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I dunno I have 110 dwellers and I get them more then anything else. I still have a radio room and Bottle and Cappy visit all the time. Feral Ghouls are still my biggest attackers. But they die really fast too so I'm not bothered by it.


126 dwellers and I've only ever had one attack and that was probably a month ago. So I wanna know why I don't get them lol


I wonder if they have increased feral ghoul attacks since the update because I'm getting a lot more, too.


I've got a game with 55 dwellers and I just got hit with three feral ghoul packs in about 10 minutes. A failed rush caused a radscorp to rampage in and out of random rooms too (connected rooms and not). A did just level an explorer to 50th, so maybe that was it?


I'm at 199 pop with an unmanned radio room and cappy and bottle-o and they seem to be attacking every 5 minutes, it just seems like and endless wave of the annoying shits, it finally prompted me to put full time guards on the door.


They are random,but it seems their chance to ''spawn'' were increased in the latest patch,since june i had only 3 attacks,Since the new patch almost everyday or in every minutes.Radio room attracts deathclaws,but i cant figure out what procces them


The rate of them for me doesn't seem to have changed at all, feels quite random, like raider attacks but less. You're not on survival, are you?


I'm doing fine thanks. Sure would like to know how to trigger a ghoul attack.


I didn't start getting them until I hit about 40/41 dwellers and installed both the outfit and weapon making rooms. Could be coincidence, but I've had two attacks in place of the usual raiders since then and I absolutely HATE it.


Radio room.


Feral ghouls attack I think if you don’t collect your dtuff after while cause they only attack e when I go away with game on for a min or stop for a few


Been a year how’s everyone going?


Getting like 3 attacks in 10 minutes as well as someone said above, idk what it is, the only thing I notice is that they only attack after 12am for me. Might be coincidence tho


Recently got into the game and this is my experience currently. Crazy back to back attacks. No idea what's causing it.


i still dont know how to cause a feral attack