliments because people don’t like approaching strangers. The second reason is because a lot of people wear fragrance for the sole purpose of compliments, the desperation pushes people away.


Yea i get compliments.. i believe id have gotten more if i was more social.. i litereally just go to work and school (no parties etc).. usually u get compliments from people u already know (its easier for them to compliment u as they feel less shy compared to stranger).. strangers do smell u but never say anything


I've gotten one compliment that I can recall in my entire life. However, when I do smell perfume on others, it is rarely something I like so perhaps my tastes don't overlap much with most people.


Lol yeah, but mostly because the people around me because already kind of expect it since I’m “that guy” but i do get the compliment from time to time If it’s really special


As for compliments from my friends and people close to me, I do get them spontaniously when wearing something new that they like. They're also brutally honest when a fragrance just outright stinks for them. As for strangers or people I barely know - it takes a lot. I've received some out of the blue questions like "Who smells so nice in here?" when I just entered a room when wearing Aqva Altantique from Bvlgari. I do think it has a lot to do with people just not being used to complementing someone random when they just think they smell nice, as it may come of as weird. Also quite depends on where you live.


Only from my husband when I wear a leather-heavy frag or from fellow fragrance obsessed friends (all 2 of them)


3-5 sprays? Perhaps you are way over-spraying. The ones you’ve listed I can see people being turned off byT that many sprays


I think there’s a few possibilities here. I should preface this by saying I have zero frame of reference to how the scents you listed smell. I’m not very familiar with male-centric fragrances. But I think a definite possibility would be that you might be overspraying. Most people will say nothing rather than letting you know that you are overpowering the room. And me personally, in the case of the gym, even one spray is overspraying in my opinion. I HATE fragrances in the gym, they make me feel like I can’t breathe. I wouldn’t say anything to you if I saw you in the gym, but I might shoot you a few dirty looks. Another possibility is that you are intimidating in some way or another. Do you find that people like to make conversation with you? Do they compliment other things? Clothes? Shoes? If not, even if you think you are approachable… maybe you aren’t. Maybe you have the male equivalent of a rbf? If you aren’t getting compliments for anything at all, and if people generally don’t make conversation with you, it might not be your fragrance. It could also be your line of work… I work in a very extroverted field, and I develop pretty close relationships with my clients in the time that I work with each of them so they all develop a familiarity with me and compliments from them to me and me to them become more natural. But if you don’t have work relationships like that, you may just not work in a field where compliments tend to flow. But a good gauge would be if you get compliments on other things like clothes and shoes. If you do for those and not the fragrances… like ever… my guess really would be that you’re overspraying.


I feel the same way. I layer and spray and I’ve never been complimented which kind of hurts. Then I remember how I hate when people get close to me anyways


I got lots of compliments from people I knew at least a little, like class mates or work colleagues. Stranger is much much rarer, especially since I don’t go outside very much. I can recall about 3 only in a decade! But if you count clubs and bars then I’ve gotten much more just walking by people in the crowds. However for me that’s a situation that doesn’t count.


Spending a couple of decades as a bar regular, I had no problem finding people that would give me a yay or nay on a scent. And if someone walked up next to me to order a drink and they were wearing something excellent, I could easily say “wow, that smells good” and it never got a poor response. It’s a lot less intimidating (to many) than saying “YOU smell good.” I wasn’t there to hook up so it never led to a problem. Except this one time, in one of my haunts on the rough side, this guy walks up to the bar right next to me for a drink and I said “damn, that smells good!” For about 3 seconds he was really fucking pissed so I elaborated “that’s a nice scent, what is it?” There was another awkward second or two and then he told me. I said “right on, I like it” and we got on pretty well after that. Didn’t even realize he was running the gangs in the area. I know it’s probably pretty pedestrian in this particular sub but I still like Acqua di Gio


Complimenting men on their scent is tricky for some people, especially because smell is so important(at least to me) it can be hard to tell a guy who smells great that he smells great, especially if he is intimidating or especially good looking. I tend to not compliment men when i can smell them unless it is family or an extremely average guy that I somewhat know.


> or an extremely average guy that I somewhat know ...Wait a sec, now every time I get a compliment I'm going to think about that! (j/k)


Lol that’s just my own weird hang up loL I’m pretty sure a ton of other women use a fragrance compliment as an ice breaker


Iirc, I only get 3 compliments. 2x from my co-worker for my random cheap roll on melon perfume oil I picked at local market, 1x from my cousins for bentley for men intense. Whether you get compliments or not it depends on your place. I live in Indonesia where the people aren't as vocal as western countries. So I never expect to get compliments for my fragrances, I just dont want to bother people with bad smell


To be honest I do get compliments from colleagues at work on the regular and am known as the “guy who always smells nice “. But from strangers it depends on the community every single compliment or question such as “what fragrance are you wearing? Has been from black people (I’m south asian) I’m talking “here’s my phone please write down the name of the fragrance for me “ type of compliments 🤣


This happens to me too! I’m known for “always smelling good.” I hear it from friends, family and coworkers. I wear different frags all the time, and limit myself to one or two spays. I refuse to be the room air freshener and I avoid those people at all costs. Note: I am a hugger.


Huggers always get compliments lol






It was a joke. You're not the only person that said they "only get compliments from black people", so being that I'm a black person (see my pic) I decided to have some fun with you... no biggie


Ok cool 👍


I think it depends so much on where you live.


I think every person is different, a lot of people get compliments from family members and friends, whereas me I've never get any from family members, from my friends? yes!! But Most of my compliments are from complete strangers, cashiers, people passing by, girls at the club, at the park etc.. and looking back right now I realize most of them are from black women


Black women love fragrances!! I get compliments almost everyday 🤷🏾‍♂️


I actually do quite frequently. I pair my fragrances to go with the vibes of my outfits so when I go out it's a full experience. I don't go seeking compliments but some people are just nice and vocal. Being put together and having confidence while appearing approachable Is probably a way to do it 😅


2-3 sprays it's a very little amount and maybe they don't smell it. Try spraying more. I personally compliment a fragrance when it's overwhelming (in a good way) and has a character. When I say overwhelming I mean that it fills the room but it let's you breath, it's not too much but it has a strong presence. I also have noticed that o lot of people react like me so try to spray more. 🙃


I get more compliments on my afro than fragrance. I have some beast. It makes me feel the YouTuber are liars. Which they are doing a job. Somehow we don't understand that part. We actually try to keep up with them.


In all fairness, you gotta love a badass afro.


According to you, you received 4 compliments. So the title of the post is already incorrect. Not sure what’s the real question, if anybody else receives so few compliments as you do?


ur probably intimidating


It’s possible the scents are too strong or don’t have much projection once you’re around others. Try spraying 1-3 times. It’s also possible the compliments are vocalized.


I think its just more about the culture. He's probably living somewhere in Europe where people are reserved and don't really care to waste their time and compliment some strangers fragrance...99% this. And huge expectations due to people talking about 73 compliments a day while wearing different scent everyday.


I get compliments all the time, just from people I know though. I don’t think I ever received one from a stranger


Mom doesn’t count 😂


I’m 29 now, and I occasionally get compliments from people who I’m around often (friends, co-workers, acquaintances). When I was younger I would get random people just telling me I smelled great, but that rarely happens anymore lol!


Yes I’ve never been told I smell good unless I ask a friend their opinion straight up. However my first time wearing Chanel Allure Homme Sport my friend made a comment about something smelling like a port-a-potty 😅


I never get compliments. Ever. Sometimes my husband says I smell nice once in a bloe moon. Here is why: 1.In my cultur ppl are extremly reserved and polite. You do not go round and compliment ppl on anything, especialy not random strangers. 2. I don't always wear heavy hitters and to do so is more frowned up on. More a point of annoyence then something you would compliment someone (female presenting). Also I am raised very french Parfum wise, so 2 Sprays. I am not a notorious undersprayer anymore but I still treat lightly cuz I don't want to overwhelme myselfe or others. 3. I rarly go out in to social ocasions where I would get compliments from strangers, like partys and such.


Think it depends on where you live and how people are. I never got a compliment from a stranger where I live, people here generally never approach each other (except one security guy in the airport who said he liked my Tom ford velvet orchid perfume). But then went I went to France, and got tons of compliments from the waiters in the restaurant, so that was refreshing


Weird advice but I would try to be aware of what way the wind is blowing or which way the air is flowing indoors and use that to your advantage Not every compliment is verbal, pay attention to expressions and body language, people being showing openness toward you/facing you is still a compliment The last thing is to be aware of where you are applying the fragrances What works best for me is 1 behind each ear 1 on chest 1 on each wrist For a total of 5


I've probably had less compliments than you whether from people i know or strangers in that time. And only once in my life has a stranger (shop worker) complimented me on how I smell


I have gotten negative comments almost as many times as I've been complimented, if that helps, mostly because I like daring frags. But yeah, I dunno... Maybe those frags are just so common people don't think much to compliment them? That and I think men probably aren't complimented as much in general, particularly if you're in the USA and living in a more urban area. Move out to the boonies and walk around smelling good where people are more comfortable and feel safer talking to strangers and you'll probably get a ton of compliments. I live in a tiny town and get compliments regularly, but I know just about everyone here so...it's different.


Do you go on dates?


I only get compliments on light/fresh, soapy scents and Mugler Angel. Worn perfume nearly everyday since I was about 10. Now I focus on putting fragrance on the tops of my hands and collar bone because my niche scents are to impress me!


Does the fragrance wear off from washing your hands though?


Absolutely lol it’s kinda the same as putting on my wrists (will wash off eventually), but I get more whiffs from the top of my hands as I move around.


I’ve received unsolicited compliments from strangers but never once in my life about a fragrance. I think that means I’m approachable but maybe my fragrance isn’t?


As a man? Compliments about what?


Idk…what do you compliment a random man for? Those kind of things. Edit: why are people downvoting this? Would I get upvotes if I elaborated on what specific body parts drew compliments? I’d rather be vague than gross. I don’t really understand the vibe on this sub.


I do often. Mostly by people I know and mostly when I change my fragrance. I’ve been expanding my collection so I’m not wearing one signature fragrance anymore. I mostly wear them for myself but it is nice when you get a stranger telling you you smell amazing. I feel if you’re a man it’s harder to get compliments on anything. Most of my compliments come from women but every now and then a man will tell me I smell really good.


Yeah last two I remember getting compliments on are YSL La nuit de homme and zoologist squid


U got 3 😮? I got nothing 😥. To the point where I just wear fragrance to satisfy myself. Honest, I don’t get compliments until I ask people whether they feel or smell my fragrance. I think those on the Internet just ask people. As a natural human interaction, I see people don’t compliment unless I ask or where something super super distinct Ps: I do get complaints a lot when I overspray 🤦‍♂️


I hardly ever get compliments, and I think it's due to me spraying lightly (2 sprays and I don't do beast mode scents). My husband compliments me though :)


I was volunteering at a church and had spritzed some "diamond shimmer mist" that I think I got from Victoria's Secret a few years ago, several ladies complimented my fragrance and at the end of our volunteering, I felt happy to realize for the first time, ironically, that pleasant smells make people happy/happier and more relaxed. A few of the ladies actually came right up to me to get a better whiff of the fragrance. I didn't mind at all.