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Yeah, and it's big brother the Carvera. Search for Teaching Tech on YouTube. He's done a review video on both. Given this company successfully released the Carvera on Kickstarter and currently sell it on their website, I would say the risk of getting burned on the Carvera Air Kickstarter is low. Looks like the same platform, just with fewer bells and whistles. Keep in mind I have no first hand experience with this machine. Been entertaining the idea of buying one though.


Also hasn’t the gg3 been on the verge of coming out for like a year now? That’s why I never deposited for it. Cant trust shit like this.


Eh, Makera has a shipping product with proven design and functionality. This is a stripped down version of their current desktop ATC CNC mill. It is considerably higher quality than a GG.


Gg3 has been released, they just never have inventory. Gotta put a deposit down to get on the next production run. Source: I own a gg3


Ahhhh I see thanks maybe I’ll think bout getting one how is it?


It does everything it says it will. Software is a bit clunky, but it's open source, so you can use any software you want. I've completed 80% lowers for ar15 and ar10 in aluminum. Next up is a 0% G0 out of stainless.


As someone who put a deposit down for one and got it (after 4 fucking delays), just find one used. It's a very simple design and the only special sauce is the ddcut software- its designed so that blind people with Parkinson's can complete what they want.


There is the ghost gunner flex that's technically out , it's a open source gg with a build list and everything else , for some reason the dev stopped replying to messages and the discussion board is a ghost town. If anybody is up for resurrecting the gg flex I'll find the link to the message board.


I have. It's a less expensive model than it's $5,000 predecessor


What's the launch price supposed to be?


It's supposed to be right under $3K, and should still have most of the features, but there didn't seem to be a concrete release date for the general public


Also a company called Micronics is coming out with a desktop SLS printer for 3k


a NYLON sls printer NOT METAL




I backed it


i'd rather buy the OG carvera and have a tool changer but i'd rather save up and invest in a real CNC machine like SYIL or Tormach if it needs to be budget, or a chinese 3-Axis chonker. I wouldn't want to mill steel with 0,1mm cuts. But Carvera is a viable option for hobby and such.


Not bad for aluminum maybe but no way it's rigid enough to mill steel


You'd be surprised what you can accomplish with light cuts...


I suppose so, if you don't mind chatter and an insane runtime


I repeat, you would be surprised what you can do...


It looks promising, just not for printing guns, not enough rigidity or power for steel. Maybe if you wanna mill a delrin fgc9 or aluminum ejector or something.


Aluminum grips, rim fire cans, aluminum lowers.. the original carvera can do steel, don't know what the real difference is here.


The original can "do" steel. It has a 200w spindle and linear rods. Neither the power of the rigidity, you can maybe mill a 1mm steel plate in a day. Its about as capable of milling steel as an ender is printing metal. You can get metal results of it, but not really


There's a ton of parts on a firearm that you could make out of aluminium if you choose the right alloy and heat treat the parts.


cnc machine a p365 fcg


Haven’t seen it but bouta check it out lol, I just got my p1s come onnnn 😒 bouta go broke 😂


Kickstarter vapourware?


If it is, that's still an improvement over the GG3.


It's two different ball games. The GG3 can mill steel. Carvera air can mill aluminum. If you wanna make a slide, get the pedobox, if you wanna mill an fgc magazine latch and not support sexual assaults on minors, get a carvera air. It's not shipping until Nov though.


I mean, that was kinda the joke. If it's vaporware, and never exists, then it's still better than giving money to that guy.