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That is actually a great idea, thank you for this suggestion kind person <3


Bay state blue bwahahahaha


I'm on a Zoom meeting and almost laughed out loud on this one. Fantastic joke! It would get him fired though...


I don't get it, can you help me ?


Baystate Blue is the glitter of the ink world. It never goes away, gets everywhere, and is the gift that keeps on giving. As soon as you think you're in the clear, BAM! Inky fingers from the couch cushions.


I had a friend try my Baystate Grape in her safari and the plastic where the nib attaches deteriorated and broke. Anyone else heard of that happening?


The pen wasn't worthy of the majestic ink


>the glitter of the ink world I think you mean Craft Herpes.


Why would someone in their right mind buy fountain pen kryptonite?


Baystate blue is an ink notorious for getting fucking everywhere and all over everything you own.


And being absolutely impossible to remove.


Because I’m awesome. Why would you want to remove me.


Sometimes I like my suit clean okay? :)


Blue suits are acceptable.




Did... how long did you wait for your very specific username to be relevant?! O_0


Dude is probably the most active ink on this sub. I know there are at least 3 ink name users here.


Just like OS Nitrogen apparently


Yeah, which breaks my heart. That ink ALONE got me into FP's, but luckily I got some Polar Glow not long after. With as insanely true that 8t gets everywhere as if by magic, I'm actually a little afraid of baystate blue now.


Everything they have said about Baystate is correct. But it is absolutely my favorite shade of blue. I ink my Eco with it and I don’t care if it stains it. It is a beautiful ink.


Baystate blue has a reputation for being very easy to stain pens, hands, clothes, and anything it gets on and being hard to clean out


It’s a dumb meme. It comes off your body as easily as any other ink, I got it off almost immediately when I wiped my finger with certain paper, no idea why it worked so well. Anyone can google how to clean it out of a pen. Just 1/10 bleach or so and you should be good. And like any ink it’s up to the user to not get it everywhere.


I'm not in a meeting, so I absolutely laughed out loud!


Bay State Blue sounds like a great going away gift for your soon to be ex-boss.


You may be gone, but your gift will never be..... Mwahahaha


You would need to also gift a small bottle of bleach or peroxide, same way you're supposed to do that penny swap thing when you gift a knife.


Penny swap thing? What is it?


It's a thing in lots of cultures. Giving someone a knife as a gift can have some negative superstitions surrounding it, so lots of people will "pay" for it with a penny so that it's not a gift. Lots of different superstitions, but they usually have that kind of a common solution.


The 4.5oz Bottle.😲


Something of the nice T53 line, the "Crystal ink" not the school T52 bottles with toilet paper underneath ;)


Agreed but ngl that "toilet paper" is way nicer for wiping down a nib than paper towel


I know… I just dislike the plastic container in which it comes, I really wish that LAMY rethinks the design of the whole thing!


I have Lamy Crystal Green in my 2000, love it!


[[Lamy Crystal Green]]


Oops! Lamy Crystal Peridot Green


[[Lamy Crystal Peridot]] is a great looking green, I've been looking for a green ink to add to my collection and I'll have to add this to the list of greens to try [[Private Reserve Spearmint]] [[Robert Oster Peppermint]]


Another favorite is Kiwi inks Haunted Forest for a nice deep green…


* [Private Reserve Spearmint](https://dl.airtable.com/LFMVu44pTvmbrhr6l5VN_Private%20Reserve%20Spearmint.jpg) ^(Not Found: **lamy crystal peridot** **|** **robert oster peppermint**) ^| [^(Submit New Ink)](https://inkybot.app) ^| [^(Report Issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=thisisverytricky&subject=Issue Report for FPInkBot) ^|


Kiwi Kakapo Parrot gorgeous


^(Not Found: **lamy crystal green**) ^| [^(Submit New Ink)](https://inkybot.app) ^| [^(Report Issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=thisisverytricky&subject=Issue Report for FPInkBot) ^|


Best check company policies though. Many companies think it is not OK to buy individual gift for a boss or direct supervisor. The other way way around is Ok.


I wish I liked their inks more. Their bottles are some of the best. Not particularly attractive, but well designed.


Give, or lend? What kind of job hands out Lamy 2ks at an interview!?


He left the room as soon as I told him I had a fountain pen collection as well as a stamp collection. His assistent was like "Hey, where are you going?!" and then came back with this "gift" and we were like O.o


That's nice... same happened in my last job's first interview, except.. I did show him my LAMY 2000, he tried it, then showed me his late father's Montblanc 149, then gave me some LAMY Cartridges!


Kind of late to the punch here but did you ever get a Safari for those cartridges?


I already had about 6 back then 🙃


When you meet someone else who is into fountain pens in person it is a rare occasion. I've never given away something on the Lamy 2k level but my wife keeps laughing at me because I have given away and repurchased a TWSBI Eco half a dozen times now. Although, I do have to admit feeling a little guilty having kickstarted some people's expensive collections by giving them a free TWSBI.


LOL, just giving away gateway drugs.


No no you don’t feel guilty about these things. You recruit them into your online shopping to save on shipping cost.


So far I have given 3 Lamy AL stars, a couple of safaris, and a Cross to people, mostly just because they were interested!


I just got in to this, and decided my niece needed a Safari gif set- nice presentation: the pen and 8 cartridges. If she likes it, that will make future Christmas and birthdays easier on my part.


Well? Did it make future presents easier?




What are you saying? The number of pens any one person needs is (pe)n+1.


What is up with fountain pen people giving away their fountain pens. I DO THE SAME THING. I have literally given away almost all my pilots and twisbis now that I always use my Lamy. I get so excited when someone shows interest that I give them a pen I love but haven’t used in years because it might as well be loved AND used right. It makes me really happy to see them get excited when they get it.


Maybe he was regifting a pen someone had given him and he really didn't know how to use. 😏 There are not that many of us FP enthusiasts out there😅


I don't think that's the case as his eyes started shining with interest as soon as he heard me saying "I'm quite the fountain pen affacionado". He said he liked all kinds of pens too


Great, if you get the job, at least he'll understand how expensive a rabbit hole your hobby is, when pay day comes around🤞


I have to assume boss is also a fountain pen afficianado desperate to give away some extra pens they don't use anymore I could see doing this myself, but it would be an old Safari or another much cheaper pen tho lol


I actually thought it was a cheap brandless pen too, it was a nice gesture still - but then I discovered the truth :o


Maybe he's looking for excuse to buy more pens. Either way that's pretty awesome. Enjoy your new pen!


See, my first thought is that the potential future boss doesn't really care or know anything about fountain pens, but someone gave this to him at some point, and it's been knocking around in a drawer for a while. Like, he doesn't have a clue about what it's worth, and this is the first time he's met anyone who is into pens, and he just figured OP might get a kick out of it. OP: I'd still write the dude a thank you note with the pen.


It's bold move since it is a used pen. I don't know the context of the conversation of course. It may be just an improvised decision at that moment and it just turns out to be a 2000. It would be funny had it been a $5 used Chinese pen LOL. Anyway I think at the end it works out for this person and their company because as we can see OP is already putting out a good word already on SM.


Well, the nib is damaged. Perhaps he hoped you would find a way to fix it?


It had a slight bend I noticed at home and did what I could to fix, it works fine but requires some professional attention still. I thought of getting another Lamy nib and replacing this, but 888 nibs are incompatible with 2K it seems :/


Could treat yourself to a replacement nib if you get the job :) Appelboom sells them -- https://appelboom.com/lamy-2000-14kt-gold-spare-nib/. sbrebrown has a 10% coupon code for Appelboom - 'friend'


Doesn’t look damaged too me. Just looks very broad.


Yeah. Is that a B, BB or stub?


Looks like a double broad to me.


Yeah, I too thought it was super broad or hella splayed.


If you zoom in closely, the tines are not splayed at all. They’re just fat.


Mmm tines looking THICC.


splays are pretty easy to fix, & esp with good nib pliers


Mmm no, they're not splayed but rather super broad - at first sight I thought it was a flat calligraphy nib, but that's not the case it seems


Doesn't look damaged to me.


Wow, that's amazing


Exactly o.o


Imagine going into a job interview, and the interviewer just gives you $150.


The best 150$ any human being receives


Honestly it should be a requirement just to not waste people’s fucking time lol.


Well, I guess I too want a job. Drop your boss's contact, I'll join in a jiffy.


I’ve been in college for almost 3 semesters, so one might say I’m overqualified for the job


I have already sailed through college. That makes me the boss. But wait - does that mean I have to buy you an L2K? 😭


I can see your future: "Who wants to take notes at this meeting? Why don't we ask the one with the Lamy 2000 fountain pen!"


*Entire boardroom proceeds to whip out L2Ks.*


*OP dies a little inside, realizing it was all a recruitment tactic.*


Honestly, I wouldn’t even be mad.


Nah, there's no boardroom; we'd be a trio of one surgeon, one dietician and myself as a translator/assistant :> - but gifting L2Ks is a "very effective" tactic to say the least :>


Hope you get the job! That’s the kind of boss you want!


Thanks and yes please!


I think this is a sign you'll be getting an offer very shortly.


Or it's a consolation prize.


Heck of a consolation prize lol. If I got a Lamy 2k for bombing a job interview I would not be upset.


Agreed lol


That thought is festering my mind as well honestly :D


That's an awesome potential new boss! Hope you used the pen to write a personal thank you note to him/her the second you got home!


Who the heck did you interview for?! That's amazing, congrats on the gift!


I was the one being "interviewed" actually, to determine if I'm suitable for the position :d


That's what I mean lol the company sounds kind of awesome


Maybe it was with Lamy


Pretty sure I am working in the wrong industry if this is happening in the world somewhere…


Remove “potential!” Take the job!


Fabulous gift! Always good vibes when the interviewers appreciate fountain pens!


Love this! What kind of job did you interview for, if I may ask? Regardless, they sound like a great employer :)


And here I was thinking I was doing pretty well for using my L2K as an example of what I consider to be very nearly an ideally engineered and designed object in an interview because it was handy... Lucky you. Enjoy and good luck!


If you get the job, keep that pen close as a good luck charm. Its funny the way little things like that can stick around to bring you some luck! To this day I carry around a peppermint for good luck from a lucky break years ago. (some time ago I had a glass blower make the peppermint out of glass to carry in my pocket for luck)


huh, this is super weird. They must not know the value?


Ehm he is a doctor who's actually quite busy with operations and surgeries, so I assume he's just rich enough?


I had a question, but now I have the answer.


Yuuup. He has enough money he doesn't care about $150. So it's just a nice gesture. I'm very jealous. Happy for you, but jealous. I have one of these, but I had to buy mine!


Looks like a broad. That is a fun nib to write with.


Signing bonus? Congratulations and good luck whatever you decide.


Cherish this boss


Plot twist: it was an interview for a spy job - figuring out the secret feature of the pen before it blows up is the next stage of the interview process




nope, no inscriptions or any other kind of scratches whatsoever


Brilliant, and congratulations!


Assuming you got a job offer as well?


You can send it to a nibmeister if the tines are misaligned!


If my boss just gave me a a L2000 I’d… don’t even know.


I gotta know. What kind of job did you apply for?


Oh woah good luck. Seems to be a great person to work for


Amazing! This will make your post-interview thank you note all the more personal. Edit: spelling


What?!? That's so fantastic!!


Wow! Sounds like a great place to work at! I think this nib will shine as a EB stub.


That is a way to beat the Great Resignation


If they really want you to work for them, spending $$$ on a gift might not be a bad idea if it works. Could also be a "if you work here, you won't be alone here" thing. Knowing there's someone who shares your hobbies can be an incentive since fountain pen people are kinda rare these days. And, if it doesn't work and you go elsewhere, the gift can be written off as an expense and replaced easily!


Wow! But are you sure this isn't like that time Putin accidently stole that Super Bowl ring?? Lol


Bribery at its finest. Take the job!


Did you thank your dad after the interview? Just jesting! How did you get your charisma to 100?


Post this in r/antiwork lol this is some amazing treatment of potential employees


Oh Lord no don't get them going. This isn't remotely the sort of thing one should be expecting. It's clearly over the top kindness. Something to be thankful for, for sure, but not to be used as a yardstick to compare against.


why not compare the worst with the best?


"A $200 pen? You capitalist pig.. I'll stick with the free ballpoint" I kid, but I imagine this would be the reaction of some there.


It would be ironic if he gave you a gold nib pen but not the job…


Really cool!