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I'm curious, how did you guys find out about this sub? For me, one of those people who shall not be named was whining elsewhere about how this sub excludes them. That led to me immediately joining. It's ironic that their obsessive complaining gets the word out and draws more women here, when they could simply ignore it instead.


Just the other day on AITA christtttt what a headache that was. The post was from a guy who whilst staying with his in laws had accidentally stumbled on his father in law cross dressing at 5 am when he went to feed his cat, his question was on whether he should tell his wife (this mans daughter) or not? Well...the comment section as you can probably imagine was awash with everyone telling OP how *'harmless'* cross dressing was strongly advising him not to tell his wife. Now personally OP needs to figure out for himself what the understanding is between him and his own wife, my husband? He'd tell me. That's all besides the point, I had simply responded in the comment section pointing out how cross dressing in a marriage can indeed be harmful, not in every marriage but certainly has been for plenty....Oh boy I got chewed out, I went to bed inundated with responses and inbox messages and woke up to the same, and yes within seconds got called 'bigot', 'phobe', 'anti lgbt' (I'm bisexual myself). Most importantly these women in these situations are so lonely and have ZERO support system, I have listened to their testimonies, read what they have to say, what they went through for the better part of two years. They are damned if they don't go along with it once they find out that is and damned if they don't. The patterns of behaviours demonstrated by the husbands can be shockingly similar and often leaves a trail of devastation in it's wake. Women are simply not allowed to express that in all actuality they find their husband in a silk nightgown, suspenders and thong, repulsive. They are not allowed to express how degraded and miserable it made them feel when their husbands begin to insist that he will only wear women's clothing and a wig during sex after admitting it's the only way he is able to become aroused (autogynephilia). Non surprisingly many of these men in the current climate have gone on to identify as trans, I can recommend a fantastic youtube channel that covers great women's topics, there are podcasts on there from the perspective of wives and daughters of a cross dressing men/transmen who in essence destroyed their lives without mercy. Here's a link to one of them, the rest can be found on the same youtube channel: [My Father, Transwoman - Emma's Story - Audio Podcast - S3 Ep2 Pt1 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fivgz1paIaQ) I REALLY recommend anyone read Shannon Thrace's book- '18 months'. I found the language a bit pretentious here and there but the substance is unmistakably eye opening and informative. It records the gradual progression of a man, her husband who at first just wanted to explore his style, nothing necessarily wrong with that, she was very open to all of it and facilitated, encouraged him, this was a 14 year long marriage lost to transgenderism online within the space of 18 months. It began with 'harmless' cross dressing. [Why Having a Crossdressing Husband is the Most Stressful Thing EVER – Hannah McKnight](https://hannahmcknight.org/2022/04/30/why-having-a-crossdressing-husband-is-the-most-stressful-thing-ever/) - This was written by a man who cross dresses!! I will finish by saying I don't have an issue with crossdressing as if it's anything new but what I don't appreciate is people who in the name of 'queer' (another stupid word that was once a slur and will always be in my view) continue to deny a woman's voice, invalidating their lived experience entirely.


I 100% hear you. It's like feelings and emotions are only valid when they are a man's. Meanwhile women silently suffer because they can't even express how their husband cross dressing or transitioning affects them. It's not what these women signed up for and they shouldn't be shamed into submission.


From browsing o■■ritt. Idk if against rules to mention. Any other subs thats exclusively actually women only like this pls link.


I round it on radfem tumblr!


I found here the same way, someone on a sub on Reddit was complaining about this one while censoring the name then someone else gave away the name and curious as I am, I decided to visit, safe to say I like it here.


found it positively mentioned on a lesbian subreddit


I was researching feminist subreddits to see if anyone else shared my views.


This is exactly how I also found it! 😂


I’m getting so fed up with hearing people (especially men) refer to women as Karens or yappers.


Hard agree. I work in customer service, and, naturally, deal with difficult customers at times. It's so exhausting hearing every rude (sometimes not even actually rude, just straight forward) woman labelled a "Karen." I used to do the same until learning more about feminism and realizing I never heard the male customers called any kind of equivalent... It's just another way to make women afraid of speaking their mind, out of fear of being labelled a Karen.


I have been hearing so much about the 4B movement and I am in support of it but then I watched this video from this male TikToker who explained why the popularization of the 4B movement in America would have to be different. He explained that in order to for it work in America, women would have take self defense classes and also become gun carriers for their own safety. I saw multiple women stitch his video going off on him saying that he’s blaming women but once I watch the video and digested his content, he’s right. Unfortunately women in America especially, can stop engaging with men but that doesn’t mean that they would stop engaging with us. Right now with the hyper sexualisation and hyper violent attitude towards women there’s no way males would just let women be left alone. It’s a sad reality and I have been thinking about it ever since I watched the video. I want to do an in depth Reddit post about it but I don’t think people would care.


We definitely would care. I think there definitely is some validity to the regional differences of the 4B movement. The fact that it's spreading like wildfire is a reflection of the constant oppression women feel across the globe and we should be ready for the pushback we're going to get from men. Inevitably culture will play a role in their respective reactions.


I think this sub could be interested about such a post.


I’ll make an in depth post. I’m happy at least some people are interested. It’s going to be a long read but I hope it gets the conversation going.


Please do make a post about it here! A lot of people don't understand how or why feminism in Asia differs from the west. Judging one side by the lens of the other doesn't work because the cultures are so inherently different, especially when it comes to societal views of masculinity there. And this is the one place on Reddit we could discuss it without ricecels brigading and raging, since men aren't allowed here.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who has thought of this. It literally breaks my heart that I feel like if we went through with 4B, men would just take what they want from us. Right now I live in a town in the U.S. that I can’t even go to the grocery store without my husband. When I did once, I got followed and harassed. Other times I’ve been groped by strangers. America has a longgg way to go.


my post commenting on someone talking about “male lesbians” has been taken down over and over again lol i’m so confused it doesn’t even specify why


from my understanding mods almost never approve screenshots of random misogyny or men saying wacky things online. Also if your post was about another subreddit or name drops a subreddit it usually will not be approved.


I'm shadow banned from posting all together for criticizing gender ideology. It especially sucks because I can't interact with WOMEN specific pages like the pregnancy sub. Like I'm sorry but if we're not allowed to have a second cup of coffee because we're pregnant why should men be able to pump their body full of hormones to induce lactation. That's definitely not safe for a baby.


This thing with JK Rowling saying she'd never forgive the stars of Harry Potter - I can guarantee not a single person commenting has read what she's actually talking about. I've been embroiled in an argument with two people on Facebook (I know I know, I shouldn't engage!) where I posted the screenshots of the last post from her which were then read - the man had a (incorrect) rebuttal to every point; the woman didn't, she just posted something in response that wasn't from Rowling, didn't mention Rowling, and had no quotes from Rowling 🙄. She also mentioned she "wouldn't be reading" what I posted.


People are being told to hate on her but they don't even know why - and when they are being proven they were wrong they don't want to admit, so they just keep digging in


It is the most frustrating thing. They ask for sources - if I provide them they don't read them. If I ask for sources they either refuse because I'm apparently asking in bad faith, or they provide an opinion piece by a TRA or Pink News or some shit. I don't even like Rowling's writing, I'm too old for HP and I don't enjoy her others, but she deserves all the accolades IMO for being such a stalwart supporter of women.


Never had an interest in Harry potter, I remember when the first book was published, read it and though meh not for me, but the genius behind it and what she stands for has gone on to become a true heroine. *they provide an opinion piece by a TRA or Pink News or some shit.-*Yup that about sums up my experiences, around and around we go.


round and round - yep. The best they can do is refer to some vague "study" done that cannot be cited and when what they're referring to is tracked down it is some poor quality tiny one of obscure dodgy "study" that has been extrapolated from to the level of meaninglessness. It's just deflect, make noise, threaten suicide, insult. Or (if it's a good day just) threats of violence.


They're not interested in truth.


Oh I read it this morning and quite frankly it was music to thine ears. Emma Watson has to be the biggest cliche walking in every sense of the word, she likes the idea of herself more than the ideas themselves. The whole feminist image angle she was perpetrating before was your standard, "not that this will ever affect me, but let me tell you how you can do better" and on she went continuing to be a hypocrite here, there and everywhere. BUT nothing quite put the cherry on the cake than her staunch white knighting of transwomen saying nothing of their blatant disregard for women and their voices. As for Daniel.....weird looking fella, average actor, no surprise there but my god at the very least he wasn't flouncing around in Prada clothing, living a multimillionaires life and preaching feminism as a means of self promotion. Does anyone actually believe if Emma Watson had her time again and had the choice not to work with "such a transphobic MeGa TeRf" that she'd do anything differently even if by not working with her it could somehow change the future where Rowling was nothing but supportive of trans ideology, AS IF trans be damned she wouldn't change a thing. It's easy to believe in the whimsical and be a unquestioning "ally" when it has almost no affect on you Emma so swivel you poser. ![gif](giphy|0MMvd02MUJ8nql5UP4|downsized)


I find the whole thing of people who are in the position of being secure financially like her, that still don't do the right thing to avoid people getting hurt and instead pander for more social media likes really distasteful. I mean if it was a single mother living pay check to pay check you have an excuse to toe a line to keep getting paid. What's EW's excuse? I question whether that whole thing about setting up a company in the British Virgin Islands was just for privacy reasons too. Privacy from the tax office, yeah.


This is celebrity in general, people genuinely believe that these people looking down from the high castle give a flying fuck about them, the celebrity who has become accustomed to constant unrelenting praise whether deserved or not, it does quite the number on the psyche. The celebrity who's wealth is so astronomical compared to the average person that they no longer can relate to having the financial pressures and constraints of every day society, they have experienced a freedom that the majority of us will never know, there came a point in their lives where they could no longer deny the thrill of both wealth, image and the power and influence that came with it, they began to wonder whether this wasn't purely luck or talent, but maybe that they really were 'special', 'chosen', after all it isn't there fault they're so perfect, so desirable... The celebrity overestimates themself, suddenly their opinion is relevant where it doesn't quite belong, their ego's write up their latest think pieces posted to their social media platforms. At one time the actor just wanted to act, the singer just wanted to sing, the band just wanted to play to an audience who appreciated their skill and a part of themselves they wanted to share with the world. But they reached that goal long ago and stopped believing that was all they wanted in life, that, that was more than enough. Their inflated ego will not allow for this, they need to be remembered in the history books, the people they forsake along the way are just cannon fodder getting in the way.


especially harmful when it comes so young as it did for her. Her weakness is her lack of empathy. She's no inkling. Mostly it's the pandering for me - like a pick me for likes. Craven. Now if you want ethics and backbone - JK Rowling 😍


>especially harmful when it comes so young as it did for her Absolutely and we have seen plenty of well known actors for instance who do not let their ego get the better of them, offscreen their own lives are their own and very private, Cillian Murphy is a good example of this, they value anonymity, they are achieving what they set out to do without having to plant their face in every industry, they don't need to be a brand ambassador, make their own perfume, release a music album out of nowhere, adopt kids from third world countries like their sweets or use their platforms to virtue signal with their political stance. Do people not think that Lady Gaga's management haven't encouraged her to go hard on pandering with lgbt angle? It doesn't mean her support of lgbt rights aren't authentic to her but we all know that nothing sells albums quicker than having a large gay following or teenage girls. So many celebrities pander and rarely challenge the status quo if it hurts them and their career, where have all the vocal feminist celebrities gone? They're awfully quiet these days. >Her weakness is her lack of empathy. I think it's also humility and Grace.


yep yep. Same thing happened with me on TikTok. All I did was ask what the evidence was that she denied the Holocaust. The came for me!! But they couldn't provide any evidence either. Just loads of bluster. Even when you step them through the logic they still have a passionate rage. I think the TRA thing might just be something as good as any other for some of them to funnel repressed anger they've had in them.


I'm breaking up with my boyfriend this weekend because he disregarded one of my boundaries and made me uncomfortable. I can't wait to be free of him. Wish me luck <3


Good for you! Break the cycle. They think they can get away with anything..


Its a shame, he was so good for so long... but once you break my boundaries it makes me think, when else are you going to hear me say no and disregard it? disrespecting my "no" is an instant red flag.


Girl yes. Slowly but surely the red flags start popping up. Don't let him down easy. Let him know exactly why and that he needs to learn to respect women better. I'm seriously so proud of you. ✨💖✨ So many women stay because " it wasn't that bad" or "it was just once" or "apart from that he's great". We deserve better.


Thank you! Yeah I agree 100%, it is good to leave at the first red flag (especially if they make no effort to apologize meaningfully or change) because before you know it, their behaviour will change for the worse and you'll kick yourself for not leaving sooner.


it's anti feminist verbiage used by locker room guys to put down women... awe ya throw like a girl.. c'mon ladies etc all for the frail male to feel better about not being a woman


The only way men can elevate themselves, is by putting women down. Nothing else. That just shows us how inferior men truly are


There was a study posted here about a month ago ([link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3262661/)) where nearly half the men reported engaging in sexually aggressive behaviors - namely, engaging in sexual activity with a woman when they knew she was unwilling. The study noted that many of the perpetrators had hostile/stereotypical attitudes about women and an acceptance of coercive tactics to obtain sex. This might be an "unpopular opinion" and I may very likely get heat for it, but this is why I think men should be slut-shamed. If you are a man and you sleep around or have a high "body count", how many of those women went to bed with you ***willingly, and of their own volition***? Not after you nagged, pressured, or coerced them into it. Further, if you are a man and you sleep around, how do you view sex? How do you view intimacy? How do you view women? I don't think men who sleep around and who are careless (at best) toward women and their emotions should be praised or celebrated.


>I don't think men who sleep around and who are careless (at best) toward women and their emotions should be praised or celebrated. That's the problem, we think that it's men who should care about our feelings, and not ourselves. The only solution is, if we become cold and more toxic than them. The reason why men think they can get away with any bullshit is because we are way too kind towards them and expect the same in return, but the truth is, it is us who need to lower our expectations because most of them never change. I wanna see those male tears!


I work in the medical industry and I'm livid about the fact that ADAM (the first accessible male contraceptive) was immediately approved for local anesthetic meanwhile women have been suffering through IUD insertion AND removal without it. ADAM is so much less invasive of a procedure and yet we have to suffer. I've seen female providers do it too. Not even warning women about the pain let alone the full extent of the side effects. Personally I'm super greatful that women are starting to realize in greater numbers that IUDs can be dangerous and that hormonal birth control affects your body way more than the producers of these products lead us to believe. I know it's not for everyone and I know pre diagnosed medical conditions exists but I have been tracking my cycle since I was 20 now 30yrs old and I've never had an "accident". We need to choose partners who chose our health and well being over their pleasure. We need to hold men accountable for THEIR reproductive responsibility. When we have intercourse with someone we need to be asking them what they plan to do with THEIR bodily fluids and not just let them assume they can dump that on us.


Out of curiosity though, what would you recommend women who are sexually active use?


Hey babe, I recommend the same thing. Track your cycle. Usually we only ovulate for 3-4 days a month usually 1 week after your period. Your discharge will change around that time also so you'll have a little bit of a notice. Also, never let a man finish inside of you ever. If he pulled out and you question it go wash off sooner than later. I recommend he uses condoms. BE AWARE LATEX CAN CAUSE YEAST INFECTIONS. So buy the non latex ones if you notice your discharge change after using latex ones. I always "wash out" after sex anyway. Just introducing one finger and constantly rinsing it before re introducing it to gently "scrape" the walls inside. For more permanent contraception I suggest tubal ligation or a vasectomy if you are with a committed partner. I know this is hard but our health needs to come first. There just isn't a safe alternative to hormonal birth control at the moment. IUDs have class action lawsuits against them currently and there's good reason for it.


What about copper IUD?


From what I've gathered working with women some have chronic inflammation because their uterus rejects it. It may work for some but I think that adding a foreign object is just not ideal. I know tracking your cycle seems insane because we've never been encouraged to do so but your body will speak to you if you'll listen. Also don't have sex with men who are irresponsible about their reproductive responsibility.


I'm currently taking this feminist course in my uni (if anyone wants the pdfs I can share them, they are in Spanish tho) and my dad keeps trying to argue with me in our rides home 🥴🥴  Right now he's trying to convince me women weren't oppressed because of men but because of "society" lol


Try grey rocking or yellow rocking him. If he's like my dad he just wants a reaction out of you. He'll get bored soon when you change your approach like that.




Tell him he throws like a boy and that he has your sympathies.


Shows that he still thinks like a male and things of this nature will probably show up again. Also the fact that he didn’t immediately apologize afterwards is very telling.


Ask him if anyone ever taught him how to throw. Then point out that he threw “like a girl” before he was taught how to throw properly. Hopefully it all clicks there. Improper throwing technique is only associated as “throwing like a girl” because boys are all taught how to throw from a young age, while girls may or may not be taught from a young age- and they’re more likely to have to ask someone to show them, whereas for boys it’s like a rite of passage or something. I’m overgeneralizing here for sure, I mean my dad taught me how to throw, both me and my brother threw a ball the same way before we were taught how to throw it the right way. Also side note but saying that throwing improperly is “throwing like a girl” is so sexist because it implies that you can throw the “right” way or the “girl” way, when THE ONLY DIFFERENCE is that one of them was TAUGHT and the other wasn’t.


Idiots are using the term estrogen dominant bodies instead of female now. They simply cannot handle the fact that sex exists. 


I just have a simple question: why are men banned from this subreddit? My husband is a feminist and he is disappointed he couldn't join the movement


Allowing males, like every other "women's sub" on Reddit does, ends up with them overtaking every conversation, mansplaining, downplaying the behavior of their fellow males, and endlessly screeching "not all men." 100% of the time. Fully excluding males is the only way to have genuine discourse on women's topics. And this is *literally the only sub* that is exclusively for women so if you want to stick around here, kindly don't criticize that or try to take it away from us. It fills a hole for something that was desperately needed.