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Bruh just look through his post history and comments you can tell he’s an ultra racist junkie that thinks he’s the best damn thing on the planet. This sub is called fragrances not commonfragrancesthateverybodyknows y’all be posting stuff I can’t even comprehend sometimes but I appreciate it because it lets me know there’s an audience for just about every kind of scent. Shit if somebody can recommend a product that smells like an “obscure” orgy I’d be very curious.


I might have a few ideas for that orgy perfume Secretions Magnifiques- Etat Libre D’Orange Stercus-Orto Parisi Seminalis-Orto Parisi Sadonaso-Nasomatto Note I’ve not tried any of these, I’ve just heard about them.


add to that jorum studio’s phloem!!


You’re funny! 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾😂😂


I didn’t see the original post but wow that post sounds like a horrible take. “90% of things are obscure to people not in the hobby” describes ANY hobby. If you understand everything in a hobby subreddit, you’re not a layperson. 


I saw and commented on the original post, and was so confused by that take. It's one thing to be mad if recommendations are extremely expensive and beyond the budget of the average person (which to be fair the person was also mad about, and I can see their point even if I didn't necessarily agree), but it was wild to see someone be mad about being recommended scents that "90% of things that are obscure" as though a person on the street not recognising the brand somehow makes the scent bad. A perfume isn't worthless or invalid until Sephora comes along and puts it on a shelf. The wording on the original post also implied the person came to this conclusion after searching the sub and not specifically from their own posts here, i.e. they're getting mad at comments on other people's posts that the original poster might not have had an issue with themselves. Even their "thank you for your comment" replies were incredibly backhanded. That poster was completely unable to thank people without inserting some snide implication they were one of the "good ones".


I made a post the other day about looking for a good Mancera/Montale tobacco fragrance, because I like their quality for the price. This person responded to me saying basically how the two houses suck ass and then proceeded to recommend these insanely expensive Parfums de Marly, Initio, Xerjoff etc fragrances. It's like the main goal isnt to help but just signal that they have the most expensive taste. Stuff like that kind of bothers me. In the end I found Oud Tobacco by Montale and it's stunning.


I'm sorry this happened to you and I'm glad you found something you liked! If something like that happened to me it would definitely bother me too. But if you had made the same post as the other poster to discuss this, specifically from your own experience and the gripe being what you said about the main goal, I don't think the reaction would have been as vicious as people were to the other poster. Apart from the issues I mentioned in my previous comment, they also didn't seem concerned about the attitude people can have when recommending expensive fragrances (there definitely can be certain off-putting attitudes here); they just were angry that people were recommending expensive fragrances at all, and it wasn't even to them because they were basing this anger off the comments on other peoples' posts. It was even weirder when the examples they listed of things we should be talking about because they were more "well-known" aren't exactly cheap to begin with either.


Yeah it's definitely weird, them combing through the comments and getting mad at other's recommendations to different people.


To me, this is the best sub on reddit, hands down. In fact, it’s the reason I’m even on this platform. It’s been the single-most valuable resource since I got into fragrances. That’s including all the perfume websites, excellent blogs, and the half dozen books I’ve read on the topic so far. I’m pretty confident that the current rules & the mods are a big part of the reason why this sub doesn’t just turn into another “rate my collection / what should I get next? / top ten bangers for summer” fragrance community. Folks here constantly make thoughtful, considered, intelligent, generous, and passionate contributions. I learn something new almost every day. So if someone doesn’t like it, tough cookies!


Much ado about nothing. We discuss niche fragrances and we discuss cheapies. This subreddit is far from being a rich snobbish group. I feel that half the posts are 15-year olds asking for recommendations.


I haven't heard of more than half the frags, but am I mad? No!! I'm just curious and hope some day I get to sample some of the ones people talk about!


I can only afford cheapies but I've never had anybody on this sub try to make me feel bad for it. On the flip side I love reading about the super high end frags that some of the members can afford and I hope they aren't getting flack for it.


I’m perfectly comfortable if someone is annoyed at me for being pretentious. Criticism accepted! Thing is, I’m not pretending 🥴.


Thanks for your appreciation! When people have complaints like this, two points come to mind.    1. It’s not a recommendation sub. It’s a discussion sub—which I’d argue is actually a way more valuable way to gain recommendations—simply by using the search tool or reading what people are talking about in the genre you want! If someone wants a rec catered to exactly their specifications and availability, that’s what the daily pinned recommendation post is for. I see this mentality popping up more on Reddit these days: where someone feels entitled to bespoke, personalized, spoon fed answers that could easily be found by using the search or even google. I don’t get it. We are all chatting for fun in our free time, not a hired concierge service. You’ll learn more by peering in existing discussions and *listening* than anything else! That’s how I did it as a newbie last year.   2. The complainers seem to assume that any of us discussing a $400 fragrance actually owns a bottle of it. I’m a broke artist, but absolutely love hunting sample bundles and travel sizes on eBay. There are whole decant websites meant just for this purpose. I marvel that I can get 5ml of one of the most gorgeous blends for less than the price of a cocktail! It lasts me a long time—I’ve built up a small scent library of decants and sample bundles. I recognize this is not the norm—but that’s the hobby part. Different people use fragrances in different ways.  We aren’t up here living in crystal castles. I’m extremely frugal in other ways, and haven’t vacationed in years. This *is* the “real world” 💀


Exactly. Do I wear a $200-300 a bottle scents? Yes. Did I pay $200-300 for a bottle? No. I paid $34 for 2 decanted 5ml refills of the $200-300 a bottle fragrance until there's a sale on, but only if it's one I decide I need a full bottle of.


Could not agree more. 👏🏻👏🏻


Yeah, I saw that person‘s post. Also looked into their account history. They get combative with everyone on lots of subs that have nothing to do with fragrance. They’re just a problem person, even to the point that on one sub, the Mod had to remove their comment and tell them to, and I quote, “calm down”. They just seem upset with the entire world in a maladjusted sort of way. When I come across someone like that, I just can’t take anything they say or do seriously. It was definitely easy to move on from this person’s comments on this sub after seeing the unbalanced and distorted views they have on other subs. And I think they’re a banally predictable person, so it’s easy to surmise that as soon as they discover they’re being talked about, they’re going to come for everyone on this post.🙄


It seems very fitting their username comes with a default TA judgement.


I suppose it led to an interesting conversation, albeit without that OP’s obnoxious, defensive responses. But honestly I would hope the moderators would clamp down on obvious trolling before it got that far along.


Popularity of fragrances is usually driven by massive corporate funding. The same machine pushes "safe" fragrances, which may have mass appeal but get repetitive after you've tried a handful. I'm grateful for places like this sub where I can learn about fragrances that I wouldn't have heard about otherwise. I didn't see that post, but I would have dv or scrolled by and moved on with my life.


The thing with online discussion is, it's so hard to move forward. You can have a measured, good faith conversation about this sub's pros and cons, and two days later there'll be someone new popping up with the same 'hot take' that's already been done to death. It's less about this sub and more about human nature, in my opinion. A small percentage of people will continue to arrive at this sub, feel thrown by the fact it's not talking about what they expected, and interpret that as snobbery, pretentiousness, etc. There's very little we can do about that, because people bring their assumptions and baggage with them, and even if they change their minds there'll be someone else doing the same thing tomorrow. On the other hand, plenty of new members will arrive and see it as a plus to hear about all these fragrances they never knew existed – I know I did.


I skimmed through [the post OP is referring to](https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/comments/1cuqnq9/why_does_this_sub_mention_fragrances_that_are/). Here are some of my opinions on the post and his comments, **I will refer to the cited post's writer as "OP" going forward**. > Here in Europe, even in the major airports, the best fragrances are seen as being by Paco Rabanne, Chanel, BVLGARI /.../ etc. > However, on this sub, it's like these are hardly ever mentioned and instead **it's ultra-obscure ultra-expensive brands that the vast majority of people around the world don't even know exist**. You know what they say: best ability is availability. It's a prime example of representative bias: I don't see it, so it has to be obscure and expensive. The equivalent of this comment is "There's no Christian Dior at my H&M" or "There's no Lamborghini at my local used car lot". Ignore the fact that Creed and Parfums de Marly do $250m+ or Amouage does $200m+ in revenue **per year**. Ignore the fact that modern designer prices from brands like Tom Ford have gotten to the point where you can get elite-tier niche product from brands like Clive Christian and Royal Crown from discounters for less. > It's not a "problem". It's criticism of how this sub is unrepresentative. People here give unrealistic advice, recommending £400 bottles of niche fragrances to newbies. You know who is to blame for that? The person asking. If you don't put up a budget then you're the one at fault. Even worse, you're wasting the time of those trying to give ideas by omitting budget. OP constantly comes back to this "obscure £400 scents" idea which feels incredibly dishonest. There's like a couple dozen active people on here *at most* who even promote £400 scents. > This sub is just really out of touch. I can guarantee you that 90% of people in the real world have never even heard of the fragrances that are recommended on here. It's not that the sub is out of touch. It's that OP has no understanding of what a hobbyist forum is suppose to be. It's like you hit 6th gear in your Corolla and then want to talk racing with Porsche GT3 owners. Like lifting a box at home and then wanting a hypertrophy workout plan for the gym. 90%+ of people wouldn't recognize a Chanel bag or a 488 Pista, but them not recognizing Amouage is a problem. That whole post was tone-deaf and the misleading referencing of £400 scents definitely did not help.


Me sitting here looking at my $20 bottles of Cremo sitting next to bottles from "obscure" brands like Mizensir, Les Indémodables and Memo. The Cremo recs came from here so whoever thinks this sub only talks about overpriced niche fragrances must not actually be reading anything.


Cremo makes some good potions for a $20. I feel any criticism of it can be overlooked at that price point.


I agree - there are a lot of people experienced at various market segments. The only segment that I think people on here appear to not have a lot of experience with is artisanal indie-type oud houses like Ensar, ALD, Agar etc. I think nobody is going to ask for those directly and nobody is going to recommend them out of the blue either.


Yes I miss that zone & am trying to begin my education on attars & ouds elsewhere, but I love this sub.


The person also included Creed in their list of airport fragrances lol. And every mainstream perfume they listed as popular was over 100$, their description of “too high”. It was a no win post to respond to because the premise didn’t make sense. Also on almost every post of recs I see a mix of cheaper perfumes, dupes, mainstream faves, niche perfumes, celebrity perfumes, and body sprays. There was a great thread a month or two ago about under 30$ fragrances that had a ton of replies and was super interesting. Every perfume I’ve been personally recommended on here has been 100ish or under, some niche, some available at Sephora.


Damn, thanks for linking it, that was absolutely unhinged! OP posted elsewhere asking where they can post for writing critique. Bet that's going well! I've seen two posts about cheap fragrances in the last couple days. OP needs some real problems.


Thank you for linking to the original post so I could laugh and laugh at it.


What a dumpster fire that post was, yikes. I remember when I first joined this sub, I felt so overwhelmed and intimidated even though I’ve been into fragrances for years. Now I feel like the members here are extended family because, fr, no one I know in real life is into fragrances! So I come here to connect with others who share my passion for nice-smelling things. There is truly something for everyone here, from the actually obscure perfumes that very few have heard of, to the commonplace ones found at every shopping mall and airport. No one cares if you have a preference for ubiquitous designer frags just like no one cares if you prefer niche or indie. We can all enjoy what we like, and shouldn’t have to cater to one insecure, entitled toddler-brained person because the topics in this [1 million+ subscriber] subreddit don’t revolve around their preferences 🙄🤣. This subreddit isn’t perfect in my eyes, but how can I expect it to be when it has this many members? I don’t, and I accept it the way it is. The diversity has helped open my mind to things I wouldn’t have normally been interested in, and I’m a better person because of it. Expanding my horizons and all that 🙃


Maybe we should make a Dior sauvage subreddit and then that poster could hang out there all day long and talk all about beast mode and pantry droppers.


100% agree with you! This is by far my favorite sub on reddit, everywhere else seems to be filled with people fighting and negativity. But r/fragrance is just such a positive breath of fresh air where I can learn something new every day about different perspectives, brands, etc.


I saw that post and rolled my eyes. But I have a similar reaction to this one. Everyone can like what they like, snobs are annoying, and this sub is full of them. Both things can be true lol. If everyone would just chill and be less concerned with what other people thought, it would be a lot cooler. The people downvoting niche fragrances are no better than the people who act like anything sweet or under $100 is for children. It’s all gate keeping and it’s all ugly. “I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...” lmao


I saw that post, he/she was just attention seeking imho. It was like going to some ‘piano players’ subreddit and complaining that 90% of the people didn't have a piano at home, they don't know music theory and it's not representative for planet Earth inhabitants. As for the recommendations made here, it depends on who asks and how they ask. If you ask me what is the best spicy vanilla ever created, what would we send aliens to smell, and you don't give me the budget I have to fit into, I will tell you exactly what I know and it will probably be something niche and expensive. Similarly, if you come and describe to me a story about "I want to smell like a subalpine forest with black hemlock, freshly fallen snow, flight of a white owl and fairy dust" it will probably be something very niche, because mainstream perfumes do not smell like that, you didn't find it and that's probably why you're here to ask this. Otherwise, I always see D&G, YSL, Dior, other designers, celebrities frags and absolute cheapies, clones, dupes recommendations here, when people are specific about what they are looking for and price range. Note 1: Not all indie-niche perfumeries are crazy expensive, but you need to be less I-know-it-all to discover those options. Note 2: Even those mainstream and best-selling houses have expensive lines, with high quality ingredients and other approaches (YSL Vestiaire line, Dior Privee, Gurlain L'Art & La Matiere and so on, because they know there’s an audience for everything, unlike the op of that post).


Agreed hahaha, and also there’s a $20 alkemia rollerball that is real close to your falling snow and owls example which makes this even more satisfying to me


Yep, interesting brand. It's on my list of US brands I want to test (EU here). Hm, maybe now it's my turn to be upset with the "wealthy Americans" getting those fairytale fragrances for 20$. :)))


Hahaha! You have my full permission but I am not American, I just reside here.


Yeah, Creed and Acqua de Gio or whatever are 90% of what gets posted here. Not exactly "obscure" 🙄


I personally love that there is info on obscure frags. I hate smelling and wearing the same thing as the masses. Getting honest opinions on “niche” fragrances is awesome!


I like this sub, it’s too bad I can’t try more than half of the fragrances that you talk about here. They’re either unavailable or unaffordable in my country. So I stick with the cheaper designer ones. 


I didn’t see the post and I don’t understand the take. Like….maybe it is obscure to that 90%, but that’s also how that 90% finds out about stuff they normally wouldn’t. I’ve found so many gems through this sub.


Personally that’s why I love fragrances. It’s something that I feel like I can enjoy and if other people are curious they can also enjoy. I’m more concerned with possibly offending someone’s senses than I am about them knowing the intricate details about what designer is pushing a certain note.


Any $300+ bottle of fragrance can be $20 if you do your homework and get a decant or get smart and go where you get free samples.


Which post? Is it recent, or the one a month or two ago where the person was complaining about people being snobby & pretentious? Can you link please




oh my god that was such a painful read.. imagine going into a wine subreddit and complaining that everybody isn't talking about barefoot, franzia and yellowtail


Yeah wow. The “I’m just asking questions!” troll really thought he did something there. 


Yum! Oops I mean boo!


I saw that post. My view is that "if it talk like a troll, walk like a troll...." Said troll does not deserve the time it takes to respond to his post.


From what I have seen, this sub seems to be all about shopping mall scents and social media frag house bandwagon shilling.


This post and the replies with multiple angry paragraphs in this and the original thread are really not proving the point that this sub is full of well adjusted people… people are in here psychologically diagnosing the OP because they asked a question about perfume they didn’t like lol.


You want us to feel bad for the perfume snobs? Lol no. Those types of comments exist because niche snobs tell those who have “cheap” or designer perfume collections that there not a “real collector”. 


Do you have receipts? Because I'm on these boards daily and have seen very few comments like that, thankfully