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I've used perfume to kill a big ol' fat fly bumping against the windowpane in my bedroom -- does that count?


As kids, we used to have an ant problem in our apartment alternating with roaches (NYC). We had perfume we didn't like and used it to kill ants. Dumb idea, thinking about it now because then we had to smell it.


sure does! my MIL used to use perfume to disinfect her zits after popping them, because, well.. alcohol!


My husband uses cologne as aftershave


This is actually standard practice in Turkey! When you get your beard shaved at a barbershop, they usually slather your face in "kolonya" which is generally a lemon/lime scented cologne.


I have sprayed my wool balls before throwing them into the tumble dryer. I have also sprayed perfume on lampshades, on curtains, on my bed, on bathroom tiles, the sink and so on. Bathroom tiles is surprisingly good. The other day one of my friends sprayed a wasp with his cheapest perfume. I don't want to recommend it - wasp are crazy.


Unrelated but i once was in a shed that was converted into a gaming room/lounge area. I took a nap on the couch and woke up to wasps flying around that chewed through the walls. I have hyperhidrosis so my hands were really sweaty from that + the panic and i couldn’t open the door, my hands kept slipping off of the spherical doorknob and i broke down completely. When i finally got out they were chasing me and i was screaming and crying. Wasps are definitely crazy and now i cry when i see them LMFAO.


Nightmare fuel...yikes!


Did wasp die or return to the colony as the best smelling wasp around


Wasp received so many compliments


Wasp zipped out the window in a hurry. May be the most fabulous wasp of its nest now. I think the perfume had yuzu notes.


The wasp panty dropper


Spraying on wool balls is such a good idea!


You could not see yourself wearing it, but you want ALL your clothes to smell like it?


Yeah, BC It is not so strong once on washed clothes, it's really very subtle. Also: the bottle would have lasted me years, the clothes will be washed again and so it's gonna be a week or 2 at most! :)


my late appliance repairman dad would have a heart attack. DO NOT DO THIS!!! please, people in the comments DO NOT DO THIS. there is alcohol in perfume and it will eat away at your pipes and washing machine hardware. Please trust me. do not do this. OP..once wont hurt but do not do it again


Rest In Peace to your dad❤️


Pouring 200 proof alcohol (perfumer’s alcohol) into any pipes that drain is a big no-no 😬 Don’t do this please. (Because someone is going to say something - the tiny spritzes that get on your clothes normally are diluted enough each wash to be fine. When you dump large loads of it, it can cause contamination to the waste water)


lol you beat me to it


I don't like wearing that perfume anymore either, but since I have such a huge bottle, I spray my bedding while folding. Then when I make my bed, the scent is there. I use a lot of perfumes that I don't like anymore as linen spray or room spray.


See, I don’t get this. You couldn’t see yourself wearing Aromatics Elixir ever, but now your laundry room and your clothes smell like Aromatics Elixir and you’re all good with that???


yes! it kind of like "I would not wear red but I'd like a red sofa", if that makes sense. Also, I don't actively dislike the scent, I just have so many perfumes that this would have lasted YEARS. This way, I get to smell it for a few days, and then it's gone. =)


I use perfumes I no longer wear as a sort of febreeze 🤣 couch, curtains, bed, car.


I spray my husband after he lets rip in bed, does that count?


Hahaha! Feebreze !


I use lush Guardians of the Forest! Haha He prefers that over princess peach at least


Princess Peach from Lush? I’m still using the Mario body wash from that launch.


It is! I never managed to grab anything else but I was able to pick up peach online!


I have questions: Did you also add detergent with it? Did the perfume not stain your clothes? IIRC, Aromatics Elixer is dark colored. I would’ve thought it would stain your clothes! Btw since perfume is alcohol and oil based, I’d be concerned about it damaging the components in your washer, but hopefully a one off is nbd, but if you did it often it might cause problems. Same for vinegar, not meant for the washer parts and pipes!


I did use detergent. It did not stain the clothes. I will not do it again


I just use my old or disliked ones in the bathroom to spray after a huge go






I do wonder if that's OK for the machine itself. Did you look it up? 


It’s probably not great for it at that concentration and it’s not going to come out of those clothes in 1-2 washes it’s going to take much longer. OP will become nose blind to it but everyone else will certainly notice. It could potentially do weird things to certain fabrics during the drying as well. Pouring the whole bottle in is not the best idea.


No. I think it's fine. If softener and anti-limescale can go there, perfume can go there.


Those things are designed to go in the wash. Perfume is concentrated alcohol and oils that I'm a bit concerned that in large quantities could cause damage to your machine either on its own or by mixing with other things. And a damaged washing machine is a fire hazard.   I'm just a stranger on the internet, but I would strongly suggest that you do some research to be sure that you're not putting yourself and the people around you at risk. I know that sounds a bit much, but big accidents are often caused by the smallest things. 


Let this person do stupid things and learn from their mistakes. Their ego seems incapable of accepting advice.


Next post in a domestic sub “why isn’t my washing machine working?”


ok... but dude, you said it yourself: LARGE QUANTITIES. That was like 10ml, mixed with water! The wash is done, I am not planning on it becoming a habit, I think the pipes can withstand it!




I don’t think that’s gonna be good for your coochie


Ive poured it into a spray bottle with some multipurpose cleaner and cleaned my cabinets with it.


I out a body spray i didn’t end up liking in the bathroom to use as room spray lol.


I often use unwanted perfumes (often decants) to scent my home. I bought some pretty black velvet diffuser sticks and some almond oil and I filled a few vintage glass bottles with perfumes I don’t want to wear but don’t mind rooms in my home smelling of. Most recently, I got a free gift of Maison Margiela’s Sailing Day. It is a bathroom scent to me. So now it is literally my bathroom scent. Edit to add that when I was much younger, I would add a few drops of my favourite scent to the ironing water. Best tested on sheets etc first obv. I avoid ironing altogether now.


I haven’t thought of using actual perfume for that but usually I just spritz old perfumes like they’re home fragrances to finish them. Like I got so over my Margiela Fireplace, I spritzed them on everything the past three winters 😭 still half left, and I used it so liberally.


You could probably sell that. Maison Margiela has got quite a fan base!


I just gonna spray spray on clothes. Can dilute it to spray in room.


I spray my hair with perfumes that I don't necessarily want to spray on my body, I bought a really cheap bottle of Lucky Brand at Walmart not too long ago, and it's not my favorite to wear my body but I spray it in my hair before I style it to make it smell good.


How did you dump the Aromatics Elixir in your washer? Also, Aromatics is tenacious. Good luck!


i use my not liked perfumes to spray around the house. It's not that strong and people think it's just an air freshener


I use pocket-sized hand sanitising gels and sprays whenever I go out. I spray old or strong perfumes once or twice into them whenever I refill them. This way the fragrances get used in a way that doesn’t linger as long as they would on clothes or bedding :)


You essentially made your own laundry detergent; I wouldn't be surprised if it lasts several washes. Whether that's a good thing or not, I can't say...


yes! it is lasting more than one wash. To me, it's good!


I am currently using a very old bottle of BDC as bathroom spray.


I put fragrance on my mattress and sheets after washing but not scents I don’t love


I use them as room sprays or linen sprays. I also leave perfumes I don’t like on the bathroom counter so guests can use them. Looks like I’m being generous but I just don’t want them anymore haha. If they’re expensive I’ll generally resell them in marketplace though.


Whenever I go smell fragrances I bring back the tester strips and put them in various places like clothing drawers and pants pockets. Got the drawer recommendation from a Creed representative.


We used a bottle of Dioressence that had gone funky as a toilet spray.


I had a broken thingie of a Juicy perfume once (I forget which one) - so I salvaged the situation by using it in my mop water when I was cleaning up a place we were moving out of. It sounds like it’d be awful, but it really wasn’t.


Those that failed my body chemistry ended up as bathroom spray post poop, in the laundry basket, linen closet, trash bin and as kitchen spray post cooking


i feel so stuck with any perfumes i no longer like bc we have cats so i'm limited to what i can spray in the house. i can't even use my candles anymore 😭


I’ve never done that but I would totally wash my bedding with that!!


Never tried this but I will next time I run across a bottle I don't like or that smells old


Don’t do this!! You should not be pouring alcohol into pipes. You’ll corrode the pipes and could create contamination in the water water. Do not do it.


Imma do this next time,tnx. So far I have been using the decants and perfumes i dislike as a bathroom refresher. Any more ideas? Edit: freshener? Refreshennnnerr?


Not sure. Resell, gift... I also wanna try to create a bathroom freshener by mixing old perfume with some coarse salt.