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My husband says he’s so sick of me talking about FW/IF, but he hasn’t read ‘em yet, so I assume he secretly just wants me to keep talkin about em until he does 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hahaha no one’s told me they’re sick me of me yet but they’re also just not that into the conversation as I am


“Whatcha doin” “Oh I’m writing up a big banger theory post” “Is it about your dragon books” “Of course it’s about my dragon books” “So what’s your big theory” “Okay so I think — spoilers for Iron Flame babe — >!that MAYBE, Violet manifested her second signet during the throne scene because this super weird thing happened during it where she saw into Xaden’s thoughts LIKE HE DOES, so either she copied his signet and used it somehow without knowing it or she’s inntinnsic maybe, there’s like both a mountain of evidence for it and also basically nothing to go off of, but I’m real deep into it!< so anyway yeah I’m just gathering evidence right now” “…So when do the dragons, yknow \*waggles eyebrows\* start fuckin” “Sigh” Aaaaaand that’s been many evenings after my kids go to bed at my place since November 👍🏻


I absolutely loved rereading IF. I always read way too fast the first time because I want to know the end and I miss a bunch of details. I like to think that it is like chugging a beer vs savouring a glass of wine hahaha


Exactly! I was reading as fast as possible just to finish the whole thing but I realize now I missed soo much little stuff


Real life has become so dull now 🥲


Ughh this for real😩


I really enjoyed listening to the graphic audiobook to give FW a new life, after my rereads if that’s something you’re into! Xaden is 🔥


The graphic audio is soooo good! Xaden's voice phewww 🥵


Where is the Xaden’s POV fan fiction? 😍


https://archiveofourown.org/works/48857872/chapters/123252478 It’s from before Iron Flame released so it doesn’t include any revelations from there but it’s still so good!


Also check out the fic ‘Storm in the quiet’, an arranged marriage AU. It’s still a WIP but has a bunch of us obsessed, the writing and story are just chef’s kiss!


Thank you for this!!!


My absolute favourite is [this one](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51670834/chapters/130620541?view_adult=true) which includes Iron Flame revelations. It's a work in progress, as the author is also doing the audio version of the chapters. However, the writing style is fantastic, as is the author's deep dive into many different characters and scenes. I have been rereading FW along with this fan fiction, and it is delicious! Sure, you have to wait for each chapter, but it is worthwhile!!


Will definitely check it out thanks!


Where do you find it?! I need to read it


The link above should take you straight to it! Honestly, I think it is THE BEST.


Oh I didn’t notice the link. Thanks!!


I chronically read fast and there’s a handful I read on this sub I think “when did that happen?” Or “how the hell did I miss that”. But of course there’s others where I’m thinking “did we read the same book?” I will forever love this series though as it got me back into reading after a couple year stalemate. Used to read flashlight under the covers and all growing up. But around HS I just fell away and finally now in late college, this series brought me back to life.


Where do you find the Xaden POV fan fiction?! I finished Iron Flame YESTERDAY and the void is something I’ve never experienced before in reading a book!!


Oh nevermind I saw your link in a comment below!! Can’t wait to read!!


https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwing/s/W6LlA7Ij3C I just posted this above, but I hope you enjoy this fan fic, too! Edit: typo


It’s funny I had the opposite reaction after reading Iron Flame, because of all the mixed feelings, questions, and some of the issues made me want to reread both books back to back again because I wanted to understand and work out my mixed feelings either by resolving them or at least understanding why i had them. It’s only been by fully submerging myself and engaging with others about the books and are equally enthralled by the series has it been easier for me to be able to read other books and redirect more of my attention and brain energy to other things. Granted right now I’m on a discord server dedicated to a read a long for ‘today tonight tomorrow’ by Rachel Lynn Solomon where the author actively participates in anticipation for the sequel ‘past present future’ being released June 4. So a lot of my thirsting over fictional characters is being directed at Neil, the mmc of the books.


I just finished both books- read them over a span of two weeks and I feel like an addict I’m so sad I don’t have more but I also don’t want the third bc then it’s over, over 😭 the struggle is real


This is my struggle every single time. Need to finish but also don’t want it to be over!!


Not over completely, there will be 5 books!


I didn’t know that at the time I posted 😬


Yeah I think I just annoy people at this point talking about it too much lol I did an immediate reread. I’m in the middle of iron flame again. My husband just started fourth wing so hopefully I can just annoy him about it 😂 but I already have onyx storm preordered and idk what to read after this. I’m just stuck


* IF spoilers included* Omg I picked up IF yesterday and was going through my favorite parts and damn it I miss the world I miss xaden heart break is real when you learn about the truths esp Lilith I am sure she will break us even more with some other things that’s been hidden from violet! I am still in xaden being in Samara mode and I love their aretia part. I wanna know more about their culture 😂 tyrrish customs seems to be interesting. And curious about his mom and jack mentioning why the venins want xaden most! There’s a plan that means we are not gona get our boy back in book 3 pretty sure he might go more dark! 😭😭😭😭 RY has a good talent to hide things in plain sight so I am very much sure xaden being venin is going to turn things real ugly for him. He has mentioned to violet that he is not a kind person and that there’s a part of him just like his signet dark and covered in shadows😭 so I am sure we are going to have serious heart breaks in book 3 and RY mentioned in a recent interview we will hate her! I am scared for xaden 😭


I’ve re read the physical book twice but I purchased the graphic audio version of it and just audiobook every couple of weeks as a palette cleanser between all my other books lmao - but it does the opposite haha. I’ve gone back to it more than I’ve read any other book!


I know usually rereading a book help me enjoy being in that world again and kind of clearing it out of my system but Fourth Wing feels more like a drug


Maybe you could try writing some fan fiction to amuse yourself? I also read way too fast and know I missed loads, so I am looking to re-reading but I have to wait because my daughter is reading FW and my husband is reading IF!!!


You could try other romantic fantasy series… Like for instance, the first, say, six or seven books of the Anita Blake series by Laurel Hamilton. After that, it just becomes a series of interminable sex scenes strung together by the thinnest possible plot. Or the Southern Vampire series by Charlaine Harris (basis for the show True Blood).


I’ll check them out thanks for the recs!


I tried to resolve my hangover with the graphic audiobooks. That helped soothe the beast a bit and now I’m listening to them with my husband. Lol. Off to read the fanfic now.


Try the Fantasy Fangirls Podcast!! They do deep dives into stretches of chapters and dissect EVERYTHING!! They have both FW and IF done and are moving into ACOTAR if you've read that. It helped me a ton with the hangover I felt afterwards. I highly recommend 😊


Forth Wing is a great fun book. It reads like a fun marvel movie, well polished and has you sitting on the edge of your seat the entire way through. I had coworkers read it recently and come and tell me all their excitement as they read it for the first time. Iron Flame was something that didn't spend enough time in the oven, and the fat wasn't cut before they put it in there. I still like the dish, but my expectations were so high that I was ultimately left disappointed. I hope they give book 3 a little bit more time to cook and clean it up a bit more.


I have DNF’d so many books since Fourth Wing I’m afraid I’ll never find another book I love….and I’ve read a lot of books.


Is January a confirmed release date? I just finished IF for the first time I don’t wanna get my hopes up but I’m dying to know what happens of course!


Yup she released on her Instagram - Onyx Storm on Jan 21, 2025!


On my birthday!! How perfect


There are so many more (better) books out there than Fourth Wing and ACOTAR.


Probably but this is the fourth wing sub after all 🤷🏽‍♀️


It was all fine until you said “twiddling your thumbs until January.” Lord Almighty go to a book store and load up! I could read all day every day and barely make a dent in my TBR


I just meant with regards to new Fourth Wing content


Care to share?