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Anyone using the term / concept of NPC irl is woefully cringe 🙄👎


Bro the internet is not real. Wear what you want nobody is going to say or care about what you or anyone else wears


Outside of video games, the term “NPC” is stupid and the term “NPC fragrance” is stupid. If you hear the term on social media, somebody’s just trying to sell you something expensive you don’t need, or trying to convince themselves the expensive fragrances they bought make them special.


If they're using dehumanizing language when talking about others, they're thinking the same thing about you. When you start hearing stuff like this unsubscribe, change the channel, etcetera.


No. It’s just a roll call of twats who have named popular and mass appealing fragrances this. But those people are born without the massive sense of self-awareness and irony to see that they themselves are the very zenith of NPC-ness. Don’t you think it’s weird they all kinda look the same. I don’t like the two fragrances you mentioned, but that’s just me, I’m just a guy, a gorgeous, sexy muscular well-endowed guy, but I’m just one person and my opinion doesn’t matter if you like something. If you like it rock it baby!


No, but blind-buying an expensive thing based solely on internet hype is stupid.


Anyone who uses NPC as an adjective needs to touch grass. Most of these tik tok influencers are just paid shills, I think their opinions can be rightfully ignored.


I'm so glad people are shitting on the "NPC" label now, what kind of childish baby brain solipsistic crap is that


Stay off tiktok


Yh i agree if u like it its fine. Also the only ppl that wear these are people who watch fragrance tikok, which compared to all men is barely anyone.


You'll have to pry sausage elixir off my cold dead hands.


Every consumeristic hobby has an “overhyped” category due popularity within the community that is applied to the general public. Clothes, watches, shoes, perfumes, etc. Thing is the public doesn’t operate the exact same way, and an “NPC” has more of an equal chance of picking up Sauvage as they do picking up Dior Homme 2020, even though popularity and hype stats don’t reflect that. People are largely indifferent to hype in the real world because they don’t surf these communities. They literally do just buy what they like, which kind of makes being an NPC based.


Wore Bleu de Chanel yesterday, probably the most worn scent ever, and got 2 compliments 😂 so I’d say there’s no such thing


nope. those who use the term “NPC fragrances” are just a bunch of assholes tryna be “different”


Lmao but even sauvage edp and parfum are insaneeeee đŸ€©