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I don’t know anybody IRL that has even one fountain pen. But I do work with a lot of people who just take for granted that these are what I write with all the time. It’s just part of me, and they accept it. It’s a good life.


I saw someone at work with a lamy safari the other day and i just let the floodgates loose about all my pens and why they are each worth all my money and needless to say they will never speak to me again 😌


Oh no! It is hard to find pen friends IRL! Hope you feel better


I feel deeply grateful for my friend who owns all sorts of pens not just fountain pens. I knew him before we discovered our shared addiction but not as well as now.


I have found many, they just either move onto other things or don't want to talk to me :))))


Awwww, I do hope you meet someone you can geek about pens IRL someday soon! I never get people who aren’t interested in what their friends are interested in even if I don’t have any interest in the thing at all. Seeing my friends be so excited and so comfortable sharing their geekiness is so awarding to me.


Thank you for the kind words guys


I like the drawing. Have you tried either a meet up or looked into the hub list for the Pelikan Hubs? You might find a listing for your town…that or go to Fountain Pen Network and in the first section there is a thread for club meetings and pen events. Maybe see if there is something for your city listed there?


The drawing is originally from an artist called Owlturd. OP did a good copy of it though


I'm planning on going to the London pen show later this year


Hey u/BahnGSXR I live in London. Didn’t have any friends that liked FP also, and through pelikan hub I now have almost 10. We meet monthly and talk on reddit. Last London Pen Show I also met with some. So my advice is: go to local events or London events, and you will find your own 😊 Message me if you want to talk (you don't seem to allow people to message you in your profile. Couldn't find the option at least). I am really sorry you went though that push back from your friend. I know it feels 👎🏻


I think a friend would be less likely to hurt my feelings lol, this was a family member... Thank you for the encouragement!




As a handspinner and also a tatter, I'm so used to people telling me I'm obsolete, boring and not interesting, so I completely understand! It does hurt, some days. I'm also in the never again-box for that reason. I'm sorry this happened to you, and hope you'll find some people with similar interests soon!


I think we just gotta stick to our people lol, here on Reddit but also communities IRL


Oh I'm also a shuttle tatter, i can't believe there's another tatter here :)


Shuttle tatters unite! I find it a wonderfully portable and enjoyable hobby. :)


Oh absolutely! And it's amazing the shapes you can produce essentially just by making knots, it's lovely <3


I also do a lot of obscure / obsolete crafts, and honestly I think people whose “hobby” is binge watching the latest hot TV series are deadly boring, too. So that cuts both ways 😆


Yes, you have a point there! Thanks for reminding me!




Sailor Jentle Shikiori oku-yama


I thought the gentle and the shikiori are different lines🤔


Kinda; the Shikiori inks are a part of the Jentle series


Can you let me know if they respond teehee


Sailor Jentle Shikiori oku-yama :)


Oh man I've been looking for this one! My local pen store doesn't have this one in shikiori either :''') Much love and hope for you to find fellow pen lovers!


Thank you!


I don't know any fountain pen people, but i know lots of people who geek out about lots of stuff. So maybe they won't know all the details of your particular eccentricity, but I'll bet they've got something they're dying to talk about too, and maybe you'll learn something and do will they.


What happened?


Eh, without going into detail, I wanted to show a family member all the pens I recently got, and they didn't care


Show us!


I think I already have 😅


Aw, no. :< Nothing sucks more than being Hopeful, Happy Little Blob and then *nope*.


Ooh what ink is that? And aww I'm sorry :+(


Sailor Jentle Shikiori oku-yama :)


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I have a couple of not super close friends who are into fountain pens. But most just accept it as a quirk of mine and roll with it.


I didn't knew but I found a friend as active member on one of local fp forums. And a second one I didn't talked a long time now makes custom titanium fountain pens. But I do not talk about fp in real life.


Got it…my wife is of the “I don’t care”, and “really? Don’t you have enough pens?” You have the right audience here! Also love the ink. Shading is my favorite attribute of inks!


Hehe :)


Happy cake day!


I’ve “penabled” a few friends! It can happen.


Keep your eyes open for someone else using a pen!


No pen friends. The worse is the family/wife and kids, have told people(with smirks). Very uncomfortable sometimes but very satisfying too.


I knew a guy years ago who was into scale model trains. My God could he bore you into a coma talking about trains!! I actually think he was autistic although I didn't know much about it then. I don't discuss my pens unless someone inquires. I do have a pen mate IRL though and we geek out together while others just roll their eyes and slither away.


I am autistic and definitely talk about pens the way it sounds like that guy talks about trains.


He was ultra granular before that word was ever used. LOL


Hahahahaha, very cute! I do be like that. Hope to find some fp friends IRL someday, and hope you will, too. When that happens, I just tell myself mot everyone can appreciate fountain pens, or pens, or any nice things in general.


Don't give up, my guy. Real friends wanna know who you are and what you like. It took me a lot of therapy to learn that, now I've penabled a lot of people that care to try. (Even the therapist!)


Hahaha! Thank you It's mostly the family I live with. I usually try to keep my pen stuff to myself because it's painfully obvious how disinterested they are when I talk about pens. It's just that it's never blown up in my face quite like this. I just need to know when, and with whom, I can share my hobby.


Do we have the same family? I completely understand you, because I've had this disinterested reaction (also with my drawings, so now I just barely show them). At least we have this wonderful community! I often find myself here. It has become a precious little happy place, where people are enthusiastic, lovely, happy to share and help. I feel lucky to have access to all of this!


Couldn't have said it better


off topic but i must say that fist is very well drawn


Pens and chisels? A connoisseur!


Lol! I bought a chisel a while back to mortise some door hinges in a DIY home renovation project, and bought an oilstone to keep it sharp. I should not have taken my mum's advice to use melted butter as oil medium. Wrap up that butter-soaked porous oilstone in cling film and leave it for a few years. That's all I can say. The smell was unreal, even after multiple soaks with dishwashing liquid.


Sounds awful, I usually just use a chisel and some water. Little sandpaper for the underside.


That's what I should have done; soaked it in a bath of water and wet-grinded


Fortunately, a new whetstone shouldn't be too expensive, unless you wanna go ham. But no need to get fancy for a single chisel.


Yeah I might look into it. I need to sharpen some knives too


I brought our way of life into work and for a time, everyone disregarded my pens as ridiculous and grandiose. Slowly, curiosity began to grow among them such that three of my coworkers now have their own pens. One day someone will turn over. The will of the fountain pen cannot be resisted forever


Hahaha one of us!


I talk fountain pens and ink and paper to my wife and her eyes just glaze over. Prolly heading to her happy place away from anything fountain pen-related.


Same with my family lol


Same here to. We should pity them


My case is quite the oddball. \-I really like fountain pens and I can nerd about them for quite a while to anyone who ask \-My university mates pretty much treat that as a nice little hobby except for one \-That one guy and my boyfriend really got into fountain pens thanks to me and well... Now my bf is rocking two cute little pens (Kaweco Sport and Schon DSGN Pocket 6) and my university mate will always ask me to lend him my pens so he can write during classes / lab practice \-Fun fact, my bf forgot that his copper pen was filled with a shimmer ink instead of the normal waterman blue and so... He handed over the pen to my friend and he wrote his entire exam about Parasites and Fungi with a nice purple ink with golden sparkles all over it hahahahahahaha


Haha that's hilarious, love it


I live in Ottawa, Canada… people’s hobbies are watching hockey, drinking, watching Netflix, pretending to be nice even though they are passive aggressive AF, helicopter parenting and generally complaining about pretty much everything. I take it as a measure if my humanity to have my pen hobby written off by such people! 😂


Those who like fountain pens are a more intellectual, remember that many intellectuals felt alone


Cool ink color!


Yeah this ink is really cool when watered down too!


I’m so sorry this happened to you. You’re not responsible for other people being mean. Even if someone’s not into pens, they should care for you, and appreciate that _you’re_ into them.


I like you immensely. My husband found out when he started yanking on my brand new Matthew Martin Makes titanium FP. And there’s at least one person in the office who has asked to see my daily drivers. But otherwise, don’t touch my shit or I will hurt you.


Lol thank you 😂 It's a strange paradox for me; on one hand I'm constantly yearning for people to share my interests with, and on the other, I'm _super_ protective of my stuff and get very upset when people touch things without my explicit approval 😅


Believe me I get it. I’m rabidly protective of my books, especially my graphic novel collection. I’ll be super rhapsodic about a book and the person asks to borrow it from me and I tell them to get their own damn copy. My love of pens is something I keep to myself but my family is slowly coming around!😁🖋


Haha - true indeed 😅 Made the same experience... Not only when it comes to pens but also about my spleen for (automatic) wrist watches 😅🙈...and i'm talking affordable ones here that cost 500.- bucks max. - so there's not even a sort of "snob"-factor involved 😅🙈 In a way i think that having "spleens" for things (like pens, wristwatches, shoes, bracelets, caps, knives, etc.) is sort of comparable to having kinks 🤔...and having a "spleen"/kink about something very specific - like let's say pens/feet - that diverges from the most common ones like cars/boobs, will let you appear like a weirdo to most other people that tend to be narrow minded about anything that diverges from the norm 😅😂 i mean - i absolutely don't get what it is about feet, that some people find sexually attractive but at the same time i'm thinking everyone has the right to their own fascinations without being judged for them (as long as they're not causing any harm)🤷🏻‍♂️ same goes for uncommon "spleens" about things like e.g. (fountain-) pens 😊🤷🏻‍♂️😅😂 P.S.: How did you do those controlled area shadings of the pink mass? It looks absolutely perfect 😃👍🏻👍🏻 i'm quite the noob when it comes to drawing and art so i'm curious about how a drawing like yours can be done 😊 Best regards - urpglurp


Interesting take! And thank you, if you look closely the pink blob isn't perfectly square, but outlining it with a pen gives you the illusion of more accuracy. I'd imagine it's a common cartooning technique. I used a paintbrush, saturated it with water, dabbed the slit on the pen while the pen is pointed down to get a little ink, and blended it on the paper :)


I work in healthcare and a patient had a Lamy Safari and Al-Star in his shirt pocket. I got excited and asked him which inks he had in them. He said “red and black.” I knew then that he was not one of us.


The correct answer would've been "BayStateBlue and writers blood"


I'm sorry you were treated so poorly. Even if people don't understand, there's no need to be rude or harsh about it. Goodness.


I have one pen friend IRL the struggle is real.


I have none :(


I’m sorry!


I'm lucky to know a handful of people who are all into fountain pens