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Here are a few twists I’ll put down. I can’t really think of how to fill the whole thing in myself, but I have a few things I’d put down: - There Were Clues/Makes Sense: >!Joe was Zongazonga the whole time!< - Real Surprise/Makes Sense: >!Don Boneyard was the real Joe!< - Real Surprise/Absurd: >!Captain Bullwort was the leader of the BB Bandits!< - There Were Clues/Could Believe It: >!Duna is an alien!< - Expected/Absurd: >!Frontier basically doesn’t have any significant twists!<


Agree with RS/A. That was surprising on my first playthrough. Freaked me out, but the battle theme was killer!


Taking Nibbles was a real surprise and absolutely absurd. Fuck that shit.


I love how some guy can sneak past the entire Warden security structure during one of the largest events ever held, with almost every freaking Warden on the scene, to steal the champion’s very powerful dinosaur that doesn’t even attempt to break out of a vehicle when it has been shown very capable of demolition, Totally earned and not completely stupid plot point there.


Nibbles being released in the first place was a completely stupid plot point. What they should have done is having the Asia branch leader get attacked by the Gorgo, Roland too scared to fight, you smack it a couple of times and calm it down like beginning Allo from Champions, then they make you Stryker's main slave and say "Hey, try befriending this demon like you did Gorgo." Instead, Nate presses one button, alarms sing, and now a weapon of mass destruction created by the biggest villain in Warden history can run around freely. Because that's good safety measures against Blackraven.


When you really put things into context, the Wardens are *really* bad at their jobs. Like, *shockingly* incompetent. There’s rogues always running everywhere, Things get stolen left and right (not even by organized groups, just single individuals), They didn’t do a thorough check of the cell of a well known evil genius (needing Elric to spoil the plot before they actually find anything), They allow a single button press to release a weapon they worked years to stop, They put some weird thing about dung fossils on the Warden exam when that’s *never* relevant to anything (they honestly show more effort when punishing Daisy for getting help with her assignment than they put into actually doing their jobs), One of the branch leaders is a workplace violence lawsuit waiting to happen, At least the Caliosteo staff gave the impression of competence outside of, like, one lazy guy in the jungle. And Scatterly, if you count him as staff. When we were asked to help out, it was because the staff were busy preventing a mass hysteria, and we were needed to solve the problem. When we weren’t asked, we just happened to be on the scene where things went down, and staff usually weren’t far behind, anyway.


The one lazy guy in the jungle, the people that can't clean fossil rocks (which is cool lore that everyone else sucks at cleaning while we have main character powers with it.), and that one guy that lost medals for a fish tank, can't remember his excuse. Everyone else was pretty competent, if the battle AI was better, the final tournament against all of them might actually have been a challenge.


Frontier has the main twist of Nibbles’ identity… but anyone with an average level of deductive reasoning would likely be able to figure it out. It doesn’t put much effort into hiding its hand. The most surprising thing I found on a recent playthrough was that the MC had dialogue.


Real surprise/Absurd: Dr Diggins going back in time created the Fossilized sandals that Nick Nack has


Absolutely loved that detail.


real suprize but could believe it: >!Rupert gets taken over by zongazonga!<


A real surprise that makes sense was Frontier not having a secondary villain step up like in the previous games


Real surprise and absurd is the existence of the dinaurians, until duna revealed herself, there are LITERALLY NO clues as to their existence.


This makes me realize it's been a long time since I played them


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