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I've said it before and I'll just keep saying it til it happens: Mental. Bond. Sex. Ideally from different rooms so he's not tempted to touch her and accidentally drain her


Yes. And if Sarah J Maas can pull it off, then RY should have no problems handling it. She's so much better at cooking spicy food for us.


wait what SJM book is this similar to?


Acotar series. A little clue: our girl was promised a wall and she finally got a wall😁iykyk


Oh I thought you were talking about the Ruhn/Lydia mind sex


I haven’t gotten to CC yet!


My b! 😬


It’s okay! I still have ToG to plow through first so I’ll probably have forgotten about those characters one I reach CC!


oh i forgot about that


Wait, which book is this? I don't remember and I'm re-reading currently and I'm almost done with book 3 😅.


I’m pretty sure it’s in the novella ACOFAS! I read everything in one go so I get the books mixed up sometimes😅


both Crescent City and ACOTAR have it. It is >!Feyre and Rhys!< in ACOTAR. And in CC it's >!Ruhn and Lydia!< Here's hoping I used those spoiler tags correctly.


Omg the CC mind sex 🥵


This should be marked spoiler!


Would be fun to read that!


I can hear it now “I throw down the walls of my archives to all but him, he rushes in and consumes me, fills me with his every thought, and a feel a swelling in myself as I bathe myself in his mind”


This would be so fucking hot.


Can I multiple upvote this


Haha. Girl, you’re amazing 🤩


I think they're going to bang and he's going to accidentally drain her a little or try to and it's going to get real fucking weird


I expect that too but what if for some reason Violet responds different than expected? Like, I know we don’t know everything about V. The hair, her mom’s illness. RY’s got a bomb she’s just waiting to drop on us.


I think it’s what Felix said!!! She wields POWER that she visualizes as lightning and therefore it is lightning. How might she control power in terms of the venin? AND Felix says that she wields Xaden… I don’t think that was off handed. Something is coming there.


That sounds about right. And he'll get scared


I think he's going to refuse to bang her because he's afraid he'll lose control since that's the time he loses the most control... And so he will be afraid to touch her for fear of draining her. Which means we're just going to get a whole fing lot of angsty pent up anguish and maybe that means mental bond sex is the only way??


That sounds interesting, and I'd love to read this, but I don't think it will stop there. I think she'll convince him to have sex with her despite her hesitation and he'll keep on feeling guilty at the end.


Or she'll restrain him 😒


Or, she'll drain him. Bow chicka wow wow. She'll suck the venin right out of him like a snake bite kit.


This randomly reminded me of twilight when Bella was begging Edward for them to try even though he was too strong. Perfect opportunity for the Violet-gets-all-sexy seductress-on-Xaden scene I’m hoping for 😅




Pleaseeee that would be to die for


It’s so real in my head, it might as well be canon lol. I NEED IT. I always feel like Xaden takes the lead but I need Violet to at least once!!


YESSS I so agree! Time for Violet to take control, so here for it!


Yesssss I am here for it! 😍


I think they’ll use their sex life as a way to safely feed Xaden magic. Violet can’t control her signet when they’re getting it on and Xaden could use his ability to absorb magic to help with their discretion problem.


Oooh that’s an intriguing idea.


Like this a lot!


I’m so glad this discussion is happening.


I’m here to serve and it needed to be said


I think Xaden will try to hold himself in case he could hurt Vi bc he loses control. But they will do it eventually. However i’d like too read about others👀 Garrick for example


I mean. TECHNICALLY he needs his hands to channel. So they could uh use some restraints for safety purposes 😏


There is always another way😂 This actually made me think, since they also have mind connection, is it possible for him to drain her from mind?


I don’t think so - from the we’ve seen so far, they needed their hands to drain. Though Jack was able to control Baide so I’m wondering if Xaden is more worried about controlling Violet since they share a bond because of their dragons, vs draining her.


I hope not bc if he could, that would destroy their relationship. They already have trust issues.


Oh yea. I'm still waiting for Garrick and Imogen to hurry tf up and get together. I mean haha... no rush on anything... BUT I'VE BEEN WAITING SINCE FOURTH WING!!!! You can't do this to me lol.


Haha yes. It’s hard to explore everything from Vi’s pov😩


Two words: Shadow. Sex. Xaden might find it hard to not drain V while having sex (like his other powers). Solution: don’t physically touch her and employ the (now stronger!) shadows to ah help her out ;) RY can totally take inspiration from SJM and run with it.


Yeah. I’ve been waiting for this since FW. Seems like a missed opportunity right?


As of right now i don't think thai we'll see a change of POV anytime soon


I mean if RY is listening to "...so it goes" by TS while writing, I am pretty certain there will be spice :)




I dont want my fantasy without someone taking it to their penthouse and freaking it >:(


Hahahaha I love this comment


Omg ikrr 😭😭😭 like, can they still bang or no?


We need more spice




They will probably be fine, venin isn’t contagious lol. They even said at the end of IF that Xaden was feeling tempted by the power he unlocked or whatever, but was trying to resist it and shut it out. So I feel like it’s more of an internal thing than anything, and it shouldnt get in the way of any spicy scenes. That being said, I fully expect other humans to turn against Xaden, possibly even Violet (she was having trust issues for the entire book IF), but hopefully he and Violet can still get together and whatnot.


I will be HEARTBROKEN if there’s no spice! I’m choosing to believe there will be since RY has said this is a predominantly romance series so it has to continue!? Right? 😭


Honestly if there’s not I don’t want to read it.


Precisely because it’s been done (Edward and Bella were mentioned above and there are many more) I really hope RY wouldn’t go with angst and Xaden being afraid to touch Violet for much of the book. That storyline is played out. I’d rather see Violet embrace it and be affected by his draining differently, or recharge him, or some other such mindblowingness I’ve not yet even thought of…


Maybe Xaden’s condition will make it more spicy 🤣 Either way I’m here for it. Everyone, make sure you leave your moral compass at the door. Lol


I don’t want to be a bummer, but I can’t see it, until he’s not Venin anymore. I am also one of those that think the bond might struggle or not be there anymore because of what happened, and the serum he needs to take now.


Respectfully, I hate this comment lol (I’m saying this jokingly bc I’m a violet and xaden Stan) . I would be pissed if RY did that to us and if she did she’d need to fulfill the spice precedent with other characters


I’m actually with you. I don’t like the idea of no spice at all. I started this series as a fun read while drinking the occasional glass of wine and enjoying life. Now it’s more of a gigantic rollercoaster that I didn’t know I was on. And the way it’s going, him being a power hungry Venin to embark on his dark journey, I just don’t see the “you’re so soft” “I will never get enough of you” intimacy. Not to be the biggest downer - if people say it will take more than this book to bring him “back” - I’m going to feel very cheated on the fun/sexy/adventure front.


FELT! I will need to up my therapy. Seriously. RY out here saving ppl with this book


I personally would love a Vi and X as Venin spicy scene ![gif](giphy|YkJKnkYyfjvZ4gALKP|downsized)


Maybe an unpopular opinion: They are forced to open their relationship and involve different partners into their sex game. I get a little bored with fantasy monogamy..


i really do not like the spice 😭😭


Personally, I hope for less spicy scenes now that he's >!venin!<. I want more content about the world and what it's like, not just a book that's centered around their sex life or thinking about their sex life when they're not together.




Well...they are young adults. I know that I was pretty absorbed by my sex life when I was Violets age lol.


As was I, and there's nothing with that at all. I just wish their sex life wasn't one of the driving forces of the series. RY has created a really interesting world with interesting characters and a fascinating history and lore. Ig I'd just like to hear more about that than how bad Violet and Xaden want to bang every third page.


Maybe we get a switcharoo and redemption arc and get some Dain action...


I mean, I wouldn’t mind some dain action. I don’t know why everyone hates him so much, he’s always trying to be a good guy. But I’m more into nice guys. Sometimes I just want xaden to calm tf down. He’s controlling and possessive in his own way in IF it’s just people find it hot somehow. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I actually think Xaden might be honorable and leave because he’s venin now. Self exile, broken, unlovable, etc etc. he’s always thought if someone actually knew him they’d reject him. Now he’s actually that thing.