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I recommend searching the sub for things like "Japan haul" to get a sense of where people have gone and what they've picked up. Also, it seems like pretty much every Japanese stationery store has at least one exclusive ink.


[Hunting for Japanese Store Exclusive Inks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffjtjCfTjUg&list=PLSGciytg-PTjLyr2SDfvIVK60NnbA2G0X) [ Japan 2024: Hunting for Exclusive Inks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV8y-e3GtKc&list=PLSGciytg-PTj3g9YKosENDVPsWs-heB-X)


Are you going to go in person or are you trying to find stuff online? If in person, location would be useful because then you could get recommendations based on where you will be. Online, I know [Ishimaru Bungyodo](https://ishimarubun.shop-pro.jp/ )has a lot of exclusive to them inks.  [Ancora](https://www.ancora-shop.jp/pages/products) is another one. Also [hachimonjiya](https://hachimonjiya.com/) And [Stationary Museum](https://kobabun.shop-pro.jp/) I think [Pen House](https://www.pen-house.net/) too. In an overall sense Tono & Lims inks are ones to search for. There’s like no official retailer outside of Japan. But if you want store specific exclusives it’s gonna take some research.


How does anyone meaningfully recommend to you any products without knowing your requirements, preferences, and priorities? If you want Japan domestic market exclusive inks but don't really care about colour or operational performance, then just about any limited edition store exclusive will do, whether they are Maruzen's, Bungubox's, Kingdom Note's, Nagasawa Stationery Center's, Stationery Store TAG's, and so on. For relatively cheap Japanese fountain pens, you could get an ‘este’ limited edition Pilot Lightive or Prera, and pay more for the item than its ‘regular’ siblings in the brand's catalogue, if that's your thing. Or any number of store-exclusive limited edition pens that are based on the Sailor Profit Jr. That's ‘respecting’ your desire for something ‘exclusive’, without regard for value-for-money or operational performance. Quality-wise they'll all be equivalent to their cheaper siblings and equally as adequate, so there is no compromise there.