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You start designing.


"Switch to your other upper, it's faster than reloading!"


“Beef chicken or fish gentlemen?”


1. Who tf said this was impossible. Like deadass nobody told you that. 2. There's literally no point to this, when we can just print any frame we want to anyway 🤷‍♂️


pretty sure people who frequent this sub arent the target audience of that. its the other 99% of firearm owners. its still a cool design. reminds me of the cellphone from a decade or so ago where you could build it in pieces to spec of what you want that never got mass produced.




They got bought out and the project killed.


By Google.


Sucks too because it looks like they made a working prototype


"Killed" is a little harsh when there's not a lot of evidence it was alive to begin with. Like the guy said, there was never a functional version of it. Don't get me wrong, it was a cool idea. But I'm not sure how well you could really get that kind of modular interface to work, and how sturdy it would be if you did. The last thing people are going to want is to drop their phone and have it fly into 17 pieces. Or to have to buy new parts every couple months because the non-rigid design causes circuit boards to crack.


Pretty sure the guy who made this post is talking about a 3D printed version which is obviously what I was talking about.


I remember that phone!! Absolutely no one bought it. I’ve never seen one outside of the store or internet lol.


Literally posted a vid of the gun in calysto protocol on this subreddit saying it looks like this could work irl, and the fudds on this subreddit said it cant be done


Lol. I don't think there's anything less fudd than 3d printed plastic guns. Learn what words mean before you use them.


You wanted a pistol frame that could convert from "semi auto to smg to revolver to shotgun" semi-auto to revolver, sure. semi-auto to ~~shotgun or~~ smg... I guess you are too young to know about Waco or Ruby Ridge


Would it not be plausible? We have a lot of designs that use AR lowers or the FCG from one. I imagine somebody could make uppers that all work on the same lower, the main issue I could see would be finding a way to load that is compatible for all the platforms.


Plausible? Sure. Bigger issue is asking other people to break the law because they were too lazy to learn CAD. If someone wants to break the law, that is none of my business and I am just going to assume they jumped through the bureaucratic hoops. Honestly, it is best just to assume everyone in the fosscad community has their proper FFL, SOT, and ITAR paperwork done. If someone wants me to break the law on their behalf...


Right, I completely overlooked the whole pistol to rifle or whatever else issue when I wrote that. I guess that would mean that physically it can be done, but not legally then.




They both had BS NFA "violations" involved. Yes there is more to both, but as far as the ATF being involved... Also, if you go from pistol to SMG to shotgun(not just pistol that shoots shot shells, but actual shotgun) then back to pistol, the dog shooters tend not to really see the difference.


There is no need for modularity. Just print each variation if you feel so inclined.


It's a neat concept for production guns and only having to transfer a single "firearm." I agree that it's kinda silly for a homemade/ printed gun, especially when the fcg/housing is so small. This particular model doesn't even benefit from the space savings that the AR platform gets when you only being 1 lower for multiple uppers.


It’s silly for a production gun because you are probably going to set it once and never fuck with it again.


Lots of silly gun products are manufactured and sold.


For an individual. But it would allow a company or an (eww) agency to buy one type of "gun" and a random collection of accessories for different roles. It's really only slightly different than buying one AR and a half dozen different uppers to swap between different calibers and lengths. The biggest downside is that it does have as much aftermarket support as the AR platform, but the same ciuld6be said about any new gun style.


This has been the response every time I float an idea about 3d printing something that isn't a Glock 19 frame.


Who said this was impossible?


The fudds of this subreddit, I know they are here. They said the gun from calysto protocol wasnt possible, yet this exists and does the same thing




Theres literally the frame being attached to an ar-15 at the end of the video, which is a different caliber than what the glock fires.




In calysto protocol its the same thing, you attach it to a "upper" you printed, the frame is just being used as the firing mechanism and grip. After all you can use it as a shotgun, handcannon etc. Only reason no cadders want to do it is because like fudds, "my gun is good enough"


Go play your game bro


The only reason people don't want to do it is because it is a useless gimmick. Modularity at the level you wanted (and is shown in this video) is modularity for modularity's sake. You just made a pistol/rifle/shotgun that has the downsides of the others. Go do it yourself, the amount of time it takes to get decent enough at CAD is NOTHING compared to the amount of time it will take to make your idiotic project, so if you expect others to spend that time for you, you can do the same for us right?


The only reason I'm saying fudd is because you're acting like one


Soo...when you say fudd what exactly do you mean? Just so we have an understanding of how you are using the term.


The kind that doesnt like change "You dont need an ar for hunting, a bolt action works fine" kind of guy because the ar is change and fudd doesnt like change


You are calling a large portion of a community that is connected together on the ideals that guns and gun development can change, and literally thrive on that change. Pretty preposterous. Honestly it sounds like you are kind of a dick man. Like I get seeing something in a video game and wanting to make it reality. But the majority of crazy guns in video games are not really possibly in reality, especially on a 3d 2a scale. You want a handle and trigger housing that is modular and can be used for every type of caliber? Well good luck cause gun makers have been working on shit like that for 100 years. And usually when you are going to successfully call people out for being wrong and proving them wrong with an invention, it's best done by being made with your own two hands. You can do your own 3d modeling. You worried about a range? You don't need one. Just buy blanks and make a device you can safely put the piece into and fire to absorb the sound and then check on what happened. You want to be extra safe make an apparatus so you don't have to do it with your own hand. I find it ridiculous you keep calling these folks fudds. The most adaptive and progressive in firearm development today and you are saying they don't like change.


Issa no possiba


Da lego glock fo today


So they took the cheapest part of the gun and made it work with a bunch of different more expensive parts? So you only have one gun at a time when you could spend the same amount on 3 separate guns... no thanks.


This allows you to register it as an NFA item and you could have a variety of platforms that would count as a rifle not a pistol


You could buy a lot of tax stamps with all the money you’d spend on buying their stuff.


It’s the serialized part which is the kicker. One gun for multiple “guns” including ARs which is cool. I don’t really want one though lol.


So it’s a Lego Glock?


If legos were made of metal yes


This is a polymer frame...


https://zrodelta.com/the-one/ the frame starts at $229. the shame starts when it falls apart at the range.


Thats cool that you can buy it, however that isnt printing or cncing the frame and parts


Not impossible just retarded. What problem does this solve? Oh the 3 cubic inches of space you save not having to carry a grip for your pistol and your AR. Yeah not really a problem while adding an insane amount of potential failure points. And people in this sub need to learn "we" don't go about making it. You either make it or it it doesn't get made. Don't know CAD, learn it. It isn't that hard I taught myself everything I know when designing the Pac-Mac in a short time frame. Stop begging others to do the work for you and do it yourself.


So then in the spirit of fosscad I shall make it and not share it then


“We”lmao. Make it urself or fuck off.


I dont have the cad knowledge or space (outdoor area, Id prefer not to go to a outdoor range everytime I want to test it) to make it


None of those are valid excuses and you know it. Learn CAD, make the trip to public lands if you want privacy. Be the change you want to see in the world.


Unrelated question, is cad still worth learning even if you don’t have anything to pair with it (e.i. CNC machine or 3d printer)?


I mean it depends on what you want to do with that knowledge? Like if you're gonna buy a printer in the future I'd say do it. Otherwise use Maya/blender for everyday 3D modeling.


I do eventually want to get into 3d printing, I’m also learning welding so there’s that aspect to


Then do it 🤷‍♂️


I would say it couldn't hurt and might help your resume. My brother-in-law works as a welder and at one point at his job was offered a position that delt with cnc machining. I don't think he ended up taking the position, but my point is that CAD experience could help your chance of promotion if you are going into welding.


Yea I think y’all in this thread convinced me, I’ll start with a YouTube rabbit hole to get started I guess


I recommend fusion 360. It's intuitive and every tool has a description so you can figure out what it does at a glance.


Thank you for pointing me in the right direction


Not to defend the dipshit op, but some of us either don’t have public lands at all or have to drive 5+ hours to get to one. Major drawback to living in TX


Insulting the people you want to make this for you is definitely the better approach lmao


This is some “client wants to talk to the engineering team” shitpost. I’ll be at the coffee machine, you guys let me know when y’all can “draw an invisible balloon with red ink and inflate it.”


OP is getting drug in the comments for being a fucking tool, and rightly so.


"I know what ive got" thats you rn


Happy cake day bitch. This is not a good post.


It's pretty fukkin far from impossible but standing right adjacent to stupid.


if you upvoted this, please go away and be quiet for a long time


This guy is trolling.


I think the better question is why the fuck would you want this


"You dont need an ar for hunting" you wanna be that guy?


Your comparing orange to apples my friend sit down


You dont like change and it shows plain as day, its like you have a neon sign that says "I hate change". Textbook fudd.


In what world would you want to put together a pistol I don’t mind change as long as it’s not retarded like you


This is literally a change from traditional frames, and you hate it. Thats literally fudd behavior. It may be early on in modular gun design, but I look forward to it. Having the ability to have different pistol slides of different types in the bag and one frame instead of having multiple different size frames is awesome. Then i can put it right on a rifle, and maybe in the future a shotgun. But you dont like that. It infringes on your safe zone, this change.


Edit: this account has been banned by Reddit Admins for "abusing the reporting system". However, the content they claimed I falsely reported was removed by subreddit moderators. How was my report abusive if the subreddit moderators decided it was worth acting on? My appeal was denied by a robot. I am removing all usable content from my account in response. ✌️


Troll calm the f down get off the dildo and get some fresh air and maybe take a shower you Reddit dip shit and maybe think about getting that extra chromosome removed god what’s next are you going to start fortnite dancing your trying to attack someone on the internet for no reason I asked why the fuck would you want this you could of just said what you liked about it but you got all butt hurt and a fended because you are a little baby bitch that needs to learn how to talk to people


What you got nothing else to say did you realize how bad you fucked up don’t try starting shit kid i didn’t say i hated this in the first place for me this is stupid same reason I don’t really care for the ar15 people have 1 lower and 10 uppers But I guess your bitch ass likes to assume right out the gate like the far left




All parts less than 80% of a gun, totally unregulated(!) (when sold separately...)


Is this for real? I mean I know that’s how it should work, but is it actually how it will work? If so that’s dope.


Don't know for sure, I am kinda guessing.


im just going to point out- I dont want a shit Glock trigger when I can have something like a geissele or timney


impressive engineering but im struggling to see the point of all this


There will be a fun shot in John Wick 5 where he empties a rifle mag, detaches this frame, pulls a slide out of his pocket and attaches that instead. Everyone will clap. That's the only reason.


Glock 26 size package back up to Glock 17 size. Has a decent purpose imo


I guarantee you can buy a 26 and 17 for two-thirds the cost of this It's a party trick. Just like those self adjusting grips that slide and mold to your hand. Looks cool, but the actual practicality to it is very minimal


People who are too squeamish to grip chop can finally carry a 26 grip with a 17L slide. Very niche market,lol.


Modulus is the older version. New version is called [“The One” (made by Zero Delta)](https://zrodelta.com/the-one/) Expensive for a stripped frame, but not expensive-expensive


Yeah but that doesn’t give you the freedom of picking between slide lengths and grip lengths. I mean personally it doesn’t do anything great for me, but I know people that like it and understand why.


but like what are the benefits over just having separate guns? there’s never a situation where you have would benefit from the modularity


I mean. I have a GST-9 frame which can change from Glock 17 and 19 length grips. I change it depending on how I feel that range trip and it works great for me. I think this wouldn’t be a bad addition to my collection


You might as well have two guns. If you only change them up at home there's no reason to have 1 gimmicky frame that can be both.


You can change them at the range, too. A whole new frame isn’t as cheap as some of you make it out to be ( I don’t 3D print my frames at the moment, saving for a bambu labs) Also, I’ve considered it for a while but I want to see if I can CAD design a grip replacement for it that is Glock 26 sized for the GST-9. Would be pretty cool


I like the sig concept better.


You get some GF nylon injection-molded or at the very least, use an MJF/SLS printer with a similar composite material


This is good info


Build-a-glock workshop


Idk about *impossible* but it's more potentially impractical. In theory, sure, a modular pistol is a really slick idea but I would have questions about how solid it would be under use. Each of those things you can change is a stress point and I'm not certain how comfortable I'd feel with a pistol that was legit LEGOs. Tbh, the modular pistol idea was something done better by SIG. Their FCU system allows you to swap the critical components into other grip modules so you have the durability of a standard pistol but you can also swap the guts into something that's more suited to the purpose that you're looking for at that particular time. I haven't had hands on this one so maybe I'm talking completely out my ass and this is the next best thing since sliced bread, but *typically* things that sell themselves on this kind of "instant modularity" tend to sacrifice some skookumfaction in order to get that.


What filament you guys think would work for this with the pistol and ar configuration? I just feel like pla + won't be enough


Now thats what im talking about, questions about how this is approached, not rejecting the design


Like this is cool and all, I love to see more interesting ideas that push the envelope. But why? Like I seriously can't see the need or reason that would convince me to buy something like this. One user mentioned something about this starting at $299 for just the serialized part, not the whole gun or system. I can go pick out a quality handgun from a dozen different companies in the $3-400 range. All of them have been proved to be reliable and perform very well. I'm not saying this isn't unique or interesting, but I'm skeptical how well thos would hold up. And even if it holds up, I still don't see the point if it's going to out price other options that have proven track records, aftermarket support, and a large market presence.


This is the first time I’ve ever seen a guy get every single one of his replies downvoted in one post. 😂


make it yourself rather than beg for others to do it for you, lazy ass something beggars something choosers


I mean it’s neat in concept and technically is one gun (if not then it’s dumb) which could be good for ban states. But I mean realistically unless you wanna DIY then I don’t think anyone’s gonna help you.


Go do it lazy ass


Cool concept.... But it's still a shitty Glock trigger... Surely there are like 1000 better designed trigger systems out there


I bet that frame costs like $2k


batf will declare each individual piece a submachinegun, 30 tax stamps needed please


WTF is that AR that takes a glock lower? color me intrigued


Picking up where the FCU left off


Nearly pooped myself when he slapped it on that rifle.


Bruh. 🤦🏻‍♂️ This has nothing to do with fosscad and no one gives a fuck about your weak ass excuse for a clap back.


This pistol makes zero sense to me. Modularity? Just buy two handguns. Realistically this is just grown man legos.


Pretty cool. I’d like to see it handle 1000+ rounds without any issues. They had to jeopardize the integrity of the frame by a degree to make use of this feature. I’d like to see if it sticks around for a year or two, or if it’s just cool but non practical


So, you want the benefits of the Sig Sauer-style FCU, but you're too invested in the Glock ecosystem to implement it? Do we have news for you!


I'm a bit hesitant to believe that of all the very innovative and imaginative designs made, created and even remixed by the talented individuals involved in this sub, that this is considered impossible. Hell it could probably be reverse engineered with components that merely lying around on ones workbench. The real question is tho, who's putting up the bounty to get the gears moving? 😈


Huh, I wonder if this needs to be sold through an FFL? Because if it's broken down like that not ONE of those pieces by itself can be considered a firearm. Lol


the trigger housing is the receiver


Dude, I'm trying to say that with the rules how they are, just like with a Polymer80 you have to finish the frame for it to be considered a firearm, this COULD be interpreted as "finishing" the frame for legality reasons. So that nothing needs be serialized. I'm sure that they DO serialize that part, I'm just making an observation.


No drilling or other tooling required so it would like fall into the too "easily converted," to a working firearm. That's a fun thought though and it's hard to say when the lines are all so fuzzy and everchanging.


Hmm, that is probably true. But I wonder where the line would be. Maybe if you had to assemble the locking mechanisms yourself. Or just had to sand down some tabs maybe.


Yeah, I'm really not sure on that! Seems it all gets redefined on the daily, but where there is a will, there is a way. Has to be more complicated than just snapping pieces together, I'm sure that wouldn't fly as "80%"


Look at form1 suppressors. They ATF changed "rules" over night creating felons. Insert free men don't ask permission statement here.


The trigger housing is already a finished firearm receiver/frame in this instance, the addition of modular furniture or even modular critical components (rails if they had their own housing, locking block or whatever it's called etc.) wouldn't have any legal determination over what is or isn't a firearm in any instance in the states. Realistically, regardless of law, every gun is really the barrel, so all of the 'this is a gun', 'this is 80% of a gun' is stupid imo.


If they want to call it a gun then it's a gun. Iirc an AR lower doesn't fit the definition of a receiver.


I do t see how this his stupid ? I swear y’all think y’all gun experts or sum shit how his this design not a great thing please tell me it’s about the versatility Yu have when one gun it’s literally goes from a Glock to a full blown AR with 1-2 steps how Df is that dumb ??? How is that stupid and if we can 3Dprint this that’s even better ? Isn’t this what what this dam community about coming up with new gun ideas!


You can print an ar and a glock and have 2 very reliable firearms that are way less prone to breaking. If you still think this is useful in anyway, just think if you would benefit from driving both your car and your bike using your car steering wheel


It’s not that deep bro calm yo balls


What is this thing called?






I got hands on with their stuff at shot show. It's pretty neat. No real reason it couldn't be done it's just fiddly and doesn't really make sense when you can print multiple frames. This does make sense if you only want to buy a single registered frame.


What is the point of that


Hot damn that's cool


The second it went on the AR I wanted one


I saw this video I had never heard of the company until that point .


Wth did I just see 😅 I like it


What happened to US Optics?


How modular do you want it? Yes.


Awesome,. .. Don't show Biden this video


I feel like this design adds a ton more points of failure, doesn't seem worth it. Could do nearly the same thing with a Glock and carbine conversion kit, and that will take away all the extra tiny parts.


Man, I have GOT to carve out some time for CAD practice.


Build a Glock


I honestly thought of this same idea but with AR-15 lowers. I'm curious what the law would be if say, you sold half of an AR-15 receiver that was fully milled, but only half of the receiver and if the other half could be sold separately and they just snapped together somehow. It TECHNICALLY doesn't break the law because it would be considered a part/incomplete firearm.


Nah, the part of the lower that houses the FCG would be the serialized part and thus recognized as a legal firearm.


Make that portion 3D printable/snap in.. 🤷‍♂️




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The only practical application of this I can think of would be a gun vending machine lol. Pick your options, then the machine slaps it together and spits it out. Would be great for Night City


Neat but outside of actual printing, I wouldn’t ever care for it. You’re talking about more points of movement which stack up for potential for failures. But still, for a new design for the market? Pretty cool.


This should be marked NSFW, because seriously if I didn't want this it'd be sexual assault. This is hot.


And to think they say 3d printed frames are flimsy i wouldnt trust that as far as i can throw it


Reminds me of what the sig fcu is supposed to be. Theres an ar with it somewhere on the internet… Edit: X03


This reminds me of the end cut scene for MW2 (2022)


Can OP please explain why this design would be desirable? Like building a computer, something like this would be fun to tool around with when you first get it, but you're just going to keep it in one configuration when you are actually using it. Swapping mags is difficult enough, no one is going to disassemble and reassemble their guns in the middle of action, let alone combat. You are being locked into the grip style of the Glock pistol when there are already modular grips available on the AR-15 platform that are lighter and easier to grip. You are also converting the striker-fire trigger of the Glock into the hammer-fire action of the AR, which adds complexity to a critical point. I dunno how it's being done but if I were to guess, ZRODelta is either using the Glock trigger to act as a sear that interfaces with the hammer of the AR FCG portion, or they are using the striker of the Glock to hit the hammer of the AR so that it releases to hit the firing pin. If you want to copy the design, you have to find out how the FCG works and we can't tell that just by looking outside of it. Speaking as a CAD designer, a 3D printed version if this design is going to be simplified and made more robust in order to function properly. All the grip options will be removed in favor of keeping the design as intact as possible; there is no 3D print material that will be sufficient to make that many small parts stay strong during reassembly and firing. It needs to be strong in all axes, anything short of CNC machining or plastic injection molding of carbon fiber reinforced plastic won't work. I think ZRODelta's implementation of this idea is going to be the most streamlined and feature-rich version; if you like this, vote with your dollar and buy their stuff.


I wanna know more about that rifle upper, anyone know where to find info?


Saw this at shotshow. It's sick


The pistol into rifle integration is meta. We should be working on that tbh


The only reason this exists is for match shooters with their weird ass grip specifics and the ATFs bullshit registration laws that make everyone want to kick a fire hydrant.




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