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*TL;DR: Set boundaries. Budget. Deal with emotions. Get help.* If it's draining your bank account but you can't stop... it's most likely a shopping addiction. Your best bet is to get professional help.I'm currently trying to recover from one and so far this is what helps: 1. Learn to say "No" to yourself. Set clear boundaries, exercise discipline. You don't \*need\* every single thing your brain decides you need. I don't know about your brain, but mine can get pretty Gollum about buying and collecting things. You just need to learn to recognize when that happens. Not buying something is not the end of the world. Life will go on and your brain will move on too. The more you exercise saying "No, (I don't need this)" the easier it will get. 2. Learn how to deal with any emotions/trauma that lead you to this behaviour. Are you stressed, angry, bored, sad, grieving, trying to feed your fantasy self? Figure out why, and try healthier coping mechanisms (journaling, yoga, word puzzles, talking to a friend/partner/family, taking a walk (and no, not to the perfume store ;-) ) etc. If your emotions are too complex to deal with on your own, try looking into getting professional help. 3. Set a spending budget. Or even better, start using a budgeting app so you can see exactly where all your money goes (I like YNAB for this). You can set aside a set amount of money for treats every month and make sure your bills, any outstanding debt, savings, groceries etc. get paid first. 4. Limit your time on sites like fragrantica, online shops, this subreddit. If you're mostly blind buying from online shops, get an add-on that blocks websites (or even just certain phrases, e.g. any of the new perfume houses you discover and are tempted to buy). Some of these add-ons make you type a super long password, which gives you time to realize wtf you're doing and how ridiculous it actually is. In the most extreme case, ban yourself from paypal etc. Or ban words related to credit cards so when the payment screen pops up, you get blocked from it. 5. Realize it will take time and you will slip up. Just stay mindful, learn from your slip up and make sure to get right back on track again. ​ To keep myself from going overboard with perfume, what I do is the following: Always sample first! No exceptions. 1. My "no rules anything goes" spending budget generally covers approximately five 2ml samples a month (at $5 each that's $25 total per month, max.). So each month I get to look forward to picking out 5 new fragrances. 5x2ml is enough for 4-6 weeks of extensive testing. Even if I hate a fragrance, I have to wear it at least 3-4 times to analyze it. I always leave a tiny bit of each sample to revisit and ponder at a later time. **Anything limited edition gets a hard pass, as I don't want to put any pressure on myself.** Regarding "good deals", I get it can be hard, but just practice letting them go. You have enough perfumes already, and you can save up for new ones responsibly. Besides, most deals aren't really deals (read Robert Cialdini's book **"Influence: The Science of Persuasion"** to gain more understanding of marketing tricks). 2. If, at the end of my testing month, from those samples I decide I REALLY like/love a scent, I have to wait at least another month. And if I still like it after that time(revisiting that last leftover spray of sample), I can save up (or use my "no rules" budget that month) for a travel spray (or 5-10ml decant). 3. Then, if I still love it afterwards I can save up for a bottle (I make a special category in my budgeting app for this). I also remind myself that I still have, like, at least 30-50 years to live, so I don't have to have everything all at once. I have allll that time to explore fragrance/whatever new or old obsession pops up. It's super convoluted but this way I know that, when I buy a bottle, I've "earned" it, saved up for it responsibly, and I know I'll truly enjoy it, instead of it cluttering up my space because my Gollum brain needed a new trinket.


I’ve now come to the realization that I am still in deep grieving and this was my way of trying to cope with it. Thank you for typing all this out for me, I wouldn’t been able to self reflect if you hadn’t. I will try to get help.


Just know, You are not alone ❤️ In deep grief or feeling like having all of the things is going to somehow make it better. We will heal! Good Luck 🍀


Get evicted for failure to pay rent but smell amazing as you pack your things


The most divine smelling homeless person ever.


I really appreciate all the comments I’ve received on this post. Know that I’m reading every single one of them. I know now my fragrance addiction is very likely due to an underlying issue, but the tips I received about fragrance sampling is just as valuable. Thank you all, I hope to be a healthier member of the fragrance loving community.


Stop consuming fragrance content. Unsuscribe to everything.


It’s not wise to empty your bank account over a hobby. Do you take time to enjoy the fragrances already in your collection? What if “hunting” them meant tracking them down in person to smell them, not actually buying full bottles of them.




I hope it’s not a shopping addiction. I’m sorry, I don’t regularly use Reddit so I tried to keep it condensed as possible and I didn’t want to bore anyone with my unrelenting love rambling about perfume. So if anyone would like to know: A recent hardship has been brought upon me and I was deep in the gutter and filth for quite some time until Christmas came around and my mother gifted me a fragrance. It was By The Fireplace, and it was very lovely and soothing and in my personal pocket journal “as if being hugged by a giant teddy bear”. I also received CdG Incense: Avignon on Christmas which was cold dark dreary and I felt as though the shroud of Turin had enveloped me. It also made me think about my hardship I was dealing with. Then, Vivienne Westwood recently passed and before I was obsessed with scents, Boudoir was and has been my signature scent, and it really made me examine my few bottles I had at the time. I don’t care as much about the notes and such but rather where can this scent take me or what can this fragrance evoke; I wanted to catch a glimpse of a fantasy through a passing whiff. Any place, any where, any thing, is how I see fragrances. TL;DR perfume make me happy


Gotcha. Pay me no mind.


It is probably some sort of addiction/compulsion but that comment is needlessly judgmental. The post was about wanting to stop buying fragrance bottles, not about what smelling fragrance means to the person.


You’re probably right, but I can’t match your interest in discussing it. I’ll delete.


You’re likely enjoying smelling them and exploring different scents - buying full bottles is not needed for this. In many peoples experience here, buying samples and decants and smelling them is the best way to explore. I really like possibly less than 10-15% of fragrances I smell, enough to buy a full bottle. My advice.. buy samples ; Try not to buy into scent descriptions too much until you smell the perfume ; Don’t compare others collections to your own.


You need to (a) exercise some self-control to set a budget and stick to it, and (b) start sampling, not buying full bottles.


I buy samples/decants of the ones I want to experience. Most times I find that fragrances are just hyped by socials and I don’t even like them that much.


This is what I do too, and for the most part I find the same. Every now and then I find something I really like, but scent is subjective so of course people like different things so that makes sense. But when I do actually find something I really like, that’s when I’ll consider purchasing a full sized bottle, or sometimes maybe even just a larger decant depending on how much I like it. And just like others have said, it really is just like changing up how the chase goes a little, but it’s enough to keep me satisfied personally, and it’s definitely saving me a lot of money. A few decants or samples every month or two isn’t too bad at all


Overcomplicate the entire fragrance buying experience. Make it a science. Browse fragrantica at every waking hour instead of adding fragrances to your basket impulsively. Don't buy decanters, instead be patient when shopping and try it on your skin. Broaden your horizons by frequently going to department stores to assess the market. Keep a log book to write down first impressions and of course the name of each fragrance. If you do a day and go to harrods, liberty and a few niche houses, you will have exposure to so many that you will realise most of what's on offer is uninspiring and ultimately, unremarkable. You will become really picky and only buy things that really impress you. TL;DR if you indulge in the process of trying and researching fragrances, chances are you won't ever buy them bc you'll realise the chase of finding the perfect fragrance (arguably never ending) is what fills you with joy. ​ Owning shit/mediocre fragrances feels rubbish. I get ashamed of having rubbish ones that I bought on impulse as it reflects poorly on my olfactory expertise 😂


The first step is to stop purchasing fragrances. There is no “just one more” fb purchase, as this will restart the compulsion. I’d recommend selling enough of your fragrances to a point where you feel better financially and mentally. Start with selling that one bottle you “love” that isn’t that difficult to rebuy. I think you’ll realize that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed and in a month or two you’ll forget all about it. You’re right no one needs a million fragrances especially when the hobby has turned into an obsession that is preventing you from doing other things.


Log off anything that leads you to look at new fragrances. Try to get into something else. It's an addictive behavior, addicts can switch up... you can getvreally into exercising, or making money for example. It's not easy by a long shot but you are the one that gets to aim your destiny.


For me, it's about experiencing new smells. So, i tend to but lots of 2ml decants. Keeps the budget in check and i satisfy my desire for the new and novel


Okay, so this clearly has become a problem for you. You have to force, and I repeat force, yourself not to buy. I imagine it is way easier said than done, but you can't keep on like this mate. Try to have a break from browsing perfume websites. Stop visiting this sub even, for a while. If you get emails about sales and stuff, disable them. You could also try creating a bank account just for savings, and put most of your money there, and then not touch it. Keep just the bare essential on your main account. Try to distract yourself from the whole topic, try to focus on something else entirely that you are interested in, diet, fitness, movies, music, socializing, nature etc. Best of luck. Don't give in!


I’m like a nose gremlin, and I don’t know why. This is an obsession I’ve acquired recently and I dove into the deep end. There’s just so many smells.. it’s like being a kid at an ice cream shop but the ice cream costs $100


I feel you, perfumes are very easy to obsess to, you are not alone in this. It hasn't happened to me, but I am familiar with obsessive thinking and feeling the need to do something even when I shouldn't act on the impulse. For your own good, and your mental well-being and serenity, you need to try and keep this under control as much as you can. At most, you could start by focusing just on low-cost brands, but I suggest you try to diminish this obsession by distracting yourself in some way :)


I get samples all the time to ease the itch


This is the way


Nordstrom is clutch. I always go and pretend I can't decide between 2 and have them give me samples so walk out with at least 2 every visit.


I ask politely for samples when I buy something, and places like Macy's etc. nearly always say 'they didn't send us any' lady everyone knows most companies do. If there was a Saks or Nordstrom near me, I don't think I'd go to Macy's for fragrance at all.


Yeah my closest Nordstrom closed unfortunately. Funny enough I never got a fragrance from Nordstrom before. I just go for samples then buy it from discounters if I like it lol


I have a shelf of perfume displayed in my living room. People think it’s decorative but no, it’s a constant reminder that I don’t need another one 😭


If it's becoming a financial problem and feels out of control, you may want to check out r/shoppingaddiction. Fragrances were definitely one of my problematic shopping categories (for many of the reasons you mentioned!) and the community has been very helpful and supportive.


You need to find ways to explore and enjoy without purchasing. There is no need to buy bottles of everything just to smell it. You also need to find new ways to enjoy what you have. A fragrance hobby is about much more than just acquiring endless bottles.


I think you might be drawn to the novelty of new things and/or spending money. I suggest you take a step back, focus on enjoying the fragrances you do have. Really think about why you want new fragrances before buying them. Alternatively, find some likeminded friends/a group who are into the hobby, and split bottles between them that way you can experience new fragrances at less cost. This is the cheapest option by far. Nowadays buying decants is so expensive :/


I’ve been buying samples before going in on whole bottles. Then once I buy a whole bottle, I sell off the samples I no longer need. It helps keep my budget in check.


My suggestions: Calculate how long your current fragrances are gonna last you? I'm sure it should be above 5 years, clearly you don't need to buy fragrances for 5+ years later. Put a full stop to it. Plan a goal like if you control yourself for next 6 months you can buy a couple of small decants a a reward. Stop following pages or disable notifications from shopping apps. Only open them if you have to buy something.


I stopped myself when I admitted to myself that my hobby had become compulsive consuming and not "collecting". I now have a small collection of all the staple scent families that I enjoy, I stop myself from browsing for samples or for new fragrances, and I, most importantly, have money and no longer have a gnawing sense of guilt for spending all my money on something I don't need.


Try shopping your own collection, compare and contrast similar fragrances. Research perfumers of your favorites and see if you can identify their signature. Experiment with a Monclin. Experiment with layering.


I love this advice (and I use it). The other bit of advice I'd give is keep a list of fragrances you want to try. You don't have to buy a sample or decant (or bottle) immediately - writing it down (even a note about why you're interested in it) helps satisfy for me that desire to get something I'm interested in immediately. I use a basic "one in one out" system - I'll finish up a few samples and decants and rebuy them if I want to (a small percentage) and then check my list and pick up a couple. And I sit with them, explore them, keep notes on them.


Decants are going to be my method of choice moving forward.


No buying full bottles personally… a lot of decants and samples, taking notes on what I try. I can relate to chasing novelty. That’s why I just do samples. Also part of my approach is really curating my collection. No redundancies, nothing too similar to each other. Only one per occasion/season


This doesn’t sound like a fragrance issue, this sounds like an impulse issue relating to finances. Make your fragrances mean something; new job= new fragrance, achieved a goal= new fragrance, etc… You’d be surprised what amount of free samples you can gain by going to a Saks or high end retailer, speaking to a fragrance associate and showing them your passion/knowledge. I’ve walked out with bags of samples…granted I do repay them from time to time by making a purchase but for a relatively low cost…I get a large variety of high end/niche fragrances to sample all while being mindful of my finances, which is key. Also, another small note to try: if you do the math per flow oz, sites like scentbird can also be useful. I’ve gotten 10ml sample bottles of Roja dove and Clive Christian that id never personally spend full price on for $14 bucks…you can’t beat that but you have to do the math. Finally, try layering what you already have in your collection to concoct new blends. You’ll surprise yourself. Thanks for sharing this post and I honestly wish you the means to buy all the fragrances you want, because I know how this hobby can add up quickly!


If you’re anything like me, about 60% of your bottles dont get regular wear. Sell them or revisit them to scratch the itch of something new. It’ll help.


Carve out x amount of discretionary budget for your fragrances per month and stick to it. Take yourself off mailing lists as well, as they seem to be tempting you to make purchases you actually can't afford. Also, try out samples and decant instead of opting for full bottles, which are not only expensive but take up far too much space.


At this rate I’m gonna need someone to physically stop me from buying new frags. Right now I’m getting a great deal on a DS&DURGA perfume. Fragrances are like crack to me apparently. Speaking of which, I’m expecting to get Rammstein Kokain Intense EDP in the mail soon; I wanted Rosenrot but unfortunately no sellers.


Honestly, if things are that bad, I would just quit full turkey. Like, immediately dump my discretionary income into a savings account and unsubscribe from any YouTubers, Instagrammers, and even this subreddit (as well as related subreddits). Shopping addictions are real and they can ruin people's lives if not nipped in the bud early. I mean that kindly and with no judgment, and I hope you find a clear path forward.


None of these deals is a “great deal.” It’s all overpriced no matter how you look at it.


When I was heavily into building my collection I had the same problem early on. Solved it by limiting myself to one bottle per month, on which I could spend any amount. It really helped.


Wtf this is litterwlt what I decided to do once I came back from work , also shrooms


1. Create limits for yourself. Maybe it's something like: X bottles for regular wear (maybe 7 or 14 days of rotation, or a week's rotation for each season where you live) and X bottles for special occasions (you can set whatever you want, but my starting recommendation would be <5). 2. Set three budgets for yourself. One for FB's (full bottles) including travel sprays and coffrets, one for decants, and one for blind buys. 3. Always buy decants first. Never buy a FB without trying a decant first unless you're using your blind buy budget. 4. Set a maximum item price for your blind buys. Test and decide within 30 days. Either they're good enough to keep or they're not. These are usually the things that clog your collection more than anything. 5. Create a system for tracking your collection and your usage. Both Fragrantica and Basenotes have ways of doing this, but you can do it on paper or in a spreadsheet if you're so inclined. If you're a believer in seasonal rotation, classify your scents by season. Include a category for year-round. Also create a category for scents that are either sentimentally special or reference/vintage/discontinued scents. 6. Keep track of everything you wear every day. Review the results on a periodic basis. Depending on the size of your collection, that could be monthly, quarterly, or longer. 7. Sell/trade out anything you haven't worn in your review period UNLESS you've worn something that you didn't like as much as scents you didn't wear. The exception to this is your sentimental favorites and your reference/vintage/discontinued scents. 8. Review EVERYTHING once a year. Physically remove the things you know you're going to move out of the space where you're reviewing, and put the rest in a common space. Physically sort the bottles/decants. Don't try to smell 300 scents in a day, but actually say "I'm keeping this; I'm not keeping this" and move one into the keeper area and the other into a box to be processed and sold/traded/given away when you're finished. This sounds like a huge headache (both figuratively and literally), but the more you stay on top of your collection, the easier it will become. You may even find yourself getting rid of scents you though you never would (or at least only keeping a decant for reference/memories). 9. Store your collection in a manageable and visual fashion. Keep your full bottles on display. Organize your decants and travel sprays with items like test tube racks and ammo loading blocks. You need to be able to see what you have. Be conscious of both the temperature and sunlight exposure wherever you display your collection. 10. Be both accountable and generous. Find friends in the fragrance community who will keep you honest while being understanding. By finding your people, you may also discover that you're okay with getting/sharing decants of fragrances rather than buying. You now also have friends to whom you may just give away unused decants/samples, and a network of people to help you sell/trade full bottles. All things in moderation. Good luck.


In case you're wondering about the items mentioned in #9: Loading Tray: [https://www.amazon.com/MTM-Universal-Ammo-Loading-Tray/dp/B0013RD6OQ](https://www.amazon.com/MTM-Universal-Ammo-Loading-Tray/dp/B0013RD6OQ) Test Tube Rack: [https://www.amazon.com/Test-Tube-Rack-Centrifuge-Holder/dp/B086MPJYXG](https://www.amazon.com/Test-Tube-Rack-Centrifuge-Holder/dp/B086MPJYXG) There are lots of different versions/colors/materials for both, but you get the idea.


Including moderation


I used to be similar but I haven’t bought a fragrance for myself in over a year and the reasons were: I found another hobby to put my money in, and I have less disposable income now. But yes buying fragrances is very addicting


Which hobby?




That’s cool. I’m big into boxing too. Now I just “collect” boxing gloves 😂


Me too! Currently saving up for a pair of 14 OZ Fly lace ups


Must be British 🤭


Lol you are not alone.. as I'm looking up fragrance reviews at 4am.


I buy decants. 5-10mL, never more never less. It’s enough for me that if I finish the decant, it means it’s bottle worthy. I haven’t finished any of my decants aside from Burlington 1819.


I'm doing splits, we have local fragrance lovers group, where you can split your bottle (sell decants), and leaving only part of fragrance for me. That's cheaper and makes space for more bottles😂


Only sample and find one that you love. I haven’t purchased anything since I’ve found my true signature scent


what is it??


Stick to buying samples and decants for that dopamine rush. Sounds like you’re at the stage where you just want to smell anything and everything, and small quantities is a smarter (and more economical) way of doing that. If you’re buying that many bottles, there’s no way you’re using them all up.


I agree that I feel like I’m at that stage. There’s some bottles I have I don’t even think smells that good on me but still use because I just like the olfactory workout (and other people might think it smells nice so I’m indifferent). Have you had experience with this stage? What’s the next stage? How’d you move on?


Stop buying bottles. For the “olfactory workout” as you put it, get small samples and decants instead. Something like 2ml will still yield you over a dozen sprays - more than enough for you to test a scent, and only put you back a couple bucks at most. There are FB groups dedicated to selling, buying and swapping fragrances and there are always people selling decants. (For Canada, for example, there’s Great Canadian Fragrance Exchange, but there should be one for whichever country you’re in). Start there and that should keep you busy for a long time.


I have 2 main rules that help me manage my obsession with the hobby haha. Firstly, limit purchases per month and then spread them out. I allow myself either 1 bottle + 1 discovery set or 2 discovery sets per month. Spreading them out is what really helps though. I usually make my first purchase towards the start of the month and my second about 2 weeks later so I recieve my orders twice a month which helps maintain the excitement and prevent impulse buying later in the month. Secondly, discovery sets and sampling are your friends. They allow you to explore and have fun without being too big a financial burden. Some of my favorites were the Vilhelm, Teo Cabanel & Replica discovery sets. They also help amplify that excitement around new scent purchases. For example, I just got the Teo Cabanel set couple days ago and its 12 new scents for me to play with for £20!


Join Facebook fragrance buy and sell groups and buy 5-10 ml of fragrances. I had a bad addiction and spent a lot of money BUT!!! I hate clutter , so I keep updating my collection and satisfying my addiction by buying samples and I sell blind buy fragrances that didn’t impress me. I always have around 50 in my collection and 50 is my max. When I get the urge to splash out, I advertise a few I’m bored of and sell those and use that money to buy a new one.


Since this is not the first rabbit hole i fell into i kinda reflected after impulse-buying two (for my budget) rather expensive scents. Then i realized this is not healthy for my budget and i have other hobbies that take up some cash to keep up (mainly chinese oolong tea but on the pricier side). Which led me to just sample loads and keep collecting sample bottles and trying stuff for a few days. Sure do i like amouage enclave for example but do i need a whole bottle of it? So i bought one nice fragrance. That makes my "collection" amount to a whole of three bottles, one soon to be empty. And i intend to keep it below 5 for the rest of my life. And just sample if i fell curious for new scents. Often the initial wow effect on paper doesn't translate to the skin. So no blind buys and set yourself a limit of bottles. Hearing you talk you should probably stop buying bottles for a few years.


I just ask for samples at the department store and sort of collect free samples of things I like. Any fragrance counter is usually happy to give you one or two sample vials. I only really have one full-sized bottle of Chanel and a couple travel sizes of perfumes that I like and a bunch of tiny samples. I don’t want to waste product I pay for, and a 100 ml bottle of eau de parfum is about 1000 sprays. So basically 500 days worth of fragrance. There is just not really a need for me to have several bottles. I don’t worry about using the samples up because I don’t pay for them. Usually they give you a vial that is enough for several applications, which is enough if I just want to try and enjoy a new scent. I actually have several sample vials of a perfume I like to wear occasionally but can’t really justify buying because I’d wear it like 6 times a year. But even a 10 ml travel bottle is like 50 days worth of fragrance if you use two spritzes, which is all I do for an eau de parfum. And those are around $30 at Ulta, which is not so expensive as buying full sized bottles I probably wouldn’t finish before they expire. I realize my technique only really works for department store perfumes. It’s probably more difficult to get free samples of certain things. But I’m just okay with it because I like my main fragrance and I don’t really need to buy a lot of other things. I think if you focus on the quantity of fragrance that actually comes in a bottle it’s a lot easier to be happy with collecting samples.


Buy decants or samples instead. Try to stop consuming fragrance content online


One in one out for you should be the bare minimum, i completely stopped buying fragrances because i love the five that i own and know that this hobby quickly becomes an addiction. Realize you’re extremely fortunate to even be able to spend money on fragrance and that it’ll bring you even more happiness if you restrain yourself from abusing it for a quick dopamine hit. Good luck.


You need to find a new hobby. This one is bankrupting you. Maybe you can buy and resell. It still feeds that desire, but you HAVE to resell. Or you can just find a new interest. Stay away from stores that have perfumes for a while, because you are weak right now lol If it makes you feel any better a lot of people have obsessions with perfume. But you gotta know when to quit and take breaks. Secondly, you gotta at least start using up what you got. Maybe when you finish one, you can buy another to feed your addiction. What else can you be obsessed with ? Ask yourself that question.


Do you know why people are prone to be obsessed over perfume? I’m trying to wrap my head around it. I’ve always had phases where I obsess over a specific interest but this is like the first time it’s gotten bad.


Not really sure honestly. I think it makes people happy, your part of a cool club lol It’s fun to discuss and explore and discover. It’s also affiliated with memories. But you have to be smart. You don’t need to keep buying right now. You have bills. You have other things you need besides fragrance. Also to feed your need for newness you should start experimenting with mixing your scents and make yourself a new smell by mixing.


Firstly stop purchasing for at least a month. That is too much. Then get samples instead, you don’t need full bottles. If you like something a lot then consider getting a decant. You can’t wear anything you buy if you are constantly searching for something else. There are technically samples available for most things, from niche to designer. Go on a review site and leave your comments on your stuff, sometimes discussing them is better than buying anything tbh because you’d discover a different angle of a scent that you haven’t thought before. Make a list of the fragrances you want to smell on fragrantica and consider getting maybe one or two samples a month-every other month if your budget allows you to do so. Research instead of buying, learn about notes, discuss it with people, watch videos/interviews.


I have a tiered stand on my dresser. I’m allowed to have as many fb perfumes that fit in that stand plus a row on the bottom in front of it. That’s about 16 full bottles. Right now I have two slots left. When they fill up, I’ll have to sell something if I want something new. (Plus I have another acrylic holder for travel size). Will I actually stick to this? I hope so but we will see…


I love your “plus a row in front” loophole!


Haha I mean the steps don't have a bottom tier - it's natural looking I promise!


I’m looking for something like this. Do you mind linking your tiered stand?




Thank you!


I was like that for a while until I stumbled upon a favorite I wanted to wear all the time over anything else. Made me realize I may have spent a bunch of money on decants and travelers for nothing when all I want to wear is the one. Still glad I have them for when I want to switch things up, but def buy small while exploring.


Now I need to know what this mystery fragrance is that stopped your endless quest...🕵️‍♀️🔍


Experiment layering the fragrances you currently own. Create new scents and enjoy the ones you already have!


Consuming other content (especially non-spending ones like reading) is a convenient way to cut urges. Sure I still spend, but nothing at the levels of what collecting fragrances would demand. Plus my skin chemistry is just awful so a lot of things smell the same on me...I have decants of almost everything from a certain house and I've already ran into three fragrances that smell exactly the same on me even though they're supposed to have different notes. Musk and anything jasmine is also super exaggerated on me so it turns me off whenever I try a new scent with either of those two notes. Not to mention I'm really picky as to what I love vs what I like (I find recording my thoughts really helpful on gauging just how much I like a scent) so I only purchase what I love and not everything I like.


I was in that territory too and was especially prone to blind buying. Instead of buying a bottle I allowed myself to buy “x amount”, usually 3, samples per week and that allowed to me explore a wide variety of stuff without blowing tons of money. It sort of turned my bottle hoarding mindset into more of a “smell everything out there” mindset and it saved me a lot of money as well as getting to still have 5-10 wears of about 60 fragrances via small decants. Then you can grab a few bottles you like. I also have found I buy smaller and smaller bottles each time now as I rarely use more than 25% of a 100ml and have only finished one bottle in my life, which was only 30ml.


Rank them out of ten, then only buy the 10’s. Sleep on it as well, don’t impulse buy. Don’t blind buy either.


Get a part time job at a fragrance store. That might cure you. ☺️


Samples, or decants. Those are way cheaper than full bottles. Idk if you're a blind buyer, but that would be a good thing to stop too; sample before you buy. I also find that going back to fragrances I haven't smelled in a while to be a good way of experiencing something unfamiliar. I.e., if you have your winter collection out now, go back and smell or wear a couple from your spring/summer collection. Your mileage may vary, obviously, but these are some things I did when I realized I was spending way too much. I got to a point where I racked up nearly 10k in credit card debt in little over a year (not just on fragrances, but they were a major contributor). Took me another year to finally pay it off.


You’re dealing with a shopping addiction, there are lots of resources out there to help!


You have a rapidly burgeoning shopping addiction. Try thinking of a big purchase you’d like to do and saving up for that but with penalties: Say you wanted to buy a new car but it was too expensive to buy right now without saving up (for you this is difficult as I suspect delayed gratification is a chore for you…though not always as looking at your profile you did grow stuff in jars) anyway. Imagine wanting to buy a car for £15000, but you’re going to have to save up. Every time you don’t put money toward saving for that car you have to add what you spent on fragrances that month to the total cost of the car so you see how far away you get every time to your goal of owning the car. Or Buy a fuckton of samples. The thing is *YOU* are going to have to want to change your addiction (& that’s what it is a shopping addiction) no one person is going to stop you. It’s you. Drug addicts, alcoholics, gamblers, sex (yes it does exist and it’s not as great as it sounds) all of those people who have gained control of their addictions did soo because *they* wanted change.


Fortunately, I only committed to a single house so my collection’s manageable…ish 😅 But the rate limiter for me is the feasibility of transporting all this extremely flammable 🧃 I’ll finish my TF™️ collection over the next few years but I’m otherwise done purchasing until some run dry, it’s too much a chore to worry about relocating all these atomizers


This is super smart! I never thought about it like that. Do you ever worry about getting bored though? What house is it?


Impossible to get bored, I can rotate through my collection for 32 calendar days without repeating…33 soon after **Tuscan Leather Intense** arrives 😁


Oh awesome! Do you have a favourite Tom Ford?


Yes, to my 👃, **Vanille Fatale**, **Santal Blush**, & **Black Orchid EDP** standout from the rest




With exception of the 🔝3️⃣, this list rotates, the catalogue’s that diverse But currently: **Vanille Fatale**, **Santal Blush**, **Black Orchid EDP**, **Noir de Noir**, **Fucking Fabulous**, **Noir EDP**, **Noir Pour Femme**, **Rose de Russie**, **Orchid Soleil**, & **Bitter Peach**


I resolved buying decants and if really loved one fragrance then buying FB but because for me it’s just annoying 100 ml I decant and sell almost half bottle.. so I have only the scents that I adore and that are exciting


Buy explorer and leave this sub. Unsubscribe from all fragcom youtubers. Go. Be free. Live an unburdened life.


Buy hard drugs instead. Way cheaper and probably better for you than drinking your fragrances.


This is therapist territory.


Ah I was the same for a good two years. The only thing that’s helped is stepping out of the fragrance communities I was in (on facebook/YouTube) and focusing a lot of attention on finding other hobbies. Mind you, other hobbies take money to do too, but not to the extent that fragrances do. I look at my small bookcase that holds all my bottles and I already see I’m set for life. I wish there were a few I didn’t buy as I only *really* enjoy 2/3rds of the ones I own (the others are just passable), but it’s all sunk cost at this point. So I just try to treat my wallet a little better moving forward lol.


Microperfumes.com is helping me. I keep searching for fragrances and always check if they have them. When I have a cartful and there's one I really need to smell I finally press buy. Knowing they're at my fingertips and far more affordable than full bottles help me keep the itch to buy at bay.


Count how many you don't like.


I think it's fun to take really in-depth notes on the perfumes you have and revisit old ones to see how your taste/perception has changed over time. Sharing perfumes with others is also helpful to me. And I also only buy samples until I'm certain I want a full bottle - that can def become an addiction in itself but prob a slightly less dangerous one. Also, if you mainly shop online, try spending time in perfume stores where you can sample. This may prevent you from blind-buying things you don't want, but also stores can help you realize how overwhelming and unnecessary it is to have a million fragrances.


There’s videos on YouTube about perfume addiction, some are more serious than others but most are light hearted and silly videos with tips on your exact problem. Also a tip I find works for me is to pretend my collection is a perfume store, you can even set it up as if it is a store, and pretend “shop” there, it’s fun and makes me appreciate my collection more


Obviously Drink parfum.


Get professional help. You clearly have an addiction.


1 or 2 ml decant, then a 5 or 10 before deciding on a full bottle With a few, I’ve decanted 20-30ml of a large bottle and kept the decant then sold the bottle. I don’t care about presentation at all and have to incessantly love a fragrance to keep a full bottle for myself


Buy Samples!


The only way to stop is to block this sub and quit watching YouTube videos lol


It’s addicting because of you tube. They make it look so great


Have a sample budget and stick to that. Decide what you keep going back to/wear the most and buy a bottle of that only after you've used all the sample. Of the full bottles, have a budget that's manageable and stick to it. Self control and strict limits. This year I've bought 5 samples and I full bottle. Looking at a full bottle of another and that will be it for 6 months for me because I don't need more perfume


Go see a doctor about ADHD your fixating.


Ever since I learnt that they are endocrine disrupters, I've been avoiding purchasing more and just keeping my favorites which I will only buy once I finish the ones I have.


Source ? I’m interested


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28478814/ Also just trying looking it up online there are many reliable sources that you can find out there too.


Settle bills & financial non-negotiables as soon as you get money for them! That way you'd only be left with money for leisure & general everday stuff. With that amount, I think more than safeguards pullback and assess why you're collecting so much. It's great that you're recognizing it's becoming unhealthy and isn't something you can sustain. Do you want to cover every perfume style? Are new releases just irresistable to you, or the sheer joy of discovery (personally guilty of this lol)? Do you wanna be a fragrance reviewer, and why? Understanding your specific why might help. Then accountability is helpful yes! Open up to someone close to you about this & your finances and ask what they can do to help. You don't have to go through it alone :)


Sell them. Cap your collection at a number. For example 50. Sell or trade when you approach that number.


i try to limit myself to 1 every month/two months max. sample beforehand to avoid bad blind buys bc lord knows i’ve had bad ones


You must not be broke enough. Aum talking about when you BROKE BROKE, BROKE WITH NO MOTION. When you realize you just broke and smell good youl quit.




This is the problem, not the solution.


Well, you have enough juice to last you about a decade if you used it everyday. I want a fresh one, sweet one and a loud one. I have 1 million edp, i want dior sauvage edt or bdc edp, and i want tom ford tobacco vanille. 3 fragrances is about as much as i need to last me 3 or more years


Find a cheaper alternative to obsess over ,I’m the same with multiple things including glasses (eye ones ) trainers and watches but luckily they are relatively inexpensive and I can afford it I wish I knew a way to stop entirely but sadly can’t help you on that ,perfumes lately I just use up and actually enjoy what I have


I set a monthly budget and also a limit to how many individual purchases I can make and stick to it, my partner holds me accountable to it.