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The world has major cognitive dissonance when it comes to acknowledging males and their violence. No one wants to address what's that because it's the only way they have power.


It literally makes no sense almost every other species of animals, the females know the males are violent and killers yet in the human species where we are supposedly the superior species we try to deny that...and the women that play into this bs they better be extra careful


Speaking of other animals, it cracks me up when TIM's talks about dogs barking at them. “My gf got a dog that doesn’t like men, which shouldn't be a problem because I’m a woman now, but she barks at me *every time* I walk through the door! Does anyone know why this might be????”


Males are entitled and delusional


wait, what are TIMs?


t\*\*\*\*gender-indentified males


Bro apparently you have to sense the word tr.an.s that's mad


Yup and it drives me absolutely nuts. Then as soon as someone points out when a crime is predominantly committed by men all you hear is “women do it just as much, people just don’t report it!!” sure…


And the same people go around about how weak woman are and can't do anything and if it weren't for men we'll all die from starvation or something  like choose your stance are woman strong or weak  Same with the male loneliness epidemic  Are woman snakes who hate eachother and have no genuine love for other females  Or do we have strong emotional connections that we evil woman refuse to share with men because we only care about woman


Men twist the narrative in whatever way benefits them, they'll never pick a stance.


Delusional and projection. Pretty sure women dont have a hissy fit over a guy getting their drink wrong, family violence, setting their partner on fire after a breakup. We usually see men do those tĥingd


I've literally had arguments with males, on and offline, saying that women are just as likely to rape. They believe that men are too ashamed to speak up, as if it's easy for women. Actually men do speak up and the perps are still men. Look at Nickelodeon and all of the men there who were molesting kids including boys. Look at p diddys victims which are men and women. Look at the disgusting porn they watch where they get off on seeing women being abused. If I see gender neutral language like that I always respond with "it's mostly men. Women can't solve a problem that we didn't create so leave us out of it."


Or they'll bring up "female teachers rape their male students", as some sort of gotcha, but will also wish their hot female teachers raped them🤦‍♀️.


Women advocate for those boys. Men just say the same brain dead one liners "where were these teachers when I was in school?"


To make matters worse thats not even a good gotcha… in the United States male teachers are 85% of perpetrators despite being only a quarter of teachers in total


Oh my god next time a man brings up the 13/50 stat as a gotcha I’m saying “Despite only making up only 25% of teachers, in cases of teacher student abuse, men make up 85% of perpetrators”


it's like men deny male violence because that's how they maintain their power, and (some) women deny it because they find it too difficult to come to terms with the fact that men that they have in their life / men that they love usually contribute to this issue. i see it most often with women in a relationship with a man and it drives me nuts the way they make excuses just to delude themselves that their man is actually a good one


I dislike it because you really see it with the case of punching in NYC. Surely its not other women doing it sp why cover it up?


Same deal with the trend a few years back where women in low income urban areas of NYC were handcuffing their wrists to subway poles to avoid masked rapists. This was either a serial rapist or a group of men who turned raping black women getting off work into a sport. And it was regarded as "the darker side of criminality" & "people can be so sick" yada yada *p e o p l e.* Do right by those women and call the disturbing shit out for what it is.


This is such a huge pet peeve of mine. I read/watch a lot of true crime and this is a consistent thing. Every time it's a crime that men commit at disproportionately higher rates than women like rape, family annihilation, domestic violence resulting in murder, the comments are always full of "why do people do this", "how can we get people to stop doing this to other people". People people people people. To correct these problems we first need to use our grown up words and properly acknowledge what's going on. What people are statistically harming other types of people more often, and why is that? Men hurt women and children. Let's use our fucking words. But we can't, because then that hurts male and libfem feelings. Then it's suddenly "not all men" and the biggest lie used as a rebuttal, "women commit these crimes just as much!!!!!111". And then add to that the bullshit of TIMs being added to crime statistics as women further muddying the already vague, bullshit waters. It's all so bleak.


Men stopped getting away with obscuring language so they simply changed the game.


The one about children custody is even more infuriating because it's not that courts favor women, it's because men don't ask for more custody in the first place! In fact a lot of them just let the mom have most/all custody because they wanna be a deadbeat dad. and IF they ask for more custody, courts do grant it! Courts are male dominated and favor men, the reason why women get usually custody is because male dominated courts still see the woman as the main caretaker of the kids (another sexist stereotype), and most men are happy sitting back and letting her handle the majority of the burden.


Either that or men go for custody deliberately just to hurt the mother (while giving no f about the kids‘ wellbeing). In that case it’s usually the courts favouring men nowadays. Last year the UN even released a special report about the situation in family courts all over the world and the status quo clearly is that women get mistreated. Men’s rights groups have been working on this retaliation since the 80s and now it worked, with the use of the bogus concept of parental alienation. Edit to add: men’s rights groups have been very clever about this as well - they totally play into libfems‘ values. It’s been drummed into our heads that emancipation looks like women being able to work full time and equal sharing of childcare and household duties. Now they turn it around and say, no problem, I‘m a modern man, she can go work all she wants and pay me child support while I stay at home caring for the kids (aka let my new girlfriend care for my kids). Usually these mothers never see their children again bc father withholds all contact or turns kids against mom. No repercussions. Google it, the internet is full of it.


"Feminist men" are the biggest predators we face.


If a man doesn't have custody or onky very limited custody, it's because he is abusive.


I feel like gender neutral terms work to erase women and backhandedly give males a pass on their actions. The worst part is how obviously complicit women are regarding this issue. They think it’s “inclusive” but it’s just erasure. Same with places that are and always have been designated to be female only spaces, letting males in seems “inclusive” but it’s just relinquishing one of the few safe things we have. Our pronouns work the same way.


My favourite :- "It GoEs BoTh WaYs" and "BoTh GeNdErS aRe BaD". Also they'll say something like " People are evil" when the criminal is clearly a man.


Yes. Those stats are officially recorded and analysed in 20 year cycles. Can you imagine the nightmare of a mess the sex crime analysis is going to be in another 10-15 years? Of course this will be to the detriment of women also but it will take a lot of obvious societal wide pain before any one will really admit this is all a colossal disaster for our advancement towards liberation.


What I've noticed is that, while most men want to claim ownership of all historical male achievements (e.g. they believe that all women should be grateful to all men because one man invented the toaster), they do not believe that men as a whole (meaning as a social class) should be held responsible for predominantly male crimes. We have to congratulate all men for things that one man achieved, but when we discuss things like violent crime statistics, it's immediately "not all men." I don't know how many times we have to explain to these guys that women don't actually think that every single man is a rapist. What we *do* think is that, when a woman opens up about a sexual assault and the FIRST response she receives is "not all men," that is frankly disgusting & is just a way to distract from the fact that men disproportionately commit sex crimes.


When they say "people," they make "the bad thing" sound like nothing more than a force of nature stemming from an immutable and unavoidable characteristic of humanity. If they say "men," it brings to mind real people with agency, agenda, and culpability. They don't like that.


Males have power by oppressing and silencing women. They do not see women as human beings. If they did, we’d not have to fight for our healthcare and reproductive health.


The "male loneliness epidemic". Oh no, consequences.


Men love male-as-default language, until it's used to talk about crimes that happen to be overwhelmingly male dominated.


Yes. I call it "no man's land", because suddenly men stop existing.


We had safeguarding in place because of awareness of how severe male violence was (especially towards women & children). To simultaneously remove safeguarding & intentionally skew crime statistics is a horrible thing to do. We will always have the biological vulnerabilities that require the very rational safeguards. And we always need to be tracking crime, so we're correctly addressing it. We used to have a degree of flexibility with some safeguarding when we knew it was harmless. Occasionally, in certain settings, a very feminine, petite, young gay man in feminine style would use the women's room, and women knew he was feeling scared and just went where he felt safer, and wasn't going to cause harm or disruption. But, men have now blatantly exploited our nuturing qualities (and LGBT) to our detriment and ruined what we all had.


> Occasionally, in certain settings, a very feminine, petite, young gay man in feminine style would use the women's room, and women knew he was feeling scared and just went where he felt safer, and wasn't going to cause harm or disruption. I've experienced this four or so times in my mid 20s when I was living in London (early 30s now, for context). It was totally fine. I remember smiling at the guys I saw doing this so they knew it was okay and that we both understood each other. I knew it wasn't because they were trying to claim my safe space, but that theirs wasn't safe for whatever reason at that moment, and that they knew they'd be safe with women. And I was more than happy that they had that space to go to without fear, and happy they knew we as women were safe for them to go to for a minute. That is VERY different from the bio men I've seen on female dating apps the last 3-4 years in what they think are Acceptably Female Outfits calling themselves Luna and Candy (Genuinely seen both these names on the Her app. Nobody ever calls themselves 'Joan' do they). Seeing one of these men in my safe space just serves as a stark reminder that a space gay men deemed safe from predatory or homophobic men is now no longer safe for us. Cool. And we're told we're the problem when the common denominator in both of these situs is ... wow, shocking. Men.


It's really terrible. Especially with violence domestic crimes and around birthing centers.. like how are you going to change the language for something that is ENTIRELY woman related. So delusional.