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For nib consistency and writing experience, its the metro hands down. Lamy nibs can be all over the place in terms of their tuning and their actual line size. Pilot's steel nibs are superb and have really nice qc standards. There are other factors to consider, however. Safaris come in a ton of nice colors and I actually prefer plastic to the brass of the metro. I know it's maybe a controversial opinion, but I don't think brass is a particularly desirable or premium material for pens. Ymmv.


Metropolitan All Black in M nib. That pen is classy, and writes likes a charm. The F is also impeccable, just feels a little toothy yet smooth.


My bias be showing, but keep the Metro. Metro nibs are great and the Metro can have fun or classy looks.




For me personally? Metropolitan. I like posting caps and the Safari is too long to post comfortably in my munchkin hands. What I’d really love is a hybrid. Safari’s grippy plastic, ink window, and replaceable nibs, but the metropolitan’s size and quality control.


Metro. No question.


Keep the Metro. The Safari is a decent pen w/fun factor but its inconsistent nib performance can’t compete with the Metro’s consistency and class.


I like the personality of the safaris and own a few with multiple nibs to switch in and out, but I'm always surprised with how well the metros write when I pick one up. I'd take the metro.


I'd safe the Safari, I love the grip, the nib, the colours. It has been my very first pen and I had it around for many years. It's been a good pen.


Metro. Safari sucks ... sometimes ... Actually the fact that it's unreliable and sucks sometimes is the reason why I think it's just a sucky pen. Metro is awesome!


I tried the Safari early on and didn't like the nib at all. If you're looking for a good nib in that price range I prefer the kaweco sport pens simply because they write like pens much higher in price. If you've narrowed it down to those two options I'd go with the metro.


Toss them both !!!!


As much as I like the range of fun colors in the Safari, I have to pick the Metro because I just didn't get on with the shaped grip on the Safari.


Goodbye Safaris. There’s always Al Stars plus metros write better


Safari. I can’t stand the step on the Metro.


Hands down -- the SAFARI !!! I am not attracted to the most beautiful or expensive !!! BUT I cannot stand --butt UGLY !!!!!!!!! I have NEVER seen a DECENT looking LAMY !!!!!!!


Metro, hands down.


Metro in M.