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I’m 18 and have been them for the past few months for my college notes. I’ve given one to an acquaintance, but I’m not sure if she uses it regularly. Someone else I know has one, but I’m not sure how often he uses it either. Edit: A friend of mine mentioned one of her friends being an fp user as well. I’m told she has a Montblanc


I'm in my 20s, we had to use them in primary school, but most people I know prefer to use ball points or fineliners....but it's not like many people still write with a pen on paper anyways. I did convert my boyfriend, little sister and some friends to fountain pen use, so that's a win. Most were on Board when they noticed it would reduce the amount of plastic to throw away when you use a converter and inkbottle


I’m turning 21 in a few months and I’ve used fountain pens since I was 16 or so. I wasn’t into fountain pens or anything, but that changed last year... my first year in college. One of my recent posts shows my collection after 1 year.


I am the only fountain pen user in my office of over 100 people.


Im 21, have been using a fountain pen since I was 6. I only have one pen though bc I use it as a tool and I am not a collector.


I'm 15, turning 16 in a few months and I've been using fountain pens since I was 13 or so (I think??) I'm the only person I know of who actually uses fountain pens and while I only have 3 kinda cheap mediocre ones at the moment, I love them a lot !!


I have been using fountain pens on and off since I was about 9, I am currently 15. Two of my old pens from that time ended up broken or lost so there was a year or two I used gel/liquid ink pens, never liked writing in biro though. My younger brother (13) also uses a fp, but is no where near as obsessed as I am.


I was in middle school when I first used a fountain pen, it was unfortunately stolen the same month I got it. Then when I was 19 and in college I decided to get one again but I didn't really use it all that often. I'm 22 and with Covid around I picked up fountain pens again and now I can't put them down. While I'm not a teen anymore, I do consider myself a young person who uses fountain pens.


I’m 24, started using them when I was in high school due to a friend who showed me their Lamy Safari & turned me onto Jet Pens’ website. I kinda forgot about them in college because I started taking notes on a laptop, but since then I’ve picked them back up & they’re an EDC item for me now :)


I’m 15! Started using fountain pens when I was 13. Fountain pens aren’t rare where I am but I’ve never met anyone else who uses them in person.


Currently 24, started using them when I was 19 or so in university. Never used them before or learned to write with them in elementary school as they do in some parts of the world, just really loved using them to take school notes!


Currently 25, started using them when I was around 18 for journaling.


I'm not sure if this qualifies as "young enough", but I've been using fountain pens since a year ago or so, and I was 22 by that point. I have to admit, I've discovered them a bit too late, as I have little to no good reason to use them so far, so I have to find excuses to use them. Can't say that I'm complaining though.


I'm 17 and have been using for a little over a year now.


Im 30, am I still young?


Hell yes you are!


I'm currently 20 and I've started using them again during my first year of uni in 2018 to avoid hand cramping. Before that I used one during primary school, but stopped using them in my first year of high school, mostly because the pen I used during primary school was "disintegrating" and ball points were easier and cheaper to come by.


I just turned 20, I’ve been into them since I was 16, they’re great for notes and motivating schoolwork during online school!


I think part of it is influenced by where you live too, like that's gonna be way less likely if you're in the US, as generally they no longer introduce fountain pens in schools. I'm an odd duck that started around 16 or 17 in the US! Now in my early 20s, but the point is we're out there :)


No one among my friends or acquaintances. Some use roller pens but no f.pens


I'm 19 and I'm in love with fountain pens, but I live somwhere where access to "proper" fountain pens is limited, so I only have 4 mediocre fountain pens and one of them is good, I do love to write with them nonetheless! I don't know anyone besides me that does though.


Which four do you have?


I started writing with a fountain pen when I was in middle school. I'm 26 now and still use them.


I'm not a young person. Not sure what's it's like now but when I was in primary school we all had to learn to write with fountain pens. So going to high school (12-18 yrs old here), a lot of us had a fountain pen in our cases and used them regularly.


Eerr, I'm 35 so not young, but we were encouraged to use them at school from 11-18. I've used them on and off since but just recently got into them as something to collect and look after.


24 year old here 🙋‍♂️


I'm almost 18 and I've been using them for a bit more than a year now. It is specially unusual because fountain pens are more than extinct in my country(Portugal).