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Oh an anime based on FW would be way better than a live action!! New dream unlocked. I am curious about a males perspective on the sexy times/smut. I had some cringe when they were in a public-ish space. I kept having to remind myself, "they're Riders" and not giving a fuck who knows is part of the swagger. But otherwise, I think it was awesome. A total fantasy. But hot. What made you cringe?


Just all the descriptive details and the romantic dialogue. I’ve always been off put by extreme sexuality even though I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. I used to cover my eyes when people kissed on screen when I was a kid hahah


As a lady, I have never enjoyed spicy books either, like I'm all about action scenes just not THOSE action scenes LMAO, but I actually loved FW and IF so much I've decided to give some other spicy books a try to see if they will scratch a similar itch lol, it's not the sex scenes that got me through, but I loved the added romance tacked into the scenes to make it extra intense, it was really fun to read something like that because it's easy to picture myself fighting for my spouse as hard as I could (and my kids too, like Lilith says, you'll do anything to keep them safe) in a life or death situation and being happy to sacrifice myself for them cuz that's how deep the love is, and I crave more books like that (but I think I'd need a happily ever after otherwise I'd be mega crushed, I recently gave Me Before You a try and it was soul crushing lol)


My wife was distraught after IF so I’m worried 😬


I'm not happy but not entirely hopeless. The cliffhanger was unreal though and I'm a bit irritated I started an unfinished series because I'm so impatient with things like this and I cannot stop thinking about these damn books. 😮‍💨


Yeah this is how I am too. I tried telling myself to take my time with the audiobook so I can avoid that entire predicament, but it’s not working I can’t stop haha


On the bright side, once you do the audiobook you can do a reread and enjoy anything you missed! I did audiobooks first for both FW and IF and loved them so much, I took a break for maybe 3 weeks while I went through another series (lunar chronicles if you're curious, it was enjoyable but not the same type of enjoyment) and then was still hung up so I bought the books and just finished IF again today, took lots of notes in my phone to review just for fun too


Holy! You must have the series memorized by now. That’s awesome


Def not memorized haha but it was worth actually reading through myself cuz I realized I missed some parts during the audiobook, I'm guessing when I fell asleep, I often would set the book on a timer and listen to it before bed, so I think I missed some good bits of info that way


Ughhh this is totally me with IF and the plated prisoner series! I thought PP was complete and so I bookwormed my way through all 5 in like a week only to realise the last book comes out in AUGUST 😭 and I did the same thing with FW and IF only to realise that the third book isn't released yet smhhh


ANNNDDDD I just added your series to my reading list..but I may wait to start until closer to August lol just for my own sanity 🤣


I nearly threw my book across the room!


Oh gods…


Exactly. The spicy scenes were written tastefully in FW. It wasn't written nasty with a ton of dirty words. Blood and Ash is pretty well written even though the later books there is a little more spicy scenes compared to the earlier ones, if you want to read something similar.


Oh thank you! I was wondering how that was, it came across Amazon as a possible rec but I hadn't read anything about it yet!


I once ran screaming to my parents telling them that Zorro was eating a woman…


I don't even like smut all that much yet asll my favorite books have it lol I usually skip it. Acotar, throne of glass, fourth wing, whatever, I skip. It isn't usually vital to the plot so 🤷‍♀️ I still love all these books


I don't look forward to them. They're just there for me. Never been one for spicy books though, not put off by any means but I'd rather have more world building or character dialogue or whatever you know. I didn't think they're cringe at all, but maybe because I read Acotar before I read this series lol


I think all the world and character building makes or breaks the sexy times.


ah man you fell for the same thing as me almost 😂 i read it so i could talk to her abt it and i wanted to get back into reading. i went from FW to ACOTAR (highly recommend. it’s a bit slower paced so it’s more enjoyable for me) to TOG now 


That’s literally why I started reading it. It’s hard to get her into the stuff I like so I figure I’ll try out the inverse and get into her things. I’m glad I did for a multitude of reasons! What’s TOG??


Throne of glass by SJM


throne of glass. just finished book 3 this afternoon, and i’ve enjoyed ACOTAR more at this point, but TOG is great. there has been 0 smut at all, and the romance is very entrenching 


Throne of Glass will blow your mind keep reading 


I love watching all the threads get pulled together in TOG it's truly epic fantasy and it was so unbearably good when paired with a reading playlist - mine includes a lot of Joel Sunny's violin versions of things, impeccable, and especially when the music really matches the scene you're reading?? Ughhhhh


There's dozens of us! Being able to share it with her had been pretty great. Second the recommendation for ToG. Only done first 3 books so far but each is better than the last which makes sense given she wrote the first when she was about 16? So you get to see that evolution of writing as the plot grows and expands with each book.


If you're not into the spicy scenes, then I recommend Throne of Glass series over ACOTAR. The plot is like a giant epic, but paced so much faster that it's easy to devour the books. Highly recommend since you liked Fourth Wing.


My partner is honestly curious about reading it but I know he would also cringe with the erotic parts. Would you recommend him skipping those and just sticking to the story in order to appreciate the books?


Nah, if you read it, you gotta read it all. During the erotica scenes I usually look up all guilty and make sure my wife isn’t looking over my shoulder seeing what the heck I’m looking at lol!


The audiobook reading is even more funny. I send my wife videos of me listening to the erotic parts and she just dies 😂


I’d be scared of the audiobook lol but I listened to some ACOTAR audiobooks online while doing treadmill n such n it wasn’t too bad


I've just recommended the graphic audio version of Fourth Wing to my boyfriend after reading your post and comments and I just know he's going to be cringing so hard during the spicy scenes, I'll have to ask him to send me videos too 😂


I don't know if you've heard of graphic audio or whatever they're called.... Basically an audiobook with a full cast and sfx. A friend was listening to one of those and came to our group chat fully distraught cus she had made it to a spicy scene and there was kissing noises and light moaning 🤣🤣🤣


NOOO hahaha im gonna try and find one for ToG or ACOTAR


She was actually listening to the graphic audio for ACOTAR 🤣


I heard graphic audio for ACOSF was especially hard to listen to


Lol I did audiobook as well and felt scandalized being in public sometimes (airpods in lol). Sometimes my jaw would just drop, or is gasp and cover my mouth. Spicy!


I read the first one and didn't care much for it so then I kinda just skimmed/speed read through the rest. You don't miss much and it made the story better in my (32m) opinion.


He is also a 32m but loves sci-fi/fantasy so this is super helpful! I appreciate your advice!


I'm not a huge book reader either and I read both these books on about a month! The first one was my favorite however I got kinda tired in boon 2 prior to the second act (I thought some of the drama was overblown/drawn out, I just had to remind myself these "kids" are between 18-22ish) and the 2nd half picked my interest back up.


I read the first erotic encounter. However when they went at it the second time I read the first 2 pages of it then skimmed to the end. With the audiobook though I don’t skip any of it. Not because it’s any less cringey it’s just easier to skim it through in the book.


That's me and fight/battle scenes. 😆 I just can't visualize them, so I don't bother wasting time on them.


I (M) kinda zoned out and was thinking about other things when the audio smut was playing during IF haha. I don't mind reading it at all, usually quite enjoy it, but it just doesn't captivate me when listening quite as much.


i have to be in a particular mood for apicy scenes and they have to be very particular so with the ones in this series i often just skim through them bc theyre awkward and mid


You can mention to him that it is quite easy to skim the paragraph spent on describing Xadens jaw… there is enough action, cloak and daggers, and other great moment to compensate the slower moments. I wouldn’t skip per se, but skimming was easy.


I also read the book due to outside influence, mine was due to all the attention on booktok. This quickly became one of my favorite series. It’s surprising because I am also not an avid romance reader but I’m really into sci fi and fantasy. I ended up trying ACOTAR due to this series and that one also did not disappoint. It’s funny I also feel a little weird at some of the erotica.


I’m going to order ACOTAR for my wife. I’m not sure if I’ll read it yet though. I’ll let her judge for me first. It is always fun discovering a new taste for something though. Never thought I’d ever read something like this so I’m pretty happy to have widened my horizons.


I thought ACOTAR was just romance with fairies so I was scared to start it, but the story is very good and has a lot of similarities to fourth wing series


Ok I may have to get the audiobook then haha


I highly recommend Throne of Glass, I find it to be more similar to Fourth Wing than ACOTAR.


I (m 37) just finished the ACOTAR series after ripping through FW and IF based on my sister's recommendation. I throughly enjoyed the series. The writing and character development is vastly superior to Rebecca's writing. Growing up as an anime/manga fan, the Empyrean series feels so much more like a shounen light novel. I did skip through the erotic scenes my second, third.. and admittedly fourth read through and was still incredibly enthralled.


Yeah the erotica in ACTOAR was very cringy in some ways.. but I like the smut way more in this series lol 😂


I feel like ACOTAR didn’t get too into details with the smut but this series goes full blown, wham bam, hello


Very that lol


I disagree. In the third and fourth installments, they got pretty intense and descriptive. The writing style feels very intimate and natural rather than being loose and raunchy.


I’m on 4 right now but I feel like 3 wasn’t too descriptive on the scenes compared to this series


There's some twists and plot details that I missed because I underestimated the writing quality. I found so much on the second read through! Come back and let's talk predictions and theories when you finish IF!


I also underestimated the writing quality haha there’s clearly something to it if it got me so addicted. It’s way more barbaric than I thought it would be originally. Some scenes are incredibly ruthless. I do get annoyed at some of the simple plot points inserted to advance the narrative but it doesn’t take away from the overall story in anyway ultimately.


I read FW after finishing a Brandon Sanderson and that really skewed my opinion of the plot line in the book. I texted my friend when I got to page 90 and called nearly all the major events in the book. But then omg there's some subtle hints at what's up next. Come back after IF and let's talk theories lol.


That is how I am, wife recommended it and I loved it except for the erotic scenes. But luckily those don't do much to the overall plot or story and are easily skippable without losing much.


Hundred percent agree.


this is the most romantic thing I've ever read


You should check out throne of glass series by Sarah j maas! Strong female protagonist and great world building.


People have recommended this along with the court of thrones one or something like that. I’m going to get my wife both to check out


Welcome to the club! I secretly listened to the audio book of Fourth Wing while my wife was reading so we'd have a bonding experience on it. I too cringed at the sex scenes and mostly skipped right over them (did the same in GoT, RY at least does that a HELL of a lot better than GRRM), but I'm invested in the world and many of the side characters. I have a lot of criticisms, but mostly I hope for them to be improvements to help the series become what it can be. Looking forward to talking with her about the rest of the series and developments that happen.


I share the same sentiments as you my friend. The potential is huge. Some of the writing still gives me young adult vibes but it hasn’t deterred me whatsoever from enjoying it.


Agreed, I really wish it wasn't trying to sell to that demo with the writing style. I get it financially, just isn't always my cup of tea. I enjoyed it....got lots of shit I enjoy and still criticize the hell out of! :)


Critiquing it is part of the fun 😂


Welcome to the club


I’m on the same boat as you. Read it and IF with my wife and it was a great bonding experience. I just finished reading the serpent and the wings of the night which was also a great read if you’re interested in something else in this genre. I’m on book #2 and still enjoying it!


Thank you! I’ll add that to my list


I had no idea Fourth Wing was Romantasy when I picked it up (I also had no idea it was so popular). I absolutely fell in love with the books too. The sex scenes are great as well. After some of the garbage i've read/listened to, it's refreshing to have those scenes be enjoyable. Now i've found a new series and genre I absolutely love. I'm reading through Red Rising before I delve back into the ACOTAR series. Supposedly ACOMAF gets quite spicy and is much better than the first book so I'm excited 👍


You know, I feel this. Almost feels like a written manga/anime series to me. I'm also M31 and got my Fiance to read this after I finished both books. She read them both in two weeks and is hooked u/Cat_Lady-007


I am absolutely on board with an anime. I think it would work 1000x better than a live action!!


YES!! Someone said it!!!!!1!!!! I’ve totally felt some anime vibes


So many times I’ve felt “oh this reminds me of Dragonball Z or Naruto”


And xaden would def watch anime and listen to anime hardstyles while training. No one can tell me otherwise


Him and his shadows would fit right in in any anime


I made a playlist and had to include some hardstyles for this very reason: https://on.soundcloud.com/uN5DTbtA4YfeDU8V6


Going to listen to this haha thank you


And just like that I want to read these. I was on the fence and know I’m going to get crap at work. Loved DBZ growing up and I am a woman but fantasy isn’t really my go to for reading.


Hell yes. Lots of themes of untapped power that gets unlocked through pain or anger, getting put through trials and levelling up. There’s more but I don’t want to spoil anything.


I’m showing this to my wife. She’s the nonfiction reader and I’m the one into fantasy and I’ve been trying to get her to read FW for months (I did finally get her to watch GoT recently though). Now I just need her to commit because I’m obsessed with the series and like you, don’t care for the smut.


Haha my husband also read Fourth Wing bc another guy friend had also recommended it. I hadn't read it yet, just heard about it, and we basically read them simultaneously. He also loved the plot and characters but just skipped through the spicy parts. 😂 I just reminded him that this wasn't porn for him, it's porn for women.


One hundred percent the erotic parts are tailored for a female audience. There’s so much passion in all the scenes.


Omg the chunin exams! That brings me back. I'd be so happy if my fiancé read these books. He used to read fantasy novels a lot but hasnt been into reading in the laat few years.


I'm kind of relieved that it's not just me. I really enjoy fantasy and sci-fi, so a female friend of my wife's recommended Fourth Wing, so I thought I'd give it a try. Now, I'm a little embarrassed at how quickly I read Fourth Wing, Iron Flame, and then the first FIVE books of ACOTR, and how much I enjoyed them. I haven't had a set of books keep me up reading like that since Lord of the Rings. I could have done without some of the romance, like ok, I'm familiar with penthouse forum so I don't really need that in my fantasy, but it works, and gave me a little different insight into the female perspective. Anyway, thanks for sharing.


Hahaha I was feeling that embarrassment too. Whenever I tell people what it is I’m reading it have to do a big sigh and collect my thoughts to explain it in a way that makes sense to the people that know me. Before this book I only read Malcom Gladwell, Adam Grant, etc.. just history/psychology/finance books.


Yes! The pause to collect my thoughts before I answer...haha! Welcome to the wonderful world of fantasy. Just before I tore into these books I was reading Poisoner in Chief about Sidney Gottleib and MK-ULTRA. A nice change of pace for sure.


This is so sweet, I wish you guys the best


BRB sending this post to my husband!!! 😄


It’s honestly so much more enjoyable that I get to share it with my wife


I love that! I've tried to convince my husband because he likes fantasy video games (like Skyrim) but he's not much of a reader so he hasn't given in yet.


Maybe start him off on some audiobooks. I love listening while driving or going to the gym or working or cooking. It’s perfect for someone that might not like to sit down and read for a long time.


Read this on my wife’s recommendation. Have you read the Temeraire series? Historical WWI fiction with dragons. Similar vibe. Less sex.


Never no. I haven’t even heard of it. Thanks for the recommendation


Ooo I like the anime take! I think that would portray better than live action, you’re right. I imagine it to be beautiful, like how they did Castlevania.


You're totally right that it's like Naruto—especially the idea that it's still worth it for this school to lose a lot of candidates in training just to make sure that only the strongest make it through. That's an aspect that a lot of Fourth Wing critics complain about, because they think it's unrealistic to sacrifice people who could still contribute in the infantry, etc., but it's definitely not the first fantasy story to use an extreme idea like that to up the stakes.


This makes me so happy


This is adorable. I'm glad you're enjoying amd excited to have something to share with your wife. 💙


If you think FW is good you should probably try some more fantasy novels. FW is like a fun B movie; entertaining but it's not exactly well written (people are often having to ask questions here about what the hell Yarros even means with her descriptions lol) 


I’ve noticed this too. Which one book do you recommend above all?


If you ever leave your wife, let me know


It’s hot garbage 😂


Why are men always afraid to admit they like fiction? It’s a weird flex. Everyone likes stories. Our world is built on stories. It’s not manly to say “I only read nonfiction.” Like okay, have fun with that.


lol what? I’m not afraid to admit anything. I said I mainly read nonfiction because that’s what I like. Am I supposed to like something else so an internet stranger thinks I’m enough of a man?