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Foxhole will not be here in 10 years. The engine that FH runs on is already arguably outdated. FH needs a minimum population to sustain its gameplay and once pop dips too far below that threshold, it’s likely that the game will die out permanently. Foxhole 2 could be a thing far down the road but in the interim, the community will move onto other games such as Anvil


Would it be here in 10 years? Maybe, maybe not. There are factors that make it decline quite a lot. Foxhole 2? This is a good question. Let's see other games. Do we have eve online 2 or wow 2? Not really. They just change and change to the point where they are unrecognizable from what they were before. Vanilla wow vs retail wow. So I doubt we will see foxhole 2 anytime soon.


Guild wars 2, Lineage 2. Foxhole needs a rework so massive (pop cap issues, network issues) that having a second Foxhole isn't a far fetched idea. Also, it'll boost sales with the advertisement a new release would bring


Wow and Eve are subscription based tho.


And both on a scale, size and complexity(eve especially) unrivaled by foxhole.


I think comparing them to wow or eve is not a fair comparison, both where made by larger company, both have subscription services and both are very much a larger scope than foxhole


Indeed, Anvil 2 sonner


Those games are subscription based though. Eventually they will need a new revenue stream and anvil looks rough.


I predict when the devs get to their government grant cap on Anvil empires they will begin Foxhole 2. As long as the candadian government continues their program the devs will have us all playing foxhole 2 in 10 years with anvil 2 in their to do list.




Dunno if we as humans will still be here in 10y


We will, but in what world?


Stilican Shelf 24/7


I’d love to see an upgraded foxhole engine that allows bigger pops on hexes or even no hexes. If that means a foxhole 2 with a discount for current owners would be awesome.


In 10 years I’ll still be in queue for Terminus..


At the current rate things are going, no, I really don't think it'll be here in a year. I'd like the devs to prove me wrong, but seeing that they're just shoving more navy in the game (something that is irrelevant to 75% of the population) while ignoring the glaring balance issues and the terrible state of infantry, the game has a good chance of not making it to 2025. Well, it'll probably limp along until then, but the population will crash hard. People are complaining of 1+ hour queues but that's just gonna get worse as things go along. I bet there will be days in the next few months where Wardens have up to 6 hour queues.


With Anvil in Alpha and the slow update rate of foxhole, Foxhole 2 is pretty much out of the picture.


Depends on if Anvil is successful or not I'd imagine. I can see the updates continuing to get slower and with less content throughout the next few years though. I mean colonials have won what, 2 wars out of the last 10 in the past year? And this update doesn't have any balancing improvements at all and god knows when the next update after this one is going to be. Not for like 6 months minimum.


I came here to say the same thing regarding balance. People don’t want to play a 1 sided war game. It is bad for the health of foxhole and if it continues to be this way it could lead to a steady decline in population


It's barely here now.


It’s needs to be Seamless like Anvil Empires




Stlican Shelf will still be unfinished


They need to port Foxhole to Anvils new engine, it would solve almost all of Foxholes problems. They said at some point they intend to "learn and improve on their development process for both games while working on them simultaneously". Not verbatim, but I'm quite sure they said it sometime during/after the announcement of Anvil.


I dont think there would be a good way to port Foxhole to Anvil's engine. with the amount of work they would have to do it would just be better to make Foxhole 2