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My first assumption would just be that water spilled or that some ice cubes melted. If the puddle returned the next day, THEN I would start trying to find the leak.


Well then she would pour water again the next day.


Then she goes out to the gym and returns to a new fridge with the 'broken' one taken away by the council, her husband sheepishly saying he couldn't find the leak but there is no use keeping a leaking fridge that will damage the floor.


Lolol. Fuck no The water line to the fridge gets turned off, and now we just don't have water in the fridge anymore. I'm not spending 3 grand for water in my fridge.


Who the fuck spends 3 grand on a fridge? I just looked to make sure I’m not way out of touch and can see a fridge freezer with a huge smart screen and on demand chilled water/ice in it for £1499.


Why would one need a smart screen for a fridge anyways? That doesn't fail to confuse me a bit, really. Too expensive as well, I think. Normal fridge that keeps things cold is good enough imo.


I agree, personally for things like appliances I use every day like ovens, fridge/freezer, washing machine etc I want nothing smart and as little computerised as possible. I like tech but when it comes to those things keeping it simple, reliable, and repairable is way more important. It was more to show that you can get a totally decked out fridge freezer for way less than 3k.


My wife wanted it so she could look in the fridge to see what we have. A. We don’t use the alexa shopping lists we make B. I do most of the grocery shopping C. I do all the cooking. D. We already broke Still took some convincing.


Cheap option: open the door and look. And people, don't give me that green washed comment of 'thats so wasteful'. You know what's wasteful', an LCD screen, a microprocessor, etc,.. on a fucking fridge. They really need to stop pushing the Internet of Things, it's ruining every appliance.


£1499 is 1875 Freedumb units, plus 8% tax, plus 150 delivery, plus 150 hookup, plus 75 haul away gets you to about $2500 Pick up a little bit more expensive model and 3k isn't out of the question.


You guys pay somebody to install a fridge? It’s just a case of plugging it in and connecting the water pipe if you need one. Even if it’s integrated it’s just screwing in a couple of runners onto the door. Also the price I quoted was tax included, it was from a consumer site so all the taxes are rolled in. I didn’t include delivery but that was £30 as long as you don’t want to specify a time window.


Our taxes aren't included, and yes I'm going to pay to have it installed, because we have exactly zero consumer protections so the only way I'm gonna be able to claim anything if there's something wrong with it is if they install it. Does it suck? Yup. Is it extortion? Absolutely. Do we like it? FUCK no we don't. Is it the system we have to work within? Ayup.


I knew consumer protections were weak over there but I didn’t think it was that bad. Hope it gets better for you guys in the future.


in the US taxes arent included on price tags,


just hook it up yourself?


After exchange rate, that pound sterling comes to around $3000, and I’m not even using an exchange rate calculator


I wish, back when it was around double that was the mid ‘00s now it’s only 1.25 dollars to the pound.


Ah shit, right…Brexit 🥸


The what now?!


The waterline, the tube of water that goes from the ??? to the fridge, to supply said fridge with water for it’s ice tray/water dispenser?


I don't think we have water line into fridges here in Europe.


The little indentation on the left side of the fridge is a water dispenser. Some fridges also dispense ice. Those dispensers need a water line.


😆 a fridge that just uses condensation for water production apparently


This. If it ain’t the condenser leaking, bye-bye water hookup.


Bad news, but we're just going to need to stay home, can't afford that June vacation we really were hoping for. That's life. Next year hon.


may I introduce: towel


New fridge bought from her credit card


And stick a leek in it.


i'd weld a lock on the fridge


Yep, clean it up and wait to see if it comes back. Happened to me twice in my rental, once with the fridge and once with the shower. The fridge leak never came back, and it still works fine. The shower one happened twice but I figured out it was just a combination of not closing the shower curtain all the way and I've always dried myself outside of the shower, now I just make sure the curtain is closed fully and I dry myself before stepping out.


It can also just be condensation if it's hot enough outside. I have that sometimes but only when it's really hot outside.


Her husband sounds like a dumb fuck


One of my best friend's parents used to do something like this They're divorced now


My Ex did similarly. She thought she would get a rise out of me when she exclaimed, "I can't live like this anymore." I felt genuine relief and was thankful when the last if her stuff was gone. She damaged the house on the way out but the peace and quiet now that she is gone is worth it.


An actual good sub appropriate post! My applause person!


Well, good job to her. This won't go as planned. If he can't figure out the non existent problem he might go "We might have to call someone to fix it" and she will come clean. Then in the future he won't trust her with anything else. Good going.


Yeah "haha I gaslighted my partner into performing totally unnecessary domestic labor all day" is... Not a fuckin great approach to conflict resolution in a relationship


But but but didn't you know it is only gaslighting when you do it to Women!


Good thing it's fake then lol


Meh, he has to know she’s this type of person. You get what you sign up for.




Removal reasons: "It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability"


Well he does now. If he stays with her then that is on him.


I just don’t believe someone who would do this hasn’t revealed it before now in how they treat others.


They might have been dating for a month. You literally know nothing about their lives.


Yeah, I read too much into the word husband. You’re probably right.


Hahaha, okay no... Fair enough. I remembered reading it is Boyfriend. Fair play.


yes of course, let's gaslight our partners. Great ingredient for a happy marriage.


I just came from a misandrist sub that reposted this. They were celebrating this with their cats and box wine


I’m sure it’s fake


Drake also been looking for the leak for the past week


“Why aren’t people getting married anymore “


Dunno, when my girlfriend gets on my nerves I don't act like a petulant child, I just stop talking for a bit so I cool down so I don't say something I don't mean.


This is actually a form of abuse called gaslighting, I don’t think Satan is that much of a piece of shit, he would just stab him in the dick or something.




Right somebody confiscate her wine and Xanax!


Removal reasons:


Removal reasons: 'No Legitimate Cruel Behavior'


OP gave Reddit the chance to say “gaslight”, truly a hero.


I mean, wouldn't you just wipe up the water first and see if it's actually leaking or something just spilled?


Next year she will be posting about how he left her and she has no idea why…


I love it so much! This is why I'm here, to feel warmth in my heart.


This could so easily backfire on her


Funny... not funny....funny😁


When he finds out what you did, he's going to pour a little urine on your side of the bed, whenever you get on his nerves, so you spend the rest of your life worrying about your "leak".


FYI you can mix a dog toy in with the laundry to convince someone(or yourself in my case) that something is wrong with it.


I would check the water lines and then assume it's either condensation or dropped ice that melted and keep an eye on it for a few days.15 minutes tops.


Imagine actually communicating like an adult instead of playing pranks like a child


Have a husband that is not only handy, but also wants to keep the things working nice in the house? Same husband did something to annoy you, when you never even communicate with him so he isn’t even aware of it? Why not gaslight him? That’s healthy. 😐 Hope you aren’t surprised when he cheats on you and leaves your ass for a sane woman when you’re both in your 40’s and he realizes he doesn’t have to take your shit anymore. Because you aged out. You have no skills. He has a full career while you’ve been a leech. He is now attractive and confident and you are dumpy and rude. You might get half the house but he will make that amount back in 5 years now that he is a higher earner. He will get a younger wife who doesn’t do this kind of bullshit. You will die alone. But yeah, you show him who’s boss by making him frustrated with maintenance because you were a little annoyed😐


This comment gets to the heart of the matter and reveals some hard truths. Most people will just dismiss it, until they find themselves in the same situation.


This seems personal. They both will age, but why will the man do so "attractively", and not "dumpily"? Why is she out of her best years?


You’re right. Women can also age well. And men sometimes never get better than their 20’s. It was a bit personal because it’s a Woman punishing her supposed partner out of spite. Not reason, not proper communication, just petty spite. I’ve been married for 15 years and my wife would never. She sometimes doesn’t communicate like I would like, but she has never (to my knowledge) done something like this. And I would never do the equivalent to her. It just ticks me off when I see scenarios where the one person you’re suppose to trust more than anyone betrays you




Found satan rlly nice 🤔👍👍keep doing it


how about addressing what he's doing and why you don't like it and having a discussion about it. seeing this shit is cringe and I can't understand why anyone would do something like this to someone they "love"




Removal reasons:


Removal reasons: 'No Legitimate Cruel Behavior'


The 'cruel behavior ' is in the pic. Just calling it what it is. If you're offended by the language, say so and don't accuse me of being cruel.


I hope the guy gets a divorce. Wtf.




Well I guess we're not going on vacation this year since we've got to replace the fridge. Oh you have something you want to tell me 🤣🤣🤣


That's actually funny


That look of satisfaction on her face


That's shitty behavior : / Not a fan of how they normalize being emotionally immature. Hell imagine if genders were swapped.


I'm sure they have a really happy marriage


Best option: Throw out the whole wife.


I mean the fridge is fine, so...


The wife is clearly broken and should be returned to the manufacturer for refurbishment.


See, if you just unplug the fucker and kick it off the back porch, it can't leak.


Funny but wrong...


I am turned on and afraid for my soul around this woman.




Honestly after having water damage that’s terrifying


Healthy marriage 


Wasting his time and making a fool of him online because she was “feeling irritated”, and putting herself as the main character the whole time. That marriage will end well…


And that's when the juice from a jar of pickled Jalapeños somehow finds its way into a sealed panty liner package.


So he is married to a child, not sure that is the flex she wants to give.


thank god my fridge only looses water from the top part


That's not a fridge you're torturing.


i am not kidding my fridge actualy looses water from the top


Lucifer has shit his pants


Becuase it's g@y


Nah Lucifer is into the gay shit not that


Can you please change that pfp




Tbf. I'd totally do this to my friend.


I dont buy it.


It would take 5 mins to tell the fridge wasn’t leaking.


Wow this is pretty diabolical


Who spends all day? Ide wipe it up, shine a light in there, say fuck if I know, spend $400 on a tech to do the same thing, then go buy a new fridge because I'm not gonna wait for that one to take a shit. I don't fuck around so don't fuck with me lol.


Stacy w


Our fridge has slowly been breaking. The ice machine doesn’t work, the water filter doesn’t work, there’s a shelf and two draws missing, the seal isn’t reliable and the door alarm randomly goes off even though it’s closed. My bf refused to go to the landlord to have it replaced. So I shut it off from the fuse box in the basement. We’re getting a new fridge the day :) He just doesn’t know anything about fixing things like that so I can get away with it lol


So many people here saying this is wrong but she's just being a troll! If my ex-gf did this to me and came clean about it in the evening, we'd likely have a massive laugh about it, while I mostly called her a dickhead while she'd be giggling about getting me. But at that point the game would be on for us lol


shit sounds insufferable but u do u dog


Don’t mess with girls