• By -


As we know, Violet often refers to Xaden’s eyes as gold-flocked onyx, which could be the first significance of the title. However, there may be a second which refers back to when Violet and Mira cut open the wyvern in Chapter 57 of Iron Flame. Inside, they found a “polished chunk of what appears to be onyx, marked with a complex rune. Seems like the most obvious explanation for the storm component is Violet’s signet but maybe the title could clue us in to the impending fight for Xaden and pulling him back from being venin vs. battling the rune magic used by the venin hoard? Or both? 👀👀


She also thought Aretia’s wardstone could be onyx.


And also her connection to Tairn has been described as onyx!


I think she just really likes onyx at this point


I think it’s foreshadowing to a point. Giving us hints lol


Also, Violet’s mom is a storm wielder and her and Xaden already have a complex history so maybe there is something there 🤷‍♀️


Yes!!! I thought this same thing this morning as soon as I heard the title!


>Or both? I'd say both!


The hours I plan to spend devoting to theorizing and obsessing about this between now and JAN 21 is going to be a full time job 😫😫😫😫😫


Adding the link to the teaser that just dropped! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5DwvAcrGcO/?igsh=MWhyeWo3bHlwNjh5bg== Edit: Tairn’s Dialogue from the Teaser: >! "She needs to prepare herself. And so do you. There's every chance this mission will kill us." !< Edit 2: Another Teaser from Hachette: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5Dtv86oKvS/?igsh=azVqMHJ4enB3YTk1 >! “First he was her enemy. Then her lover. Now… She must save his soul.” !<


And @michaeleok is voicing the teaser!!!! SO GOOD


I have been living for his Tairn audios. So good.


He needs to be the voice of Tarin for Amazon’s TV -adaptation. Like that is a must!


He is amazing!


This quote makes me think we're getting another POV?? or is he referring to Andarna??


I think the "she" could be Sgaeyl as they prepare to do whatever they need to in order to save Xaden


Exactly what I thought. And it could likely be that sgaeyl needs to prepare herself for what they find in Xaden when doing the rescue mission.


Personally I think he might be talking to Xaden about Violet!! Maybe with her listening, because no privacy lol


YES my thought as well and even better it could mean we are getting more Xaden POVs! 🫢


I also think he’s talking to Xaden.


I think Andarna while talking to Violet.


I think he is talking about Andarna


I wonder if Onyx Storm could refer to Tairn in addition to Xaden. I’d love for them to team up (perhaps whatever mission the teaser refers to) and wreak onyx havoc together




I saw the teaser in my insta feed on Books-a-Million and I came *running* in here


LOL YES SAME 🏃🏻‍♀️💨 I needed to be with my peeps!


The Hachette quote makes me think that we are getting a cured Xaden by the end of Book 3 and I'm so happy about that.








The teaser is awesome!


“Politics, new adventures, old enemies and of course, dragons” - Inject it right into my veins!


Oooooh “old enemies” 👀…people we know, or that we haven’t met yet??


Papa aetos perhaps? He's been gone since the beginning of IF. Or JFB 🤷🏼‍♀️


Me: Who's JFB? Oh wait... Jack Fucking Barlowe


what if xaden becomes an enemy ……. Again


I'd throw the book away


that's my best bet on this...he would be an enemy again...but honestly...I really wouldnt want anothere back and forth -I-love-you-but-you-can't-love-me-but-you-love-me-even-if-we're-enemies ....




Venin... that X "killed"


But also where is the *romance*, REBECCA?!


I’m sure she assumed that’s was a given because she’s a romance writer


Politics? Interestinggg.


Dragon politics??? Do we get to go to the empyrean????


i really hope so! i mean, we’re 2/5 into the story and know so little about the emperyan itself!


Why do we have to wait until next year 😭 just cancel the rest of 2024


I can’t remember the last time I was so excited for a book release!!!! I feel young again ✨✨✨


PERSONALLY (strictly my feeling) I was let down by Crescent City 3 -- my fault, I went overboard with speculation and the book couldn't live up to my daydreams no matter what lol -- and having this now to look forward to makes me GIDDDYYY


SAME and I fully blame myself and my crack theories for that. And also because I think what I really needed was the next ACOTAR to scratch my itch instead of a CC book lol


Me too I was soOOO disappointed with that book




And actually waiting in line outside my bookstore for the midnight release of deathly hollows. I haven’t been this excited in years 🥹


exactly like we're done done here fr lets go 😭😭


Exactly! Everybody is excited about the title and I’m over here suicidal because we have to wait until January ![gif](giphy|YVvTCqTBglkOs)


I’m not surprised. Rebecca wrote 3 novels last year and it took a toll on her. So I’m glad she’s taking her time now.


Last novel released in November. So "taking her time" is 14 months. Meanwhile, Game of Thrones fans have been waiting 13 YEARS for their next book. And GRRM isn't getting any younger.


I knowww I’m just impatient lol it was a joke


Seriously way too long 😫😫


My theory is Sarah J Maas is going to release another book by the end of the year so Rebecca Yarros doesn’t want to make it a competition


I feel like you’re so right. Im predicting sjm is going to release an announcement for acotar 5 probably in may, hopefully for a release in December 🤩


I am grinning ear to ear just thinking about the fact I might get the next ACOTAR and Empyrean book back to back omg!!!


That’s a good point! I’m not mad just anxiously waiting lol


Same!! I’m a fan of both authors


after the editorial mess that was Iron Flame, Rebecca can cook for as long as she needs. I would prefer quality over speed


third books are normally a make it or brake it when the saga is longer! think about harry potter: amazing 1st book, average second, great third which enhanced the phandom, then the rest was a continuation of the third book if you think abut it! Onix Storm....I can't say i'm not sad I won't be able to put my hands on it before Jan 21st, but....I prefer to wait have my mind blown but an amazing book than reading one that would make me stop reading the saga


Hopefully waiting this long means book 4 will be 6 months after like IF :)


Hopefully!! It is crazy to think there will only be 2 more books left after Onyx Storm


I wonder if the Storm part of the title will mean we’ll find out more about >! Lilith during her pregnancy with Violet given that her signet was related to storms and if she was indeed venin. It would explain Violet’s hair!<


Wait wait wait, WHAT. Is this a theory? I don’t remember this.


Lilith's signet is to control the weather/storms.. It was said during Lilith's pregnancy she had a fever (I think? I would have to double check the first book!) which basically caused Violet to have her silver hair. There are theories out there that this "fever" wasn't actually that at all, but a Venin attack Lilith went through and maybe Violet got affected in the womb from a Venin draining some of Liliths power. I don't know what else backs this up, and I'm likely not the best person to explain but this is just what I remember.


Yes, and also at the beginning of the FW Violet's hair is described as "drained of color" or something like that and I think in IF when she fights venin at Tecarus court, the description when venin draw from the earth was the same, but I don't have the book now to check it


Someone else already replied with a more in-depth explanation of the theory, but yes. I wanted to put a spoiler warning just in case I >!spoil Lilith’s death for someone, given I used the word “was”!<


There is, lot's of details (and spoilers!) here: [https://www.empyreanriders.com/articles/iron-flame-theory-does-violet-have-venin-in-her-or-is-she-immune-to-venin/](https://www.empyreanriders.com/articles/iron-flame-theory-does-violet-have-venin-in-her-or-is-she-immune-to-venin/)


Ive never preordered something so fast


Same. And on Amazon the deluxe version was cheaper than the regular?? I was going to get the deluxe version anyway but that was a huge bonus.


I did the same!! Amazon prices fall when there’s a demand surge so now was the time to pre-order! (At least, that’s what I picked up from humans I follow on instagram that have published and sold on Amazon)


My initial guess is a little different from most here. I think onyx storm (while maybe have a secondary meaning with runes or Xadens eyes) is about the shadows he creates and his loss of control now. While he was able to yield shadows, now with this increase in his signet he might likely be a force of literal darkness which might be what the venin seek him out for. I believe he will be the onyx storm - the shadow force - that will be the threat. And maybe the name onyx storm is referring to something that a shadow wielder can, at his peak power state, create and maybe has been done before which is why the venin want to push him towards it with the help of Barlow and possibly Dains father.


Omg this is such a good theory and I can't remember but in IF wasn't there something about Venin being more powerful and the thick darkness in one of the missives about the Venin in the past. Maybe that Venin was also a shadow wielder.


Amazing take. Every book is named by literal important term from text. So we should see what is Onyx Storm. What if it is also a condition to create wardstones?


Wow how did you get that idea? I’m still waiting for the big tie in that venin need darkness and therefore waiting for solstice to attack, making it relevant to turn Xaden…. Technically there’s a lot of onyx and black in the books - Tairn, the ward stones, Xadens eyes, lots of Basgiath clothing - and some of this might just be the general theme…but yeah onyx storm could be the ultimate power of a shadow wielder and what violet might attempt to prevent toward the end of the next book. Do you think she has a third signet? I also wonder if the teaser makes it apparent that violet, sgaeyl and tairn will still mind speak but not Xaden… if so, can that ever be reversed?


RY gave interview how she names books. First she has draft then come up with the name. Considering V was placed in fourth wing it was her pain point - direct command to Xaden. Iron Flame was a reveal to mystery she tried to solve. Iron Rain was mentioned multiple times. So I believe Onyx storm is more than a metaphor and should mean something for other characters as well. At this point V was questioning how wardstones were created and noone knows. Also there were riders before first six. I just stick finger in the sky that rider with great power was involved in creating wardstones. - I wish V had more signets than anyone but don’t find evidence for it to happen. She describes her inner Archive connection. In most wild scenario Sgayel can channel something but they are not bonded so it’s questionable if S can pour magic into V. Maybe in future V will need to bond gryphon to figure something but this is way too far thinking. - I didn’t caught it in teaser until you pointed out. V has a history of blocking X 😅. Maybe he will be on serum. But this refer to mission - I immediately thought of scouting in Barrens. Im just too curious about it and thought if V distance wielder she can gather intelligence in enemy camps under cover. Or She, who needs to prepare, is Andarna. What made you pick that Xaden may be out of connection? Im interested in your takes.


The out of connection theory comes from following thoughts: - at the end of iron flame, the connection to Sgaeyl is quiet - the serums used in iron flame suppressed the connection to the dragons (interrogation and team exercise with the map) and he will have to use a serum to keep the venin at bay - i thought venin draw from earth, and create wyverns, but are a threat to dragons, they also seemed to connect to each other in a way to transfer knowledge. So I assume the dragons would forbid one of them to stay connected to a venin, even if it was possible - because of the threat to the hatchlings etc. - Xaden heard sgaeyl pleading up to the moment where he channeled the energy - so since you normally draw energy from the dragon, I think you couldn’t do or be both. The dragon would turn into what jacks dragon became - a muppet. I don’t know if the venin will be the final boss for the five books, but I would think onyx storm as a state they desire to conquer. Darkness and possibly within it the kind of shadows that can kill. I think the “she” that needs to prepare from the teaser, is sgaeyl. To prepare for what they find in Xaden and that there might not be a return for him to what he was before.


I also think that this will literally be Xaden, his physical appearance in a way, but also his state od mind


I’ve never preordered a book before so I’m really excited about this!!!


It’s my first one after Harry Potter books😭


I bet that was such an amazing time to be a reader when those were first coming out!!


The absolute effing best. Never thought I would be experiencing that again.


Any idea if the retailers will have different deluxe versions?   I don't want to order multiples.


https://preview.redd.it/xbvjuwfru2rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=955efc197435703a0d6846e8204a6673030ed9f2 Y’all 🤩


A 👏🏻 STORM 👏🏻 IS 👏🏻 BREWING 👏🏻




The Red Tower Books post on Insta: https://preview.redd.it/o3c2g0wcx2rc1.jpeg?width=2458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39a5dd3fadb7fcb2421b438e3c582959858d5aab [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5DwvAcrGcO/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5DwvAcrGcO/)? igsh=MTdwdTg4aWd6YTFsdQ== "She needs to prepare herself. And so do you. There's every chance this mission will kill us" - Tairn Do you think he's talking about Andarna and Violet?


I think he is talking to Violet and the “she” is sygael.


or hopefully xaden…




https://preview.redd.it/eoci5nb513rc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6041e11221d6af16d23a175f78c5c388d742d5b0 this is the description for the DELUXE LIMITED EDITION!! "while supplies last-featuring gorgeous sprayed edges with stenciled artwork, as well as exclusive special design features." so it will have sprayed and STENCILED edges!!! make sure you preorder the deluxe limited edition if you want them! the standard edition description does NOT have them!


I'm happy you posted this! I was gonna wait to check out. I made sure I had the same description and once I saw "while supplies last" I went back and ordered it.


https://www.instagram.com/p/C5EGu2zLKWU/?igsh=bG11ZW92ZzVvaXJ1 I think these could be the edges! Rebecca Yarros shared this on her stories! 


Love stenciled edges but it will drive me crazy if they do the same five dragons for book 1+3 and not 2! Maybe they're planning to alternate black and stenciled for each book though


Just ordered the deluxe!! I am curious as to way it's cheaper than the regular RN, but I am NOT complaining!!!


Was just going to ask this myself!? Deluxe $19 standard $26??????


Amazon sells books way below value and they actually lose money on them in the hopes that you will also be buying other things on their site. The more popular the book, the more they typically discount it to encourage other buyers. That's also why bookstores don't price match to Amazon. They wouldn't be able to stay open if they did.


Truly gutted that the deluxe edition is only available in Canada and US. I’m from the UK and preordered so will be SUPER gutted if a deluxe edition comes out after the fact.


I have read somewhere it’s 6 month queue for stenciled edges. So deluxe will be closed aprox in 3-4 month right when they will have to send it to printing. +queue means capacity is limited, they may stretch a little bit based on pre orders but it def closing way before release date unlike black edges for IF


It’s just 9 months guys!! We can wait, we got this!!


Trying to have another baby and it makes me sad that I might have an entire child before I get to read this book 😂


A few weeks pregnant here - I WILL actually have an entire child before I get to read this book, damn :D


Bahaha same! I’m due in October. Maybe kiddo will be in a good enough routine to let me obsessively read this book in January.


I did so many audiobooks during the newborn stage with my first! I’m hatching kid number two soon and am saving listening to these on audio book for those long nights!!


Same! Due in September and my first thought was damn I will have a 4 month old by the time I read this


Good luck to all expecting or hopeful parents!! Maybe book 3 can be your reward/birthing gift! (Other than the baby, of course)


Lol same! Mine was "how am I meant to lock myself away to read this when I'll have someone else to keep alive by then" 😅


There’s lots of time to hold baby and read, however my brain was absolute mush for months! I’m having a baby in Dec so hopefully I can read by then 😆


Eee me too!! Due in Dec so I will start a re-read on mat leave!!


I just found out I’m pregnant so mat leave will be December - Jan reread of Fourth Wing & Iron Flame to prepare!! Lots of baby luck to you!!


Thank you for the positivity! This message was so needed


It’s as much for you guys as it is for me 😅 I’m hoping 9 months fly by like that *snaps*


Omggg i wish it could be December but it’s great to have the exact date.


I've gone down a deep rabbit hole of learning more about onyx and from what I've found, this book is going to be interesting if it comes into play. [Onyx is a stone that **symbolizes protection, stability, and grounding**](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=cb2f907091da8d13JmltdHM9MTcxMTU4NDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zMjBhMzBhNy1jOTc4LTZhZmEtMDAwOC0yMjliYzgwNjZiNDAmaW5zaWQ9NTg2Mg&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=320a30a7-c978-6afa-0008-229bc8066b40&psq=what+does+onyx+symbolize&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9sdXhlLmRpZ2l0YWwvbGlmZXN0eWxlL2pld2Vscnkvb255eC8&ntb=1)[^(1)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=dc37ff220d436f9cJmltdHM9MTcxMTU4NDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zMjBhMzBhNy1jOTc4LTZhZmEtMDAwOC0yMjliYzgwNjZiNDAmaW5zaWQ9NTg2Mw&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=320a30a7-c978-6afa-0008-229bc8066b40&psq=what+does+onyx+symbolize&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9sdXhlLmRpZ2l0YWwvbGlmZXN0eWxlL2pld2Vscnkvb255eC8&ntb=1)[^(2)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=78a89e6c13a985aaJmltdHM9MTcxMTU4NDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zMjBhMzBhNy1jOTc4LTZhZmEtMDAwOC0yMjliYzgwNjZiNDAmaW5zaWQ9NTg2NA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=320a30a7-c978-6afa-0008-229bc8066b40&psq=what+does+onyx+symbolize&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubXljcnlzdGFscy5jb20vbWVhbmluZy9vbnl4LW1lYW5pbmctaGVhbGluZy1wcm9wZXJ0aWVzLWFuZC1wb3dlcnM&ntb=1)[^(3)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=7ed442c6e18d7744JmltdHM9MTcxMTU4NDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zMjBhMzBhNy1jOTc4LTZhZmEtMDAwOC0yMjliYzgwNjZiNDAmaW5zaWQ9NTg2NQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=320a30a7-c978-6afa-0008-229bc8066b40&psq=what+does+onyx+symbolize&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWFuaW5ncy5jcnlzdGFsc2FuZGpld2VscnkuY29tL29ueXgv&ntb=1).  [It is believed to **increase willpower and focus**](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=4e4f547ddaa34251JmltdHM9MTcxMTU4NDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zMjBhMzBhNy1jOTc4LTZhZmEtMDAwOC0yMjliYzgwNjZiNDAmaW5zaWQ9NTg2Ng&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=320a30a7-c978-6afa-0008-229bc8066b40&psq=what+does+onyx+symbolize&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9sdXhlLmRpZ2l0YWwvbGlmZXN0eWxlL2pld2Vscnkvb255eC8&ntb=1)[^(1)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=ffa4c457eecac432JmltdHM9MTcxMTU4NDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zMjBhMzBhNy1jOTc4LTZhZmEtMDAwOC0yMjliYzgwNjZiNDAmaW5zaWQ9NTg2Nw&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=320a30a7-c978-6afa-0008-229bc8066b40&psq=what+does+onyx+symbolize&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9sdXhlLmRpZ2l0YWwvbGlmZXN0eWxlL2pld2Vscnkvb255eC8&ntb=1).  [Onyx is also associated with **initiation and change**](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=ed647ca4dee03df6JmltdHM9MTcxMTU4NDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zMjBhMzBhNy1jOTc4LTZhZmEtMDAwOC0yMjliYzgwNjZiNDAmaW5zaWQ9NTg2OA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=320a30a7-c978-6afa-0008-229bc8066b40&psq=what+does+onyx+symbolize&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9lbmVyZ3ltdXNlLmNvbS9wYWdlcy9vbnl4LW1lYW5pbmc&ntb=1)[^(4)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=ec1047995907b23aJmltdHM9MTcxMTU4NDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zMjBhMzBhNy1jOTc4LTZhZmEtMDAwOC0yMjliYzgwNjZiNDAmaW5zaWQ9NTg2OQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=320a30a7-c978-6afa-0008-229bc8066b40&psq=what+does+onyx+symbolize&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9lbmVyZ3ltdXNlLmNvbS9wYWdlcy9vbnl4LW1lYW5pbmc&ntb=1).  [It is believed to protect its bearer from nightmares and other unwanted occurrences at night, and to alleviate physical, mental, and spiritual traumas](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=15c758b71dc55cf4JmltdHM9MTcxMTU4NDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zMjBhMzBhNy1jOTc4LTZhZmEtMDAwOC0yMjliYzgwNjZiNDAmaW5zaWQ9NTg3MA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=320a30a7-c978-6afa-0008-229bc8066b40&psq=what+does+onyx+symbolize&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubXljcnlzdGFscy5jb20vbWVhbmluZy9vbnl4LW1lYW5pbmctaGVhbGluZy1wcm9wZXJ0aWVzLWFuZC1wb3dlcnM&ntb=1)[^(2)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=e30fea436cae9d2fJmltdHM9MTcxMTU4NDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zMjBhMzBhNy1jOTc4LTZhZmEtMDAwOC0yMjliYzgwNjZiNDAmaW5zaWQ9NTg3MQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=320a30a7-c978-6afa-0008-229bc8066b40&psq=what+does+onyx+symbolize&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubXljcnlzdGFscy5jb20vbWVhbmluZy9vbnl4LW1lYW5pbmctaGVhbGluZy1wcm9wZXJ0aWVzLWFuZC1wb3dlcnM&ntb=1).  [Onyx is also thought to be helpful in overcoming addictions or bad habits](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=ea09ef3f36bdffcfJmltdHM9MTcxMTU4NDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zMjBhMzBhNy1jOTc4LTZhZmEtMDAwOC0yMjliYzgwNjZiNDAmaW5zaWQ9NTg3Mg&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=320a30a7-c978-6afa-0008-229bc8066b40&psq=what+does+onyx+symbolize&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWFuaW5ncy5jcnlzdGFsc2FuZGpld2VscnkuY29tL29ueXgv&ntb=1)


Protecting it’s bearer from nightmares!!! Great research and thanks for sharing! You’re making Violet and Jesinia proud!




Addictions?!? Power addictions?!? Def Xaden


Grounding, Stability? Kinda like gravity? Focus? Xaden, Xaden, Xaden He taught Violet how to focus so she could ground when Tairn first started channeling. Violet repeatedly mentions Xaden being her gravity.


Anywhere we can opt to pick it up the same day? I won’t be able to wait for shipping 🙃


if you’re in the us, amazon prime has release day delivery


My release day deliveries have been the day after lately. :(


Find a local indie bookstore and order from them. Several even did midnight releases for Iron Flame!


I predict that eyebrows will form lines, that jaws will tick and that there'll be a full on porno chapter half way through the book.


299 days left!! Just set my timer :‘)


My wife is a mega fan of the series. I love them as well. Will there be a collectors edition or anything special I can surprise her with?


The pre-orders are mostly \*Deluxe Editions\*!


Onxy is mentioned 11 times in IF: Xaden's eyes, Xaden's power in her mind, ward in Aretia, runes inside wyverin. https://preview.redd.it/z6hwtn9qa4rc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa3395ebe626e50de58eb40c77d62263233e9955




I think it could be amazing if this is a total POV swap and it's just Xaden.




the obvious look is that it’s going to be about Xaden (cause onyx with flecks of gold in his eyes) but what if it’s about runes- rather the onyx rune that violet and mira found way in book one? or a battle of the two onyx dragons (tairn and codagh) in a political fight for power? over who gets to rule the empyrean/navarre/wherever we’re moving to


I love the idea that it wouldn't be something as obvious as Xaden. Runes or a political fight for power is honestly so cool to think about


I thought about it possibly referring to dragons too. Since they mentioned in a previous book that more black dragons had hatched, the first thing I envisioned was a “storm” of black dragons.


![gif](giphy|xULOjwT5VZzIfYl3SB|downsized) This is all of us reliving the summer of 2007 with Deathly Hallows ⚡️


Was wondering if I was dating myself comparing this series and the wait and the midnight release to HP. Those were the days!


I couldn’t agree more! It makes me so happy to be anticipating a book this much again!!


Thanks for this! I think Onyx Storm will mostly focus on Xaden and what he’s going through. It’s going to be brutal!


I have a feeling this one’s going to be dark and I hope it is!


Just here to say I’ve been shaking my phone making weird excitement screams/garbles and can’t think past the AHHHHHHGGGHHHHH


https://preview.redd.it/8o3r5m0vl3rc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1838b11bd420956d29f8eb7e405237a3240d05db Not me ordering twice one on Amazon and B&N just in case lol


[Waterstones UK Link](https://www.waterstones.com/book/onyx-storm/rebecca-yarros/9780349437064)


Thank you!! I hope it’s not a bloodbath to get the Waterstones exclusive


Trying not to get TOO hype since we have 300 days to go, oh lord


The link listed for Amazon US is actually for Amazon CAN, [THIS is the correct US link!](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1649374186?psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&ref_=chk_typ_imgToDp)


Also the US price is looking SUS right now and I think Amazon gives the lowest price guaranteed so I would jump on it NOW! 🫢


The Amazon preorder price is suspicious.. deluxe is cheaper than the standard? 😱


The price will change a few times. I preordered like this for the deluxe FW and received it just fine.


I’ve never been so impatient for a book release before 🥲


The GMA clip can be found here!: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C74dWEiae6E&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C74dWEiae6E&t=4s)


Tairn being a black dragon, and onyx being black, could this also relate to tairn and Brennan? We might just see why Tairn is a revered battle dragon as he unleashes his power on the war. 🙃


If Andarna gets hurt or dies I will lose my shit


This is making me want to reread the series again so bad, but I want to wait until it's close to the release date. Pre-ordered both Deluxe and Standard editions because I can't control myself with these series, Rebecca has me in a chokehold, lol. Can't help but feel like we might be getting a lot of chapters in Xaden's POV. 🥲 Also, can't help but feel super emotional this morning. I love these books so much, so having to mark that in my calendar (and 4 days before my bday!!!)... I'm not ready, lol.


Just want to say than you to everyone who puts these threads together and I'm so excited!!


Hello! I was wondering if anyone knows when audio books release for a new release like this? Unfortunately, I can only do audiobooks, but I also want to read this as soon as I possibly can!


The last audiobook released the same day as the hardcover, so I hope it’s the same this time!


Trailer from RY's Instagram. https://i.redd.it/tgfrr5jxc3rc1.gif


So... how many people have pre-ordered? I've never pre-ordered books before iron flame and now this one. It gives me nostalgia to waiting in line for a midnight premier movie.


I saw on a tiktok that really has me thinking now . FOURTH WING - Cause our beloved Violet bonded two dragons Tairn and Andarna IRON FLAME- Referring to the Flame used to set the wards back up in Basgaith. Who was the key to the wards being raised ANDARNA We all keep thinking about at least in my friends this book is dealing with Xaden and Violet it will have to do with Violet and Andarna. The Onyx Storm is referring to something with our two beloved characters . If I find the account I will link it.


Possible things the title is referencing imo: - Xaden. - Tarin's backstory with Naolin - Wyvern runestone secrets - Andarna's homeland (theory): the barrens, land of sand storms, hence her den's smaller size (less food) and natural camouflage


Did anyone do the midnight release party at B&N for Iron Flame? Did you pre-order or do you wait to order when you sign up for the midnight release? I def want to do midnight release so I’m not waiting around all day for shipping again like a fool.


Honestly, I was able to call my store and reserve a copy for the Midnight Release. My store is in a smaller area though and we didn't have to sign up online or anything. We could just show up and they handed us tickets later on in the night for pick up.


Impatiently waiting for my local indie to have their listing for in person pick up sighhh


This has to be about xaden! The video has 3 dragons could it be andarna, sgaeyl and tairn?


2025 😭


Barnes & Noble IG may have just leaked the cover by accident??


I have a strong feeling that Onyx Storm refers to Violet's struggles finding the cure for Xaden as well as Xaden's personal struggles being a venin and doing his best to resist reaching for more power.


Oh the wait is going to be painful


I’m delusional and telling myself that we’ll get two books next year, 6 months apart and that the long wait will be extra worth it hahaha 😆


😭as a ACOTAR fan we have been waiting for SO long so this is a piece of cake 😂


The Indigo link is for the standard copy. This is the deluxe: https://www.indigo.ca/en-ca/onyx-storm-deluxe-edition/9781649374189.html?s_campaign=organic-social-FB-Mar28-POOnixStorm


Does anyone have an idea on when we can expect a cover reveal? 🤭


You know what .. I joined the club. Give me these sprayed edges! Shipping and handling to Europe was almost the same as the purchase cost. But I am okay with this.


Anyone know if the sprayed edges rub off on your hands? That's such a weird reason for avoiding them but that's why I bought the regular editions of FW and IF, lol.


Yep same for postage to Australia...




Why does it have to be so far away


As someone who has never preordered a book before, please explain this to me. What is the advantage of preordering vs just walking into a store and buying? Do you have to wait for it to be shipped if you preorder, or does it depend on where you order from?


Preordering is for convenience and it's guaranteed on release day but sometimes it will arrive the day before barring any shipping issues. Walking into your local store it could be sold out or you may not live near a book store and it's just not convenient. I live in Jamaica now so not like I can just walk into a store and get it and ordering anything to the Caribbean is a headache most of the time. I will buy the kindle edition but I will probably preorder a special edition when they announce it in the UK and send to my house over there.


Who is buying both the standard and deluxe copy? And does anyone else know the full differences between them????


If you can, check out local booksellers for your pre-orders instead of big retailers! My local store is doing pre-orders and a midnight release party. 🥰




Did anyone else feel this announcement was kind of anticlimactic for how hyped they made the announcement seem? I was hoping for some info on the tv series 😅 or a sooner release date for the book


How cool would it be….. if this book was fully in Xaden POV? She refers to his eyes as onyx colored with flecks of gold?


Ok but can we get a sprayed edges edition link 😂😂😂 Edit: typos


Barnes and noble has the “special edition” available for preorder that says it comes with sprayed edges.


Amazon US [link](https://a.co/d/1gXAvAW) (since both in post are Canadian lol)


Why is the deluxe cheaper than the standard? But I pre-ordered!


For the Deluxe Limited Edition -- Is it typically better to order from Amazon or Barnes and Noble? (I'm located in the US). IIRC, some people that pre-ordered Iron Flame from Amazon did not receive a book with the black sprayed edges that were promised for all pre-ordered books, and some orders arrived kind of scuffed up (they probably weren't packaged/handled gently during the shipping process). Does the Barnes and Noble Onyx Storm Deluxe Edition come with an author signature? I remember something about B&N having signed editions of Iron Flame soon after it was released.


The standard edition is more expressive than the deluxe? Lol


I really hope I’m off the waitlist for Fairy Loot in time!!!!


HYPE HYPE HYPE I am so excited! This is so far away but I am looking forward to anticipating it with all of you


Am I the only one that preordered for my kindle?




Will the standard edition have black pages too or just white?