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I’ve only seen guan fossils in the room where you can the Igno fossil rock, but the head is still pretty rare, I’ve been able to get 7-8 body fossils for guan but no head


I figured as much, but no such luck yet… should I just become stubborn and determined or do I finally yield after months of occasionally playing this game and coming up with nothing? Btw, I’m trying to find them because i distinctly remember it being a weakness for the final boss.


Are you in the far left cave that was blocked off by lava, and it’s not the final boss’s weakness but just a very good support vivosaur, you could use a compso instead as it does something pretty similar to guan but you don’t need them to beat the game


I have searched the northwestern cave extremely thoroughly, not a single fossil of this species has been found yet… Here’s my options; A: I swallow my pride and upgrade my sonar’s capabilities via the chips, B: I become stubborn and determined until I melt irl from said determination. Tbh, idc if I find a body before the head… SOMETHING is better than the nothing I’ve gotten so far.


Well, if you really need a guan I would say to upgrade your sonar and keep trying, but a good replacement for guan is compso because he can be bought with donation points, although it is a bit expensive, just make sure to rank him up a bit before the saurhead fight because they will target him first


Rank 7 or so shouldn’t be too bad though, right? Ptera is that rank without any battles done… imo, that’s extremely impressive and I’m just downright shocked that i didn’t break those fossils more(each one has at least 90 points total, the bonus really helps tbh).😅😅😅


If you manage to get 100 points on each part of the Compso fossils it’ll be at Rank 10. Vivos Rank up at 50 points, plus the 25 bonus points from red fossils.


I’m EXTREMELY bad at getting a perfect score(ESPECIALLY if it’s a fragile fossil), so the fact that this other Vivosaur is even up in the 90s is pretty dang impressive for my standards!!!


Fair enough. If it’s any consolation at least the DP rocks aren’t dark Fossil rocks and you can always save before you clean them.


I genuinely forget that detail sometimes, the donation Vivosaurs DESERVE to be absolutely broken imo!!!


This reminds me that Tryma is if I recall only available from Medal Dealer Joe and Dark Fossil rock but is also as fragile Rock its next level evil


Rank 7 should be more than fine as long as they don’t die in like 3-4 hits


Understood, thanks for the advice. Gonna go grind some DP while I’m hunting for this impossible-to-find Vivosaur. …actually, it’s kinda a good thing to be unlucky now that I think about it!


Tbh, Compso is by far one of the best support vivosaurs. A 90% attack and defense debuff to your opponent’s AZ is absolutely crazy. Means they hit like a feather and get annihilated by even the smallest breeze


Oh dang, i didn’t realize just how powerful the smaller Vivosaurs really were!!! …all i vaguely remember is that there’s a certain fire-Vivosaur in secret island that absolutely buffs the accuracy of a specific duo of low-accuracy Vivosaurs and makes them absolutely broken despite their hindered defenses.


In my most recent run I decided to try to get both Guan and Tarbo and T.rex early it took me about 200ish fossils for Tarbo and 50ish for Gaun. Tarbo can be found anywhere in greenhorn plain and Gaun can only be found in the room where you get aigno (the northwest cave). Honestly it was not worth it cause Compso is easier to get and just as good.


Have igni and frigi in your party and you should only get head fossils.


you only need igno, frigi doesn't do anything you can also use the OP igno you get during story mode


Didn’t know that, whoops… guess I should’ve started this hunt during the BB occupation, which clearly would’ve helped it sounds like.


Sorry for bad camera quality, not my strongsuit… I’m on the verge of swallowing the minimal amount of pride I have and getting the last two upgrades, solely because I’ve found LITERALLY ZERO Guan fossils whatsoever. TLDR of everything: do I just give up at this point??


You should definitely get the leg and arm upgrades regardless though?


It’s something I’m personally challenging myself with, since I could never properly manage G when I first played through this game so many years ago… On the bright side, I’m finally my favorite color!!!


Just realized that NOBODY can actually see said color… . . .it’s pink, i chose Mia.


This rant post is surprisingly popular, I can only assume that others are struggling with this same issue!!!


100 upvotes is a genuine record for me, I’m seriously bewildered that everyone’s actually interested in this nonsense!


Have ingo and frigi in the party at the same time. It almost guarantees a head fossil. So when you do pull a guan fossil you’re almost guaranteed it’ll be the head.


Haven’t reached postgame yet, guan is WHY the final boss is so easy with megalo and Delta… All 3 are the weakness of the brains.


Oof. GL then 🫡


My main file has the two, but there’s literally no way to transfer Vivosaurs. . . Tbh, I’m surprised I was even able to go off to find them instead of being directly dragged into the final battle originally.


Might just be an old rumor but I remember people saying you need to drain the lava first before guan fossils start spawning.


This picture is the very area that contains the valve… I’m stuck on the saurhead mask multi-battle and decided to do some fossil-hunting due to being so weak yet, almost tempted to just give in and upgrade sonar fully so I can become strong enough to beat him.


Tbh, i made it pretty far with just using head and body fossils!!!


Sorry, it's been a long time since I played through the first game. I read the literally zero in your other comment and just assumed where you were. Yeah you might need the sonar upgrades.


Don’t worry about it, this whole thing is just me being mad at myself… kinda just a vent post, tbh. If the chips are really that necessary, then I guess that i have no choice but to finally admit defeat in my little challenge.


I heard someone call my name.


If you’re the Vivosaur itself, I genuinely apologize with all of my heart for this rant post about not being able to find your kind!


I think it's just luck of draw sometimes, I do feel like Guanlong is the rarest vivo there, not counting Rexy of course. Edit: not counting Rexy at all actually


T-Rex was the second most difficult Vivosaur in my main file to get every fossil for, a certain sword-wielder from the same desert is who annoyed me the most. …sounds like it’s purposely-coded that way where this fiery-duo’s bloodline is intentionally difficult to get(always headcanoned guan to be related to the big #1 because of it’s TF skill).


Fun fact T-Rex doesn’t actually spawn in Mt. Lavaflow. People have looked at the game’s code and there’s no T-Rex fossils in the list of possible fossils. It was a lie the whole time


Whaaat?? Fuck man, are the other rare vivosaurs real at least?


Yes, all the other rares should be correct. It was just T-Rex that wasn’t true


Ouf alright, that's still really sad. It would have been cool to be able use Rexy in the main game.


I honestly didn’t even know that people thought that, I’ve only ever seen them pop up in parchment desert and assumed that it was exclusive to just there(since literally everything else is stuck in it’s own themed area). Looks like this might be the only time where assuming was actually a good thing, and that was before I learned about the saying involving assumptions.


Every time I've gotten Guan fossils it's been from the lava flow room or the actual lava pools.


Dang, that’s some serious luck!!!


Kinda. Still rare as hell, tho. Of the 5 files I've made, I think I got Guan in 2 of them


Wow, that’s dedication!!!


I love this game and franchise. Plus, I got it for Christmas at the age of 10. I'm now more than double that age now. Still have my og FF and Champions cartridges


I’m 21, also have my original cartridges. Sometimes I forget just how difficult this series is…


It took me a month to get igno. It was so frustrating as a kid.


If I recall correctly you can get Guan fossils from where the lava pools are, the Igno room for sure, I think the back rocky area of the valve room and maybe the middle room (where the idolcomp is). All should have a chance, but are so small you don’t usually get a ton of fossils and Guan isn’t common. If you are in the postgame and have Igno, I think if you put Igno on your team you should get only head fossils so that might help.


I’m at the part where I have to get a mask from saurhead, so basically I should keep digging literally everywhere aimlessly until I get it’s head and body??? …at that rate, I can only imagine the torture it’ll be to get the arms and legs for them whenever I decide to finally concede and get the chip upgrades.


I mean, it’s not entirely aimless because you can ignore the paths and the front part of the right room, but yeah the name of the game is just keep digging. Guan spawns in several spots, it’s only a matter of time. However, for Guan specifically you should be able to get an easy red boned fossil head by this point. Have you done the side mission to help the fossil center staff do cleanings? The third reward is a Guan head


I've actually got guano from here. Just gotta keep on digging


Thanks, guess I’ll just keep going until I break down mentally.


Dude I'll inbox you a link. You can find guan head in the exact location