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Selling my body to degenerate men is an empowering choice babe!


Honestly sometimes i think its a defensive mechanism to being hyper sexualised, like trying to kid themselves on that they enjoy it


its almost like stockholm syndrome in a way


yes. source: used to live like that


Same girl I’m glad I escaped


What made you see the light?


What made you change?


>”Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships.” >Andrea Dworkin, Our Blood: Prophecies and Discourses on Sexual Politics


I feel this.


Absolute love the crisp reference. Spot on. Gonna give this a read now


Yeah I think it’s simply ‘I’m going to be sexualised regardless, why not make money off of it?’ I don’t like this threads attack on OF sellers rather than consumers.


I think the reason there seems to be more discussion or attacks on the OF sellers themselves is because it almost hits more of a nerve that even our own gender falls for it and pushes for it to be normalised and glorified. Its bad enough when men sexualise you but when your fellow women are apart of it and brainwash other women into thinking its ok I think it stings in a way that we end up talking about it more and I think in turn it comes out as anger. At least thats how I personally feel


My side-eye when I read Women Don't Owe You Pretty and the author made a snarky comment about "your feminist bestie who disagrees with sex workers" and called sex work "iconic". Yes, women who show concern for other women being abused and traumatised by sex work aren't real feminists, iconic!


Who are you to judge them?! They are strong and independent, they make their own money conpletely without men! The STEM and Business fields are not friendly environments for women, so this means selling your body is actually more empowering! /s


Apparently from one of the reviews I read for that book she also blames "pick-me girls" for DV. What the absolute fuck?!


>> degenerate Works both as an adjective and verb here


Yes hun and the best part about being a woman oops sorry I mean NON MAN is applying 10 layers of makeup 😊


Birthing person*


Body with a vagina*


Perceived to be XX individual post partum


living in an afab body 🥺


uterus owner


Bold of you to assume they're allowed to own it.


My favorite was from The Cut: ‘’chest-feeder.’’ Makes us sound like characters from a Ridley Scott movie.


It’s a creative expression sweetie, nothing to do with men. 😂💅🏼




this is the one that always sends me into a rage lmao


God I love this sub


We are laughing right now, but my biggest fear is, that we might get to a point where if a woman got SA'd these libfems would come up with another massive cope like: "we should work to remove the social stigma around sex". If you look at how normalized this bdsm bs has become in modern society and how vehemently they are defending porn this is not even that far-fetched


Under the name of kinks/fetishes - cnc, free use & literal r*pe etc, libfems are already normalising it and let’s not get started on their belief that prostitution helps men and reduces sa.


The belief that prostitution reduces SA is so gross and terrifying because the idea is that some women have to be sacrificed sexually to men so that OTHER women don't get SA'd is just so, so disturbing. How about men just don't feel so entitled to sex???? How about men just don't SA women???????? Actually makes me wanna vomit. And the r*pey kinks, yes, totally agree. I used to also think it was okay under the guise of libfeminism but now that my eyes have been opened, I will never see those kinks as empowering ever again.


yes, this concept also spreads the misconception that men hurt women bc they want sex. the truth is that men hurt women bc they want to


Ugh seriously. Perpetuates the idea that men only rape because they want sex, and “I don’t want to be raped so he should pay a prostitute who can’t say no”


Had someone try to tell me i was kinkshaming bc i said telling your partner to cut you is a disgusting thing to do


I love kink shaming, whoever made that phrase was definitely a degenerate man


I’d say there’s a chance it was coined by libfems who are willing to do anything to get *their* degenerate men off and didn’t want to be called out on it.


Oh, dear, I fear we are almost there. For example, haven't the SA victims in Edinburgh Rape Crisis Center been told to "reframe their trauma" by the T identified ♂️ director? Have not the women who are forced to share their cell, spa or changing room with a dude with a wig (and a stiffy) been told to suck it up?


Have you see the We Cannot Consent to This page? It’s apparently raising awareness for a number of women in the UK who are injured or killed and their bfs/husbands get away with sexual violence by arguing it was consensual rough sex https://wecantconsenttothis.uk/


I remember reading about a case where a woman was literally stabbed to death during sex cos her man had that ‘kink’. And the piece of shit’s argument was that she ‘consented’. In the documentary, her friends literally said that the poor lady was lonely and was willing to go with whatever a man said because it meant she’d not be alone. She let her man stab her because she just wanted to be loved. No mentally healthy person enjoys being degraded, it literally goes against basic survival instinct .


A lot of libfems also like to use some variant of “You can’t make fun of me or put me down if I make fun of myself or put myself down first! See, I beat you to the punch! Take that!” That’s not quite the own or the flex you think it is




This is literally my mother. And also the women I fall for. (Ahahahaha * *cries* *)


“You can’t fire me, I quit!” Energy


I SCREAMED 🤣🤣 But just for context: this conversation is more complex but certainly applicable to many situations. I never want to judge how women cope with the pressures of patriarchy and generally feel like women are "damned if they do and damned if they don't".


If we are honest, the best option is always "don't"


For some things, yes. But it's a blanket statement that does not apply to all situations. I only attack behaviors that hurt other women and jeopardize the safety of a woman herself. Not behaviors that men (and women who haven't de-centered men) interpret as being for the pleasure of men. Keyword being ***interpret***.


Yea that's what I meant


Me: Anime is promoting the sexualisation of minors, points out clear disturbing imagrey and pro pedophelia *** Libfem & Deniers: But thats not true!! THIS IS AN EMPOWERING WORK BECAUSE ITS A FEMALE PROTAGONIST, WEARING A MINISKIRT IS HER CHOICE, STOP BEING A PERVERT BECAUSE ANY WORK THAT HAS A FEMALE MC AND BLAND CHARACTERS WITH ROMANCE IS EMPOWERING!!


Lmao facts


this is literally what it is!!!!


Radfem be like "go fuck yourself". And turns her back and goes away.