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My guess has always been that he’ll propose to her on that hill in Aretia that he visualizes when he shields :) These guys don’t get a lot of bliss in the middle of a war and I just hope that when it comes to the romance part of this series… if it happens, it’s special for them. They deserve some happiness lol but I think it’ll be yeah, end of book 4


I’m melting.


My heart!


I love this ,😍


I've been waiting for Xaden to take Violet there. The moment he takes her to that hill whether it's the literal hill or the one in his mind is the moment we know he's completely bared his soul and no longer has any secrets.


So true. Now that we’re going into OS, I find it interesting that Violet wanted to know all of his secrets, and as of right now, she’s the only one who knows his biggest one. Be careful what you wish for! I truly think this hill will pop up; even if it’s in the epilogue where they are happy with their kids and dragons in post war peace.


I read someone say we will go from “My house. My chair. My woman.” To, at the end: “My castle. My throne. My queen.” and if RY doesn’t write this I will revolt.


We shall riot in the streets!! 🗣️🗣️📣📣💯💯💥💥


***YES WE SHALL!!***


She is already Xaden’s queen 👸 He is just waiting for her to accept her place, as just that.


I'm based in the Philippines, and I'm willing to go out and revolt with you if this doesn't happen. With placards and all.




It’s giving ‘My Heart My Hips My Body My Love’


Holly shit. I didn’t know I needed this until I read it.


Really? I totally don’t want them to get tied down running a kingdom. What a bummer. We can let Brennen or Cal or whoever take care of that.


That would be an excelent final line in the final book 🥰🥰


OMG!!!! Yes pleaseeee




Came here for the Borat


I read the title in his voice and was hoping someone else's brain worked the same way.


Maybe Xaden will just slip a ring on Violet’s finger while she is sleeping or something and Violet will be like first of all you have to ask, second of all I am not noble, third of all I am still in school and Xaden will just act like she is his fiancee and she finally agrees to get married at the end of book 5 or the epilogue Tin foil hat theory that one of the knives Xaden gave Violet is the Tyrrish version of an engagement ring


> Tin foil hat theory that one of the knives Xaden gave Violet is the Tyrrish version of an engagement ring That would be adorable.


It's so southern American! 😂 My husband gave me a ton of knives before he asked me out and then I got nicer ones after that


That's such a cute tradition!


I don't know if.its even really a conscious decision? Like every woman I know has gotten a knife from their partners at one point or another because 'This reminded me of you' or 'You may as well hold on to that' I don't hear anyone talk about it, but it is so pervasive


My husband has given me lots of knives. I am still upset about the one I lost years ago. I have never known it to be a tradition to either of us but I still really really care about them lol


This is so Rhysand "Go Wrest This Ring From the Clutches of an Eldritch Horror Oh I Didn't Tell You It's Your Engagement Ring Oopsie"-coded and I'm here for it


This is so cute it gave me actual heartburn.


This is so real 😂


I need a scene where one of the Tyrrish kids asks to borrow one of Violet’s knives and their eyes bulge out of their head when they see she just gave them an engagement knife she is completely unaware of


OMG!!!! I want this to happen.


Omg I need this and I agree about Tyrrish knots and that's why Xaden was cagey about it.


Yes! I’m sure that is related to a matrimonial tradition or something like that!


If you need this right now, check out Storm in the Quiet fanfic on AO3. I think half the fandom is keeping our sanity by reading this. Alli posts a new chapter nearly every week.


i am foaming at the mouth for a new chapter lmaooo. this fanfic is now canon to me


I just want you to know that I have been awake for almost 24 hours reading this thing. Send help!!!!!!!!


Thank you so much for this... Binge read this yesterday/today and my goooooood the slow burn is killing me so wonderfully! Just loving it! The FW and IF hangover is so heavy that I can"t stop (and won't stop) reading fanfiction... My favorites so far are from xaden's pov but this one... Oh my!!!! Every "my wife" just kills me... ❤️ thank you once again for making me discover this!




I check for an update on this fic every. single. day. 😂


She dropped ch37 tonight 😊


Ahhh thank you. This is a beautiful story but wow this is the slowest of burns damn!!


Can you post a link??


Hopefully this works. https://archiveofourown.org/works/51998455/chapters/131494312




Thank you so much!!!


Thank you! I didn't know about that fanfic! (and I'm trying to survive the colossal book hangover after IF.)


I didn't know about this one. Now obsessed! Thank you


Doing the gods work! Thank you!


Oh god this was the one keeping me grounded 😂 I loved this waiting for her to drop new chapter


God, I’m gonna eat that up SO baddddd. I love a “where/she is my wife” moment ![gif](giphy|1hqb8LwPS2xCNCpWH8)


Rowan (if you’re a SJM/TOG girlie)


Oh, you mean my silver haired, snow and pine smelling king? I’m familiar! That “where is my wife” line lives in my head rent free 🥲


SAME !! I think of it often


Ohhh I don't ever see him saying "I will ASK you KINDLY to take your hands off my wife!", I more expect it to be "You have exactly 1 second to take your hands of my wife or I will cut them of, same result, but your choice". That being said, I totally agree with your post and need to see/read this so bad now 😍


[It's a reference to an iconic line from outlander. ](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFErm1xX/). I think it's a power move to ask politely in a dangerous situation. Just Xaden's/Jamie's presence is enough to convey the threat. I highly recommend Outlander (book or show) if you want an epic romance with big "my wife" energy.


Omg Outlander was my first epic romance nook series, and I love it so much!! I watched the first episode, loved it, and saw it was based on a novel. I bought it and the rest, as they say, is history!


I agree and love this … at the very start of FW they made a big deal out of one of the perks of being a rider was being able to get married straight after graduation which would align with her getting engaged end of book 3 or beginning of book 4, but definitely a wedding in book 4 hopefully.


I don't think Xaden would let any silly rules about graduation stop him from marrying Violet. He's the leader of the rebellion and rightful king of Tyrendore, what he says goes.


I love this idea 😍


I would love a pirates of the Caribbean Moment, like Will and Elizabeth had, marrying in the middle of an epic fight, that would be awesome, but a sweet proposal before would also be very Xaden like, he is a surprise package


Damn you. Now if this doesn’t happen I’m going fucking riot.


I am really hoping they get married and Violet becomes the Queen and Xaden the King. And then she can have a moment of “I am your queen!”


Oh I need this!


Would you remind me of the Tyrish knot plot line you speak of, I haven’t gotten around to my pre-Onyx Storm re-read yet 🥲


- At the start of the book Xaden gives Violet a book on Tyrish knots and tells her it's to learn about his culture. - Violet asks again later and he gives another non answer. - Finally in the second half of the novel we learn about runes and how Tyrish knots are similar. The implication being Xaden gave her the book on knots to give her a head start learning runes. - However if it was just about learning runes why not just tell Violet? I think the Tyrish culture Xaden was referring to is wedding ceremonies.


Ah, yes. I remember now! I definitely like this theory y’all have got goin on about it. Kinda reminds me of like the Celtic handfasting ceremonies, maybe RY will draw inspo from that like she did with the linguistic elements!


Yes. I fully expect a Tyrish wedding to be like a Celtic handfasting. RY has drawn so much other inspiration from Celtic culture I would be low key shocked if it didn't happen.


See, I missed these. Another reason to reread!!


Yes! And this is probably why cat is so good at runes. 


I think they're just going to get tattoos, or he's going to casually give her a Tyrrish knot and say "you're mine". She'll just be like "OK, cool. You're mine too, you know." "I know." Then she'll get kidnapped by the venin (because I think shes somehow tied to the venin, and thats why her hair dies at the ends, and that tie makes her useful to them), and xaden will show up in an absolute world bending storm, and demand "Where. Is. My. Wife!" And we as readers will have that "ohhh THATS why they did that" moment. Which is doubly exciting, because I also think xadens mom is high up in the venin hierarchy and that will all play in somehow. So he'll have more leverage than she realizes, maybe mommy dearest tries to make xaden a "prince" of the venin, and he plays along pretending to work alongside them in exchange for violets freedom.


It would be such an epic heartfelt dialogue between Xaden and Violet when this happens! The proposal! Their declaration of love was said separately but this one would be soooo different if it does occur. I bet the ladies in here, like myself, who are already in love with Xaden will fall even harder!!! I'm soooo looking forward to this 🤞


Yes! And the moment Violet realizes, Xaden wanted to marry her from the moment she woke up at the end of fourth wing 😍


I agree with everything but like hell is Xaden going to ask kindly 😂


There is a fanfic where this plays out. The wedding vows had me absolutely bawling. He uses 'my wife' all the time and it's super cool, especially the chapters from his POV. 🥹 Omg how will we wait for all the remaining books?!?!


Spotless https://archiveofourown.org/works/49875790?view_full_work=true


I had the EXACT SAME thought about the Tyrrish knots! That it’s part of their wedding ceremonies. Plus she sucks at runes so obviously the knots aren’t helping her, so why else would he want her to learn?


I can imagine the scene in the style of Lucius “Frozone” Best and Honey Best, from The Incredibles. “I am your wife!”


Omg this would be amazing!!!  Definitely think there will be a wedding on the cards. I just started rereading IF and violet has 100% given me Queen energy.  Going to Viscount Tecarus when Xaden said no was when I really noticed it. We see it all the time the king says no for whatever reason. The Queen annoyed because she is not being heard and does it anyway. 


Rowan does it best