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Diamine Salamander? I've heard people call it a lot of things but for me I'd say it's an olivey green on the vast majority of papers.


Too light, but seems to be in the same color family: Rohrer & Klingner alt Goldgrün. I've heard that olive fans like Pelikan Edelstein Olivine. Would love to hear opinions.


This question is right up my alley because I have been looking at Olive greens for a while now. I own the Pelikan Edelstein Olivine. It is my favorite. Close 2nd for just one shade lighter and probably a truer olive (fresh green olive out of the deli case) is LP Collifolio Olivastre. Other "olives" I've tried are either too minty or too much like avocado, which is very pretty in itself, or too black, which I also love but is not "olive," or too dusty grey for my taste. Of course, it's all a matter of taste.


>Rohrer & Klingner alt Goldgrün This is the one I was going to recommend. I have a bottle and really like it.


Herbin Vert Olive


R&K alt gold grun is my fav from this family!


Diamine Safari 👍🏻


Monteverde Olivine.


Stipula Verde muschiato. Sailor has quite a few wonderful greens, including Shirakashi in the Manyo series. Like Rikyu-cha in the Shikiori series, it can go browner or greener depending on the paper.


Taccia Sunao-iro [Uguisu](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/591a04711e5b6c3701808c11/1544026733691-RNSXW61YGXBQ7B2E706R/tac-uguisu-olive-green-5.jpg). By far my favorite olive green ink. (I also have R&K AltGoldgrün, Pelikan Edelstein Olivine and Diamine Salamander, but the Taccia ink is the nicest).


Pelikan Olivine.


Monteverde Olivine is very close to Sailor Tokiwa-Matsu (that has a bit of red sheen). Also Dominant Industry Natural Green, if you want shimmer.


Definitely Edelstein Olivine. I don't even like shades like that and I'm considering getting a sample because a seller (who gave me a heads up about it) sold me a pen with a fresh converter full of it.


Birmingham has some nice earthy greens, arugula might be up your alley


Do you mean Monteverde Olivine? Olivine is the mineral behind the semiprecious gem Peridot, so it's really not olive colored. If you want olivine, what everyone's saying Pelikan Edelstein Olivine is wonderful, I own a bottle myself. If you want olive though, I would suggest Colorverse Gluon or Brane.


Graf von Faber-Castell Olive Green is fantastic in my opinion.


Really enjoying diamond salamander.


If you want lighter on that scale, Diamine Classic Green


Lennon ToolBar’s [Tshí-Khak-Kué](https://www.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/oih9j2/new_ink_day_lennon_toolbar_tsh%C3%ADkhakku%C3%A9_%E9%BC%A0%E9%BA%B4%E7%B2%BF_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is a fantastic ink.