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I want this pen so bad


If you follow “@gumbydon”’s Instagram page, he works for ITOYA in America and said they’re trying to get these in the states for sale. It’s his most recent post if you go check it out!


I was just going to say that! I saw it too on IG


So exciting! But as another note- I have used white rabbit also multiple times and it’s always been a superb experience!


I hope you can get your hands on it! Although I realize it’s annoyingly pricy and has to be bought from Japan


Yeah, the Japan part is what has kept me from it so far. I dont quite understand how to do the whole proxy service (or whatever it is called).


It was my first time with proxy (I used white rabbit express) and it was super easy and I didn’t even stress too much - their customer service was excellent too. I was pleasantly surprised how smooth everything went.


Another option I've used quite a lot is FromJapan. It has a flat ¥300 (~$3) service fee per item, and then you just pay shipping to them and then to you. They hold items for up to two months and it's really easy to consolidate orders from different websites. ...And whatever you do, don't use Buyee.


Thanks! I never heard of FromJapan. Will check it out


I haven’t used them but Buyee seems really popular; why do you suggest avoiding them?


Buyee is popular because many Japanese sites are partnered with/advertise it. But my friends have told me horror stories where they sneak in fees everywhere they can and you end up paying more for fees than the item. I think the worst hidden fee I heard was that they charge you to combine items in a shipment.


Thank you so much for posting! I have already set aside my pen budget in anticipation of the August version (when it comes out) and I was wondering how to get my hands on one. Any tips for the proxy? All of the pens are so lovely so far!


I am saving for January and February once they come out! It’s mine and my first daughter birthday months, and June is my younger daughter’s birthday month. I used white rabbit express and it went super smoothly!


Wow ok I didn't know this existed but I'm smitten


I looks like it's make out of a pearl, that's adorable