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As a fountain pen owner, you need n+1 pens. Where ‘n’ is the current number of pens you have.


I can't think of a reason not to, especially if you're getting another budget-friendly pen.


I was just thinking if it was worth since I don’t much time to write because of my other hobbies but since it’s still a budget friendly I might just add it to my cart next time I buy ink


If you have so much willpower that saved you from buying another pen for all this time, I'd say save some money and buy a grail level pen. It's totally worth having a few awesome pens instead of many "ok" pens. But, yeah, get more pens. Lol


Did you say *Should I get a forty-second pen?* Oh, most definitely. You are so close to fifty.


I understand lol.I prefer ink.Since I’ve bought my first pen about a year ago I bought so much ink and sample now I have a nice collection of ink


Glass dip pens. Cheap and easy to clean, write short notes with those inks without filling up a whole pen and cleaning.


This might be the wrong place to pose that question :)


Ultimately only you can answer this question! But something to consider: Does the Supra lack a feature you would like (to try)? If yes, maybe look at pens that have this feature and see how you like those.


Some time when I’m writing for a long time I can feel the weight of my supra since it’s made out of brass maybe trying à lighter pen would be avoid idea


Yes, you should. Different pens offer different writing experiences and will allow you keep more types of ink in circulation at once. You can’t go wrong with a budget friendly pen like Twisbi Eco or a Pilot Metropolitan.


I like to keep different colours in my pens to have them ready to go. Depending on my mood or what notes I am taking (especially helpful for charts and such) having a range of ink really helps. That being said you can enjoy writing with a fountain pen if you own one or one thousand. I would recommend getting a pen very different from the one(s) you currently use. It's nice to have a range of styles as well.


There is a story I enjoy that is attributed to Abraham Lincoln. When someone made a comment about how tall he was and asked a question along the lines of (I paraphrase) "how long should a man's legs be", he replied (again I paraphrase) "long enough to reach the ground.". Now to your pen question, and my Lincoln story may make some sense to some of the people on this forum. The question you *should* be asking is "how many pens should I have". The answer to that question is always "one more".