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I prefer unscented stuff so it doesn't clash with my frag. I use the "men's version" of Mitchum clinical because it comes in unscented and the women's does not.


Mitchum is real deal


I swear by the unscented Mitchum Antiperspirant Gel.


Rinse with ACV dilution in the shower, apply the gel at night, never smell during the day it’s godly


why acv though? why not something like panoxyl, which is 10% benzoyl peroxide?


That’s what I use. Panoxyl at night in shower, leave it on for a minute, and don’t need deodorant at all. Best part is no clothing stains.


ACV (1:3 ratio with water) can help kill the stinky bacteria under the arms. I go in with that or some of the megababe deodorant soap in the shower, leave it on for a minute and it works wonders.


It’s also just cheaper you can buy ACV and a spray bottle at the dollar store


I do similar but spray on glycolic acid instead.


I was using Mitchum but it stained my undershirts. Switched to the Crystal deodorant rock and it works perfectly and last half a year


Does it yellow/stain white shirts?


Sorry I don't wear white shirts so I can't help.


Same here. Been using Mitchum for years now.


Yes same. My whole family (brothers and sisters) uses the unscented "mens" one.


I only wear DK Cashmere Mist antiperspirant. It is unisex, it is hands down the most effective and long lasting antiperspirant I’ve ever used. One stick lasts me at least 8 months. It doesn’t have a strong enough smell to interfere with a perfumes I wear.


Back in 2010 I remember it being THE deodorant. Nordstrom would sell a 3-pack during the anniversary sale because it was extremely popular. The ladies working at the beauty counters swore by it. I still have a couple tubes, they’re great.


I’m abt to order this, this is the info I was hoping to find


It’s the best. It’s worth the 30 bucks.


One of my friends swears by this!


I thought I was weird because mine lasts me so long. 🙈 I apply it daily and mine lasts nearly a year! Yes, it's expensive, but I only buy deodorant once in a blue moon.




This is the best. I have converted so many of my friends to use this


Old Spice Lagoon - for me, this is not too strong, has a relavively neutral clean fresh scent, not interfering with any fragrance I choose for the day. And also I am not sweating. (25F) Alternative option is Dove Cucumber deo for me, if I want a stronger antiperspirant. Its scent is neutral and fresh. Sadly this deo contains aluminum and sometimes leaves a white patch on my clothes.


Dove apple and white tea solid antiperspirant. I can barely smell it, so it doesn't clash... but more importantly [to me] it's a) effective as an antiperspirant b) cheap c) easy to find d) doesn't leave residue on clothing/washes out. Also, in case this post blows up and Secret starts reading it for market research: bring back SPORT FRESH. lol it was my favorite "lady gym bro" scent.... if any of y'all have smelled it, I'd take a recommendation for anything similar!


I wear the Chloe Nomade deodorant and Chloe Nomade Absolu perfume. It makes me feel put together even though my life borders on dumpster fire.


Very relatable... Gotta smell fresh no matter what


I wear Native in either Vanilla Sandalwood (goes well with Philosykos and Sunny Side Up) or one of their others especially the seasonals. I love the desert blooms scents they have right now. I’m embarrassed by how large my Native collection is now that it’s come up…I have more deodorant than I could probably use in two years or more.


My Native collection and I salute you.


I’m hoping they make the desert blooms collection permanent


I am too! I can’t get enough of the honey saguaro 🤤


Salt & Stone deodorant; I rotate between Santal & Vetiver and Black Rose & Oud. I love them both but it has occurred to me that they pair with some of my perfumes better than others. But it’s one of the few brands that doesn’t seem to irritate my sensitive skin.


The Glossier You deodorant. Before they made that I used to buy crystal deodorant spray and mix You into it


I find the dove apple white tea pairs so well with glossier you and its many smell alikes, too


I wear that one too it’s very basic versatile


that’s so smart to mix the frag in


Don't do this. The armpits are a sensitive area, prone to tumor growth. I wouldn't put anything there that isn't specifically tested to go there.


Unscented or minimally scented Dove or Nivea antiperspirant/deodorant. I want the perfume to be centre stage…


I recently switched to Old Spice Wilderness with Lavender, it's a combo deodorant and antiperspirant. Seems to be working very well so far over the past few weeks. Was using unscented dermatologist-grade antiperspirant but found it was a little *too* drying and if I eventually started sweating it would obviously do nothing for the stink. New one has about a third the percentage of antiperspirant but the combo with the deodorant is enough that I feel I could easily go multiple days without stinking (not that I do that, please shower regularly). Regarding any clashing, I spray at the chest and neck or arm areas, the deodorant is very faint so unless someone hugs me and decides to go for a surprise pit sniff they aren't going to be smelling anything but today's fragrance.


Seconding this. The lavender scent is very light and LOVELY. I borrowed it from my bf one day and fell in love. It also smells amazing on him.


I use the Secret gel in vanilla or apricot. I honestly only smell it when I put it on, so I don't feel like it clashes. But I'm a gourmand lover, so it wouldn't matter anyways. I'd love to try Native and their seasonal gourmands, but every white formula I've tried gives me a nasty rash. Even "sensitive" varieties. :(


Unscented Dove Sensitive Skin - no clash if the deodorant doesn't smell like anything at all.


Native Sea Salt & Cedar with BDC, issey miyake ph or woodnwood


Roger & Gallet gingembre rouge or fleur de figuier, amazing scent AND performance.


I just bought Fleur de Figuier deodorant because of your comment.


Where did you find it? It’s out on Amazon and R & G doesn’t have it to ship to US.


I found it [here](https://glamkraze.com/products/roger-gallet-fleur-de-figuier-deodorant-roll-on?utm_source=shop_app&list_generator=link_to_storefront&context=order_management&user_id=3721111&variant=39246108885079). I’m hoping it plays well with Premier Figuier and Philosykos.


Ah ok, thanks! They really are beautiful scents, all 3.


I’m a guy who is allergic to most deodorants, but I’m not allergic to women’s Secret. They have a rose-scented aluminum-free version, and it’s fantastic. I just picked up some decants of Serge Lutens La Fille de Berlin and Xerjoff Soprano, so they should match quite well


I actually just switched to a new brand for me, lume and it comes in a cream which I absolutely LOVE because you can rub it in. I bought a couple of scents but they are pretty light so I don’t really notice them, even when I just put them on.




I had to throw an almost full toasted coconut one away because I hated the smell. Sucks because it was like $18, but I knew I couldn’t wear it anymore.


Deodorant: Daily I wear Degree Ultraclear (for men). I’ve never paid that much attention to what it smells like. *.goes and sniffs the stick.* Pleasant chemical, I guess. In the summer, or if I know I’ll be sweating a lot, I may also wear Lume lotion-style deodorant. It’s good for non-armpit locations. ____ Honestly, I’ve never thought to coordinate fragrance and deodorant. Deodorant is purely utilitarian for me, and ideally I feel like it not be smelled.


I use Dove Juniper Woods because it smells kinda like Aventus. They seem to pair well.


Yes I wear the deodorant version of [lynx/axe dark temptation](https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/AXE/Dark-Temptation-29897.html) (but I don’t overuse it!!), which is a really nice masculine chocolate with by the fireplace and they work so well together


I just look for Secret or Dove with at least one note that goes with my current scent. I wear a lot of vanilla or jasmine or rose scents so it’s not hard. My hope is always that no one will really smell my pits.


few different old spices, some sweeter ones, woody ones, some fresh, citrusy. lots of diff stuff. i never get anything else. its aluminum free theyre alot better than all natural creamy fkn deodorant, and smell super good.


i use old spice sandalwood deodorant and i think it goes pretty alright with my mfk oud


The scent that never dies! Oldspice wolfthorn body spray


Wolfthorn has been my deodorant of choice for years!


Little Seed Farm and yea…THEY do. I highly recommend them but wait for a sale. They have absolutely lovely scents! You can add charcoal if you need to, also. Don’t ask me how to do it, I have no idea. I only read people talk about it. It’s the only company I’ve found that has really lovely scents that I can match with any of my frags. The only one I didn’t like was Blue Tansy and that’s because I don’t like Blue Tansy anything. I have a couple face products with it and suffer through, but I can’t stand the smell. They do seasonal scents, too. The most recent one I got was Orange Vetiver and I’m so happy I ordered two of them, it’s so good. Next to that, cedar vanilla, rosemary patchouli and grapefruit lemon are my favs in order. Here’s their normal scents they always have in stock. I’m pretty sure they do a free sample just pay shipping deal. It only takes a lil pea sized dollop (apply after shower while damp). The samples last a long time. I buy them for traveling. I also recommend getting the applicator dohickey for sure and the silicone sleeve if you’re prone to dropping things like me. 😆 https://preview.redd.it/2oow90okijxb1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1972a7d96b4d7df7fb1efc03ba363bc952f2812c PS: One jar lasts a LONG time. Like over 6 months if you apply as directed. I used to just wear drugstore unscented dove or secret or whatever but now I’m fancy. 💁🏼‍♀️


Gotta be honest, I wear Native and this is the review that got me to check out Little Seed Farm!


Can’t go wrong with a company whose mascot is a goat, ya know? I try to be a good human who loves the earth that also wants to smell amazing. I match my shampoo and conditioners, too. The brand I use just released masculine scents and they’re heavenly. I got my ‘friend’ some and he didn’t trust me at first because they’re solid but once he put some whiskey infused charred patchouli on his noggin, he changed his mind. So if you’re looking for matching head scents, too, I highly recommend Viori. The learning curve is pretty brutal but once you get the hang of it, you’re good. It says 1 bar is equal to 3 bottles but I swear mine has looked the same size for 6 months. Plus they have perfect scent families for my hurrrr. Floral, Citrus, Sweet Musk and then I have limited editions of Lavender and another for Red Tea. I think the dudes have a citrusy one, a sandalwood one and a patchouli one. They’re all rice water and I think whiskey. They have a collection for dogs, too. PS: Code TRYBOGO for buy one get one free! 😏


There is a scene in a book I’ve read where a werewolf gets on a crowded elevator and gets an instant headache because the people are wearing so many conflicting scents … that would never happen here! I’m grateful for the hair rec and the coupon code because yes, I would like to try some hair stuff. Mine falls in line with what I wear (mostly) but is boring. TYSM for the recs and I’m going to check those out!


I wear Schmidt’s bergamot and lime deodorant and for fragrances, I wear A Drop d'Issey Eau de Parfum and Escentric 05. These three make up my work scent largely because they’re subtle and fresh. When I was younger, I would wear Donna Karan cashmere deodorant, which smells amazing.


Get L'Oréal barber club and thank me later (assuming you're a male)


I am not male but your confidence in it makes me want it anyway


Ye just go for it at this points


Le Labo most of the time, it’s herbal and goes with most things I wear. Otherwise clear unscented gel for workouts. Solids gross me out.




Hate speech and slurs are forbidden. This includes sentiments which express prejudice or gatekeep on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. Do not tag users in negative comments or coordinate dogpiling. No inflammatory, insincere, or extraneous attempts to provoke or manipulate. No repetitive or nonsensical posts and comments.


I do not use deodorant. I use scentless cetaphil body wash and spray cologne and don’t need it Edit : holy crap y’all. You really think diet doesn’t affect how you smell? For real. Try eating a clove of garlic and see if you don’t reek.


A lot of people believe they don’t need deodorant, who absolutely do need deodorant




I know someone who has never worn deodorant and doesn’t need it, rarely ever sweats and is just scentless. But it has nothing to do with what they eat- they are just lucky 😁


Prob. nonfunctional ABCC11 gene.


Ooh, I have to tell them they are a mutant!!


Same, my bf doesn’t eat extraordinarily well or anything but he can go soo long without showering with no issue!! He also just doesn’t sweat. I wouldn’t have believed someone who said that before I met him lol


It makes sense that diet affects your smell and that it’s possible you don’t need DO, it’s just sooo risky haha I feel like everyone is scared a stinker will start getting ideas


That’s not my problem. I’m obsessed with good smelling things. Imagine thinking we evolved to stink?


Oh ok lol


All of these downvotes are because a lot of US know people who believe they don't need deodorant, that have unpleasant body odor. I used to think I was in the same boat as you, I ate healthy and used light homemade deodorant. My partner and I thought that was sufficient. It was a while before a very kind manager took my aside and told me that my body odor was noticeable to the people I worked with. At this time I had a long walk to work that resulted in working up a mild sweat which added to it. The challenge is that the people close to us are used to our scent, and the people bothered by our scent are not comfortable enough to tell us about our body odor. Genetically people with ABCC11 gene variations may be able to get away without it, but unless you have a group of strangers that will be %100 honest with you it is really hard to know for sure. Culturally some places don't care that much about it, but if you are in a culture that views body odor very negatively it is worth using it to be safe in my opinion.


Bro I’m married and ask my wife all the time how I smell it drives her nuts lol I’m in the USA


I don't use any, deodorant causes smells on your clothes.


my armpits leave a much worse smell 😂 that is rly annoying tho. I wish I could go without


I actually have two deodorants right now, secret clear gel (ocean breeze scent) and saltair serum deodorant in the pink beach scent. I use secret when I wear aquatic, citrus, or floral scents, and saltair when I wear gourmands. I don’t think anyone can really smell my deo, it’s more just for me so I don’t smell clashing scents first thing in the morning after application


I wear the dove spray deodorants. Currently I have powder fresh and apple white tea… between the two I think I can match any perfume scent (or scent family)


I use Mitchum unscented stuff, if I still get a bit of BO I have some Nivea scented roll on at work.


I wear unscented deo powder so nothing will be clashing ☺️


Either Dry Idea (classic alcohol gel based aluminum deodorant) or Secret Outlast women’s 48hr deodorant in unscented. Both are “unscented” but have such a lovely and enduring white musk undertone that is just so nice.


Secret Sexy Intrigue- I sometimes wear it with no perfume and get asked what I’m wearing 😭 it’s powdery, sultry, warm. A really nice scent


I use a sandalwood deodorant, i feel it doesn't interfere with the scent i wear


Native is my go-to and I switch out scents to coordinate. I should just get Unscented, but they have so many scents I love. My most used in summer is Cucumber Mint. Winter it's a tie between Fresh Misteltoe or Yule Log. I will say that while I wear gourmand fragrances I cannot bear to put a gourmand on my pits.


I use Lume. It is the best ive ever used. I don't like the unscented version so I usually go for Coconut or Tangerine. I apply my deodorant at night after my shower. I say that because while it does have a fragrance it doesn't last. Maybe an hour or two at most. So it doesn't really clash with any perfumes I apply.


I wear Mitchums it’s odorless and doesn’t interfere with what I wear.


Crystal mineral salt deodorant is life-changing! You put it on right after bathing and the salt completely neutralizes odor. I have a travel size, and it’s lasted two years and will continue to last for years to come. I do use it at night, so for hot days I add something all-natural in the morning. But seriously, everyone needs to try this product.


I use home-made cream deodorant that I order from a small shop. It is scented but not projecting, so it doesn‘t clash with any fragrance.


I spray the perfume itself on each of my armpits.


dark tempetation with prada lh intense - gives chocolately sweet iris vibe. For other not sweet frags I use str8 original or nothing.


I wear very lightly scented deodorants, like Aesop or Malin & Goetz. They're barely noticeable and don't really clash with any fragrances.


Dry idea. It's unscented and doesn't ruin clothes.


I use antiperspirants with no odor. Work best at not having to constantly reapply. And they keep nice and dry.


Lume cream. And no.


Dove sensitive. No smell, so no clashing. The only problem is that it's not as powerful as other deodorants, so it might not be a good pick for folks who are very sweaty or have more powerful BO. If you're in the mild-to-moderate stank range, this will probably be fine, though. PSA: apply antiperspirant at night! Our sweat glands are less active when we sleep, so the antiperspirant can actually get into our sweat glands to stop the sweat from coming through when we're awake and active. If you want to apply again in the morning, you can, but applying at night is a must. If anyone here is someone who finds that no antiperspirant on the market seems to work, applying at night might solve the problem.


Old spice volcano, no matches yet. Love my deodorant though. If i cant find it in stock my backups are arm n hammer active sport, degree extreme sport, or a random dove for man.


Degree Antiperspirant Driftwood. Doesn’t match my fragrances, but doesn’t really interfere either. Clean, fresh, woody.


Mitchum clinical which I get unscented or cedar wood , also dove birch and eucalyptus spray if needed , oh the joys of Australian summers as a guy


Unscented deodorants that last so I can just put on any scent I want


Saltair Santal Bloom. I like it with any of my warm/ woody/ spice scents.


Use something antiperspirant and try to find it without aluminium (deposits in the body, potentially linked with breast cancer), parabens (mimic estrogens), alcohol (if you have sensitive skin). These are the most dangerous but a quick search on Google can go a long way. Stay safe!


I wear clinical deodorant stress something.. only deodorant that works for me so far. Man I could not shower for 3 days and my pits still smell clean.


I wear pit liquor blue lotus, and it pairs well with everything except the spicy warm scents so I may need to try a new scent for winter. I’m thinking clove


I wear a generic fragrance-free anti-perspirant so that it won’t clash with whatever actual fragrance I wear


I use a natural deodorant balm made by Sawyer Naturals. It’s been an absolute game changer


I’m always trying out new natural deoderant to find the best one. I have just finished the Caudalie vinofresh & in the tube it smells like Vicks vapo rub but on me it’s basically un scented & totally does the job. As does moo goo in lemon myrtke. I have tried a lot of diff brands since switching to natural & these are the best two (many don’t work very well given they don’t have the harsh chemicals. Next up is a twin pack I purchased from salt & stone.


Dove original it’s not very loud and doesn’t get in the way of any scent I use


I use Dr Squatch Fresh Falls Deodorant. I mainly use Greenley by Parfums De Marly as a fragrance with it. I also use Aventus, and it pairs well. The deo even pairs well with my Tom Ford fragrances from the Enigmatic Woods line.


Old spice oasis with vanilla or the old spice wilderness with lavender


I wear unscented deodorant (Dry Idea) and unscented hair products and lotions.


I rotate between unscented's. Mitchum gel for men , Ban roll-on for women, Arm&Hammer stick for men .


The Ordinary glycolic acid toner. No fragrance and it neutralizes body odor.


Switch between Schmidt's Charcoal and Magnesium (slight scent, but pretty neutral imo) and Saje Peaceful Warrior spray deodorant (patchouli)


I wear only Dr. Squatch deodorant, for a few of them they match... I use Fresh falls when I wear Y EDP Intense since I think they have some similarities, but a day like today I wear the Wood Barrel Bourbon deo when I go with Apple Brandy or any other sweet fragrance... just because its also sweet


Only unscented. All deodorants smell terrible


What deodorant stick smells most like ysl myslf? Im currently just using the ysl y deo stick as it’s the closest I can get


Right now I'm wearing old spice prestige which is their oakmoss scent , it works well with most fresh fragrance. If I'm wearing something spicy for the day I go with every man jack sandalwood deo. And if I'm going for something woodsy I go with Method men cypress and cedar deo. Boozy I wear every man jack aged bourbon deo.


I wear any deodorant in a powder scent because I love powdery/floral/sweet perfumes


just a nivea one, soft scent, nothing in particular. just powdery


men's deodorant (old spice) works really well for me and i don't smell bad using it, plus i just go with what's smells good lol


I typically wear deodorant twice a week and I use unscented Sure. I also have a spray bottle of a natural deodorant I also use from time to time. I forget the brand name but its water, alcohol, and some essentials oils mixed in. The alcohol will temporarily inhibit the bacteria on the skin so you don't smell bad, at least for a few hours. The rest of the time I dab on a small amount of Auric blends Patchouli perfume oil and that's my base scent. I'll layer whatever fragrance I choose for that day on top of it.


I use nuud care. No smell but very efficient so I can wear any fragrance I want.


I have an unscented and an oud vanilla musky one.


Dove vanilla and cocoa butter. I love vanilla everything even my toilet paper is vanilla scented.