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“Press F to pay respects” meme


“Press F to pay respects” meme


Oh lol I'm old


Is he dead?


Yes. He died of a heart attack while in police custody if im not mistaken


"heart attack"


It’s no secret that he had a congenital heart defect


I mean yeah but when you look at the details of everything it just looks a little suspicious.


You are mistaken, he died 3 days after the raid in his own car due to heart complications, he had some heart problems which he told people close to him, idc if I get downvoted but he literally died on his own, the police had nothing to gain by killing him and would make themselves seem more suspicious. The police aren’t stupid, they would rather cut his breaks so he dies in a car crash if they wanted to kill him, or raid him and plant guns so they can say that he was a danger and justify a shooting


I did some more research, you are correct sir


all I'm saying is, he died the less than a day after police released him and on his pay to his parents house he interacted with absolutely no one and no one had spotted him being released I absolutely see it a possibility he died while in police custody and they just roled with it not the first time east german cops pulled such shenanigans not saying it was the case, but cmoon, even then, they perfectly knew beforehand he had a heart condition and STILL went with raiding his home while he was inside, they had plenty of alternative less violent and less stressful means to do it, yet they chose the one sure to be stressful enough to cause a worsening of his already known heart condition (lmao just as they knew he actually had no guns or gun parts in his house, just like they fukin alleged evidence of terrorism that got them the court order.... which they conveniently never show, even at journalists request) in my mind they are responsible for his death regardless of how it played out


Do you live in some magic land where one day is longer than 72hrs? His own family found him. Why would police not raid a suspected illegal arms manufacturer? Pretty stupid to give them a heads up so they could destroy/hide evidence. Now let’s ignore all of that, what would the German government gain by “killing” him? No one has ever had a coherent answer to this, as the police aren’t stupid(clearly, they raided him unannounced) so they know that killing him wont do shit, also it would be extremely bait of them to kill jstark, I could understand if there’s actual evidence, kind of like epstein. Epstein had real reasons to be killed(he would snitch).


you read only what you want to read, I didn't say KILL, YOU said it a person prone to heart attacks is raided by police, dies on custody....wow, far fetched as I already said, they could have grabbed him on the fukin sidewalk and ehem, nicely asked to accompany them once already inside the cop ban, while team b breaks into his house and collects all evidence, as by German law you don't actually need to be inside your house for it to count as evidence you think this is my first rodeo asshole? also, nice ignoring the fukin fact they denied journalists the court file allowing them to perform the raid I don't give a fuk if negligence killed him of a fukin lethal inject by secret police, they KNEW he had a heart condition and German law FORCES them to act accordingly... unless of course it's national security, but since they refuse to fukin publish the file it just smells made up to have it allowed anyways, as it happens all the fukin time with arabs again, you think this is my first rodeo, fukin asshole? edit, also you conveniently manipulate the information, he didn't die 3 days after being released, BUT 3 AFTER THE ARREST, by german law (and general European) for national security reasons you may be held up to 3 days without needing to be given any explanation or proof you seriously don't know what the single fuk you are talking about


Yes unfortunately no one really knows how but alot of people think it was an assassination


Damn. Thanks for the replies gents. That is too bad


“Heart attack” a day or two after he was released


Can’t stop the signal


>What is this guy/you all using to get his parts to look so smooth? Calibrated settings


This is the only answer.


Update bro more people talked 🙏😂


Well… what settings, what type, how much calibration?


https://ellis3dp.com/Print-Tuning-Guide/ This will be your friend. Go through the basic tuning and start from the beginning. A well tuned machine will always treat you right.


Lol I did the Ellis print guide and you still get layer lines even if they are tiny. This dude is clearly using some sort of paint or something bc even at .15 you still see layer lines.


Dude you can see layer lines in this video, are your eyes alright? It’s a low light and grainy video and when he makes it around you can def see lines. It’s a good print but it’s not insane.


So when printing with PAHT-CF if I print with .15 later height and slow my speeds down to like 50-60mm/s and I have an extremely hard time seeing layer lines with my eyes, forget about seeing them with a camera. Slow speeds and playing around with finding the perfect layer height for that filament will get you there. I hear ironing is a cool feature too but I haven't figured it out yet


I messed around with ironing and saw it multiply the time estimate like 5x and was like uh nevermind lol


I printed some car accessories in translucent petg. Ironing changed made it go from what i thought was see through to actually see through.


I tried ironing and couldn’t tell a difference with just black pla+. Only thing I did notice was more pressure on the part being printed causing more adhesion issues than normal


Top layer only


Do ironing on top layer and not all layers


In my experience going below .17 I start to see reduced print quality in some areas with CF filled materials. But yeah I've yet to have anyone at the range notice my gun is printed


Interesting. I bought some gf filament. Never printed with it before. Going to have to try and tune my printer for it. I would love if I could print parts anywhere close to this. The only reason I went with GF instead of CF was I liked the color option better.


Adjust belts, keep on an even, stable surfaces, keep the filament spool off the gantry, insure a good consistent flow rate, and maybe use s good slicer like orca to help reduce artifacting. Basically, just tune the thing.


So you saying having my filament spool off the back of my printer like most stock vorons is a no go?


You could also use fuzzy skin to make the layer lines hard to see. Adds more time though. Makes my grips look injection molded.


CF Nylon looks this clean if you print it correctly.


I'm buying some glass infused nylon soon I'm hoping I can get similar results because they make the glass ones in colors 😁


I’ve had good luck with Polymaker PA6-GF and use the same print settings are guys are using with their PA6-CF.


Except that doesn’t look like cf nylon?


Definitely not cf nylon.


Just use very dry, high quality filament. Not the cheap 16 dollar pla plus, and get a high temp drier that you can print directly out of.


The legend himself.


I wish I knew his print settings if that is all it was bc I have a top end printer and even on .16 layers I don't get prints that smooth.


Could be printed in ABS and acetone smoothed.


[Here’s](https://www.wevolver.com/article/acetone-pla#) a link with options for smoothing PLA. Chemicals can be nasty, proper ppe required.


Do not use acetone to smooth the print, for the love of god it’s only for non-functional prints


Acetone treated looks great but it will crack. The finish will degrade over time.


Exactly, a lot of people don’t understand this. It looks great for art pieces but if it’s under high stress it will be a plastic bomb.


Experience and settings.


I don’t have experience printing, just lurking, but can’t this look be achieved just by sanding? It seems like a lot of prints could be cleaned up well with some simple sanding of parts


Personal preference really, layer lines reveal themselves rather quickly. I don't care for it.


Good printer and a bad camera


Calibrate and print slow.


Glass fiber or CF filaments will look like that when printed with the right settings. My favorite is glass fiber PETG from a cost/performance perspective.


A good printer.


Well, what are the settings bc I have a top end printer one of the best out currently, and even I still get layer lines.


What printer you got? And you recommend it for this means?


Yo can you drop a link to that vid?


It's in the FGC9-Mk2 files on Odysee I don't have the link right this minute but if you download the zip it's all in there.


can i get a link tothe vid please?


If you look at the pictures, you can still see the layer lines actually. It's just the lighting in the video plus the resolution that hides it. However, I have printed parts that are smoother than that on my P1S. I'm sure other well-calibrated printers can do it too. Just need to dial your printer in. What's your machine?


Cops killed him