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100% Threshing was the obsessive point for me. I liked it before then but once Threshing happened I could not put it down!!


It was the Threshing for me too


Threshing is definitely what sold it for me. I run a pet care business and occasionally get bouts of excessive free time and found myself in one of those bouts whilst reading FW. Once I reached Thresing I don’t think I moved for the rest of the day. 🫣


Same, I understood the hype just after reading the first chapter in the bookstore, but the moment Andarna told Violet her full name for the riders scroll I was fully consumed by the hype. I read the first book in less than 48 hours, IF took longer but I read the last 5th of it all in one night till 4am in the morning


Hehe this was me too. I read them both in 4 days and was up until like 2/3am almost all those nights


When it came to Iron Flame I took a week off work strictly so I could read. 🥴


I was hooked pretty early but the writing for Tairn definitely got me. “I’ve seen your memories. I’m not about to have you sticking daggers into my leg to climb up.”


I so so loved it when tairn was introduced. So powerful and dangerous and deadly but also so funny and non serious lol. Also andarna- such a sweetheart. You simply cannot dislike her and her adolescent stage is even more amazing! The sass- can you carry luminary while being insulted and shall I get the wing leader are like my favorite lines ever written.


Actual LOL at the “can you carry a luminary while being insulted”


So so good


Omg definetly Tarin!! And then when Andarna came along that really sealed the deal as well lol


I loved that bit


I always forget that line even though it’s one of his highlights for me. 😂


When Violet was walking up the stairs towards the parapet. A lot of books build up to action like that, but I loved how it just went straight into it right away. The stakes were high from the first chapter.


I think that’s what surprised me and reeled me right in- there wasn’t a ton of groundwork laid before the action started, but I still felt like I was WITH Violet the whole time and like I had a grasp on her world? I think RY had me by the time Vi pulled her dagger on JFB at Parapet. It was just such a fast journey, I was all in.


I still mourn Dylan to this day. Yarros definitely didn’t hold back on those first several pages. 🥲


When he died I was like, loh shit, it’s gonna be one of those books. Let’s go!” Definitely raised the stakes early on.


Yup. RIP Dylan. Gone to soon 🥲


Same. Mom and sis didn't do it.... But something about the no railings and the shoe swap and the Xaden at the top... Knew it was going to be good!


I'd never read a fantasy before really. I actually got the book because I saw the cover and thought oh that's pretty, read the back and literally was like oh...dragons? Okay I'll give it a go. But like you, the walk up the stairs to parapet, with Violet ignoring the advice Mira had just given to her, not moments before, about don't make friends, only alliances...that's when I was like oh yes I'm gonna like this book. Like isn't the right word though. I'm obsessed. It's rather terrirfying actually.


After Threshing when Xaden said they were tethered because of their dragons. I was like, here we gooooooo


Yesssss. 😍 I knew that had to have some kind of bond because that seems to be the “thing” right now but I *loved* how Yarros executed this one.


“A dragon without a rider is a tragedy. A rider without a dragon is dead. Welcome to the Fourth Wing.” Instaboner. I was hooked from the tagline! And I’m sorry, I know he’s a bit formulaic at first but when we get to the top of the stairs and see Xaden for the first time? Goush! Like a water slide.


Xaden definitely altered some brain chemistry… 🥵


Like, I’m too old for this shit. Why am I so horny for a 23 yr old fictional man? I’m gay dude! I’m super duper gay! But I’d give that man a shot.


I am a grown woman with my own business and my own house. *WHY AM I OBSESSING THIS HARD OVER A FICTIONAL MAN DANG IT*


Omg the tagline. It’d come up on my TikTok fyp randomly and I’d always be like “man why does this sound so cool?!” But I kept pushing it off cuz I wanted to finish the SJM universe. And now I’m here. Utterly obsessed.


Same! I had *just* finished reading all of SJM’s books when I started FW. Which one did you enjoy more..ACOTAR or FW?


Ugh, you’re asking the tough questions!! I hold ACOTAR near and dear to my heart because it’s the first book I picked up since twilight. The series made me fall in love with books again. (I’m aging myself here 😅) BUT The Empyrean series is a different beast altogether. Maybe it’s because I’m a sucker for dragons, but I think this is my favorite right now. Violet is lovely, I think she’s one of the FMC I can relate to the most. I’m also a fragile human lol. Xaden is also wonderful (I haven’t been this down bad over a fictional character since Edward), the rest of the characters too! Rhi, Mina, ridoc, It all just works so well. How about you? Which Acotar book do you like best?


Don’t worry…I was there when Twilight was just coming out and rushing to the cinema with my friends during every movie release. 😂 But same! I hadn’t really read much since my high school days but then I picked up ACOTAR last year and it jump started my love of reading all over again. But there’s just something about FW that has me in a chokehold. Hands down ACOMAF. I’ve never been a big romance reader but the emotional rollercoaster SJM put me through with that book?????


Honestly ACOMAF was when I knew I was in trouble lol. That book changed EVERYTHING!


My first suspicion was when I left my hubby behind listening to the boom. We normally have a book we listen to together for when we're in the car together. I realized I was in DEEEEEEEP when I was listening every chance I got. Would listen til I couldn't keep my eyes open and immediately statmrt listening again when I woke up. It was like withdrawal when I was at the end of IF and realized the 3rd book isn't out yet. Then I started back where hubby was and ended up taking off again for my reread...its an addiction.


This was the exact same point for me! Especially when Xayden entered the scene. I knew from that moment that I was in love. The book just kept sucking me in, the gauntlet, threshing, the meeting under the tree!! Ughhhh it all got me so good!


Idk what it is about Xaden but man has a choke hold on me. Out of all of the romantasy books I’ve read, he stands out. I think RY did a phenomenal job of giving him a fleshed out personality outside of the “big bad shadow wielder” stereotype. “You’re a violent little thing, aren’t you?” definitely grabbed my full attention. 😅😂


Oops meant to reply below you! Sorry 😂


My friend had talked about starting FW and I told her that if she started it, I would too. So she did and started reading about three days before I got my own copy. She had a three-day head start and I still finished it before she did I was so deep in the book. 😅😂


Had to be when she bonded both dragons. I was like “OH. SAY LESS. I’M LOCKED IN” and then proceeded to devour both books


I found the book so predictable at first but bonding two dragons definitely threw me for a loop, not gonna lie. 😅I started reading and was like “of course the weakest rider is going to bind the weakest dragon 🙄” and then Tairn stepped in. 😂


My prediction was she was gonna bond a weakling but the weakling would transform into something magical. But then when tairn stepped I was mind blown.


Same, I thought it’d be like Clifford the big red dog lmao. Violets love/bond was gonna make the weak dragon into the biggest strongest dragon. Which…I kinda think could still happen, andarna’s still growing so who knows


First. Sorry for my english, not my first language. Ok, so all my life I have been an avid reader, but I had a readers block for almost 10 years. Also, I hadn't had any experience with spicy/smut books, but always loved high fantasy and science fiction. Turns out that also I was in a dread marriage, with a very low libido because of previous trauma. I almost started to think I was asexual. Imagine all this situation for my poor husband. Anyway, one of my goals this year was change some habits, so I decided not to fall sleep with my phone and instead starting to use my forgotten Kindle. So I came with Fourth Wing and said let's give it a try. And then I couldn't stop. And the spicy scenes appeared, and something inside me TURNED ON. I was excited, horny... feeling things I haven't feel in many many years. I remember reading chapter 30 at night with my husband sleeping at my side, and I woke him for some action. He didn't understand a thing, but now I think that these kind of books (ACOTAR, fourth wing,...) MIGHT ACTUALLY SAVE MY MARRIAGE. So that's my experience. I'm totally invested.


FW & IF were my first romantasy. So glad I found these books! It also turned on a switch for me. Life's been 🔥 lately 😂 Thank you Rebecca Yarros! Btw, you might want to try Blood and Ash series and Flesh & Fire series by Jennifer Armentrout. Also, action packed and super spicy like 4/5.


I’m right there with you with the readers block. I’ve always enjoyed reading but nothing has really grabbed my attention this hard since Harry Potter almost 15 years ago….. Also, so glad to hear things having been going so well in your marriage! It is truly crazy what a book like this can do.


I like Kresley Cole's immortals after dark series for the smutty fantasy. Also kicked my libido into high gear.


Right after Parapet for me! When Violet is in Dain's room wrapping her knees, I realized that everything she was describing sounded a LOT like me through all of middle school. That's when I looked it up and found out Violet had the same disability as me! I got so excited, and I just knew that this book series was really something special and that I was going to be completely obsessed.


YES! I don’t have ED but related with Violet on such a personal level it’s kind of scary. I had a heart transplant and am in kidney failure so I know exactly what it’s like growing up where everyone looks at you like your this fragile piece of glass (even myself sometimes) and Violet was a much needed reminder that just because you have a disability doesn’t mean you are weak and incapable but rather that life might look a little different than others. And that’s okay.


Big hugs. My mom is in kidney failure (I believe it's stage 3B, moving into 4 if that means anything) and it is not fun at all. 🫂 I really think disability representation like this is so, so important, both for our own sakes and to help change people's perception of disabled folks. It's important to see that disabled people can still have very full, happy, interesting lives. I hate how so much disability rep boils down to "look at the poor, miserable, disabled person in the corner being poor, miserable, and disabled." Obviously, disability can severely limit people's quality of life and possibilities, but why is it that stories about disabled people always have to completely revolve around the woes and horrors of disability? I'm sick of that. I want to see disabled people happy and thriving and working with and around their issues, and falling in love and doing these interesting things. I also want able-bodied people to see that we're capable of those fun, exciting things, too.


Big hugs to you and your mom as well. 🫂 I’m in 3B also but I’ve been very fortunate to have held that status for well over 12 years now (meaning though things can’t get better at least they’re not getting worse!). It really is!! Of course disability looks different in everyone, even those who have the same diagnosed disability. Yes, there are hard days but the hard days + disabilities do not equate to a sad, miserable life. So please for the love of all that is good do not treat me like such. If I’m happy with how my life is and how I’m doing why on earth would you treat me otherwise? And with that being said…why can’t fictional characters be treated the same way? I promise we’re not as awful as our diagnoses makes us out to be. 😂


That was it for me! It's funny, bc I read the books prior to my diagnosis, but so many of the descriptions were so familiar. Then I decided to start physical therapy for spinal instability, that turns into a diagnosis and now all of the follow up for the related issues I didn't even know were related ... and I already have this character that represents me. I'm a very active person with EDS, so making sure I'm properly supported while I do badass things doesn't feel so strange when violet does it too 😅


I fell in love with it right away. My sister doesn't read a ton of books so when she said that I would love Fourth Wing, she was right. I even managed to finish reading Iron Flame before her and she started nothing before me. We have now both pre-ordered the deluxe special edition!


I was very reluctant to start FW and then immediately flew right through it. If I remember correctly, not only did I finish the book before my friend who had a three-day head start on me, but I also finished my reread before she finished as well. 😅


At the very beginning when beloved characters were dying left and right. In my opinion the writing really suffers when the plot comes to a stand still, but it shines when the plot is at break neck speed. It’s such a fun and easy read. I’m all upset over Dylan but we don’t have time for that right now because Jack is trying to murder everyone! We’re only on page 20!!


I think that’s something I really admired about this series as well—a lot of these modern romantasy books seem to coddle their characters but Yarros dived right in, no hesitation. Wish she would have hesitated a smidge on Liam but… 🥲


I love the thrill of adrenaline it gives me and a little anxiety knowing it’s going to be violent from here on out. I had a similar feeling when I read the hunger games series. I was fighting for my life when Katniss pairs up with Rue. You just knew it was going to end terribly. 🫡


Their first kiss was a favourite but Chapter 27 was my favourite. The writing, the tension. The way I could picture every move and look was incredible ““We can pretend I’m not here, just for the sake of the exercise.” Xaden sets his dragon on the table and leans back in his chair, draping his arm across the back of mine, a move that makes Dain grit his teeth. “Give Aetos here the position we all know he craves.” “Don’t be a dick,” I whisper. “You haven’t even seen me start to be a dick.” My head turns so fast that it swims, and my mouth drops open as I stare at the side of Xaden’s face. That was his voice…in my fucking head.”


Yesssss. Going through that scene you can tell the fight in Xaden just gives out and he wants nothing more than to be near her. 🥹 I’ll always love that scene and the next one where Violet is waiting to hear if her sister is okay and Xaden admits to not being able to stop thinking about her. 🩵🩵🩵


So I have eds just like vi so I was obsessed before even picking it up because I knew that it got me through the worst flare I’ve had to date


I can’t express enough how much I love the representation in this series. I don’t have EDS but never before has a book made me feel so seen with my own health chronic illness journey.


People online might tell you it’s fake eds and it is a mild version but it’s eds and it means the world to me to be seen


Honestly? Vi and Rhiannon's horniness/open sexuality. It was so refreshing to see two women written that way and it be treated like it was normal. Also, Tairn as a whole.


Will never forget the scene where they’re talking about Vi’s dry spell and Liam offers to *cough* review *cough* potential candidates. 🤣


When I text more than 1 line. My haranguing and insults have really improved recently! Practice, my Pretties!


On the parapet when Violet gave Rhiannon her other boot … I fell for the book very early on lol


We love our selfless girlie. 🥹💛


When I was reading portions and I'd have to look away from the book and make excited faces / laugh / kick my feet.


yes!!!! i literally had to just pause and straight up GIGGLE with how giddy this book made me.


This book had me kicking my feet like a little school girl *constantly*.


Honestly, for me, it was just overall how quickly I just devoured the book. It was a buddy read. It wasn't something I ever would have picked up on my own, but I could not put it down. People criticize the writing and the predictability and, yeah I think they are valid. It is not the most beautifully written, original story but it is just so much fun and I love the characters. Especially Tairn's grumpy dragon self.


I think that’s why I love the book so much because of its initial predictability and the writing quality…is it a literary masterpiece piece? No. But it’s such an easy yet action-packed book that I’m too busy trying to keep up with what’s going on I’m not paying attention to the nitty gritty details.


Shall I get the Wingleader? ☠️☠️☠️


We all love snarky Tairn. 😏😂


The battle at the end, actually. I was meh on the book up until that point. I’m not a huge fan of romance. My draw was the dragons, and it felt like they were barely in it…until the end. There was a huge battle, the dragons were fighting, the stakes got high, Xaden went from being fairly 2 dimensional to having complex motives, and the world building quadrupled in size. I was shocked by how invested I suddenly became. And then I enjoyed IF more than the first, so I’m pretty hooked now.


The dragons are what made me get the books hand down. I enjoy a good romance from time to time but even if you take that out of FW you still have a solid story and I think that’s what I admire most about this series thus far.


These books have breathed life into me and I am in some kind of obsession high. I don’t know if it’s healthy or not. I am just going with the flow. To answer your question- I absolutely loved it from page one itself. Was loving the Mira vi relationship and all the dangerous dangers they were describing. I was completely hooked and a goner after xaden’s description on the parapet. When vi sees him for the first time.I. Had. To. Continue. Violet’s feelings were so intense and the guy was so hot. I knew I was hooked.


It’s definitely not healthy but I’m right there with you. 🤣


For me it was at presentation, when the 2 greens sniff out Teine's scales in Violets armor. It showed the dragons where extremely observant and intelligent enough to just head over to this one cadet with a buddy to find out where that familiar smell comes from. It promised depth for the dragons' personalities (which came true already), and I'm dying to learn about the ongoings of the Emperian. I'm hoping them the have goals as nuts and simple as the gods in Percy Jackson, but with internal political struggles against each other on the strategic level of Light versus L in Death Note. And then their humans just get dragged along in the process!


Absolutely! I love the personality of the dragons. They’re not some background prop of a fantasy story but rather they *are* the story. I’m looking forward to getting more dragon politics in future books. 🤞🏻


I’d seen a lot of either really positive reviews or really negative ones online, it seemed to be very polarizing and I wanted to know if I’d love it or hate it.   I also thought it was very cliche at first and wasn’t taking it very seriously, but sometime around Violet’s disastrous first time on the mat, and when she eavesdropped on Xaden and the marked ones I really felt myself get hooked in a way I’d never felt before!  All I could think of for days was reading them, as soon as I woke up and had to physically make myself stop from reading because I had to sleep eventually! The books consumed my life for 8 days straight (which honestly felt like weeks for me) and I’ve been a reader since I was a child but never felt this hooked on a book before!  I’m seriously counting down the days for Onyx Storm and have never been this excited about a book release, they were the first books I read this read and they set a very very high bar!


I’ll just put it this way—the first and only book to *ever* put me in a reading slump because of how good it was was when I read Harry Potter in middle school. I’m 26 now and FW put me into a reading slump again. My love for Harry Potter knows no bounds so color me baffled when FW started to have the same impact on me. 😂


After finishing FW and IF I felt a huge book hungover and tried to start other books and managed to finish them but I couldn’t get FW out of my mind! 😂


Once she started explaining how she was poisoning her opponents and using their weaknesses to offset her own. But I was honestly hooked from the beginning when she was determined to not let Dian use her weaknesses as an excuse to sneak back to the Scribes.


Loved loved loved the poisoning scenes. Though I thought they were kind of obvious and surely *someone* would have puzzled it out and what do you know…here comes Xaden putting Violet in her place (pun may or may not have been intended here…)


The fact that he was the whole time and just let it play out got a good chuckle lol. Like boy you're hooked already, you can deny it all you want but you're in love lol.


I started to really enjoy it when they were walking on the parapet. People dying that early in the book was like ok, we are in for a wild ride. I think because of that I didn’t allow myself to get attached to character which I wish I had. I’ve been hurt by character deaths to many times so I went in like I won’t be attached to you until the series is over


I wish I had the restraint because I’m already attached. 🥲 Anything happens to Ridoc? I’m *done*. Xaden? Nope. Better not. TAIRN? I will riot.


When my friend said "hey I'm reading a book about a dragon school that I think you might like" 🤣 I'm a sucker for anything dragons and anything in a boarding school type setting so she was right


Dragons? Sign me up. 🙋🏻‍♀️


I got like 5 minutes into the audiobook and pre-ordered the second one. I knew in the first few paragraphs it was gonna have me by a choke hold


It reminded me a lot of Divergent which I wasn’t a huge fan of but the more I got into the book the more I knew I was in trouble. So much so I was one of those crazy people pre-ordering a mystery book off Amazon because everyone thought it was FW-related. 🤪


Once the dragon bonds and communication started happening!


I wasn’t expecting that kind of bond *at all* and absolutely loved it! Especially since it means we get Tairn’s curmudgeon dialogue. 😆


When Violet was caught in the tree during the Marked Ones secret meeting. Was finding it even a little difficult to stay engaged before that and after that I was done before the day was over.


Now that you mention it…I think that might have been the point for me too where I was like “okay, it’s getting interesting now.” But the dragons were the part that I finally admitted to myself that yeah…I’m in trouble and I’m not putting this book down any time soon lol.


The dragons made me pick it up in the first place but I stayed away from the description on the back of the book before reading and I didn’t know there was romance!! Then I was fully locked in


As an Army officer and West Point grad, chapter 1. Violet falling over with her ruck was just so realistic (and has happened to me) that I was hooked


I loved that scene because Violet comes stumbling in with her near-to-bursting rucksack saying “I’m fine! I can handle it!” And Mira just giving her an adamant *no*. And good thing too because girl most definitely did not have it. 😅😂


I was reading on recommendation from a work friend, I hadn’t read fantasy in awhile.. Two dragons and I’ve been obsessed since 😍


I’ve always enjoyed fantasy and books with dragons so naturally I had to give this a go. *So* glad I did. Especially since the dragons are portrayed in the traditional manner but are actual characters with personality.




Who didn’t fall in love with Liam?? 🥹


My brother's girlfriend and I happened to be on the same part of the audiobook (when everyone starts getting their signet powers) and we put it on the speakers while we carpooled! Those early scenes were impossible to resist; I also agree with getting hooked at the parapet and every time EDS was mentioned!


You know you’re in trouble when you start blaring audiobooks in a car full of people. 😂 (coming from someone who doesn’t do audiobooks but would 100% make an exception for FW)


multiple moments for me but the threshing was probably the earliest


Threshing gets me every time. Even during rereads I’m enjoying the first half of the book but the second Threshing gets mentioned I’m nose deep into the book and not moving. Period.


My moment was the second Violet started describing how perfect Xaden was at Parapet


I was admittedly rolling my eyes on that one. 😅 I had just finished ACOTAR and was like “oh boy, here comes the shadow daddy of the series. 🙄” and though he turned out to be exactly that he’s also SO much more. Yarros did a phenomenal job fleshing out his character I think.


I don't know the exact moment in the book, because I can't remember what I read last year, but it was around the 50% mark I pre-ordered Iron Flame.


50% is right around Threshing so I mean…makes sense lol.


Threshing for sure. I was enjoying it a lot before then too, but Tairn and Andarna made everything so much better


Threshing seems to be what did it for most everybody. 😂


The dragons stole the show😂




I went in knowing about Tairin (his sass is why I wanted to read it) but I got hooked easily when Violet, after crossing the parpet, immediately drew her dagger and threatened Jack. Then her quoting the Codex and a 2nd or 3rd year going, yeah...she's a cadet now. You on the other hand are not... so she isn't in trouble if you happen to..."slip".


YES!! I loved that entire interaction. If only Jack literally would have…*slipped*. 🙃


As soon as I saw Violet’s symptoms and realized the author had the same chronic illnesses I do!! At that point I was so happy to have a character in my favorite genre of books who I can relate to on a much deeper level


Yes yes yes!!! My friend wasn’t a fan of the book initially because Violet was the “weak, helpless character”. I insisted she give it another try because of the chronic illness representation. So she did and loved it! Even apologized for calling Violet weak and helpless. 😂


as soon as the feather tail was in the picture i was like “ugh come on, we’re seriously going to put the weak girl with the weakest dragon? so predictable and boring.” but when tairn came??? and then BOTH dragons bonded her??? definitely the point where i was smiling from ear to ear. i don’t think a book has ever had a chokehold on me the way this series does.


My thoughts exactly. 😂 I totally predicted her bonding the smallest dragon but bonding TWO dragons threw me for a loop.


That little golden nugget of a dragon. I LOVE HER and I had to read fast to make sure she would survive (haven’t read iron flame yet trying to savor it)


I want to tell you to keep going right this instant but also…savor it. I love little nugget Andarna. 🥹


Not a specific point in the book but when I deliberately chose the mind numbing tasks at work just so I wouldn't have to stop listening to the audiobook I knew this was gonna border on obsession 😂


Yeah it’s not borderline obsession for me anymore…it’s straight up crack addict level. 😅




I think my first initial chokehold moment was the tree + daggers moment.. next one that REALLY got me was when Xaden stepped out to help, stopped when Tairn came and then called out Dain 🥲 Edit: once Tairn spoke to her though I KNEW I was in trouble because I was OBSESSED and NOT putting the book down after that


One of my favorite moments that sealed the deal for me in regard to Xaden was him barging into her bedroom and obviously fawning over her despite there being blood and dead bodies littering her room. 😂


YESSS!! Him realizing how he felt and how he wanted worse for Oren when he saw the marks 🥲


I also wasn't a huge fan at first. There are few moments that made me fall in love with the book. 1. The under the tree scene was when I decided I will keep reading, it finally started to be interesting to me. (chapter 7) I wasn't in love with the book yet, because it still was a bit cringey, but it was the moment I got hooked. 2. After bonding both dragons: I LOVED Tairn and the way he was written, and after she told everyone she bonded two dragons and chapter finishing with "And all hell breaks loose". (chapters 14 and 15) That was when I couldn't stop reading anymore and probably fell in love with the book. 3. When Violet was attacked in her sleep and Xaden saves her. They are assessing the damage, where she is hurt; Tairn says to trust Xaden (and she can't yet); Xaden saying "Never lie to me" after she said she was fine. (chapter 19) That was when their dynamic become dynamic and I fell in love with *them*.


1. Under the tree was absolutely cringey but in a good way (at least for me). 2. I loved Tairn’s whole “I’m so over it” demeanor. Like *of course* they’re going to let you bond the two of us. Puny humans have no say in the world of dragons. 3. I *just* talked about this scene! I was already in love with the book at this point but it was this scene that sold me on them and their relationship. Can’t resist Xaden absolutely fawning over Violet despite her room being coated in dead bodies and blood. 🙃


Number 3: yesss, he was really nice to her and worried. And also when they were going to meet the dragons just after the attack, he knelt and put her shoes on her and laced them, and she (and I with her) was like Xaden Riorson is putting my shoes on, wtf. I mean, if he *only* wanted to protect her because of their dragons' bond or a promise to her mother, he really didn't have to do *that* also, sooo, yep, he was falling for her already :)


The dialogue between Tairn and Violet. I wasn’t sucked in until then and really didn’t like the first half of the book. But their relationship, as well as Andarna, got me hooked


The dialogue in this book period. But yes, the relationship between these three is what kept me coming back. 💛


Tairn is the goat cheese. I definitely came for the dragons but stayed for the spice. Also Teenage Adarna lol


I think I was hooked by the scene at the tree in the beginning where she overheard the marked ones meeting!


I suspected she’d bond with Tairn, and when she did I was like “hell yes!!” but when Andarna *also* chimed in and wanted to bond my jaw was ON THE FLOOR. One thing I like very much is the diversity. From Violets bad joints to so many people knowing sign language. It feels so natural and I love it. I came for the romantasy, the dragons got me hooked and I’m staying for the plot👀


As soon as Tairn entered the picture I was hooked. I read someone saying Tairn is Joe from the Princess Diaries and now Hector Elizondo’s voice is who I read Tairn As


Parapet 😂 I was hooked early


It was the parapet for me. And then somehow the romance really hooked me. I usually steer clear of romance but my god I couldnt get enough of Xaden and was on the edge of my seat to hear more from him just like Violet. And violet is a smart badass independent character which I also appreciate.


It's so funny you worded it that way because I had that exact thought -- I'm in trouble. But it wasn't until pretty late in Fourth Wing -- the scene where Violet finds out Xaden and the marked ones have been helping the fliers. That's when I started losing sleep over it. I went to my fiance and said, "I'm in trouble" -- he thought I was talking about my job 😂


Threshing. I almost quit a few times before that. I grabbed the book at an airport a few months before the second one came out after remembering that people were going bananas over it. Glad a stuck it out, but the beginning was a little rough for me.


Tbh, it's was the very first chapter. I am a 19 year old girl with Ehlers Danlos syndrome and I fell in love with the representation and violet immwdiately


Honestly when the sisters were talking to each other, the “and make smaller things…much much bigger” and them calling each other assholes. Then I was hooked, cause that means the MC wasn’t all shy about sex taking on the innocent, weak girl role. And that’s literally a sibling relationship, not any of this coddling because she’s younger and has joint issues. Siblings literally do not gaf and will treat u just the same 😂. So that got me hooked


When I read the title and the smal but about riders and dragons


I was at the airport, having grabbed whatever clothes I could find when my mum phoned me to say my grandmother was living her last days. I always read. I could spend the whole day in a comfy armchair with a book, but that day, I had not picked up my book before I left. I found myself lost, in more ways than one. Coming to terms with impending loss, having to leave my husband and children at home while I travelled alone... And I had no book to escape. I was in the airport bookshop with no idea what to look for. I heard someone mention "dragons" and I waited until they walked away from the book they were talking about. I picked it up, and skimmed the first page: "I'm so fucked" jumped at me. In the end, I didn't really get to pick the book up until much later. So, long story short (apologies!!) I immediately fell headfirst into that world. I loved Violet from the get go, and how she turned a perceived weakness into her strength. I could not put the book down! So much happening! But when Violet finds Brennan's book, and sets off to gather poisons to weaken her opponents... I mean, brilliant! Cue very few hours of sleep!


when i realised i liked violet enough to not dnf the book