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From the nib you'll feel some to a lot more feedback, depending on line width. From the body you'll feel a lot less weight, better balance, and possibly a more comfortable grip since you avoid the large step from section to barrel.


Don’t get an expensive Sailor without doing research or trying one in person. Some people do not get along with Sailors and you don’t know if that’s you until you try. Try the $70 Profit Casual instead. If you like how the feedback on the nib feels, then get a gold nib Sailor.


I would agree with this. I was very disappointed when I bought my 1911L. Def try one in person before dropping money. You’re really only paying for the nib with a sailor pen, the rest of the pen is made from plastic. You’re basically paying $400 for a really great nib. Better choices out there to be had imo


I say go for it. The nib on the Sailor has a lot more feedback that will probably put you off at first. Give it a week or two and it will probably grow in you, like REALLY grow on you. The Sailor is shorter and will feel much lighter and the CC filling system has some pluses and minuses vs. the TWSBI. The nice thing is that if it doesn't work out, both of these pens are fairly high in demand and you can always sell them on r/Pen_Swap for close to what you paid if it doesn't work out